Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Steve Wynn, another liberal sock puppet

I have another sock puppet attacking me on another conservative blog and I must say, the guy/girl is quite a hoot.  It is a measure of my effectiveness in combating the liberal disease here in Nevada County that these loony tunes find a need to attack me personally all the time.  I usually give them little notice and when they arrive here as they always do, I have to boot their comments for various reasons. Usually perverted sexual innuendo and attacks on my family.

What is interesting to me is the cowardice these liberal sock puppets. This Steve Wynn character contrives all forms of tripe.  As it is with liberals they are little people, cowards mostly, you know them, the one's inept at most everything they do.  They are mostly the takers of society, the freeloaders, and this Wynn sock puppet character has to be one based on its comments.  I say it now because it is not a real person but a contrived person.  My guess is, a welfare recipient, probably has bad breath and poor showering habits. LOL.  You know the type, the butt scratches, yanking their undies from the cheeks, right there in front of everyone.  No manners and so moronic they don't even realize they are being laughed at by us.

The drive those smoke belching cars, Volvo's mostly, and have really low self esteem since they live alone or have a spouse who has them under a iron paw.  These people are all around us but luckily they are so scummy most regular people shun them.  This makes them more angry though and they lash out at those of us who are successful.  Wishing, way deep down in their sick little souls (I really think they don't have one) they could be like me. But there is only one me and that seems o be enough for one planet. LOL!

Gingrich 45%, Obama 43%

HERE is the latest Rasmussen poll of likely voters.  Steve Enos must be quaking in his Birkenstocks.  What a hoot!

Gun Owners of California Endorse Dan Logue

HERE is the endorsement announcement.  We are lucky to have Dan Logue as our Assemblyman and as a Nevada County resident.  Second Amendment rights under our Constitution are said to be the rights that keep the other rights viable. This endorsement will begin the flood of support for Dan, a very effective Representative for the Sierra counties.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Massive walkout planned by public sector unions in the UK

HERE is why I have never believed public sector unions were a good thing. I my opinion, we are going to see this in the UK then it will be coming to a state and local jurisdiction near you.  I know, I know, the individual members of a union are our friends and neighbors and I have nothing against them of course.  But, when banded together and run by the "Jinny Hoffa" types, all bets are off.  The public sector unions have a huge advantage in our political system and they have mastered its effectiveness, par excellence!

The issue in the UK is the pension. It is the same here in the USA.  The British have come to realize there is not enough money to back up all the promises made by the weak kneed politicians and the, you know what, is now hitting the fan.  The unions have the greatest scam ever seen in politics.  They negotiate for money and benefits, the members pay dues, the union takes some of that and then bundles it and uses it to contribute to politicians who support more money and benefits.  What a transparent scam!  Of course, all of their money laundering is being exposed and some States Governors are fighting back.

The problem is going to get much worse.  There will be a huge upheaval in America because the unions have become very powerful.  Even though the private sector is only about 7% unionized, it is much larger in government.  In government the employee has also got civil service protection and that is why I think we need to ban the unions.  We have one government and it is truly a monopoly.  You cannot go to a different police department, a planning agency or a welfare secretary.  They are a true monopoly and we have no choice.  We should expect our employees to be on the job or get fired.  But we can't fire them!  We have put in place rules which makes it almost impossible to remove a incompetent or scofflaw public servants.  In the private sector this is much different.

So we are going to get to watch the British deal with what they have wrought over the decades.  After they booted Winston Churchill after he led them to victory in WW2 and replaced him with a socialist government, we all knew sooner or later they would be faced with this mess.  Entitlements make people go crazy when they are threatened to be cut or canceled.  With Greece and now Italy wracked with problems created by their entitlement policies, Britain will be next.  Not long after that, we will have it here and it will be a tumultuous time.  Our "chickens" are coming home to roost and the coop is filthy.

A local Liberal's logic from their own mouth, totally nuts!

I was reading my local Union Newspaper this morning while drinking my morning cup of Joe and arrived at the opinion page.  I read Jeff Ackerman's editorial on the Occupiers and nodded my head in agreement then moved over to the opinion oiece by a fellow called Jeff Blanco

I read his first sentence where he said "My wife and I just returned from a trip to The Mega-Retail Store in Sacramento where we spent $135 on produce, food items, and some baking supplies."  Then from that point on he excoriated what he called "mega" retailers and chastised them for every ill he could come up with.  I almost spit my coffee all over my laptop!

Now, we here in the free speech, free wheeling world of America get to see utter hypocrisy usually through exposing a person's actions in opposition to their words and it is usually hidden and needs to be dug out.  Here we have a liberal giving all of us the real liberal way of thinking!  We don't have to analyse or extrapolate or guess.  We simply get to read what a liberal really thinks, plain and simple.  We on the right say time after time as we expose the left for the phony baloney elites they are their "do as I say, not as I do" hypocrisy.  The Blanco character is allowing us all to have quite the chuckle.  The rest of his article would make the nuts of the OWS beam with pride and agreement!

I understand it is hard to be perfect in any belief system, even in religion these days, or probably since man starting yapping.  But when a person like this Blanco fellow says he traveled out of town to a mega store and spent $135 bucks and then cries the stores are just terrible you have to wonder where these kinds of people were educated!  Could an series of rational thought classes and ethics classes be in order?  How about the "outrage" this man spews as he buys that tainted Chinese-made  textile or the banana from a banana republic? 

I finally regained my senses after I read Blanco's ridiculous screed by re-reading Ackerman's piece.  Jeff seems to me to be a common sense fellow and he knows if you want a stronger community maybe buying goods and services from our locals would help sustain  us.  Blanco buys his stuff from the "big box" out of town and who knows how many people are now unemployed because of his purchasing choices and locations?  We all need to stick together if at all possible in these tough times and finger pointing by people like Blanco does  not help one iota in keeping our local community economically health.  I suggest you all read  Mr. Ackerman's column, it is right on the money.  Happy December one and all!

Adios Barney, we won't miss ya!

Barney Frank, an 18 term Congressman from a historically safe, gerrymandered district in Massachusetts, announced his "retirement" yesterday (I bet he is a lobbyist next year after retirement).  All I can say is HALLELUJAH!  He is a pompous ass and I just could not understand how someone so acidic could represent the folks.  HERE is a article by Karl Rove regarding his view of Barney Frank and I totally agree with his assessment.

What is interesting to me about the left is, even here in the local liberal blogosphere, their crying and gnashing of teeth about Frank's departure announcement.  Frank was a mean, nasty person who was consistently given a pass by a mean nasty leftwing media.  Even though Frank had a homosexual escort service based out of his house, the press gave him a pass.  Even though he had a homosexual lover who was a part of the mortgage giant Fannie Mae, the press gave him a pass. (juxtapose their fascination with Herman Cain).  Even though Frank resisted any reforms  of Fannie Mae and Freddie  Mac starting in 2003 the lamestream media gave him a total pass. Even though as Chairman of the Finance Committee he received huge amounts of campaign money from those he was supposed to be regulating, the lamestream gave him a pass,

So, we can see why Barney Frank was  of the mindset that he could do and get away with just about anything and the people of his district would keep voting him into office.  Now we see the real reasons he is quitting (thank goodness).  He got a redistricted Congressional seat!  He also had a tough challenger last time and he was no longer the Chairman of the Finance Committee.  These are the reasons he is leaving in my opinion. 

Congressmen like Barney Frank are a cancer on the body politic.  No matter how toxic a liberal is, the lamestream media, bloggers of the socialist bent, even our local leftwingnut bloggers will always support them.  People like Barney Frank are  dinosaurs and the regular folks are not going to put up with them any longer.  The protection of the lamestream and liberals is cracking up.

Monday, November 28, 2011

To big to fail and the secret loans from the Fed

I usually leave financial musings to others because it makes my head spin an my eyes roll back and glaze over in its complexity.  I have just read a Bloomberg article HERE that has forced the secret loans of the Bernanke led Federal Reserve to be reviewed and analyzed somewhat.

I say somewhat because the Fed was only forced to release some documents and it took Court cases and a SCOTUS decision to force the issue.  The bottom line in this cursory review was a whopping 7.7 TRILLION bucks were secretly manipulated (I use that term since there has been no transparency), a amount one half the size of the full American economy in the year. Done without Congressional oversight as well.

TARP was a pikers dream compared to the secret, off the books loans the 700 or so banks received in December 2009.  The largest banks, six in total, received the bulk of the secret money.  Supposedly the money was paid back but since the Fed was so intransigent and secretive about releasing any details over the last three years, I would doubt they are telling the truth.  Maybe Ron Paul is on to something?  So, it appears every American got a bailout since every American deposits money n these banks and all of them got bailouts, whether through TARP or these secret loans.

I know that is convoluted as a accusation, but when one looks at the article, one can see how all the secret money wormed its way into every level of finance in America.  Even "hedge funds" received money for goodness sakes.  They are an unregulated form of money conglomeration and have no backup insurance as far as I know!  All this stems from the housing collapse here in America.  Trillions of dollars were lost as 3.5 million homes were foreclosed by the banks.  It is ironic to me that these "too big to fail" institutions are still alive and kicking after taking back trillions in home losses (and making billions).  But, I guess the taxpayers are a bottomless pit since even Congress can't stop the Federal Reserve.  Where this is written in as law is still a mystery.

This statement from the Bloomberg article sums up this whole broken system which was saved by the fear of failure by the "smarter than the peons" folks, 

“The lack of transparency is not just frustrating; it really blocked accountability,” Barofsky says. “When people don’t know the details, they fill in the blanks. They believe in conspiracies.” 

In the end, Geithner had his way. The Brown-Kaufman proposal to limit the size of banks was defeated, 60 to 31. Bank supervisors meeting in Switzerland did mandate minimum reserves that institutions will have to hold, with higher levels for the world’s largest banks, including the six biggest in the U.S. Those rules can be changed by individual countries. "

So it would appear if the problem was not solved by 7.7 TRILLION in secret loans, we are going to see this again and there is not enough money on the planet to save our economy if it happens.  You just have to shake your heads in amazement that our institutions of higher learning could turn out such economic dunces.  I know local high school graduates with more smarts.  Too big to fail is a myth. God help us!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Rants and Ramblings November 27, 2011

Sukey Forsman Age 61, Union Newspaper,
This has been a good and a bad week.  The good part was a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner and the bad the accidental death of my fiance's son-in-law's father in a car crash as we sat down for dinner.  Her son-in-law is also named Todd and it was a tough day.  The man was 60.  God can take us anytime.  Then today I looked at the obits and I saw one for Sukey Forsman.  She was a classmate of mine and I built her mom and dad's home about 35 years ago.  There was no article, just the announcement of her passing.  Sukey was a very popular girl and it is a great shock. Her dad, Fred needs our prayers.

Reading around the Internet news this morning I see that Newt Gingrich has received the endorsement of the New Hampshire Editorial board of the Union Leader.  They have picked some winners but they have also picked some losers over the years.  Mitt Romney according to many polls has a substantial lead in New Hampshire and is a favorite son.  I expect he will secure the primary in that state.  Newt is coming on though and with every debate it is clear to me ha  and Romney are the class of the group.

Black Friday!  What an odd name to call the day after Thanksgiving here in America.  It is a huge shopping day so in my opinion it should be called "bright Friday".  You can hear the cash registers ding as they are opened and closed!  I was in Yuba City and traveled over to Wal-Mart to see if they had those heavily advertised $198 laptops. The place was packed as were all the streets getting there.  I finally asked a clerk after I was unable to find the laptops and he said there were only 55 of them and they were gone a few minutes after midnight.  There were 100 people in line for the 55!  I was sleeping at midnight.  So, the real bargains were scooped up in the very early morning and those of us who slept in lost out.  I read where a woman was pepper spraying others so she could get to the head of the line for an X-Box!  With her technique she should have been pepper spraying the OWS scofflaws at UC Davis. LOL.

I finally renewed my subscription to the Union newspaper.  I had a two week gap and that was the first time in my memory I was without the trusty little paper.  When I checked the Opinion pages I ran across a response to his critics by a James Currier of Nevada City.  This fellow has a lot of guts to say what he said especially in Nevada City.  He actually called the OWS folks the Occuspineless!  HERE is the opinion piece and I would guess he is speaking for a huge "silent majority" out there. I recommend he secure a pepper spray canister for self protection!

As the year is coming to and end, I am still full of hope we Americans can fix our problems and remain the light for the planet.  There are many bad things happening around the globe but here in America, for the most part in a political sense, we do things without bloodshed.  The so-called "Arab Spring" (who named it that should be flogged), is a fifty-fifty proposition.  In Egypt I have a feeling it is going to fail.  In Tunisia, it appears to be working.  Libya, wait and see.  Syria, well that country is going to be in a civil war and there will be a lot of deaths.  Assad still thinks he is in charge and the "street" wants him out.  Their spring will be deadly.

Iran says they have the bomb.  Israel will not allow them to be in possession of the bomb.  There will be blood.  Russia is a governmental joke.  The people there keep installing Putin and Medvedev as their leaders and I guess as long as their is peace, the Russians will give up their desire for personal freedom to maintain it.  What was it that Ben Franklin said?  Europe is a mess, but we are going to see the return of true capitalism there.  They have tried socialism and now they see what a mess it has made.  There are only so many euros and there will be unrest until the people who pay the bills finally say enough!  They will become good "republicans" and it will be coming soon.

Locally we are starting to see people announcing a run for different offices and I was always a "more the merrier" kind of guy.  Nevada County has had a pretty stable government at all levels for a few years but I sense the natives are restless.  We still have high unemployment and a economy that is hurting.  We don't pay much to our workers here and a great percentage of them work for government.  We could turn into a Plumas County if we don't start loosening up the rules but I don't have much of an expectation that will happen.  One only needs to see the morphing of the "comprehensive site plan" the county requires for every permit to build a structure.

So, I hope everyone has a great December,  Now that we have a warm place for the homeless on Sutton Way, I would expect utter peace here in our little county. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Mario Guanero means guano in Spanish!

The beginning of guano
There is a phony baloney calling him/serh-self, Mario Guanero doing a series of hit posts on me on another local blog and I must say, the person certainly seems to be unhinged.  Our country spawns these "pop" psychologists by the dozen and they always try to impress us with their big words and "in-depth" analysis of our motivations.  Of course, these people are simply cowards because they hide behind phony names and email addresses.

This particular person has even posted here on this blog under a different moniker and seems to be following me around the blogosphere, chastising and accusing me of being a meanie!  Now, what is that little ditty we all learned when we were kidlets?  Oh, yeah, "words can never hurt me"....or something like that.  What is interesting to me about these pop psychologists is they never look in the mirror but are always prepared, on a moments notice, to tell the world about their oppositions deepest darkest reasons for the way the act, talk and deal with life.  What a hoot!

The fact that Mario Guanero, aka Mr./Mrs. Guano (bird/bat crap in reality) feels the need to follow me around and discuss me with others is because I am effective.  It is my experience in life and in political discourse a person attacks and  inflates subtleties about someone because they are afraid the message of those they attack will relegate them, the attacker, to anonymity and irrelevance.  That is what has happened to Guano.  He/she thinks he/she knows something about me and my personal life which when I read the screeds of this troll I can see he/she doesn't.  But making the allegations, whatever they may be, is a liberal loon attack method which has become well known and discredited in our society.

These trolls use the techniques because it used to be the allegations were more important than the actual truth and the lamestream media would beat someone to death with them and the person would bow out of whatever they were involved in.  This is being done to ermanH Cain, Rick Perry and now Newt Gingrich.  It was used by liberals to attack Clarence Thomas, Sarah Palin and many other conservatives.  The liberals had free reign but now that is drying up.

The reason loons like this Guano character don't use their real name is because they can't.  When telling falsehoods and using innuendo it is best to be hard to find because they could be sued for slander.  We see this technique from the left all the time.  Well, a few have now been successfully sued for lying about others and were made to pay up big time.  I am honored to see that I still drive these loons from the left daffy enough to birth people like Mario Guanero time after time.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, even Mr./Mrs. Guano!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

John F. Kennedy, 35th President

HERE is the Wiki on the tragedy that took place November 22, 1963.  I was thirteen and school was in session.  It was a terrible day.

OWS's Last Rally in Nevada County

Not too great a turnout. Credit
We all appreciate "civil disobedience" in the vein of Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. and it is certainly the "American Way"  to exercise that tactic.  What I see though in the OWS movement is a few core people and a bunch of fringe nuts, hangers on if you know what I mean.  The local OWS has a website and it looks pretty professional.  That is about a far as it goes though.  These folks have been rallying at the local bank branches and on a overpass or two to seek recognition for their cause.

Now it appears the OWS rallies seem to get the lamestream media all aflutter and they cover them with their cameras and microphones almost on a daily basis.  This seems to me to be a bit much since most of the OWS rallies or marches are quite small and many of the folks in them are fringe types.  Unlike the limited coverage the lamestream gives the Tea Party Patriots, or the bills passed by the Republicans in Congress and stalled by the democrats in the Senate, the lamestream media seems to be infatuated with these people.  That is a great strategy in a media era but it looks to me it is backfiring on the OWS.

Americans remember the Chicago riots of 1968 and when they see disregard and disrespect for what most Americans feel are good manners, well, the people start having doubts about these fly-by-night movements. Pooping on a police car and having to set up "safe" tents for women who fear being raped does not endear these kinds of movements to the great mass of the people.

So, like the picture at the top of the page, not many people attend these rallies any more since it appears these folks are not even close to the mainstream like the Tea Party is.  For the record, I am not a Tea Party member, but I consider myself a normal, patriotic run of the mill American.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dan Logue, a very good people's representative

After the first of the year we will get to see a headlong rush of people running for every available elective position and at all levels of government.  Luckily for Nevada County voters, we already have a bunch of real effective and conscientious elected officials, Dan Logue is one of them.

I met Dan Logue about 16 years ago when we shared a issue while I was running CABPRO.  He was a realtor and had a property rights group as far as I can remember, down in Yuba County.  Later he ran for County Supervisor and was successful.  Dan has the best interest of all the citizens and is not afraid to speak his mind.  That is what the voters want in our Sierra foothill counties and that is what they get from Dan.  Later, he ran for the Assembly and was elected.  It is a huge district in square miles, and Dan has been a excellent representative for us.  He has been a common sense voice, along with Doug LaMalfa and Jim Nielsen  , in the loony bin called Sacramento.  Thank goodness we have straight shooters when it comes to the truth.

Well Dan is running in the re-districted ONE and has become a Nevada County resident in Penn Valley.  I know he will probably have opponents since that is usually the case in our area, but since Dan reflects the majority here, I am confident he will get re-elected.  The liberals of our area are after him of course.  They denigrate him and his efforts to help stop bad laws passed by the democrats in control of our state, but Dan just keeps on trucking to protect us and the taxpayers.  Same for Doug and Nielsen.

Dan even traveled to Texas along with the democrat Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, to interview businesses that left our state for Texas.  He met with many of those businesses and had a visit with Rick Perry, now a candidate for the Presidency.  Dan came away from the Texas visit, as did Gavin Newsom, with a different view of eswhat California is doing that causes those businesses to leave.   Both brought back a bi-partisan desire to fix things.

Well, I will be doing what I can to help Dan and the rest of the Republicans running for office and trying to stop the state from becoming Greece as the democrats here seem to be trying to do.  We need people like Dan Logue in Sacramento, like we need Tom McClintock in Washington D.C.  They are the last best hope to turn back the democrat/socialists infesting the American body politic.  GO DAN!

Thanksgiving, Communism to Capitalism in 1623

The Sunday Appeal-Democrat out of Yuba City-Marysville has a column called "Bruce's History Lesson" and it was a reminder of America's dallying with what some would call communism back in the beginning.  Now I am not personally saying it is correct that Bruce would call the Pilgrims system of governance in the beginning as "communism" but after reading his column I might change my mind.  You know, the duck thing. It had to do with the idea that "self interest" is a basic human instinct.

Bruce quotes from Federalist 10 done 167 years after the first Thanksgiving because James Madison spelled out the concept trying to convince Americans to support the new Constitution.  Using the example of the Pilgrims and their attempt to live under a communal system where everyone got an equal share even though an equal effort to create the "share" was not demanded, almost proved fatal to them.  The 1621 feast was only possible because the Indian, Squanto knew English and was able to teach the Pilgrims about corn.  The Pilgrims were so thankful, that, well, you know the rest.

In 1623 the leader of the Pilgrims, William Bradford had what Bruce calls, an epiphany, and decided to scrap the communal ownership of land and the equality of results and efforts and allowed the distribution of the land for private ownership.  Well, it wasn't long before things became very capitalistic and the hard working Pilgrims were growing and harvesting at record levels and the scofflaws who sat on their butts got real hungry.  It wasn't long before the lazy ones figured it out.  They had to help, you know, work, for their porridge.  So the roots of capitalism were born from that "self interest" spoken to so well by Madison.

That seems to me to be the message lost in a lot of the industrialized countries and here in the USA these days.  If the "Occupy Wall Street" scofflaws were sent out to pick those apples and artichokes if they desired to eat, perhaps there would be a better understanding of the real meaning of "self interest" and personal and community success.  The OWS and socialists in general, along with the communists, want an equal outcome even though they put nothing into the front end of the process.   What is it these people are thankful for?  Like the early Pilgrims, these OWS folks sit in their tents counting the money garnered from the "free" money from the programs passed into law to make all things "equal". 

Well, the OWS are failing to convince the rest of America in their cause.  Americans for the most part know you have to work hard, do your best and take responsibility for your own life.  Sure, Americans will help when you are down, we are the greatest at helping others the world has ever seen, our country is the national version of Mother Teresa for goodness sakes.  What we don't countenance is a bunch of whiny freeloaders who come across as total ingrates.  Unlike the Tea Party, which is composed of hardworking people, the OWS has no legs.  Americans will celebrate this Thanksgiving on Thursday and be grateful they live in such a wonderful place.  So wonderful that a mob of ingrates in Zuccoti Park, Berkeley, Santa Cruz and a few in Sacramento, can head down to the shelter and get a free turkey dinner manned and paid for by those terrible "self interested" American volunteers.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Spain's Conservatives take back the country, A soon to be in the USA too?

HERE is a Reuters article and HERE is a BBC article on the victory in Spain of the PP who are expected to gain a majority of seats in the lower house of the Spanish government.  I was alerted to this vote by a post Russ Steele put in Rebane's Ruminations.  That is a prime example of why the age of the Internet is so great in my opinion.

Spain is a mess.  It was run by the Socialist since 2004 when they won the majority which many people said was because of their involvement in Iraq as one of the coalition partners.  Also, the Al-Queda attack on their train stations three days before national elections in 2004 were parlayed into the socialist victory which I at the time thought was a terrible mistake by the Spaniards.  They subsequently pulled their few troops out of Iraq and the terrorists considered their bombings a huge victory.  About 190 people were murdered in the bombings and Al Queda was feeling their oats.  They are good at cowardly attacks on unsuspecting civilians.  Men, women, children, the head choppers could care less who they murder.

Anyway, Spain was becoming a wimp state in the view of many people.  You just can't give in to terrorists.  We all know that, most of the world doesn't.  Spain tried their best at make believe.   They could satisfy the terrorists but really, no one can do that.  So Spain dived into more and more socialism and passed a whole bunch of programs to make their country a shining example of "green".

Well "green" has bankrupted the country, once the greatest power on the face of the earth.  Its 46 million people are now broke and the whole place is a mess.  20% plus unemployment and their green agenda has put this once great country on the ropes.  So, after all of the socialist fantasies tried and failed, the Spanish have regained their senses and booted those socialists and replaced them with conservatives.  We will get to see how far the new government can make changes to save their country but as we have seen in Greece, the people on the dole may not like it much.

Spain is just the latest example of government overreach in all aspects of the lives of its citizens and their businesses.  America should pay attention to how bad the left can take a country and how fast they do it.  Here in America the people placed conservatives in charge of one half of one third of our government and I hope the other branches will be gained in November 2012.  We have seen the future and if we don't change course and get back to basics, we could be Greece.  But, if we take the lesson from Spain, we may survive. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Super Committee? I thought Congress was the people's Super Committee?

The world is upside down and the center of that is Washington D.C. and the people inhabiting the place.  Our country is drowning in debt, we are trying to save our economy and our currency, many Americans are out of work and our Congress has abrogated its duties under the Constitution and punted to a 6-6 group of people! There are 535 members of Congress, plus one if there is a tie in the Senate, and all these collective minds could not come up with a save.  In fact the "Super Committee" can't even agree on what the term "defense" means!

HERE is the latest article of national embarrassment.

So what is the problem here?  Well, I think our politicians, mostly on the left, have decided the furtherance of their ideology is more important than the survival of the country.  The reason I think this is true is one only needs to look at the bills passed by the Republican majority House that are tabled by Harry Reid and the majority democrat Senate.  Over 22 bills are in democrat Senate  limbo.  Reid won't even allow the bills to be voted on!  Is this what America is all about?  I don't think so.  What is the job of the Congress?  It is to submit new ideas and debate them, then VOTE!  I have seen this ploy since 2008 when the democrats took over Congress and to me it is the act of traitors to do what Reid and his ilk are doing.  Why the word traitors you ask?  Because it is unAmeican, anti-constitutional and just plain wrong to hold America hostage.  We would not allow a Al-Queda terrorist to hold us hostage and as far as I can see, Reid and the democrats are more dangerous to our country's survival than a random attack by the jihadists.

The "Super Committee", is a embarrassment to our government system.  I say a pox on all who supported this stupid idea.  Heck, even a uneducated schmuck from the West Virginia mountains knew when this was proposes it would not work.  6-6 was the first clue, and then some sort of trigger if they 6-6 was at impasse.  But the minds of the creators of this gridlock on our national travesty of debt and deficit thought we were just stupid I guess.  Well, it has turned out exactly as we peons said it would and they will be unable to come to consensus by Monday.  I am truly ashamed of Reid for holding America's life hostage.  That is what it is, he is no better than a economic terrorist.  Now with Obama canceling up to 400,000 new jobs by the stroke of a pen last week, it would appear the left has a plan for America's demise.

I would like to see a daily vote on a list of cuts to spending and a list of regulations and tax reform ideas to be implemented.  John Boehner could then send them over to Harry Reid and perhaps with public pressure, Harry would let the people get a vote.  Isn't that why Harry is there?  Is the job description for a Senator to NOT vote?  Amazing arrogance.    So, come on John Boehner, get those votes moving and get them over to Harry, do ten a day, the job of a Congressman is to vote on the spending of our money.  Harry Reid and the democrats in the Senate should resign en-masse and allow people that want to debate and vote to take their place.  America is better than a stupid idea of a "super committee".

Thursday, November 17, 2011

OWS San Diego's moment of silence for the White House shooter

These nuts just produce so much material I almost can't believe it.  HERE is a OWS march in San Diego and his desire to place the White House shooter in some sort of elevated position.  Now understand the fellow who tried to assassinate the President is some sort of hero to these people.  Amazing. Scroll down the page on the link until you get to the video. Remember the OWS was praised by Obama and Pelosi, the leading democrats in America. 

The real OCUPPIERS remembered

A news article came up today about a man who self immolated in Tiananmem Square in Beijing, China as a protest still unknown.  When I read the story HERE, it referenced the June 1989 "occupation" of Tiananmem Square by Chinese students for about seven weeks.  They were there to request/demand, FREEDOM!  We all know what happened as the communists in charge of their country sent in the tanks.  The man in front of the tanks has never been seen since. Thousands of people were killed/murdered bu the commies. Those lefties always murder don't they?

Here in America the "Occupy Wall Street" people are protesting for what?  A better I-Phone paid for by mom and dad?  A guaranteed job or college degree?  A better rate on their credit cards?  The juxtaposition is amazing to me.  The man was truly brave, it still brings tears to my eyes that a single, simple man, one of a billion people, could be so brave and risk it all.  The OWS is risking nothing since they already have what that Chinese man wanted.  I have little respect for the OWS and now it appears the rest of America feels the way I do.  When one of these OWS scofflaws craps on a police car as his personal protest against the "system" he made the ultimate statement of absurdity by these OWS folks.

So remember the man in the video, please watch the whole video to get the flavor of the sacrifice of those people in China and then envision the squalid camps set up by the spoiled brats here in America.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It looks like the OWS is a burnout

The last gasp of a phony movement?  Kind of looks that way to me.  Even in liberal cities like Oakland, Portland and of course New York, these spoiled brats are getting booted.  After Bloomberg tossed them from the park yesterday the OWS seemed to me to melt away.  It looks as if all their effort was no more than a tempest in a teapot.

I appreciate a good protest as much as anyone, but this one was a contrived and manipulated one from the beginning.  How is it that a bunch of kids, many in college and living at home, have the smarts to change the country?  They didn't and without a fine tuned message and a manifesto, at least one written down, they were never going to make it very long.  Besides, these occupiers were dirty, smelly and trashy.  If they had shown some cleanliness instead of junking everyplace they were occupying, then maybe they would have gotten more support.

People in America come from Puritan stock and Puritan values for the most part.  We like things in their proper place, we like cleanliness, we like courtesy.  What we saw from the OWS was the exact opposite.  We were all seeing the 60's counter culture front row center, 2011 style.  These poor little waifs, clutching their I-Phones, laptops and battery operated TVs, were not viewed as a sympathetic bunch.  How could these folks be believed when they possessed all the terrible things they disdained?

So, what has happened over the last seven weeks was what we have seen happen to some of the political candidates for President.  They were hot, now they're not.  Most Americans just polled are now shunning these whiners.  Unfortunately, the OWS was so unorganized they allowed true nutty people to speak for them.  Some fellow yesterday was screaming how a "Molotov cocktail" would happen to Macy's for goodness sakes.  These OWS folks were their own worst enemies and they have now alienated the American people.  All of this while the Tea Party Patriots accumulate power to exercise real change in America's elections next year.  The OWS luminaries will be in line for a handout at mommy and daddy's house.

SBC 990's 2002-2009, you decide if they are worthwhile use of our taxpayers money

Over the last couple of years I have endured the self important musings of Steve Frisch, CEO of a non profit called the Sierra Business Council.  Now understand, I have nothing against the SBC or even this Frisch character since I have never met either one.  What has inspired me to do a bit of research om the I.R.S. filings, the 990's, is the ever glowing reports of how great Frisch says he and the SBC are.  Well after his challenge to go look at his organizations returns I did.   I decided to put some of the information here for others to make their own determination whether the SBC is important or no more than a scam on the taxpayers.

There are usually 20 plus pages to the filings and the only one that did not contain that many pages was 2007.  It contained only two pages.  If there are more I would ask someone to point me to them.  There is also no return for 2010.  That was the year that Mr. Frisch was actively campaigning against the passage of Proposition 23.  I am waiting breathlessly for the return which will show us all the percentage claimed for politicking.  What do you think?  Maybe all those meetings, letters and campaign appearances, emails, editorials etc, will add up too how much?

Greg Goodknight has asked Mr. Frisch if the membership and assets are up or down.  Mr. Frisch gave a glowing report on another blog about how well SBC is doing and it is gaining members and money.  He also claims his non-profit is not using much taxpayers money, you know, grants, loans and other government stuff.  You can look at the numbers and percentages gleaned from his returns and you make the call.

In 2002 the bottom line was a surplus of over six million bucks and by 2009 it was upside down.  Where dd all that money go?  It appears mostly to wages and benefits.  There is a check off box on the returns which ask the preparer if they are required to post a Schedule B, a list of the contributors.  The SBC checks the NO box.  I would like to know why we taxpayers don't get to see the contributors.  Could there be some folks they don't want us to see?  Maybe a bunch of liberal organizations?  Is the Tides Foundation in here?  How about a Soros outfit? Well, unless Mr. Frisch wants to become transparent with all the money givers I suppose we will just ave to guess.  Yep, his calls for transparency don't trickle down to his organization I guess.

 That goes for a listing of all his members too.  I have listed the total dues for teh 2002-2009 returns.  What does that amount too as regards the total number of members, you know, his claims for businesses all up and down the Sierras.  Could there be a lot of San Francisco liberals in there?

If you want to look at the returns here is the link.  When you get to the Attorney Generals site, just type in Sierra Business Council in the name box and it will take you to the returns, listed by most current downward. .

Here are the dollar amounts I gleaned regarding the Dues.

2004-$161,358,  this was on line 3
2006-No listing I could find
2007-No listing, only a two page return

It looks like the SBC may be losing members?

The following is the amount of public financing as a percentage of the total SBC operations each year.  It looks like the taxpayers supply quite a lot of money. These were listed on each return.

2006-None shown
2007-None shown

I would suggest if anyone wants to verify these numbers gleaned from the returns to go check it yourself.  This non-profit is a great example of what is truly wrong with the non-profit system.  Some people call these kinds of organizations no better than a money laundering scheme (though I don't think SBC is), and the laws should be changed to ensure they can't be abused.  Many of these kinds of organizations are viewed as a Job opportunity for liberals who can't find a private sector job and a repository for campaign workers who take time off to go campaign for other candidates or issues.  Sure, many say this is truly just a full time, taxpayers funded way to keep a cadre of workers but it would take a much more motivated person researching the folks to determine if that is true.

When a person is as strident as Steve Frisch is about how wonderful and important his SBC is I must ask, how does the SBC help our country in any way?  It appears to me, when I read the list of programs on the returns (to justify what?), that there really is no good use to the taxpayer or the community for the SBC.  It looks to me reading the returns that it shuffles a lot of paper.  So, read the numbers and you taxpayers out there determine if these kinds of non profits are worthwhile using your money or not.

Go to the Rebane Ruminations at ,  and go down to the Frisch screed at 3:21 PM on November 13 and then you decide if he is a BSer or not.  I think you will see he is a BSer.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pelosi staffer calls CBS' 60 Minutes a "right wing smear" organization!

When they get caught with their pants down, oops, their dress down, making money on non public information while pending legislation is in front of them, Congress people deny deny deny.  In a scathing new book, Author Peter Schweizer exposes both sides of the aisle in Washington DC and takes them to task. 
HERE is the article. It seems Pelosi, while Speaker of the House, third in line to the Presidency, was buying up a whole bunch of VISA stock while a major credit card industry bill was in front of her.  Of course she says there was no connection with her portfolio and the bill.  Yeah right, and as she says, she has been unfairly treated by that "right wing" smear machine, 60 Minutes.

What is sad about people like Pelosi and the rest of the people that did, do or will do, this kind of thing is their disregard for the trust we give them as our representatives.  Especially Pelosi since she was a self proclaimed "progressive" person.  Aren't they supposed to care for all the little people?  The children?  Well, maybe not when it comes to "insider" trading.  The little people didn't have the same information, did they? Oh, and it is alleged John Kerry made 3 million bucks too.

Apparently what she did is prosecutable under the SEC rules but we know she will never even be brought before the House Ethics Committee, don't we?  Heck, Herman Cain gets reamed by the lamestream media for calling her "Princess Pelosi" for goodness sakes!  Well, it looks like Cain was right, she was a princess, a member of the "ruling class" and immune from the same rules we are all under.  So who gets the last word on this?  It used to be these things were punished by the voters of the district booting the scofflaws out of office.  That only happens now if it is a "sexual" offense.  Insider trading will go over to the side of the ledger now as simply, one of the things the people really don't care about and as long as she is for Obamacare and abortion Pelosi will never leave under a cloud.  What a sad thing in our governance.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mississippi State Senator bolts from democrats after 15 years, now he is a Republican!

HERE is the story and I expect we will see many more of these.  Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, the Occupy Wall Street nuts and the democrats in general, have poisoned their wells and if these democrats want to survive the rejection America will paste them with, they should all take heed.  The era pf liberal corruption will be ending next year.

Wrap of up omassive Republican victories across America this year, 2011

All you smart mouth democrats take a look and I will supply the crying towels.  2012 will be even better for Republicans. All from Ballotpedia.

"Incumbents in both parties dominated the polls. Early analysis shows that 96.6 percent of incumbents who ran November 8 won re-election. Out of the 353 incumbents who ran, only 14 - 11 Democrats and 3 Republicans - were defeated. 170 incumbents faced no major party opposition, all but guaranteeing them re-election.
Incumbents defeated in 2011 legislative elections
Party Senate House Total
Democratic 4 7 11
Republican 0 3 3
TOTALS 4 10 14
The numbers tell a more nuanced story when looking at seats where an incumbent did not run. Unofficial results are that of the 84 open seats, Republicans won 62 (73.8%) of them. In 2010, Republicans won 61.9% of the open seat races.
Open Seat Winners in 2011 legislative elections
Party Senate House Total
Democratic 8 14 22
Republican 23 39 62
TOTALS 31 53 84
A total of 108 new legislators will be welcomed into state chambers. Republicans again dominated, electing 79 new legislators to Democrats' 29.
New Legislators after the 2011 legislative elections
Party Senate House Total
Democratic 7 22 29
Republican 26 53 79
TOTALS 33 75 108

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Michael Moore, massive hypocrite in the so called 99%

We all know the liberals are hypocrites in just about every economic debate.  They claim solidarity with the "masses" and yet they are actually members of the economic elite.The big boy, Michael Moore is the poster child for the left.  This "vacation" home on the shore of a lake is a fine example of the money man's ridiculous exhortations against the wealthy.

Source: Big Hollywood
HERE is the article connected to the picture and please check out the other picture and redacted legal documents.  Breitbart does a good job backing up their investigation.

We all heard the big boy came to see relatives again here in Nevada County and he also received rave reviews form the local OWS-Nevada County folks, so I just wonder how all these duped locals feel about this?  Will we see any critical piece of work from our local lefty blogs and its supporters?  When hell freezes over I suspect.  Moore should really just shut up and retire to the library in this million dollar plus lakefront home.  The least he could do is invite his fellow silver spoon limousine liberals over for a chamomile tea cocktail. 

It reminds me of the Sierra Club President a few years ago who was claiming some sort of moral superiority about the environment and saving the "big trees".  Turns out he clear cut his Oregon property and had all his decks built with redwood.  Yep, and the morons who keep sending these grifters their money are just as bad.  They would rather overlook Moore and the Sierra Club guy and trash the people that actually do something for the rest of the people. The entrepreneurs who create the businesses and supply the jobs, those evil capitalists.  What a hoot. What do the people like Moore and our local liberals do that helps people?  I am looking, looking, looking, but I can't seem to find anything other than hot air coming from these loudmouths.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Democrats for Herman Cain on Facebook!

It seems the tactic to get people from one party to form a group in support of the other party is alive and well in American politics again.  Iran across this while doing some surfing and I must say it cracked me up.  It is as ridiculous as Republicans for Obama.  But it is the season and we will probably see more of these types of ploys.  What a hoot! Of course the people that fall for this kind of thing are the liberals, those crazy dreamers.

HERE is the Facebook link.

Veterans of America, Thank You All!

Thank you Dad, WW2, Uncle Jim WW2, both Pacific Theater.  Thanks, Grandpa Henry, WW1, France.  Thank you Daryl O'Barr, Vietnam.  Thank You Kenny Scurr (deceased, Vietnam 1965).  Thank you all my cousins now serving around the world. Thank you one and all for keeping America safe and free.

Obama's gaffes make Rick Perry look like Einstein

Turnabout is fair play except when it might make a liberal or in this case, Obama, look bad.  We had to read and put up with the media talking heads and even some people I respect in politics, call for Rick Perry to leave and go back to Texas after his 53 seconds trying to remember the Energy Department.  The problem is all of us have a brain freeze about information we know and have repeated many times.  It was tough to see Perry have his brain freeze but should that cause him to quit?

I say no.  This little video shows the "ONE" making as many or more gaffes than any Republican candidate yet we see no call from the media for Obama to step aside.  Why is that?  Watch the video and at the end you will see a comparable brain freeze on a health care issue the ONE was supposedly an expert at.  You have heard how smart Obama is right?  Well, maybe if the media had beat the crap out of Obama on these gaffes as they have Perry the American people would get to make a educated choice and a decision.

We won't have that because Obama is one of them, the elite running the news (except FOX) and they think he is the smartest person ever elected to the Presidency.  He is their creation, the slobbering press, and they have a huge personal and professional investment in Obama and so any gaffe will be downplayed while they up-play any R gaffe.  So watch the video and you will get a idea of why not many people in America rate the veracity of the media any higher than a snakes shoulder.

Bachman shouted down at townhall by leftists

In a familiar pattern, leftwingnuts would not allow a conservative to make a speech or even have interaction with a group of people wishing to hear policies and positions.  This truly is thuggery from the left and it is too bad. 

HERE is the video and audio.  I think I heard one of the leftwingnuts say he was there for "People for the American Way".  A well known liberal money laundering organization. This is copied from the wiki website and explains the basic tenet of this "progressive" organization founded by Norman Lear. "

"Located in Washington, D.C., People For the American Way monitors what it characterizes as "right-wing" activities, conducting rapid response, political lobbying, and volunteer mobilization."

 Why shout Michelle Bachman down?  Why not debate her and ask questions?  What are these nuts afraid of?  I just have never understood the blatant hypocrisy of the left in America regarding free speech and the "Bill of Rights".  On the one hand they cry the blues about their rights while denying others the same rights.  Whether it is throwing a pie at Ann Coulter, shouting down David Horowitz on college campii or this shoutdown of Bachman, the left has lost its collective mind about our country and its basic laws and decorum.

The people doing all this crap are the college kids.  Now I understand the ardor of the yutes and when it is channeled correctly it can change things.  Like the 18 year old vote or the drinking age or similar things.  The young people have the energy and the desire to to get things done, unfortunately in America though, the young people are manipulated and brainwashed by the leftwing professors populating our education process.  Some polls I have seen say 80 to 90 percent of the educators are lefties.  These "educators" of our young can't help themselves and have decided that their PC way of life is not enough and now "educate" our young in a strategy of "shoutdown" of anyone they disagree with.

What are the leftwingnuts afraid of?  Why is it that others free speech rights are subordinate to theirs?  We see this behaviour all around the country and even the planet now.  It is about power.  The left wants it all their way and God forbid someone on the right disagrees.  They will not allow the words to be heard and the PC crowd is there to disrupt and force a retreat of the offending conservative or contra viewpoint, like the current OWS nuts.  One thing we see time after time though is the restraint of those being forced out of the room and their supporters.  This video shows that well.  The shouters do not take a break in running Bachman out yet the people there to hear her are restrained by their manners.  The left has no manners.

We see the PC phoniness right here in our little county too.  The left is PO's a creek is  named after a term from two centuries ago and wants it changed to a more benign term.  Even the word "negro" is unacceptable to these PC nuts.  This is how ridiculous they have become.  These same people call the folks they don't like all kinds of derogatory names but because they are hypocrites they never self flagellate.  They are the finger pointers of PC and the purveyors of the shoutdown and the pie throw.  We on the right are the opposite.  We like debate.  We like lots of debate.

I was always told politics was war without the bloodshed.  The left wants to ensure they always win the war and the other side can't even be heard.  To me that goes against all the tenets of being an American and belongs somewhere else.  Maybe these mouthy girls and boys should take their professors and move to North Korea or Venezuela/Cuba and try their ploys.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Debates are the American Way

I only got to watch the last 40 minutes or do of the debate last night between all the Republican candidates who showed up at Oakland University.  Michigan is one of the hardest hit states on the issues of jobs and business but I think it is doing better than our once great state.  So, I watched and listened and enjoyed.  CNBC hosts (Rick Santelli is great!) were the moderators and they seemed to do OK.  No apparent axes to grind.

I am saddened though at the lack of debate ability by Rick Perry.  I watched him struggle for a half minute, desperately looking from side to side for help when he was telling us which three federal departments he would eliminate.  It was quite an embarrassing moment for him.  I do understand though, the candidates are expected to remember a gazillion things and then be able to recall them on a moments notice and in great detail.  This moment for Perry though was a self inflicted wound and he did not do very well with it.  Oh, the Energy Department was the one he was looking for.

Rick Santorum is not ready for prime time in my view.  I think he lacks a certain maturity I would expect from my President.  He gets petulant some times and he seems at other times to be like the little kid who doesn't get his way and gets grumpy.  It is not a trait that becomes anyone.  Kind of like the local blogger, Jeff Pelline and his pal Steve Frisch from the rent seeking SBC of Truckee.  Same kind of immaturity.

Michelle Bachman is certainly glib and knows her stuff but in my view she might make a good US Senator.  I like her spunkiness and she seems to be very smart and dedicated to the people.  She should be in charge of a "Oversight" committee and kick some bureaucratic butt.

John Huntsman should stay home.  I just have been unable to warm up to the guy and he comes across as a egotistical know-it-all (like Obama).  In one exchange last night, Mitt Romney graciously deferred to Huntsmen on a China issue and Huntsman did a slapdown on Romney.  I thought that was a look into someone who has suspect manners.

Ron Paul was as he always is and makes a good case for the demise of the Federal Reserve and the trimming of government power.  He has so many issues I agree with but there are some I believe he is too far out in the ozones to convince me he should be President.  Mainly foreign policy issues but the largest one is his view of the terrorists and the attack on our soil on 9-11.  When I heard him in 2008 responding to a question about 9-11, he lost me.  Rudy Giuliani took him to task in a debate then and unfortunately, Ron Paul has not changed his position.

Of course Mitt Romney did well since he has been at this for over six years.  I voted for him in the California primary in 2008 over McCain and was happy to do so then.  I like his business experience but he needs to work on not coming across so much like a salesman of older cars.  He seems cardboardy.   I do think he would make a good President though.  His business experience and ability to get things done would be a plus over what we have now.  I just wish he didn't flip on some issues, but as long as he flips my way, I could live with that. HERE is his position on Iran and nuclear weapons which I though he did very well.

Herman Cain did good as always.  He was asked about the allegations of the gold diggers (and I think paid political assassins of the democrats) and he had a great response which the audience clapped wildly for.  HERE is that question and his answer. As I have stated in other posts on my blog I truly like the man and think he would make a good President.  His business experience is a big plus and his view of freedom and individual rights, along with a desire to change the tax codes into something fair and workable has endured him to many people. It is going to be tough though with all the crap swirling around him.

Then we have Newt Gingrich.  I have liked Newt since I first started paying attention to national politics in earnest back in 1992.  He was that lone voice making those speeches in an empty chamber for many years (utilizing CSPAN, what a smart move) and his persistence paid off.  He is smart and well spoken.  He has some baggage though that caused me early on to think he would not be able to make it through the process.  What a surprise though that these debates have shown him to be the grownup in the room and he is moving up in the polls.  The more debates the better.

So there you have it.  Another debate so the American people can get better acquainted with the Republican candidates.  I was happy to see less sniping amongst themselves and more substance in their responses to the mess Obama and his regime have foisted on America.  We are all looking for solutions to restore America's greatness and one of those folks on the dias will hopefully be the one next November 2012.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 8, 2011 was a good day for Republicans, here is the wrap up

Overall, with 11 races undecided, Republicans seem to have had the upper hand on Democrats.
Partisan breakdown of state legislators in the three states with elections on November 8, 2011

Before November 2011 election After November 2011 election
Party Senators Representatives Total state legislators Senators Representatives Total state legislators Gain/loss legislators
70 154 224 66 139 205 -19
61 146 207 65 159 224 +17
0 2 2 0 1 1 -1
1 0 1 0 0 0 -1
Note:There are still 4 races undecided as of November 9, 2011

Colbert at the OWS (dressed as Che'), you will pee your pants in laughter!

Someone sent me this clip from Stephen Colbert's comedy show and I spit my coffee all over the monitor when I watched it.  You get to see first hand (and these OWS nuts have plenty of hand action) how nutty these people are.  My question is how could our system, the educational system, fail so radically to produce these kinds of people?  It is funny but at the same time, very sad that the greatness of America has been wasted on these kings of folks.

HERE is the link and enjoy.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The mandingo affect?

Herman Cain
Does she have the mandingo affect?
While watching Nigel Innis on FOX news this morning  defending his personal friend Herman Cain, he used the term "mandingo" and it brought back a distant memory of a movie starring a black ex-boxer, Ken Norton. I remember seeing it and it was quite a racy film when it came out in 1975.  It was one person's view on the abuse of slavery and how a "white" woman fantasized about a black man in a sexual sense.  It was of course highly controversial.
What the movie did though was place the term mandingo into the culture.  Under people's breathe they used it to perpetrate racism.  Both black and white.  I remember the term but I must say I never have used it as I have never used the "N" word.  They are despicable terms but there it was this morning.  Used by a black man, a conservative black man, as his view of all these white women trying to smear his friend.

I have heard there are as many fantasies about sex as there are people.  If Nigel is right, this would be the latest tool of the leftwing to take out anyone they want because the voyeuristic media "journalists" just can't help themselves.  I think most of them are uptight anyway, you know, tighty whities are in a bunch, to quote a fifth grader slight.  It seems this way to take out a conservative black man is now used in place of the old "racism" strategy used by the left.

I have yet to choose a candidate for my party so it is not the issue for me.  It is an issue of fairness.  I think the voyeur media, what I call the new "peeping Toms" are out of control and are trashing Herman Cain as Nigel said, because of the "mandingo" affect on white women.  This riles the racists in society without claiming to be a racist.  Pretty smart of the left.  Obama's ex chief of staff Axelrod apparently lives or lived in the same apartment building of the Bialek woman.  And as I write this ditty, another woman has come forward and claimed she was asked by Cain to set up a dinner with a woman so they could further a conversation from a meeting a number of years ago.  This new accuser works in the Obama administration.  This is truly a disgusting turn of events in our once great country

Monday, November 7, 2011

Duke Lacrosse players in reverse

We now have a Chicago resident, the city of Barack Obama and his retired Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel, now the Chicago Mayor, as the latest accuser of Occupy Cain.  I think we have a reverse Duke Lacrosse scam and it may go right up to the top of the White House.  Watch and listen to this babe from Chicago and then decide if you could actually believe her BS.

When I watched and listened to her (I did not listen to Gloria Allred, the ambulance chasing celebrity seeking lawyer) I was struck by how phony all this sounded.  She was reading from a script for one thing.  If a person is so traumatized that person can certainly speak without assistance.  What that says to me is it was written by someone else and she delivered it poorly.

No, these people are part of a Obama/Emmanuel conspiracy in my estimation.  Besides, why wouldn't that idea be any different than a woman making such a ridiculous claim as this woman.  Her name by the way is
Sharon Bialek, pronounce by Allred phonetically as bi-o-lick!

Herman Cain is being piled on for what must be a news lynching of him.  His character is being ruined and we all know it is very difficult to ever get that back.  Cain in all his years of work, running companies and having many employees never had anything like this ever happen.  All the other women interviewed who worked with Cain have said there is no way any of this could possibly be true. Well, when the left (and the lamestream media) wants to ensure only one black man running for the highest office it is a readily available tool for the slimey left.  I still would like the lamestream media to tell us about William Ayers and Tony Resco. I won't hold my breathe.

Nancy Pelosi and the slobbering lamestream media's view of her

When I started reading this putrid story by a obvious weak kneed woman writer for the New Yorker, one can see why the hypocrite elite on the left are becoming less and less convincing in their outrage about the class warfare they are spewing.  Here is the opening paragraph of "The Power Walk" named article by Jane Mayer.

"On a recent Friday, Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, showed up for her morning power walk along the Potomac. It was nine o’clock, and she had been up for hours. She had read several newspapers. Her lipstick was perfect, her hair was professionally styled, and she had on an impeccable white running jacket over black jogging pants. “This is like noon for me,” she said. Instead of carrying weights when she walks, Pelosi, who is seventy-one, carries an iPhone—and uses it incessantly."

If this story doesn't exemplify the out-of-touchness the elite democrats live under, then you must be a moron voter.  HERE is the full article. These kinds of people, the Pelosi's, the Steny Hoyer's and the Jessee Jackson Jr.'s represent the extreme left and they are in charge of their party. These elitists, both politically and economically, have spread the class warfare fight to the top of their party and Obama is spewing it now as well.  It is in their makeup.  The socialists have decided to play their cards and divide Americans by economics to gain power.

This fluff article however does expose (probably unwittingly by the author) some problems for Pelosi and the left.  It tells us she has been vigour sly fundraising for her party (while telling us all how bad lobbyists are) and tells us that "This year, she has held three hundred and eleven fund-raising events." The article also tells us Pelosi is PO'd that 60 Minutes is doing a story on a conflict of interest she may have accomplished by passing a law benefiting herself and her husband.  Oh my, no, say it ain't so!  A democrat concerned about their personal fortune?  So, read the fluff but when you do you may have the same reaction I did in that the author, trying to do a love piece, made some errors and did not commit journalistic malpractice after all. Naw, maybe not.

Regarding the 60 Minutes piece.  My guess is it will also be a fluff piece but maybe they too will screw up and actually let the people of America know the democrats like Pelosi are simply hypocrites and elitist.  She complains the police in Oakland were wrong and the rioters from OWS-Oakland were just fine.  Yet in my view she is or should be, the poster child for the anger the scofflaws of OWS feel about whatever they are mad about.  Pelosi and her democrats passed the laws which have screwed up America and when she and Reid, and Obama had a hegemonic grip on our country's government, they doubled down and rushed us all to insolvency.

So, please read the Mayer article, and if you can keep your lunch down, you will get a first hand look at how the lamestream media will be treating the democrats in charge.  I have never seen a fluff piece like this on a Republican.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

We think we humans are bigshots, look at how big the internet is

So we think we are such hot stuff eh? This video was sent via email to me and it is truly fascinating. It is actually mid-boggling, especially for us geeks.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The recent past, sex, lies and videotapes, Clinton style

I could not resist putting this here.  There are some liberals who think Herman Cain is toast because they believe the allegations from unnamed sources regarding a settlement by the National Restaurant Association and alleged sexual harassment claims.  Here is the first black president caught with his zipper down responding to allegations uncovered in a trial.  He called Ken Starr a pervert for exposing the trysts he had in the Oval Office with that little lady, Monica Lewinsky.  Of course the press was with him unlike now as they relentlessly  attack Cain.  But hey, we know the left are really a bunch of apologists for their pals and hypocrites when it comes to others. The wagging finger and the talking down to us n national TV will be part of our culture for a long time.  But the hubris of this guy the press now bows to is almost unbelievable.  It show the slime running our national leftwing news sources doesn't it?

Democrat Mayor bans clapping at council meetings

Mayor Foster in front
I saw this little story on the FOX website and took a look.  HERE is their story and a video on this effort by the democrat to muzzle people.  The reason this interested me was the story in the local Union Newspaper about a ban on some activists wishing to protest in and around our Nevada City courthouse. The Union article states that there is a document circulating around to the judges for their signatures and the result would be a banning of the protesters.

In Peekskill, New York Mayor Mary Foster, a democrat,  issued her ban by fiat and the good citizens are outraged.  They, like most Americans have decided to do a elevated amount of protest and make applause more evident.  Challenging Americans usually makes them want to do something even more.  We all learned that when we were young didn't we?  It appears the restrictions backfire when it comes to what people consider a basic "right" under the Constitution.

In New York, the council has forgotten that people like to show support for things they agree with by clapping, cheering, and at sporting events by stamping their feet.  It is totally natural and hard to control.  I was very happy to see people at the debates of the Republican candidates for President applauding and cheering when the agreed with something said.  For too many years the attendees at the debates were scolded to not show any outward forms of agreement.  I never agreed with that and I think it takes the fun out of debates when those the candidates are trying to convince are not allowed to make a "joyful" noise.  It made me wonder what the debate officials were afraid of?

Well, in New York, the Council, many who are running for reelection next year, including the Mayor, are getting a taste of what really makes Americans mad in regards to free speech.  My bet is these people will be booted because they have stirred up a hornets nest of people really PO'd about this. 

My experience with this king of proposed restriction of free expression is to let the folks alone.  Most of the time people are energized for a particular issue and will turnout for that issue and be boisterous.  Once decided the folks are satisfied and they go home.  When not allowed to be boisterous you get the reaction and prolonged activism against a stupid rule as this Mayor and Council are discovering.  I would suggest any officials considering shutting down a show of clapping should reconsider.

It appears the Oakland City Council is even considering shutting down the OWS-Oakland folks from their encampment across the street from City Hall.  Democrats have run that City for most of my life and they consider themselves the most "progressive" city of their size in California.  My guess is the city has been so negatively impacted by the OWS scofflaws (the violent ones) that the Council is being faced with the decision of supporting these folks  ideologically, or dealing with the citizens, he taxpayers and business people.  Oh my, leadership, what a hoot!

So, I would suggest any body of decision makers considering a shutting down of free speech or expression and even assembly, no matter the source, should be very careful.  There are basic tenets in America, left or right (no violence though) and the people will not be happy if you try and ban them or shut them down.  The Mayor of Peekskill is finding that out first hand.