Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Don't worry, be Happy! The planet's people should listen! And other rants!

There seems to be a never ending amount of "bad things" and it can be overwhelming can't it?  Of course I am not suggesting we all disregard all the negative and tragic acts but simply suggest we tweak our minds to a better place.  No drugs necessary.

I guess I am also saying "let's get back to reality" and stop all this ridiculous "political correctness" crap that seems to be the norm in the "first world" countries.  PC is masking reality in my view.  It also allows bad behavior to prosper since "judging" is now a bad thing to the PC police.  Of course the PC crowd is all about judging, but it only allows their judging.  Everyone else is forbidden to judge as the PC crowd will call them names.  Racist, xenophobe, sexist, whatever.  The only judgments that are allowed by the PC crowd is against white males.  You know, those fair skinned people originally from Europe.

We see the idiocy of PC all around us.  The TV shows and the news and paper news outlets have done a 1984 on us.  We have allowed this to take place by not pushing these idiots back.  We live our lives and leave the non-work, non-family issues to the "experts" and the politicians to deal with the rest.  Unfortunately, those entities think we don't care so they unleashed themselves on to the world and manufacture issues and outcomes we never even thought existed.

Illegal aliens is a accurate term which apparently offends the Associated Press and other news sources.  So they call these people who are sneaking into America, "undocumented immigrants".  They think by saying it over and over that Americans will believe it!  But we don't.  Since we are a nation of laws, we know when someone breaks the laws they are criminals!  Not "undocumented immigrants".  Actually, they are a "invading force" in my view.  Look at Europe today as a prime example of an invasion of foreign illegals!  Since the politicians yap about a border fence, incessantly  and never do diddly about it, why believe them?  Hell, most of the poor from south of the border see we are just yapping so they come in by the millions! Build the damn fence and start tomorrow! 

These people may have their reasons for sneaking in of course, but do we want America to be transformed into a Spanish speaking country?  What about our values?  Should we not tell those that want to come here to do so within our laws, culture and rules?  Why are we such wimps?  I accept people from countries that are political refugees, but even that has to have high standards before we admit them.  I like Mexican food but I am not interested in making America a Mexican satellite.  Rather I want these people that are here legally to assimilate into my culture.  And the PC crowd can move to Mexico and experience it first hand as a Mexican citizen.  However they will find the Mexicans don't want them.  I say we should adopt Mexico's laws regarding immigration.  Wouldn't that frost the knobs of the liberals.  No more voters.

One and a half years until the national elections.  What are we doing?  My goodness, let's do what the British do and allow only the two months before election for campaigning.  This constant campaigning is ridiculous.  Good theater of course but it also keeps the airwaves filled with BS and acrimony.  Americans, well most of them I am guessing, want the peaceful life.  It is hard to achieve when all the oxygen is taken by all the hot air sucked up by politicians and government.  Don't worry, be happy seems to be the most that people want.  If in doubt watch and listen to the "man on the street" interview many "news" organizations do.  Most people are tuned out of the day to day scene.  They want a good toke and a clean needle or glass of JB.

We who are activists in politics are the bellwether types.  Staying informed, trying to keep the facts straight.  We on the right side of the political spectrum want this PC stuff curtailed.  We do our best to keep the language from morphing into a liberal wet dream.  The change of a word or phrase means the original was not working for the left so maybe this new one will.  Global warming is the best example.  The left changed it into "climate change" which I think did us on the right  a favor.  People have been dumbed down by our public education system but they are still smart enough to know the weather changes minute by minute.  Can't fool my lying eyes.

Yes the world is in flux all the time and some of that is very, very bad.  Terrorists blow themselves to smithereens.  Nutballs in our own country kill people in movie theaters, schools and now on the streets of Fisherman's Wharf.  A beautiful and innocent 24 year old news gal is murdered by a black homosexual in Virginia and then he commits suicide.  Please, if you want to kill yourself, do it and leave the rest of us alone. You will get your judgement in the afterlife.  But stop murdering the innocent people.  And you liberals and apologists for the killers need to shut up about "mental illness".  In my view these people need to be judged for their deeds and not their mental state.  If anyone needs to be off the streets it is these people claiming mental illness as a reason for bad behavior and lawlessness.  Keep them in jail!

With all the problems of the earth and its inhabitants they all pale to the ultimate outcome of annihilation.  Asteroids!  My oh my, if you watch cable TV, all the science shows and NatGeo and many independent shows are all about Armageddon!  I feel really bad for the young of the planet as their elders do all these doomsday shows about the very existence of earth!  Could this negativity spill into acts of violence and murder?  Do the Jihadi's care?  I think we need to start having disclaimers on a lot of the doomsday tripe spewed by Hollywood and TV and tell the viewers this is just a movie.  Can you imagine a five year old kid being forced to watch "An Inconvenient Truth"?  What a terrible message!  And propaganda as well.  Why create these visions of destruction in the minds of our young?  The Arabs do this in their schools and we sure don't like that.  Yet we allow this in ours!

America has been the last best hope for the planet.  Whether it is freedom, jobs, education, laws, fairness and opportunity, there has never been a better place.  That is why we have to tell those that want to screw it up to sit down and shut up.  We must meet these dooms dayers at every turn.  We need people with backbones who are not afraid to take the crapola flung at them by the left.  Over time we can bring America back from the abyss of liberalism and make the country the last best place once again.


  1. The Blob That Ate Nevada CityAugust 29, 2015 at 12:17 PM

    Don't be trying to change the subject Todd, this is really about me. Face it, everyone wants to talk about me. LOL!

    1. Yes they do. There is so much too talk about. LOL!

  2. Real name please?

    1. How about I just call myself, "The Real One" and you allow me to post under that moniker since you seem to allow anonymity for posters?

    2. No, I want your real name. I know the others.

    3. So let me see if I have this correct, you know who "FUE", "The FUE" and "True FUE" are yet you continue to post him/her? And you know "The Blob Who Ate Nevada City", and "Hoping I'm Wrong" and "BM" and "Ralph Underclass" and all the anonymous posters are?

    4. I sure hope no one notices I am screwing with the Union for putting its newest goodies on its web platform. I know I always say the internet is changing how we live but I sure don't want the union as a real web news source. If they get real time I am sunk in a tub of velveta sauce. I wont have time for my post web bitching snacks or pre meal warm up nibbles. I might actually have to do something other than blow smoke up the ass of my chosen few. That is the job of the award winning journalist is it not? They cant tell the truth that the NU idiots cant win at anything anymore. We need a Nevada City high school again. It could be the Palestinian Charter organic sustainable eco friendly bully free School. Well strike bully free, I would want to enthrall them with tales of the city when I got to be a gofer so I need to be there for luncheons. MMMMMM food porn!

    5. I'm sorry Real One, but you seem like an imposter! How can you possibly claim to be "The Real One", when we are all already here, established, and registered with Todd's BS meter. If you are going to post here and claim to be "The Real One" you better show some creds! Show some hate man! Claim some fame! Have you ever fetched coffee for anyone important? Parked near the boss's car at work? Or perhaps you have a boat on Lake Tahoe? Any self awarded for recognition for"journalism"? If you don't have some jizz RO, you are not going to make here. LOL!

  3. Ah yes, Nirvana Shitty. The little town where even whack jobs like the Purple Blob seem mainstream. And now we have its best friend Ruinit, planning to open a restaurant on Drug and Dreadlock Alley, so she can prove that her "creation" hasn't ruined a complete section of town. This of course, is after an experienced and successful operator bailed out because of the environment Ruinit has created with her "boardwalk". Ruinit no doubt, will be paying her new employees a "living wage" of $15 per hour so she can further prove to all the greedy capitalists how easy it really is to run a business, and pay you bills, and have a few bucks left over for yourself. This will be great theater folks, and if you watch closely you will learn how it really should be done. And since the Worm Farm business, funded with a $40,000 grant lasted a year, this venture funded with only $20,000 of other peoples money should be good for six months. Any takers on that bet?

  4. The FUE's blog of hate has reached a new low. The FUE has a story up about Presidential candidate Ben Carson. Here's the totally racist comment post that the FUE has allowed on his blog. Seems some real racists on the FUE's blog, this one is calling Ben Carson an "Uncle Tom", a stooge, puppet". Why does the FUE allow racist posters on his blog of hate?

    Curtis Walker says: August 30, 2015 at 8:04 am

    Simple: Tea Party Paitriots/Express/Whatever…,have found thier TEA PARTY UNCLE TOM and have skin in the game with $$$ and organizing support, the apparently quite skillful in all things “brain surgery” related, is more than Uncle Tomish feller, but a stooge, puppet, and STATE OF JEFFERSONISH potential King

    1. Yep, that's a racist post by Curtis Walker. Calling Dr. Ben Carson a "TEA PARTY UNCLE TOM" is racist, nasty and just plain wrong. So nice to see this racist expose himself on Pelline's hate filled blog.

    2. Time to email Pastor Ron and let him know that the FUE is running a racist blog!

    3. A Mainstream DemocratAugust 30, 2015 at 10:13 AM

      Yes, I think it is horrible that we allow people of the caliber of Ben Carson to rise to prominence and pretend to speak for black people. We should join together and demand that only people like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Jeremiah Wright be allowed to represent blacks.

    4. Curtis Walker says he is black so I guess a black man can determine "
      uncle tomability"? What strikes me about the Curtis Walker types though is they are usually the failures in lfe and when a successful man like Carson emerges, they can't hack it. It must be because the folks will see up close and personal what a flop of a black man is in comparison to a success?

  5. jeffpelline says:

    August 30, 2015 at 7:42 am

    Todd’s blog is a cesspool; just ask Pastor Ron.
    And here’s how Todd covers for his mudslinging, dirtbag pals — he lets them post as “anonymous”:

    “Todd Juvinall August 29, 2015 at 5:11 PM
    No, I want your real name. I know the others.”


    It's Todds blog....following the rule set you yourself follow he is free to be just as arbitrary as he wants!

    Funny.....when you post blog rules and then don't follow them look.....ya know.....hypocritical.

    Todds approved!

    1. Just back and lots of talking. Pelline cracks me up. He is a total hippocrit as you say fish.

  6. Since you are all talking about the most important subject in the world...ME, I want you to all follow my rules from now on. I want all of your real names, addresses and property tax payment history, and I want it NOW! Don't make me call your lawyers, I want it now! LOL!

  7. Hey, I have some say in this! I think that everyone who posts on the internet using a false name should for the hypocritical POS they really are!

  8. We in the progressive elites can say whatever is necessary to advance the cause. Especially if you get some uppity black folk breaking ranks. I mean we have done everything for those ingrates. Slapping down some uncle tom before he gets too big for his britches is job 1. He is number 2 in some polls and in double digits no less. He is a threat that must be stopped and we will. Now if you idiots dared say anything so patently racist we would tar and feather you with Ruinit holding the tar and Heidi Hall the noose. So don't think you have the pass to say coon or uncle tom. That's only for us, got it!

  9. So Curtis Walker calls Ben Carson a "TEA PARTY UNCLE TOM", that is a racist comment. Looks like Pelline has not problem with racist posts on his blog.

    1. He is a liberal. They can do or say no wrong. Hypocrite bastards.

    2. I talked to Pastor Ron on the phone, I really, really did! Wait , what? You don't believe me, screw you Todd. My award winning censored propaganda of personal pique site will break ground! (not just the local sidewalks) I know there is some brave socialist sister out there who will call him what he really is. I mean he talks white, is a DR., he's a republican so that means he is a race traitor. He probably wouldn't be a DR if he did not have affirmative action help from our commie brothers in the university faculty. So he owes us!

    3. Well golly, if I knew Pastor Ron this might work! LOL!

  10. jeffpelline says:

    August 30, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    Curtis’ comment has hit a nerve with our local hard-right activists on Todd Juvinall’s blog. I guess a lot of them support Ben Carson based on this:

    For Todd Juvinall and his nasty commentators (whom he allows to speak anonymously, ridiculing peoples’ personal appearances and resorting to name calling) “free speech” is OK — at long as it’s theirs. This has been Todd’s MO for a long time


    Whether you like it or not, Curtis has a right to an opinion about Ben Carson (which has been expressed elsewhere in a much harsher tone).

    “I see what you mean” is what Pastor Ron said about Todd’s blog. As it turns out, Todd doesn’t wind up in the pew as much as Todd would like us to think. I guess Todd exaggerates about going to church, just like he exaggerates about CABPRO’s “nonprofit” status.


    Now you've done it Todd.....he's given up on law enforcement.....he's going to god!

    I swear it's like you've got a fat little tattletale of a sister.

    Ummmmm.......I'm telling on you Tawwwwwdddd!

    1. What a hoot! Will he go after my third grade teacher next? News at ten! I guess the bigboy doesn't know that a Pastor has the same rights as a lawyer regarding confidentiality?

      Really though, what kind of sociopath could justify the racist ranting of his only black commenters? And what would drive a fellow as big as he is (and ego too) to nake up such stories? I do think he has a mental imbalance. Medications to follow.

  11. Curtis Walker calling Ben Carson an "UNCLE TOM" is a racist comment. Pelline has no problem with racist comments on his blog.

    1. Of course not. Pelline is a racist and a ageist prick.

  12. Wasn't that Walker pos on the Nevada county democrap central commie committee?

    1. Don't know. He is one of those blacks that I consider a race hustler. No solutions to his problems, just hate for whites. I love everybody, regardless of color. Too bad he is so angry and posting on such a racist site as Pelline's.

  13. Pastor Ron, Pastor Ron Todd Juvinall posts bad stuff about me on his blog. I'm going to tell everyone you agree with me Pastor Ron.

    Clearly Pelline is one sick, childish clown. He's now posted what he claims is Pastor Ron's reaction. And if it was true it would be a breach of confidentiality by Pelline. What a child Pelline is! No wonder he has no real friends.

    1. Pelline has to ask his succubus before he talks to any religious person. LOL!

  14. I talked to Pastor Ron, he says the FUE is a clown. Pastor Ron runs the other direction when he sees the FUE coming his way.

  15. Welcome to the melt down. The purple hippo says you are all in a melt down. Could you imagine the size of the grease stain if hippo boy melted? Call the EPA and hazmat clean up stat! ROFLOL Should you be able to use ROFLOL if you can't actually roll voluntarily?

    1. Meltdown? The man just makes things up like he did when he was at the Union!

  16. I invented Cisco Systems, yes I did.

    1. I invented Herb Caen, yes I did.

    2. I thought you just brought him coffee? LOL!

    3. I invented coffee, yes I did.

  17. "I see what you mean" is a wonderful nothing; I'll guess the good pastor washed his hands after putting the phone on hook hoping the FUE won't call back.

  18. The Union newspaper kicked off local high school football Friday night with an outstanding new feature! "Friday Night Live: High school football kicks off here! (Live chat, photos, video)."

    The Union ran real time updates of the local games AND they posted real time video clips of the games. Outstanding, live coverage of our local high school football games. It was great! A big Thank You to The Union for this real time effort!

    1. Yes they are doing a fine job of getting real time game info. Thanks to Jim Hemig and the others.

  19. Poor Scoopie just can't get it right. Someone needs to call Pastor Ron.

    jeffpelline says: August 31, 2015 at 10:23 am

    "Dan, at least the Sacramento Bee is printed in its own hometown. The Union isn’t, and I suspect the earlier deadline is the culprit for why the local high-school scores are missing on Saturday morning — and don’t appear in print until two days later. That was a bad decision for all sorts of reasons. The management at least owes the community an explanation of its deadlines".

    Poor Scoopie, The Union did state in the paper that their Friday night print deadline precluded having the football results in Saturdays paper, that the games would be live streamed reported in conjunction with the Sacramento Bee, including game video Friday night. TU online covered the games too. Monday's Union has a very extensive coverage of the high school games, as the said they would.

    And where does the Scoopie print his food and wine magazine? I bet the farm it's printed OUT OF COUNTY. So Scoopie, tell us all where you print your magazine.

    We all know that Scoopie hates the Union newspaper and we also know why he hates the Union newspaper... his former employer. LOL!

    1. Scoopie is in another universe from the reality the rest of are in. He is a sad character. But if he did not exist we would have to make one.

    2. Pelline hates his former employer The Union newspaper. He rants about The Union like a child. Pelline really needs to "let it go". LOL, LOL, LOL

    3. Obsession is hard to rid ones self of.

  20. Todd, I have a question about your post from yesterday 8/30/15 at 5:44PM. Is it acceptable to use the word "prick" on your blog if it is the best word to describe a certain person? You have called Pelline a "prick", an assessment which I happen to agree with. I would like to also call him a prick, but would like to stay on the right side of proper decorum. So, prick or no prick, which could be a valid descriptor of its own?

    1. Ur a tasteful prick...

    2. Ill boot others but hey, my blog, I'll call him one. LOL!

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Come on guys I said I was the only one that can swear here. LOL!

  21. The purple hippos bromance big stivie Frisch just showed how really shallow the intellectual light of the left is when it comes to history. Over on scum bag porky boys site big stivie said discrimination on skin color was a 500 year old issue. Well perhaps in the leftist handbook. Wont even bother with a response to such revisionist crap from big S. His family must have owned slaves or he just is a typical lefty guilt masochist. ROFLOL chili farts to you big boy tea bagger with the hippo!

  22. Black Lives Matter Activist: ‘Pigs in a Blanket Fry ’em Like Bacon’ Not About Killing Police

    Monday on CNN’s “Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin,” Black Lives Matter Minnesota organizer Rashad Turner said protesters chanting “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” Saturday at the gates of the Minnesota State Fair were “not speaking of killing a police officer.”

    Turner said, “I mean It’s an example of—even with this case down in Houston, when people of color, black people are accused of killing a police officer, you don’t see that man down there getting bail. But what we see on the flip side of that is when a police officer kills an unarmed black male, that the system still works in their favor that they are able to get bail. So when we say fry them, we’re not speaking of killing a police officer…we’re saying, treat the police the same as you’re going to treat a civilian who commits murder against a police officer.”

    Watch this video interview!

  23. Fry 'em like Bacon. Sounds like killing cops to me. Maybe they meant the electric chair. Are they so stupid they don't know the electric chair is a thing of the past (unfortunately) or is CNN so stupid they believe everything they are told? The real question posed here is CNN dumber than a box of rocks or dumber that a fence post in the middle of the Mojave Desert? Pigs in a blanket was a great breakfast dish served at the former Sambos Resturant Chain.

    1. You can no longer say "Sambos". It has been removed from use because it's racist. If you say "Sambos" you are a racist.

    2. Really? Sambos was a great place to eat!

    3. You said "Sambos", you are a racist, black lives matter.

    4. There was a poll of black people on the "Black Lives Matter" and 71% said all lives matter. See how the media enables the issue? I say even bigboy Frisch's life matters. But he may have a heart attack if he doesn't get under three hundred.

    5. Wasn't that a sambos by Brunswick?

    6. You too said "Sambos", you are a racist, black lives matter.

    7. too jeffy, two yes?

  24. The purple prince of pus just reminded everyone of his equine hero's worlds worst picture! Must have been the food porn directors trim from some event. Give the girl a worm farm carrot. He seems to think he is helping by reminding the world outside of the NC nirvana of who they are, its not so good for them. The fox puppet, the loser Fran Cole, of course the blob of the blog and Ruinits lacky Patricia Smith of the democrap central commie committee who all agree with each other about how great they are. A road show that failed again and again and is coming to a race near you soon! But it will be organic and sustainable. ROFLOL

    1. Whoa Dude, you got the purple hippo so pissed off he reposted the whole 1132 post on his award winning chili cheese fry blog. What a list of losers flocking for Heidi Hall, Fran Cole, loser, Ruinit double looser, Patricia Smith the biggest looser with measure s. lol Will Joey Jordan be able to whip these losers into a real campaign for Hall or will it be another mystery tour like the Cole or measure s ass whippings?

  25. I was a Denny's. Just as bad for some black folks.

  26. racists

    1. Scoop!! the prince of purple puke is a secret charter member of the KKK, the tell was his attack on the black surgeon Ben Carson who is a candidate for the R nomination. Even purple necks (and faces and veins) like the fat boy sputter when they hear Carson is tied in Iowa and double digits in SC. Kloseted KKK members the lot of them uber elitist left-wingers who hate accomplished black people unless they are commie rappers who keep in their place and speak ebonics.

    2. Commie lives don't matter.

  27. What the hell do you man my life does not matter?

  28. Your life would matter way more if you would go on a hunger strike.

  29. This was a long talk, some good but I like to watch the path. Thank you Todd


Real name thank you.