Why would I be thanking the democrat party for anything you might ask? Well, I have never seen a party so disconnected from reality than this party. Along with their mouthpieces, we used to call the “mainstream media”, Americans are getting a huge dose of lunacy. Every single day we read and see the conspiracy theories of these Trump truthers. And if one simply does a bit of homework you will understand how far out into the ozones these people are.
The country was subjected to over three years of investigations on Trump. They called him a Putin puppet and a traitor to his country. His family and friends were subjected to crazy theories and all were taken as truth by the democrat party and the media. Only FOX News and talk radio showed restraint and common sense. The Mueller team, headed by a man rejected by Trump for the leadership of the FBI was handed the investigation of the “hoax” of “collusion” by the President. He hired nineteen Hillary Clinton lawyers to carry this investigation. And the report has been submitted and it clears Trump from any collusion or obstruction of justice. And all the millions of dollars spent was for naught. Mueller knew there was no collusion from day one. He was aware there was no obstruction from day one. The President can fire any member of the Executive branch for any or no reason.
Our country has been subjected to a investigation created because Trump said during the campaign that maybe Russia could find those hacked Hillary and DNC emails and turn them over to the media. It was a joke and I watched him say it live! But the democrats were looking for anything they could find to toss Trump out and put their Hillary in. Trump actually won the popular vote if you remove the California totals. One state, ours, is so democrat they could toss any election to a democrat if there was no Electoral College. That provision in our Constitution was placed there so that bigger states or cities would not control our country. Pretty smart. But now the democrats are pushing to get rid of the EC. How would you like San Francisco/LA and New York City controlling American laws and actions? Sanctuary Cities for all, illegals can vote and open borders and millions flood in? The democrats are now the “Socialist Party” and everyone needs to be concerned. Do you want to retain your individual rights? Or do you want a bureaucrat to tell you how to live and what you can do and eat and say? It is that stark.
America has some choices coming up in the next election. The democrats are all in their “clown car” and when they get out and speak Americans better pay attention. They want to “transform” America into something our Founders spoke out against. The democrats will become King George and you will be the peasants. And therefore, sit down and shut up. They are pushing the “Green New Deal” and have told America we have 12 years before the apocalypse. No airplanes, no motors fueled by gasoline, no beef as those bovines flatulate and create methane. You ever seen a train to Hawaii? This is a loony idea but embraced by almost all the democrat running for President. Is this getting a bit more clear? They have yet to tell us how the farmers will grow the food the pople of the cities will need. And how will that food get there? On a windmill powered airplane of big rig?
It seems to me that differences between our political parties could not be starker. Republicans are all about freedom of the people from a over reaching government. We love the Bill of Rights and our Constitution. The democrats say they are but their actions expose their true intentions. The left want to change the Constitution and force is all into MAO suits. They are all about changing our great country into a third world one at best. We cannot let them. And we all must stay diligent about what these democrats are proposing. There is no FREE LUNCH. They say there is. But all you hard working Americans will see them take most of your money and possessions to give to others without strings. We Republicans think and practice something of value, earned is more important.
“The Russians offered dirt on a Democratic candidate for president as part of what was described as the Russian government’s effort to help the Trump campaign,”
ReplyDelete“When that was offered to the son of the president, who had a pivotal role in the campaign, the president’s son did not call the FBI, he did not adamantly refuse that foreign help. Instead that son said that he would love the help of the Russians.
“Paul Manafort, the campaign chair, someone with great experience in running campaigns, also took that meeting…. The president’s son-in-law also took that meeting…. They concealed it from the public…. Their only disappointment after that meeting was that the dirt they received on Hillary Clinton wasn’t better.”
And Schiff kept going. Through Manafort’s offer of campaign information in exchange for debt forgiveness; through his offer of campaign polling data to someone linked to Russian intelligence; through Jared Kushner’s attempt to open a Russian back channel; through Trumpworld contacts with the GRU (“a hostile intelligence agency”); through denied-but-true Moscow Trump Tower negotiations and the promulgation of a “new and more favorable policy toward the Russians” as Trump sought “the Russians’ help — the Kremlin’s help” to make himself a fortune.
Call me crazy, Schiff said, but it all strikes me as immoral, unethical, corrupt — and, yes, as collusion, even if it isn’t part of a criminal conspiracy.
Throughout his incantation, Schiff repeated the phrase: “You might think it’s OK that…” as he walked through the facts. Since he delivered the litany, no one has called him on a single error. And yet, Republicans on the committee seemed to find all the evidence of Trump’s treachery OK.
Mueller came up with nothing after three years and 35 million dollars along with 19 Hillary fans (lawyers) Sorry but all the stuff you wrote is not a crime. And Hillary hired Russians to create the "dossier" and you are not upsewt with that. So you have no credibility here.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know whats in the report? Why doesn't trump want the report out? LOL Republicans created the dossier and the democrats continued paying for it. Did the democrats pay PORN STARS illegal hush money? Did the democrats defraud Trump Foundation? Trump University was guilty of fraud. Was that the democrats fault too?
DeleteYour historical knowledge is missing. Hillary and the DNC paid for the dossier. I rely on the honest AG's summary. All the rest is unecessary. Remeber you libs thought Mueller was GOD Almighty until you got the results.
DeleteTrump denies he screwed the abes and now that we see the democvrat creepy porn lawyer pal of your, Avenatti being a extorionist, perhaps it was a ploy to get money. You libs crack me up.
DeleteAvenatti is creepy for representing a porn star. Ok?!? But Trump banged multiple porn stars and without a condom and Aventti is the creepy one.
ReplyDeleteTrump denies he banged them. If you live in a dcave then I could understand your affection for Avenatti. He tried to extort NIKE for goodness saje. And you did not address my point that perhaps he did the same to Trump.
DeleteYou are the only fool in America that believes Trumps denial of banging porn stars. Avenatti wasnt the attorney when trump paid the PORN STAR. He got involved with the disclosure that the porn star and trump signed. I dont know why you think it's your job to spin every bad thing that Trump does so Republicans dont look bad. #DeepStateParanoia
DeleteProve your case then. Cohen could have been extorted by these babes and who knows if Avenatti was not in the background then? You conspiracy nuts are numerous.
DeleteHahaha you just made up your own conspiracy. Stop with your spinning. Even your friends cant stomach these conspiracies. Where are they? They use to back you up but then you turned your own blog into broke version of infowars.
DeleteNot at all. I never said I believed any of it. I simply did a liberal conspiracy to shpow you what a nut you are. Hillary paid for the dossier and Cohen paid Stormie. And now you favorite attorney is in the hoosegow for extortion. You pals are all crooks.
DeleteYou are a f'ing liar about Hillary and dossier. You are Nevada County's Alex Jones! The Republicans first paid for dossier. FACTS!! Stop being a ��
ReplyDeleteNo I am correct. Hillary paid 11 million to Fusion GPS who hired Steele who used Russian operatives. You are simply a loon lib.
DeleteRepublicans paid for dossier first. I will donate to your bill if this isn't true!!
DeleteGive us the proof then.
DeleteIn October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates. In April 2016, attorney Marc Elias separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC. The Free Beacon stopped its backing when Trump became the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee in May of 2016.[2] In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier. His instructions were to seek answers to why Trump would "repeatedly seek to do deals in a notoriously corrupt police state".[9] Clinton campaign officials were reportedly unaware that Fusion GPS had subcontracted Steele, and he was not told that the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research.[10][11] Following Trump's election as president, funding from Clinton and the DNC ceased, but Steele continued his research and was reportedly paid directly by Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn R. Simpson.[12] The completed dossier was then handed to British and American intelligence services.[13]
DeleteYes then it was abandoned and Hillary paid them 11 million to proceed. All work done was for the democrats.
Deleteyeah so I'm right lol
DeleteSince the Finished product was all democrat. I'll gibe you 10%.
DeleteLOL! I'll take it from you!
DeleteThe DNC, Podesta's and other Democrats contracted with GPS and Steele and paid him when the report was complete and accepeted it.
DeleteMcCains lackey delivered it to Comey.
Regardless Clinton was knee deep in the creation,review, release of the dossier to help sway the outcome of the election, pure and simple.
Somehow it got to the DOJ and to Comey and was used to authorize the fradulant FISA warrants.
Those to blame for the fradulant issuance should be prosecuted.
Tim Gore
Excellent points.
DeleteWherever the document came from is irrelevant. It was an establishment effort to use fake information against Trump. The Democrats and McCain went further and used the DOJ and FBI (willing accomplices) to take down a president with the fake information. Very much bad.
ReplyDeleteThe intent of it all was a coup. All involved should be imprisoned for sedition.
DeleteWherever the document came from is irrelevant.? Of course where the document came from is relevant due to Steel's sources he used to prepare the dossier.
DeleteTim Gore
Hillary was thoroughly investigated time and time again. Nothing but conspiracies and false accusations. Meanwhile Trumps campaign staff had more than 100 secret contacts with Russian operatives while the Russian gov't was hacking our election for Donald Trump and when asked about it they all lied. This absolutely warrants an investigation - and more than 30 indictments later proved that to be the case. LISTEN, I GET IT YOU LIKE TRUMP, BUT AT SOME POINT YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP TO WHATS GOING ON. Trump is unfit to lead this country. He proves it daily. Threatened to shut down the border. It's laughable how foolish that is.
ReplyDeleteObviously you are kidding? Trump was cleared of any issues with the Rooskies by Mueller. And Hillary was let off the hook by Comey after she was exposed. But the swamp protects her and not Trump. So therefore you are all in for the "swamp". Thank goodness Trump won and you did not.
DeleteStay in your bubble.
ReplyDeleteTrump claims he's been 'exonerated' but the truth is catching up.
Barr and Mueller exonerated him. You are delusional. Get out of you cave and take a breath.
DeleteOmg. Pelline is nuts. The former Union editor constantly goes after Boardman and others. Lol. Give it a damn rest and enjoy the remainder of your “retirement” from journalism/rhetoric. 😂
ReplyDeleteIt sucks to be him. But he is delusional about his longivety regarding obesity.
DeleteHow old is "OB-!" (Obesity-1)? Mid 40's? Hard to tell as he is so rotund.
DeleteI would guess his blood pressure is off the scale, 120/80 is excellent but I would guess close to an implosion level. Hypertension, Diahreatic caused by all that high sugar in box white wine?
Tim Gore
Tim Gore: You talking about Todd's weight problem. And I rather be fat than a felon
DeleteI am not fat like the FUE. I am buff and handsome.
DeleteLol..You are buff but with a little belly.
Delete"Tim Gore: You talking about Todd's weight problem. And I rather be fat than a felon"
DeleteThis must have been from Pelinski the Rotund one, and Tood or I are are not fat or felons so please offer proof your slanderous remarks have merit, Mr. FUE and sign your name
Psh. I am in better shape than all theee of you. Lol
ReplyDeleteI really don't know Barry what shape you are in and I would hope you are in better shape than me as you are 40 something right? At 40 I was still board surfing Dana Point and body surfing the Wedge and racing Hobie 16's.
DeleteWhat does "Psh. I am in better shape than all theee of you."
I'm 76 the end of this month so do not be to macho and make statements you cant back up. Snooty frigging comment Barry.
Tim Gore
Come on Tim he was kidding.
DeleteTim Gore: You mad Bro? You are a free man, its all good!!
DeletePoor old Tim, reliving the glory days of his middle age gone long past.
DeleteAnd you are much younger. LOL!
ReplyDeleteBarry should respect the old bulls as young bulls run down the hill and old bulls walk down the hill and service the heffers the young bulls can't as they are convused and out of breath.
DeleteRespect your elders Barry and loose your Hooty Toad" attitude.
Tim Gore
You may be right. The libtards say I am full of BS. LOL!
DeleteMaybe a little. 😂😂
ReplyDeleteLook how quiet the local blogosphere is now that Mueller killed the fake collusion narrative. 😂👋
ReplyDeleteThe libtards hav nothing but fantasies now.
Deletefantasies like Trump Tower Moscow. Hush Payments: Individual 1. Obstruction of Justice: Wait until the facts come out! Inauguration committee. You girls sure like to spin Trumps bad news!!
DeleteGirls? Why are you libtards all the same? Trump is Teflon and it drives you nuts.
DeleteProtecting Trump and spinning his negative stories drives us nuts!! Do you remember in 2016 when Kellyanne Conway calls for Trump Taxes transparency. I DO!!!!!
DeleteYeah and in 1861 Lincoln called to free the slaves.
DeleteThe liberals are bat shit crazy and going through 12 Depends a day.
DeleteDoes Pelosi wear her Depends under or over her panty hose?
We all know Schmumer wears his on his head.
Tim Gore
Looks like Trump may send all those illegals to San Francisco and other sanctuary cities. What a hoot!
DeletePellime is talking to himself again as well as his sock puppets. I guess the article upset him. LOL!
ReplyDeletePelline is renting space in your head! Move on. You might want to change your blog to: Guess what Pelline said? Yawn!!
ReplyDeleteYou have it backwards. I live rent free in his head. I could care less about the bigboy. Maybe you need a cleansing.
Deleteevery post he gets brought up by you and your groupies (lol). The readers want more conspiracy theories!!
DeleteWe hardly ever post anything from him unless he is attacking one of us. Therefore we are in his noggin. Understand?
DeleteLot of hate coming from both sides. Hug it out already! Or be the better man (make nevada county proud again)
ReplyDeleteHardy debate is good for the soul. I don't hate anyone. How about you?
DeleteLiberals are too pitifull to hate and to smelly to hug.
Delete"I don't hate anyone" Your nose is getting as big as your belly
DeleteMy belly is small compared to the huge lard of fat you carry around.
DeleteGood one Todd
DeleteYou must be commenting relative to the Village Idiot but there are so many I asume it is the great one, ex editor, that weights in close to my Truck at 8500 pounds.
Tim Gore
After the Muller report is realeased tomorrow all hell will break loose and the run of the mill bat shit crazy liberals up here in Liberal Land will need supervision.
DeleteTim Gore
These liberals, non-liberals,fools or those that do not vote can be thanked for their ignorance of their vote to keep the gas and registration tax sky high.
ReplyDeleteRegular will hit $4.59 and Diesel $4.39 per gallon and registration ov vehicles up 30-40%.
This alone leads me to believe people living in Nevada County are idiots or have money to piss away to the frigging state.
I can't figure out the voter mentality up here or the lack of.
Tim Gore
Looks like Barr has outsmarted the lames today. Now we will see how the haters spin the news.
ReplyDeletehahahaha read the report!!
DeleteNo collusion no obstruction
DeleteNice Spin!!! I see why Barr tried to spin whats inside the report! Country over Party!!!
DeleteNo spin from Barr. The Mueller team knew on day one there was no collusion. And why did he not recuse on the issue of Obstruction onhis pal Comey's firing?
DeletePlease read the Report! Stop with your info wars conspiracy theories on the Mueller Report. Barr lied to the American people about report and now he looks stupid. Kind of what you are doing. Country over Party! But her emails, But Comey. Stop spinning!!
DeleteNo Barr told the truth. It is you and your conspiracy nuts that are the liars. Stop it.
DeleteBret Baier on Mueller report: A Barr cover-up might be the worst cover-up of all time
ReplyDeleteWhen there is no coverup that would be true.
Deletethat quote came from Fox News lol
DeleteFrom Shep Smith a never Trumer. You need to tell the whole truth.
DeleteDemocrats are on the radar now and Barr will go after them.
DeleteHillary, Podesta, Fusion, Ohr, Comey the list goes on.
The collusion, obstruction of justice and a plot to overturn a duly elected president is really a big deal.
You liberals better stock up on depends as you will need case after case when another special inspector is appointed.
Tim Gore
Yes we need to know who and when started this and they need to be prosecuted.
DeleteWho srarted it?? Re read my comments below
DeleteDemocrats are on the radar now and Barr will go after them.
Hillary, Podesta, Fusion, Ohr, Comey the list goes on.
The collusion, obstruction of justice and a plot to overturn a duly elected president is really a big deal.
You liberals better stock up on depends as you will need case after case when another special inspector is appointed.
Tim Gore
Ha! Who started it? Don't you get it, the Russians started it and are getting exactly what they wanted; strained relations between the US and Europe, tacit support for authoritarian regimes around the world from a US President, US withdrawal from global treaty and security agreements, chaos within the American political system that they can leverage to expand their control over eastern Europe and the middle east, and the gradual weakening of western liberal democracy, the only force that has even been an effective hedge against totalitarianism. The Special Council's report clearly lays out how the Russians are subverting US electoral politics. By sycophantically supporting the people who are taking advantage of Russian interference in US domestic affairs Todd and some of his crew are the useful idiots of the Russians. Well, at least since you have now influence, at a minimum, the village idiots of the Russians.
ReplyDeleteYes the $4700 bucks they spent on Facebook has paid opff. And along with the Russians pals in the democrat party, Hillary, Obama and the rest, they almost won. Along with fifth columnists like Steve Frisch that want their own "dachas" the Russians were pretty sly.