In my 65 years I have seen
some really sneaky things done and said by local democrat party. I have to say they are more untrustworthy than
ever. From President Obama’s Executive
actions to the locals parroting “climate change” and defending infanticide.
![]() |
Democrats never tell the truth! |
It seems they have organized
the “extremist club” and they must have a “handbook” leading them. The locals on the Democrat Central Committee
are afraid to tell you they are on the committee or even a paid activist. Why is that?
Is that in the “handbook”? If you
say extremist liberal things the people may not connect you to the democrat
party if you don’t tell them? So that is
what they do.
Lately we have seen a full
court press by the local democrats to convince people “climate change” is caused
by humans. After all my research it
appears to be a hoax. Just another
liberal extremist power grab to control you.
If you can control the “carbon atoms” of a person then you have won the
ultimate political power. If you doubt
me look at California government today.
The politicians have passed many laws, new energy taxes and empowered
many regulatory agencies to keep track of you and your power usage. Your “carbon”
use. Your “carbon footprint” They have even created a new currency, a new
money! Carbon credits!
Extremist paid democrats are
now trying to convince everyone the planet is at risk from “climate change”
caused by humans, so hey! Turn over the
rest of your lives to the government, we know best they say. Well, not so fast. Even though we see these scare mongering
democrats writing letter after letter to the press, we conservatives have been
fighting the hoax these extremist democrats are peddling. I have been telling the folks for twenty plus
years the hoax of “man-made global warming” is all about politics, not about
science. And it appears I was
correct. Why would we have a country of
freedoms and then just give those freedoms up for this hoax?
Power and money is the
answer. Some estimates are the “industry”
of the climate hoax has transferred 1.4 trillion dollars of your money to the
pockets of the hoaxers! That money
should have been spent on real problems here in America. But as we see the thousands of “non-profits”
that have sprung up to divvy the “free money” we see the reasons for hoax. Power and money, wielded by the extremist
democrats. If we let them these
extremists will be metering your wells, they already meter your electricity and
gas through PG and E smart meters. What’s
It is my experience that when
someone tries to alert the people of some of these power grabs the democrats
open their Saul Alinsky playbook (Rules for Radicals) and go about trying to destroy
the messenger. We see that right now
with the Planned Parenthood (PP) issues.
While the democrats tell
everyone the videos taken of police arrests by a person with a telephone camera
are to be absolutely believed, the video’s of the meetings with PP officials
are to be dismissed. Don’t believe your lying eyes you fools! Watching the Congressional hearings on PP, the
democrats on the committee actually attacked the Republican Chairman for asking
the PP CEO, a woman, what her salary is?
They called the Chairman a misogynist!
The PP CEO makes $530,000 plus benefits every year! Taxpayer money! But the Alinsky democrats wanted to change
the subject. That is their strategy. The democrats think you all are stupid and
will follow them anywhere. I hope you
don’t fall for their slimy tactics and follow them over the cliff.
The Presidential season is
now being forced upon our country and we all have to listen to the yapping of
those TV “talking heads”. They tell us
what we actually saw and heard right before they go on the air. I personally have experience listening to politicians.
I know what they said. I also know the
difference between horse pucky and the truth.
But democrats don’t think you can discern the “truth” without their
talking points. The local democrats get
their daily “talking points” from their masters in Washington DC. Then they spew forth! I try to not have a “knee
jerk reaction” to anything anymore. A
little research and reading should be part of any belief system. But those extremist local and national democrats
think you are all just lemmings. Don’t
be a lemming!
Wow! You've been noticing it a long time too, and really nailed it in this article. Shows how powerful the media is. They get their orders from headquarters and no matter what we see, hear or experience personally...the media redefines and tells us what they think we saw, heard and experienced. At this stage of our civilization, it's almost like we're all in school taking our test for graduation. Will we choose honesty and good above all things, or will we lie, cheat and steal for personal gain. BMW
ReplyDeleteAre you and the Tea Party Patriots going to go to make sure they get rid of loony Linda Campbell? You can bet the democrap central commie committee crew will show up in force. You can bet the press will be there. Should be a great show that is she if she does not just quit. QUIT NOW Linda Campbell save the community from your drama queen act!
ReplyDeleteLinda, don't go away mad, just go away.
Based on the public incidents I would have to say that mad is the mild emotional zone for the crazy cat lady Campbell.
DeleteSo what happened to Campbell? Did anybody go to the public meeting?
DeleteWould it have been on NCTV?
DeleteCampbell was a no show. At least for the censure but I think for the whole meeting. It was packed for a charter school event and that was one and a half hours. My ass was toast on that bench.
DeleteAnyway, after the room cleared out about twenty people were left. No PA so it was hard to hear. Ms. Schwartz read the "Resolution of Censure". Adams then explained his resolution and so down the line. There were four public people who spoke, all supported the resolution. Three said she should resign and one lady was not sure if resignation was a good thing.
4-0 to censure.
What struck me after all is said and done is this. Hear was a woman who could send threatening emails to the Tea Party, shout vulgarities at our Congressman and storm out like a little kid, and browbeat some poor woman running the charter school and then be spineless to even show up and take her chances. She is actually allowed to vote on the censure. What a spineless liberal. And she taught the kids of the community!
They are so empowered by the Chicago hood organizer in chief and peelosi that they think they can say WTF they want but god forbid any conservative every acted that way. Thanks for showing the flag! CRAZY CAT LADIES NOT QUALIFIED FOR LEADERS OF OUR KIDS. How much harm has she done to our next generation already? Test scores suck. Campbell needs to hit the road. If she does not quit RECALL RECALL RECALL RECALL RECALL the cat lady.
DeleteThe real truth is that they will protect their own. Hippo boy and the Nevada city grant whores will line up together to protect her and attack the victims. The kids, the charter school and anyone who thinks that threatening a forth of July parade from an elected official is abhorrent to the values of the parents in the district. Kudos for the brave 4 who stood up. They know they will be targets of the scum like that F&*( pelline POS. This can not stand. Letters to the editor, blog posts, facebook and everything we can bring to this travesty to an end. Lets boycott that school dist. NO volunteer hours, NO money, NO inkind donations, no money, fight their grants. Loony Linda Campbell has to GO and NOW. They think they can attack us without consequence. Boycott their supporters and do not give them your SPD points any more until she is gone. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. STAND UP FOR VALUES or its too late!
DeleteLiberals like her are truly disgusting people.
DeleteSF commie Jim Furths pet purple hippo seems to sitting on the sidelines in the cat lady Campbell PR disaster. Maybe hippo boy tried to roflol and ended up falling and cant get up! Quick order the 16 wheel mobile crane. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteNo one there from the democrats apparently. No one had the guts to stand up for her like they did/do for Lamphier.
Deletewell, for the many years that i have known you, i believed that your conservatism was a bit off (but that was due to our political differences), but that garbage you spewed above is absolutely asinine. the vast majority of the scientific community (the 97% figure bantered about may be questioned) believe that man has some influence on global warming - it is not a democrat plot by extremist democrats. and is it really worth the gamble that those supporting human activity contributing to global warming are correct. as for the congressional hearings on planned parenthood, it was a public relations nightmare for those republican committee members, from being rude and interruptive to falsely presenting charts. as for a ceo of an organization being paid $530k, when did that become a problem for republicans, or is it that the ceo is a woman and therefore is not worthy of such a salary. so sorry that you have become nothing more than a tea party apologists and have lost your original conservative philosophy.
The CEO salary is public information. All non-profits file a 990 which lists the salaries. How can a "non-profit, taxpayer person, male or female, justify that? Hell, Obama makes only $400,000. The Chairman of the committee was very kind. I think all that hearing produced was confirmation the Planned Parenthood was selling baby parts. When you look at your grandchildren, think about that. And that is not a right or left position.
DeleteGlobal Warming is a hoax. The last 18 years the earth has cooled, and that is from the same scientists that said it is warming. Consensus science by 97% of 30 scientists is not science.
I am not nor have I ever been a member of the Tea Party. Even though it is populated by retired military men and women and retired Americans, I just don't like joining any organization that would accept me.
My conservative creds have not changed a bit. I have always been a smaller government, less regulations and balanced budget guy. I also like to stir the pot and see what comes out. Here in Nevada County I am constantly attacked by liberals and democrats and called the most vile names. Perhaps after reading some of their best stuff you might start agreeing with me? LOL. Hope you are well!
Grocho Marks revisited LOL.
DeleteHis hipponess has raised his snout above the swamp line again. The crane must have saved him from the rofolo fiasco. His attitude is the same chilli fry induced hysteria-psychotic break writing style. Has the hippo said anything about the addled Linda Campbell? We know he supports her to the hilt but will he throw her under the bus like Valery Jerrate just did to Clinton for the cause? For a guy with no real friends he sure has no problem offending everyone. Hey has anyone seen him lumbering around any food providers recently or has he been 86'd from every buffet and restaurant in the region? LOL
ReplyDeleteWhen that idiot was sucking up for pity claiming he had a bunch of magazine subscriptions sent to him by supposed haters it sure sounded like a pathetic cry for victim attention. For people afflicted with his psyc pro it would not be out of character for him to have sent them himself to support the victim talking points. If you have no accomplishments or friends go for victimhood. Lefties love their lefty victims. That must have been a ploy for brownie points with ruinits crew. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteCandidate Heidi Hall must publically denounce Linda Campbell immediately. Why hasn't the FUE called for this?
ReplyDeleteGood points. He is gutless. His three liberal readers might get mad I guess. What a flop the "journalist" is.
DeleteOH Paleese. They will just pat each other on the back for their attacks on those nasty constitutional rights lovers. ACLU, the purple hippo, democrat environmental clerks are the scums that are constantly trying to imagine 'rights'. That's why restraining orders on wife beaters mean nothing. I have a right to sell drugs. I have a right to beat my dog, its mine. I have a right to beat my kid, its mine. I have a right to do anything I want. Well until someone says NO . It will not be the Hall gang that says NO to the pattern of abuse in Nevada County, animals, kids, girls who cares, they are not donors just some stupid victims. Who cares say the ruinits. How many car break ins before they understand drug court is a revolving door.
DeleteShe is a cat lady for sure. Thanks you Todd for th service you profide. This blog is a Godsned.
ReplyDeleteThanks Woody.
DeleteYou have beaten the purple pugslie into submission Todd. Over in his ghost town of a blog he has been reduced to pissing off a couple of libs. Almost no posts and even less action. LOL He must be afraid of pissing you guys off. Just keep telling the truth about the most hated man in the county. Do you think the Heidi Hall gang is telling him to stop pissing off people who could make her run harder? Who cares. Whatever your doing keep it up. Its a public service shutting that blimps pie hole. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteMArch is a long ways off for filing. Who knows? He may run but they would need a tank for the parade.
DeleteHe and Paul Emery are birds of a feather. They both hate me! If Paul Emery only knew I did the bid on the new building for insulation. Shh.
Anyway, now he calls me a "turd sucker". Can you believe that? LOL! He dodged the Vietnam war by joining the "reserves". I never served because I was a low number in the first lottery. Momma did not raise a fool. LOL!
I don't know why you guys hate me so much. Nobody hated me this much in Berkeley. Maybe we should try to be friends. I could use a friend. All of my old friends hate me now too. Do you think everyone is tired of me bitching about The Union? I am just trying to show everybody what real journalism is like. I used to be a real journalist. I used to fetch coffee for Herb Caen too! Now that is real journalism! Award winning journalism. I hate that everybody loves Jim Hemig, and everybody hates me. That's not fair! Why does everybody hate me? Is it because I am nasty to everyone? I can be nice...if I have to. Do you want to go for a ride on my boat? I have a boat on Lake Tahoe you know. If you are really nice to me I will show you my pictures of my food porn! I have the best food porn ever! I am getting hungry just thinking about it. Time for mid-morning brunch! LOL! Go away you po-dunks it is chow time!
Deletedude, you are going down with all your talk of wishing people dead. you have no chance of being elected again as a super. The Donold is a loser, and The Toddling will soon be one.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are a nobody. But you are an idiot.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteYou should run for supervisor again Todd. You are the best chance we have of setting the record straight. Your blog tells it like it is.
ReplyDeleteThanks, the filing deadline is March 2016.
DeleteThe FUE needs to demand that candidate Heidi Hall publically denounce Linda Campbell at once!
ReplyDeleteYes I totally agree. Come on Pelline, demand Hall denounce Campbell. It is for the betterment of the community. Po-dink!
DeleteThe union did a great job covering this story in Mondays paper. Campbell is a loon Lib and Pelline and Hall need to publically denounce Campbell. Why is this nasty, mean, crazy Lib on the school board?
DeleteWell she is a lib and Pelline etal are too. They would support Adolph if he was a lib. Po-dunk!
DeletePelline would never criticize Campbell because that would force him to take back this post he wrote in July, and he would never admit he was wrong.
Good column this morning!
DeletePelline is a hypocrite. We all have a little bit of that but he is a total hippoctir.
Pelline always makes selective use of the "facts" to support whatever thesis he's pushing, and he even does it when he's defending his own work.
ReplyDeleteHe's now saying there's nothing to retract from the post cited above because he called Campbell's action imprudent and said we need more civility. He doesn't bother to mention the main thrust of his post was that my criticism of Campbell was just another assault by the "Tea Party Express" and local conservatives on the progressive forces of our community.
If we follow Pelline's claim to its logical conclusion, the right wing conspiracy includes the other four members of the high school board and his very own Dr. J., Superintendent Louise Johnson. Nice try, Jeffy.
Yes I read his latest slap at you. You are a waste of valuable paper space! My goodness he is truly a stupid man. How is it a "journalist" wants to censor others in the same profession? I certainly kept my mouth shut as a home builder. But he thinks you should be censored. Also, with a daily Letter supporting "glovbal warming" and other items considered "liberal" in the paper, how can he call the Union some branch of the Tea Party? That truly is maniacal of Pelline. I do think he is touched.
DeleteThanks again for the blog Todd, this blog cleers the air daily, so tjis peline and Bourdman people fight to no avail. Now whats next?
DeleteNow you guys need to get a clue, I am THE FUE! You must cow tow and grovel if you want anybody in Nevada city to pay attention to you. GOT IT! Its not easy being the most repugnant pile of poop in the mountains. Not even ruinit stands up for poor little me anymore. Stop calling lill Linda Campbell a cat lady. I never saw her wearing cat fir, ever. She is a stand up gal who is not afraid of you right wing po dunkers. I don't have to worry about journalistic standards since I am an unemployed journalist. Wanna see my cocktail napkin I stole from the Balboa Café after Mr Caen left on the table. Of course I was not actually at the table, they never would seat me for some reason. Something about personal hygiene or lack of manners. You know po dunk SF values. I have it in a frame so your grubby fingers cant touch it. I even used to wipe myself once so ignore the chili stain.
DeleteSo Boardman you will never add up to me and Todd you hurt my feelings too much but I will never let you know how you cut me to the quick with your habit of telling the truth. Cut it out!
Hey FUE you love the attention. LOL!
DeleteAfter reading Pelline's criticism of my latest column in The Union, I had my usual response: Is that all you got?
ReplyDeleteApparently channeling Consumer Reports, he criticizes me for not mentioning that California is going to put an income cap on the rebates it offers for electric cars, and provide more generous rebates to middle- and low-income folks who can afford to buy new electric cars. But that's sometime next year and the devil is in details that have yet to be determined. Besides, California's maximum rebate is just a third of what the Feds will dish out to even the wealthiest Americans.
Then Pelline criticizes me for failing to mention all of the reasonably priced hybrids and electric cars available in the state. He seemed particularly impressed with the Chevy Spark EV and it's attractive lease rates. Following his advice, I picked up the phone and called Winner Chevrolet in Colfax and Gold Rush Chevrolet in Auburn, only to learn that neither dealer had any in stock. "Not much of a demand," one salesman told me.
But that's no surprise because electric cars are a drug on the market in California; just 1.4 percent of new car sales, according to Most Californians would rather spend their money on SUVs and big pickups like the one Jeffy drives. Only the elite really like electrics; 48 percent of Tesla's Model S cars are owned by Californians.
Then Jeffy says I cherry picked the UC report cited in the column, implying I misrepresented the study results. Since he didn't offer any specifics, I must have picked the right cherries.
Finally, he said he is going send a copy of the column to the UC researchers and CARB. I suppose I should feel flattered they would care about the musings of a freelance columnist in a po-dunk paper like The Union.
He might also want to include a copy of the Thomas Elias column in today's paper, the one that concludes "So it turns out that California's green energy policies, as now carried out, amount to a regressive tax on the poorest Californians." He has a lot more readers than I do.
Glad that you are not a elitist GeorgeB. Sure we disagree sometimes and if we can hold off calling each other names (LOL) we might just accept you into this po-dunk county. Your column was spot on as was Elias. These lib elites like Pelline drive a big truck so they can look down at the poor little "Spark" driver and feel superior. I truly think Pelline is truly off kilter in the noggin. Being as hypocritical as he is in almost every instance has to be the result of him falling on his head at a early age.
DeleteIts gotten so bad for the unemployed journalist that he has been reduced to reposting other peoples writings to attack the union. People are still ignoring his a swamp gas of a blog! ROFLOL
DeleteHe does sound desperate. Even his butt buddy Frisch is not posting much.. LOL!
DeleteThe idiot is still bashing people like the Garcia's who do so much for the whole community but do not follow his warped ideas. At the same time he dismisses the improper actions of the crazy cat lady on the High School Board who needs to resign and yesterday.
DeleteHe is just 180 degrees out of sync with Nevada County. I think those chili cheese fries were too much an he OD. LOL!