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Is Mitch giving us the finger(s)! |
The "nuclear option" as the politicians call it should be invoked. It was a concoction of the Senate by "rule". So change the rule. Of course it makes the Senators more transparent in their votes as they would be forced to actually vote on the measures. Rather than fighting to get to sixty votes and when failing to do so use that as a reason, we might see some help for the people!
But that takes guts. At least Harry Reid, the man I so despise, tossed the "rule" for judges. Come on Mitch, just get rid of that "rule" and get America back on track. No more excuses. You have the power. Use it.
HERE is a simple law proposed and passed this summer by the House. It is common sense and deals with Forestry and other land issues. Now in the Senate "roundfile" apparently. With all the fires and the locking up of the nations resources by federal laws and policies, you would think this would be easy to pass. But the Senate allows the "Leader" to stop and bottle up anything and then blame the 60 votes! We have 54 Republicans in charge. Or are they really? Is this just some "club"? How come this is not front and center on the pages of every newspaper and TV program? America is stuck in neutral. Mitch can get us into gear if he and those we sent to the Senate would only exercises the power we gave them
HERE is the contact for Mitch McConnell. Use it. Tell them to get off their ass and help the country.
Now this is a good first test for Cheri West.
ReplyDeleteIgnore the bleats of the disgraced former Union editor!
So why is scoopy including some guy from Alta Sierra which is District 2 in a conversation about the Nevada City District 1 Supervisor race?
DeleteNote to scoopy, bitch slap is two words not one. ROFLOL So much for the award winning journalists editorial skills. Must have been out of chili fries with all the union scoops and scoopy editing errors.
DeleteFish, you mean the fellow we bitch slap who some call a turd sucker? Thanks for the heads up. Liberals crack me up. They are more offender being called turd sucker than a Planned Parenthood dissection of a living baby. You just can't make this stuff up!
DeleteOh, and I don't even know this new babe running for Supe. But if it against the lefty Hall, then she will do really well.
Oh, and I don't even know this new babe running for Supe.
DeleteAnd that is the crux of the issue.....I'd never heard of Cheri West either until fatacular gave her a write up yesterday. I think it's safe to say that she's never posted here or even knows who any of the regulars are unless she is one of the legion of FUEs....(and wouldn't that be just the coolest thing ever) but jeffy thinks that she should somehow be responsible for and disavow our charming antics.
It is clumsy, obvious, and ham fisted and exactly what I've come to expect from the jeffy.
Your are spot on. My goodness, using Pelline's logic he should ask Heidi Hall (who he knows) to disavow his (Pelline's) extremist liberal views. The man is a loon!
DeleteHe got scooped again on the prev who tried to snatch a little girl at conden park. Had a hammer concealed in his hoodie and an open folding knife in his pocket when arrested. The really creepy part is that he had 10 more hammers in his truck. I can hear the lawyer now, he was spanked as a child yada yada yada. Then the so called judge will throw out the evidence and put the little girl though hell on the stand. That's the Nevada city way. Could that be why scoopy did not cover this one?
ReplyDeletejeffpelline on September 24, 2015 at 6:45 pm
ReplyDeleteHow much is “fish” (David Larsen of Carmichael) being paid to be a Nevada County political commenaor? Or is he just so lonely that he is doing it for free?
Nahh! Not lonely at all....you're just such an odious meat sack it's hard to look away when you decide to post your nightly bleat. Your a regular car wreck jeffy.
Those libs like Pelline are sooo offended by words but b=never with deeds of their lib pals. I mean the man is huge! And now his butt buddy Frisch is huge too! They are the lonely one;s. Constantly feeding the beast as they sit at the computer. Laughingstocks on both ends of the county!
DeleteHey I am way bigger than stevie. I am a man of importance in California you bumpkins. I am a shaker and mover of unprecedented effect. Yes that's right I register on the rictor scale when I am able to ROFLO. All Republican need to resign from every Board of Directors of anything since I say so. Watch I will make that Republican cow bow to my will and reject the endorsement of the Nevada County Republican Party. I am the king of Nevada city and ruinit is my queen and we say who gets to be supervisor or who gets to be on boards of directors. So screw you Todd and that Bessy guy too. It sucks you are not afraid of me Todd, you should be. My lawyer has you on speed dial. ROFLOL
DeletePoor Heidi Hall, hitching her rope to the loser Pelline. He will cost her a lot votes. Works for me!
Deletejeffpelline says:
DeleteSeptember 24, 2015 at 7:19 pm
Why does Todd entertain the posts of a man from outside our area (David Larsen of Carmichael) for local political commentary? Because no one else will comment with a signed name.
Because the internet is changing the way we communicate. Surprised you didn't know that?
...and as always....LOL!
If you notice the reports on the big real estate fraud appear on real journalists sites provided by the Department of Justice. No wonder scoopy failed to get in on the action. Does anyone think for a minute the DOJ gives a crap about some unemployed geek gobbling chili cheese fries by the gallon while posting little girl tantrums? You could probably grease your trans axel with his blood its so viscous with grease. He couldn't report on the big bust because no one in the real world thinks he is anything other than the disgraced former union editor who was summarily fired for being who he is, so no distribution to scoopy LOL
ReplyDeleteNews Flash...... Todd is a conservative and big jeffy hates him for that!
DeleteBut, but, I am a good person! LOL!
DeleteCome on its obvious the purple bag of fat globs is back on the bottle from his lack of editorial skills recently and the obvious lack of connections that matter anymore. Sad not about him but sad we have to see the flaying about like a dog with distemper. Lots of spittle flying, as they say he only hurts the ones he loves which means he only hurts himself or anyone who stands with his delirious rantings. Will we see Heidi Hall posting any pictures of him with her on her site. Not likely. Not likely at all.
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ReplyDeleteToo personal to allow.
DeleteAw come on, its the truth so why protect the freak?
DeleteA bit of decorum please.
DeleteDude, whoever you are that was awesome! That's one he won't be reposting.
ReplyDeleteScrew you guys I am going home, its hard to figure out where that is now. I was run out of my home town and I can not move between towns without fueling derision. I know I can go to the mid west, they are stupid and will believe my sucking ancient glory off Herb Caen. They will not know who he is but I can fake it like a boss. It has worked so far with the Nevada city pukes. Just agree and out radical them and oh wait it did not work here. Crap. I am going to get a gym membership, oh I have to loose 100lbs to be able to use the machines. Oh well, chili cheese fires fuel my ego. Lots and lots of healing grub STAT!
ReplyDeleteDon't know this FUE or Jeffie person but if you all are on point it sounds like a tar and feathers party.
ReplyDeleteTypically a tar and feathers party end with the offender being carried out of town tied to a rail. In this case a forklift and flatbed truck will be required. I wonder if there are any po-dunk locals who know where to locate those items? LOL!
DeleteWell if he has diabetes I'll give him a tiny break!
DeleteDon't worry the waiters will take care of him. Not everyone is happy being treated like a serf. The commercial vendors of food are afraid of him and that Senum person who hates on real business people. They make us quiver with fear about attacks on us with our low margins. We must stand up to these cancers on society who just want to devour real economic endeavors with their screaming demands for money. Its like liberal extortion to get to play. That's why there is nothin left worth going to in Nevada City. He is just a destroyer of hopes and dreams. He did it to us but we have bounced to an better location. Thanks Sierra Food and Whiner for nothing but grief. Tell everyone what he is about. NO free lunches.
ReplyDeleteSince the immense one wants Cheri West to answer for unrelated folks behavior that he does not approve of, does that mean that Heidi Hall needs to own Ruinit, Laurie Oberholtzer, and the purple hippo itself? Just wondering?
ReplyDeleteOf course not. He is a total hypocrite.
DeleteWhen someone with such a self inflated ego starts holding hoops for wanna be politicians they are bound to find out their real station in life. SPD better stock up on gallon cans of chili because there is going to be a lot of ego soothing required for the purple pugsli! I think Todd uses the food pictures authentication to distract the FUE when he waddles over here! ROFLOL
DeleteWhat are you saying Todd? Do you know how hard it is to be me? Do you have any idea of how hurtful it is to hear the words "bitch slapped"? Those words should never be allowed, unless I say it is Ok. It reminds me of my childhood. I hate those thin kids who used to make fun of me. Skinny little po-dunks! I hate skinny people. I hate all of you! But you know what I really like Todd? I like that when I post here, I get to see pictures of food to prove I am not a robot! Food Porn! I love you man, you are the best! Can you use the one about hamburgers again? I like that one! LOL!
ReplyDeleteIf the most hated man in the county did not have Todd to bitch about all the time he would not have any blog traffic! ROFLOL
DeleteHow would Pope Francis evaluate the purple hippo of Nevada city? Lets start with the 7 deadly sins and the purple one. LUST- check, lusts for attention. GLUTTONY- Well duh. GREED- check. SLOTH- see gluttony. WRATH- just ask TODD. ENVY- check. PRIDE- check, goeth before the fall. A solid 7 for 7. The Pope being the Pope would say confess your sins and you can be forgiven. Since the purple hippo is an arch narcissist there would never be an admission of any failings from the purple hippo. So nothing the Pope could do for the purple hippo other than admonish him for failing to embrace God and seek his glory. In short the hippo boy is going to be hanging out in purgatory as a minimum with an excellent shot at the Sulphur smelling place with all the pitchforks.
ReplyDelete2 to 1 odds its fire and brimstone for that punky pugslie. Man oh man Todd its mean to have all those candy pictures in the confirmation step. Are you trying to induce binge eating by the FUE?
DeleteCome on guys. Lets talk about, Hmmm. Obama?
DeleteThe muslim in chief is so boring and on the way out. The question is will we be able to survive his kowtowing to the dictators and commies? Chicago ward politics does not travel well as we have seen too much of. Obamas friends, Russia, Syria, Iran and all the others who pray for our demise. Does scoopy burn incense at his Obama shrine? Hope its the same stuff he burned for Terry lamphier the creepy one who loves Bernnie and the pot dealers. Pedophiles unite for Heidi Hall!
DeletePuglie the pus bag is bragging that sliming Todd is generating "record page turns". He should be paying you like a web traffic service. LOL
ReplyDeleteYa sure the purple hippo is claiming big traffic when there are only 3 other people besides him on that post. Guess that helped quantify the level of activity or should it be lack of activity! ROFLOL
DeleteYes, three posters are a lot of pageviews for any post he does. What a nutty guy.
DeleteThis blog gets many many every day.
For the FUE 3 actual humans after all the fluff filler of the sock puppets must seem like a stampede of people to his addled mind. The FUE is a legend in his own mind and I have to wonder if he even hears the sniggers and guffaws that follow his departure from a room? Go Heidi, make the FUE your PR man/person/thing. LOL Pizza pics on my challenge! ROFLOL
DeleteKNOCK KNOCK who is there? The FUE. Never mind dear its a nobody begging for attention.
DeleteHe is the ,ost po-dunk fool in the area. I mean, jeeze, three posters is a bullrush to him?
DeleteHey, did I tell you that Herb Caen let me wash his car once? LOL!
ReplyDeleteDid he call you a good boy, did he? I bet he did and rubbed the top of your head as well. I bet you washed his car real nice between your lunch breaks before nappy time. Good boy, True Fue. You did good, except for that grease spot you left on the hood while reaching over to clean Herb's windshield. Did he set his coffee cup on your cute head while you were in his office asking if there was anything else you could do?
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DeleteWOW what a bunch of idiocy from the pus bag. Does he really think in his addled brain that's a wining coalition as opposed to a whining coalition? Go get come chili fries thunder thighs. Don't make us post pictures of your corpulence. Popcorn with lots of butter in Todds pic big boy, do his suggestions cause you to crave for the food porn pictures? How often does he need to get his sewer pipes scoured to clean out the grease? Don't worry with scoopys physical presence he has a limited actuarial expectation. Hope he has lots of insurance for his family or have they fled his presence too? If he was not such a POS he might be pitiable. Hope the restaurants make sure he has the most grease in his food. Cheap arrogant diners often get big green lugies in their food. Enjoy your restaurant extortions. LOL
DeleteAt least you can donate 2500 bucks unlike scoopy who cant figure out what he is going to do after pissing away his dads hard earned money. Entitled socialists are the most disgusting people in the world. Hey I got mine so screw you people who have to earn money. Never going to have his wife shill for money from Nevada County any more. Stupid as stupid does.
ReplyDeleteIs he still getting county money?
DeleteIf anyone lanced the boil that is the pus bag it would spread his scummy pus all over Nevada city or Tahoe or wherever he is when the pus flows. Lets be glad he is not going to be amongst us for too long. ROFLOL Pies, you are too brutal to the pus bag with all those pictures of foo. Do you do it as a talisman like garlic to a vampire? It does seem to keep the pus bag away a bit. Keep up your attacks on the lefty fool. The truth will set us free!