Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Jim Firth, the leftwingnut democrat activist doesn't like my "rants" Ah shucks!

Would you trust this union  man?
In today's Union newspaper there is a Letter from this San Francisco  transplant whining and complaining of my exposing his ilk's sneakiness when writing in the Union or other places.  He was once the Chief of Staff to that infamous democrat hypocrite Leland Yee.  Also HERE and HERE. Yee was a State Senator from San Francisco and a vocal "gun control" advocate.  He was doing gun deals behind the scenes!  Now are we all clear that this corrupt Senator from San Francisco is someone we would want to hire as a Councilman here?  Are those San Francisco values compatible with our County? 

It seems these leftwingnuts like Firth move here and have nothing to do and then try to get elected to run the place.  My goodness, Firth is a "union" boss from SF!  Accurately portrayed I am sure in the old movie "On the Waterfront"!  The people of Grass Valley have said NO to this union boss a couple of times now.  Grass Valley doesn't want those San Francisco values sitting on the Council!

So after  numerous defeats by the people here, Firth got on the Democrat Central Committee and is now Chairman.  He finally posted that fact on his attack letter against me today.  Good job there Mr. democrat!  That is what I wrote about in my Voices column and apparently that shamed you into listing your position.  That was the whole point that your noggin did not "get".  Your democrat wingnut friends on the Central Committee wrote letter and columns and usually don't list they are on your committee!  So now do you understand?

It was interesting to me that Firth never discussed the other issues I brought up in my Voices piece.  Why is that?  Because he can't defend the loony acts of the democrats and their leaders!  HERE is my post on them. My goodness, the democrats will lead us back into the dark ages of the 8th century if they get the power.  They are no better than the policies practiced in Germany regarding 'eugenics"!  Somehow these Democrats like Firth have meshed the worst of communism with the worst of fascism and come up with a new governance theory.

America at all levels is under attack by the likes of Firth and his democrat friends.  At least here in Nevada County we have had enough. HERE is an example of a business trying to grow and Firth and his union pals trying to get in the way.  Apparently Firth has never seen a project for jobs he could support. 

When I was Chairman of the Republican Central Committee I was proud that all my members were good positive people trying to make the county and its cities better.  We supported business, jobs and local charities.  We did our best to help make the county and its cities desirable places for people to relocate.  In contrast the local Democrat Central Committee members (most all appointed and clones of Firth-like people) are usually negative and opposed to most anything with business and growth.  So, over time, I have to admit these sulky liberal loons on his committee have discouraged a lot of people from opening or building new business.  They have scared off people and we see the results.  School closures, teacher layoffs and the huge increase of government jobs over private sector jobs. These loony libs have been successful in turning a once vibrant and generous economy into one only old folks and welfare recipients can love.


  1. He wants to move Big A's and the "Mexican" restaurant, presumably because he lives nearby.

    Control control control.

  2. He is an extremist government lover for control.

  3. In another example of the left wing extremist anti-business agenda of the local Dems and the ruinit crew you have the Union spotlighting the new anti-business ordinance in Nevada city. This on the same day as this idiot is claiming mainstream status for the democrap central committee.

    1. It is funny how someone like Firth who has never apparently been in business is trying to convince people he is all about business. You just can't make this kind of stuff up.

      Sort of like Pelline whining about his neighbors building a Granny unit and telling everyone he is all for affordable housing. What a hypocrite these libnuts are.

  4. To answer the question under the picture, no, no one in the county trusted him enough to be elect him. How many times did he try?

    1. Only Jeff Pelline seems to be sniffing Firth's heiny. Good.

    2. Was he even here a year before announcing his candidacy for the Grass Valley City Council? Who does that? What I mean to say is, what kind of person thinks he or she knows better after being here less than a year? How would anybody expect a person to know any of the local issues?

      Sheer arrogance.

    3. I agree. But I recall Peter Van Zant did the same thing when he got here. He joined the Colfax Highway Association and we actually worked together to save the bridge over the Bear River on Highway 174. I think that was his way of starting his political life here. At last he waited for a few years.

  5. The most hated unemployed journalist fue must have been telling about the socialist nirvana of Nevada city and sold the internet is changing the world mantra. Ya it changed the purple hippos world and now everyone know what a loser he is. Firth found out over and over the lie that is the fue's view of Nevada County. That why Furth thinks his SF dirty laundry would be seen as attributes. While true in the café set of dem cent committee its a joke to the rest of us. But keep running Firth it helps educate the little people about what you guys are all about.

    1. Firth laments not being there to help Yee. What, sell weapons on the black market? Also, he is a proud union member. Good for him. You must be proud of something when you use your job to stop private sector jobs. I would be ashamed if I was him. Thanks goodness I am 180 off his extremist views.

  6. Great job exposing this guy Todd! Don't forget that he also has continued to support his accused child pornographer buddy Terry Lamphier. It will be interesting to see how Firth and the Democrats respond if Lamphier takes a plea bargain that tags him as a child pornographer later this month. Will Firth continue to insist that Lamphier is really innocent, and it was just a coincidence that the child porn was downloaded when Lamphier was visiting his county office on a holiday?

    1. I am still a "innocent until proven guilty" man and have not made my opinion public on TL. But if he is convicted I am sure his friends will stand behind him. Remember these democrats like Firth support "partial birth abortion" and now they support selling baby parts for profit. They are truly creepy people.

  7. Apparentley Jim Firth sent a "reply" to my posts and he says he sent it to my blog. Not here yet but it is on Pellines I am told. Anyway, a friend sent it to me a few minutes ago and I see Firth again dodges all my questions in the first Opinion piece I did a while ago. I think he is a chicken. But he and Pellne are good pals as they both brought the "San rancisco values" up here and expect everyone to bow to them. Honestly, the democrats are so extreme in their views here that Firth can't even defend them.

    He also said I was namecalling him. I suggest he go read his piece. The man is missing a can out of a six pack! He must be a slave to watching MSNBC for all his news. LOL!

  8. This is the third time I've tried to post this. Maybe if I comment as Anonymous (like everyone else) this will finally show up? Jim Firth
    I would like to thank Todd for promoting my letter to the editor today. He is being very generous in explaining how and why I am a proud retired union member and employee, a community participant, an active Democrat, and a person willing to stand up and speak up for Democratic Values.

    I am fortunate to live in a country where a person can be an elected representative. I have put my candidacy forward twice for Grass Valley City Council. My campaign focused on how I believe everyone’s voice should be heard, that small, medium and large business interests all play an important role in sustaining the quality of life in the Sierra Foothills. I have and continue to support reasonable growth; low, moderate and market rate housing; and employment that offers a living wage to our citizens.

    In 2002 I had an opportunity to work for a short time for then San Francisco Supervisor Leland Yee. I regret not continuing to assist Leland, I do believe I would have been able to advise him as to whom he should or should not hire to work on his Secretary of State campaign.

    Todd is offering the following statement as an example of how I’m anti-business:
    At least here in Nevada County we have had enough. HERE is an example of a business trying to grow and Firth and his union pals trying to get in the way. Apparently Firth has never seen a project for jobs he could support.

    Sadly, Todd is once again off the mark. The HERE he’s referencing is regarding the Bloomingdale’s Department Store in downtown San Francisco. During the projects review period I worked as a Union Representative for the United Food & Commercial Workers Union. I was one of at least a dozen Union Representatives involved in discussions around this proposal. They included building trades, hotel and restaurant workers, the S.F. Labor Council, and a host of others. Everyone wanted the project to move forward, and everyone wanted the completed project to provide employment opportunities at living wages.

    I don’t expect Todd to understand all of his. His name-calling and innuendo don’t lend themselves to particularly intelligent dialogue. Fortunately, there are many people in our community who do understand, and are willing to step forward and work to improve our community.
    Jim Firth

    1. Well you finally made it. I like to have liberal extremists such as you post here so the world can see how correct I am about your ilk. I now see that you have not addressed anything I wrote about the democrat positions. Are you afraid?

      Posting here is open to all, I do not moderate unless you attack me as anonymous or use language I find objectionable. You can see my opinions of you in my post here as well a in comments. Have a good read.

    2. United Food and Commercial Workers, the same gang that brought you Measure S. They claimed credit for getting enough signatures. Check out their testimony on the Board of Supervisors archive. They are and never have been friends to Nevada County and outing Furth as one of them is a good thing. But wasn't the democrap central commie committee pro legal pot all along?

    3. I think the DCCC was a pot growers lover. But just like his candidacy, the union he was a member of lost as well. San Francisco can thank 12 dollar cups of coffee on people like this radical liberal Firth.

  9. This is going to be fun watching Heidi Hall navigate the minefield of anti business supporters, crazy cat ladies like Campbell and the pot lovers on the demo central committee. Then there is the whole Lamphier circus with the dems standing with him as the Hindenburg flames start licking at their tails. Will Heidi Hall show solidarity with her base by showing up at Terry Lamphiers trial? Will we see Furth and crew there? Lets hope they do and the press gets lots of pictures. How about they protest on the court house steps! Now that would be a freak show worth taking off work to see!

    1. These extremist democrats are infecting the body politic.

  10. Oh Please, Heidi Hall the eco nut brought to you by the people who want to put meters on your well. Its not your water its the peoples water is their goal. Better to kill off farming and the independence of property owners. How can they really put forward someone who works for the most radical elements of the hard left wing of the State Dems? Check out some of the Dem Environmental Caucus folks. These are the people who would like to keep you from access to the wilderness or eating beef. They want to deconstruct modern society and get nature back to the way it was before people. Not sure where they plan to get the saber tooth tigers.

    1. I say they should go first. Do the right thing and obliterate their own "carbon footprint" Jerry Brown and our extremist democrat legislature just OK'd self destruction. So go ahead you libs, follow your leader. Give the planet a breather.

  11. Pelline keeps posting about my property too. I am the property owner but not the developer. He is really a putz. LOL!

    1. Since when does anyone expect the king hippo of Nevada city and his ilk to tell the truth? You have him so rattled that he has become your biggest (literally and figuratively) promoter by constantly talking about you. Its starting to look like he thinks about you more than chili cheese frys. Have you taken big stevie as the man crush? ROFLOL

    2. Man crush? Now that's funny! He would "crush" me. LOL! I heard Steve is as big as the FUE. Now that would be a sight!

    3. YUCK, don't put that image in peoples mind, that's not nice.

  12. All one needs to know about Jim Firth is he was Leland Yee's Chief of Staff and he continues to proud of it.

    1. Lets not forget the Chinese cartels and the murder indictments of the co-defendants of Lealand Yee's.

    2. Well I told you that "On the Waterfront" is at play here. Remember Lee J. Cobb? Johnny Friendly?

  13. Didn't Firth also claim to be against local small business and the local contractors? Didn't he campaign to force every business in Nevada County to join his labor union? The man is a complete idiot and not qualified to be elected to anything. Keep running to represent the people of Nevada County Firth.The people who know you, and know about the corruption in San Francisco, will keep exposing you for what you really are. Lying about your past will not fool us.

  14. Anyone with the baggage and past connections with the ugly politics in San Francisco that Jim Firth appears to have, will NEVER be elected to public office in Nevada County. Voters are sick and tired of corruption in politics, and Firth cannot escape his past. NEVER, EVER GOING TO HAPPEN FIRTH!

  15. Looks like Firth gets the juices flowing for some people. What makes a person a pariah like that?

  16. Has the crazy cat lady crew of the democrat central committee and Furth endorsed Heidi Hall yet? That meeting should generate enough hot air to leave a carbon foot print equal to a 747 taking the long way to Europe. LOL

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Firth, Lamphier, and Pelline. Is that a crew that you would never turn your back on or what?

  19. Came to this blog to read what I thought would be intelligent, well-thought-out critiques of liberals. What I find instead is a bunch of angry rants, misspelled (intentionally) names/organizations, and platitudes. Our Republican Party chair for Nevada County recently wrote what I thought was a very pertinent piece that pointed out the need for plurality. If you keep portraying liberals as radicals, wait until the revolutionary left rears its ugly head. Tone it down, guys.

    1. No, I think this is tame. Look around you and if you think the liberals care what you think then you are truly demented.

    2. Todd, you need to see that we can never have it one way only. At least 3 of our candidates for president realize we need social security and medicare. We also need to balance the budget. Eisenhower had the highest tax rate ever at 90% to pay off the deficit for WW2. So why are we not willing to pay for the cost our government incurred to protect us? I'll gladly pay my share and also expect everyone who gets welfare to somehow contribute to this country.

    3. You want to feed the bottomless pit with your tax money then go for it. We give the feds 3 trillion and that is not enough. We give California 160 billion that is not enough. The infrastructure is falling apart, our military is shrunk way down, yet we send all these record dollars and it is not enough. If you desire your future generations to be slaves to the debt have at it.

    4. Oct 31 730p trick or treat. Have you watched MSNBC or looked at NC peeps or vents? If the queen of their tribe carries the same scorched earth, Harry Reind, Nancy Pelosi attitude into the Presidential race and declares Republicans the Enemy why do want to give them a pass? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. The local revolutionary left is right in line with the national venom already.

  20. Jim Firth would be a disaster should he ever be elected, just like his buddy Terry Lamphier was a disaster. Keep telling the people about his past, they will keep rejecting him.

    1. Firth and his socialists are scrabbling to keep the truth about Heidi Hall out of the publics mind. The most radical environmental extremists and their desire to go back to nature. Screw the people. NO visiting national forests, no fishing, no recreation of any kind. We can do it because the feds say so says the environmental caucus even though they acknowledge that its a natural suppression of the yellow toe frogs by predators. Not we the people enjoying what is our property as US citizens. When did national forest or park mean no people or amenities for them to enjoy? Answer, when the environmental democrap caucus said so. Thanks Heidi for the meters on our wells which we know is coming because of your gang of eco terrorists. Don't cut the forests no matter how bad the fires are. Forget that nature needs and wants some fire to release seeds and fertilize the forests floors. Burn baby burn is just like black lives matter, not grounded in facts and just another socialists control mechanism. Your only own your property, we tell you what to do with, even your puddles and run off. Thanks Environmental caucus control freaks.

    2. You make some good points about the eco extremists. They are the reason the forests are burning and people who pay the taxes can't even enter the fed forests. I recall writing to the Tahoe when they were doing the "plan" update a number of years ago and I asked them. Why are you puttig rules in that keep disabled people from going into the "wilderness" areas and some others. Of course it turns out they were exempt from the ADA.

    3. Pelline must be related to her, look at the jowls! The man is also quite a "story teller" and now he is once again I am told, trying to censor people he does not like. Is that kind of person called a fascist? Maybe so. Hard to believe he was the editor of our precious Union newspaper. Wjat a loon!

  21. The first groups to be classified by the FBI as domestic terrorists were all Eco-Nuts. Time has passed with Domestic sympathizers of IS's Peaceful fighters and Immigrant Muslims with crock pots grabbing the headlines, but beneath all the hype and winds of change, one thing remains the same. Eco-terrorists are still out there terrorizing everything they can with a vengece. Like the Rose Bowl, they are the Grandfather of all the other events. Now they have infiltrated the government. Not surprising since they were unable to seek and obtain employment anywhere, thus they turned to the employer of last resort. Domestic terrorists with guns, all paid for by the stupid taxpayers.

    1. So true. Eco terrorists though, like the Mafia before them eventually tries to go legit. They created all these eco non-profits and use lawyers rather than bombs and sand in the gas tanks. But they do the same thing the Mafia does and that is undermine legitimate business and people and steal, legally, from the stupid government grant writers and apprpvers. We have many in out little county. Here and in Truckee.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Sorry O can't post your accusation since there is no definab;e proof. Reword it so it is not accusatory. Sorry.

    4. That makes another week without a Boardman rant on the purple hippo of Nevada city cess pool. Too many gallons of chili cheese frys?

    5. Maybe Pelline is now convinced Boardman is his equal? LOL!

  22. I wonder if it’s time to shut down Todd and his friends, whether you are a liberal or a “middle of the road” voter. Todd and his rightwing-nut friends are out of control. Even the middle of the road GOPers have warned Todd, but he throws water in their face. I wonder what it will take for Todd to “get it.”


    You might want to speak to the sheriff Todd.....there's no other way to interpret this except as a threat! It would have put Pelline into the fetal position.

    1. That really does sound like a personal threat to harm me. I will call the Sheriff and my lawyer to have them contact him. Maybe a restraining order is necessary?

      That Pelline is our local censor, self appointed it appears. Now he is into threats of harm. Perhaps that is what San Francisco values means? Waterfront thuggery?

    2. Well as a well educated media type he should at least explain himself. What exactly is the "action" he is soliciting?

    3. Should I hire a bodyguard? Is he armed? LOL! You are right though, this seems to be his SOP in trying to shut up those that disagree with his extremist liberal views.

    4. The two tons of socialist fun protection kit, keep a chunk of cheese or a can of chili and if he shows up aggressively throw it one way and walk off the other way. ROFLOL

    5. Careful there Mr. Webmaster. The Fat One is indeed armed. He has 3 Whoopers with cheese stuffed in his armpits. I witnessed this so I am in the know. He shoved 2 Whoopers with cheese in his mouth, 3 under his arms and drove off from Burger King straight to the drive thru at Mc Donald's.

    6. Chunk of Cheese or a can of chili might work.....take a lesson from Homer though.....try something more energetic!

  23. Maybe it is time to shut down the purveyor of hate and slime in Nevada County! I would take his statement as a definite threat.

  24. Pelline apparently has me in his head rent free still! I was told he has done another hit piece on me. Thanks for the space! Of course the last day to sign up is in March for Supervisor so it appears he and his extreme political pals can't even get that right. Apparently he and his libnut posters can't even find a extreme lefty in Nevada City! Anyway, this is sooo fun. I'll be talking more about this soon.


Real name thank you.