Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Rants and Rolls for the great unwashed June 20, 2016

We see the silliness of the PC left everywhere though.  Even at our local levels and in today's Union, our forest management.  I see the article on page A-9 and it simply reinforced my opinion that "environmentalists" are all nuts.  Chad Hanson, a fellow I have read many times and I think came from around here, is against burning the dead beetle trees in our forests.  The method is apparently much cleaner regarding air pollution but he will have none of it.  These eco-nuts like Hanson would rather see millions of acres of our forests burn than manage them better (review their lawsuits against salvaging burned timber) .  No logging allowed.  No oil, no timber, what the heck?  But logic has nothing to do with the plans of the PC nuts like Hanson etal.  Along with the shyster, Michal Mann, of "global warming" hockey stick infame, the country could burn down and turn into dust so they could get their narcissistic way.

Maybe all this silliness and lack of common sense on planet earth is GOD's way of culling the herd?  He gave us a brain and I thought some common sense.  But as we see around the planet, there is not much of it practiced.  Every single day we see acts of stupidity which leads to the loss of life.  But it goes on and on and I shake my head in wonder.

For instance, all this PC regarding Islam.  Here and in Western Europe, including our mentor, Great Britain, makes me crazy when I read their policies and pronouncements.  Even when you have a killer mowing down 50 Americans in a homosexual nightclub in Orlando, who says he is a Muslim and doing the murders for Allah, the PC crowd and other really dumbass people try to deflect his religion!  I thought you were who you said you are?  We are bombarded by the loony left and the PC crowd with story after story that if you claim you are a woman even though you have "junk", then you are a woman.  And vice-versa.  But when a killer says he represents Islam in his "spree", well, perhaps he is mistaken.  I suppose if he used the ladies restroom the PC crowd may have been convinced?

And all over the Muslim world the people in charge kill homosexuals in droves.  It is a death sentence if found out.  And the women in those countries are treated no better than a chair or a rug.  They are chattel whose only value is having sex and making more Muslims.  Yet the "Western" democracies protect these scoundrels with PC lies.  I suppose all these years of brainwashing in our schools has made the Muslim's world of subjugation an acceptable lifestyle.  We inculcate our young to respect other people and their religions and not judge.  But shouldn't we judge wrongdoing?  I say yes we should.  These cultures that have no respect for life should be judged.  Their culture is anathema to ours.  If they have the chance they would enslave our women and murder our homosexual citizens  They are pouring into Europe and Obama is importing these people by the thousands into the USA.

If a person says this is a bad idea, the PC left calls them a racist/xenophobe!  So people shrink from the debate since no one wants to be called a racist.  But the last laugh to me is this.  These people allowed into the "west" will chop off the heads of those PC liberals first.  No dissent.  The rest will be sheeple and hide under their  beds.  The real patriots will resist.  So why does Hillary Clinton get away with accepting all those millions of dollars from the head choppers and her supporters could care less?

Obama still resists calling these killers Islamic terrorists.  I think because his sperm donor father was a Muslim? It may have something to do with his apparent coolness to all this killing and lack of calling them Islamic terrorists.  Psychologically, he cannot call the religion he was brought up in as something derogatory.  I think it is as simple as that.

Hillary is another thing altogether.  She is just a woman who wants to be rich and getting millions from countries that abuse women and kill homosexuals is no big deal to her.  When did she make a "white paper" on the killer’s religion?  Never as far as I know.  She takes their money and stays silent on the abuse.  Hooker?

Locally the elections were pretty interesting.  I tip my hat to the Bernie Sanders enthusiasts as they registered a lot of new voters.  Along with the marijuana initiative's defeat, these people showed the empowerment of the vote.  A peaceful way to get something done.  Republicans here stayed home for the most part which really PO'd me.  But mostly conservative people were elected throughout the area and the District.  Even though the democrats surged in registration I think we still have a fairly conservative electorate.  In my old District the people voted in a bureaucrat as their Supervisor.  So we will get to see what happens when someone from government employment het to be in charge.  My guess is the voters will be disappointed.

But marijuana seemed to me to be the big pusher of the voters.  I guess people want it.  And they really like it.  I never saw the allure of it or any other illicit drug but I guess it is very popular.  I for one enjoy real life without a mental enhancement, whether drugs or alcohol.  We are on a beautiful planet and lucky to be here.  Why do people want to "enhance" the experience?  If it for health reasons I really don't care what people use to ease the pain, but many use enhancements to change reality.

This is probably enough ranting for one day so I will give it a brief rest until the next time.  Have a wonderful time on planet earth.


  1. Very true Todd. So true it's depressing to see the obvious deceptions and hypocracy. It does appear that humans are being tested by our Creator to see if we've learned anything during this civilization. The question and answer is pretty clear to anyone paying attention. Armageddon between the religions of peace, who by the way, evolved from the Euprates symbolized as three frogs leading the world to war. There is one of peace that for a time fell off the wagon back into spiritual slavery. The one our politically correct population is now told is "peaceful" allegedly contains over 100 references in its teachings to kill all those who are non-members...or risk going to hell. Can you imagine how emotionally confused and frightened these followers are? Instinctively, like little children, they feel it's good to treat others as you want them to do to you. But they must do the opposite (according to their sacred texts) or go to hell. Amazing what happens when you let others do your thinking for you...BMW

  2. Has Todd ever lived in an Islamic country, or experienced social interaction with Muslims for any length of time? He probably hasn't even left the USA. Like all the others in this country who are manipulated by the media, he heedlessly repeats the rant and rhetoric. But the sword cuts both ways; Republicans can be as mind-controlled quite as easily as Democrats! People, wake up!

    1. Oh I have been around Muslims and even dated some of their women. It sounds as if you are not aware of their history. Read up, wake up, and get into the conversation.

    2. Kit, you just received a standard Todd Juvinall reply; I know all about [African-Americans; Latinos; Muslims; Liberals; Jews; Feminists; etc.] because I had sex with one once :)

    3. Thank you, Steven. I see now the man cannot discuss amicably/calmly any issue of importance. His blog is therefore pretty irrelevant for any thinking person. I will not be posting any more on here, but again, thanks for the touch of civility.

    4. Steve Frisch, are you sure you had sex with all of them? Males? Females?

    5. Kit, too bad you are so uninformed. Adios. I suggest you post on your own blog over at SFR.

    6. Letting that Frish guy post shows you are more liberal than the FUE, or at least more respecting of first amendment rights! Has the FUE stopped kicking his dog yet? ROFLOL

    7. The FUE hates dissent so he boots all who disagree. Thanks for the compliment.

  3. Have you ever lived in a Muslim country, or even just visited for a spell? Well I have. Furthermore, I read, I try to waken those whom I can, and conversation comes most easily. As for your dating their women.. well, talk is cheap. How many Muslims live in your county? The Third Reich seems to be arising again, only this time the fall guys are largely Sephardim, not Ashkenazi.. but still Semitic. Put away your hatred, all of you, and see how you're being manipulated!

    1. No one is manipulating me or those I know. I am well read. I have many friends who worked in Muslim countries. I know military man who served there. You have a predisposition for some reason but I never did. All my opinions are based on my life's experiences and reading. One doe not have to live among them to know them.

    2. That's exactly how Old School racists who hated black men used to talk. (They- ahem- 'dated' black women..) Then people mingled.. society was integrated.. and black men turned out to be nice guys after all. All it takes is actual contact and a Christian spirit of goodwill to break down hatreds born of human prejudice, for which we seem hard-wired. Somebody always has to be the whipping boy, and the global elite have designated Muslims for this role, working to an agenda. You and the other Trump followers have been led to do the Brown Shirts' work as history repeats itself. Lastly, those who are being manipulated seldom realize this. And then there are those who go willingly..

    3. Don't hate anyone and don't have a brown shit. I bet you do though. You sound like a commie for goodness sakes. I used o date black women too and until you stop being a racist "kit" you could have some fun. So take that swastika arm band off and stop thinking in lockstep with your masters. You will find it refreshing.

    4. You don't have a brown shit? Now that IS refreshing!

    5. Kit I am troubled by a couple of comments...watched down syndrome muslim girls strapped with bombs in Afghanistan...watched muslim men using infants as shields during firefights...I have seen the radical side, have watched the moderate side say nothing...they hate us Kit..they hate each other Kit (Sunni/Shia), they kill each other Kit if no one else is there to kill. Come on Kit, get your head out of your pompous ass.

    6. "That's exactly how Old School racists who hated black men used to talk. (They- ahem- 'dated' black women..) Then people mingled.. society was integrated.. and black men turned out to be nice guys after all. All it takes is actual contact and a Christian spirit of goodwill to break down hatreds born of human prejudice, for which we seem hard-wired. Somebody always has to be the whipping boy, and the global elite have designated Muslims for this role, working to an agenda. You and the other Trump followers have been led to do the Brown Shirts' work as history repeats itself. Lastly, those who are being manipulated seldom realize this. And then there are those who go willingly.."

      Wow.....whose SJW homework project didja copy off of?

    7. You that right Fish. These libs all go by the textbook learning of a lib teacher's skewed BS.

    8. Um.. I don't have to copy. Neither do I spell did you 'didja', like a teenager on a cell phone. (Or are you one?) Happens I've lived way more than you podunk 'billies up there in the beautiful boonies, who keep busy slapping labels on all things outside your understanding. And never once- never once!- has anyone on here spoken of Christian ideals, which leads poor old Kit to assume that the subject is of little interest. At least 'Unknown' attempted to raise some real issues, even if he has perhaps been deluded by the State-owned media. Or was he actually present to witness these atrocities? If so, did those bombs go off, blowing up the Down Syndrome girls? Were the infants employed as shields riddled with bullets? Exactly when and where did these events take place, please? When I recall the lies told in the media about Iraq, when babies were torn from incubators (not) and supposed human shields were proved never to have existed, I can only shake my bonny blonde head. As for flinging insults, I never need to resort to that stale practice. 'Pompous ass' is so.. well, pompous, but above all unimaginative and sooo trite! But then, inbred hillbillies with their corrupted synapses wouldn't know this!

    9. Poor old kit cant believe that the Taliban or isis or whichever of the muslim terrorists used the weak minded as suicide bombers or used human shields. Poor old kit must live in the sanitized environment of the obummer talking points.

    10. Kindly cite dates/places of the atrocities. Otherwise, you're relegated to the dustbin with the other mind-controlled bah-bahs.

    11. For a poster on a website you sound like someone who does not have access world news services. Could it be you don't want to read anything uncomfortable? What dustbin did you get that world view from?

    12. Old Kit is a bit of a hypocrite it appears. Namecalling by him kinda reminds me of the FUE who uses podunk a lot. Hillbillies? That fits the FUE too. He thinks he is better than the rest but chose to move here. Hmmm. Atrocities are perpetrated every day by the Taliban, Al Queda and ISIL and they post them on social media. So either Kit is too stupid to look on jis Iphone or he lives off the grid in a cave. Now that is podunk.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. We all are well aware of this style of poser bullshit that now is named kit. Kit sounds like one of our locals who is cheering after the cop assassinations in Dallas. Safeway has OrIda frozen French fries on sale big guy.

    15. And still no one addressing the matter of a Christian response to perceived evil in the world.

    16. What a dumb ass diversion from the issues at hand. May you be bathed in pork blood.

    17. Well boys, you've just hit a new low. Enjoy your hatreds, pitiable creatures.

    18. Well you may need to toughen up in the blogosphere Kit. You come in and make accusations be prepared for blowback. So your response is a predictable liberal one. Can't take the heat so you whine and leave.

    19. The fue's two favorite sock puppets are talking amongst themselves again. This time on a post were the fue praises himself for his sock puppet work. You cant make this stuff up. The internet is changing the way we communicate. ROFLOL

    20. Not a peep from the purple hippo of Nevada city about that whack job anarchist ruinits anti cop insanity she is getting blasted from every corner over. Well he cant afford to loose any more friends now can he? She should stick to tin foil hats and chem trails.

    21. Well she is a believer in chemtrails and the conspiracy that goes along with it. Not a surprise she would say something so utterly stupid.

    22. This is a very erudite blog site, full of thoughtful observations and deep intellectual discussion. So glad to have been a part of it!

    23. kit - good to hear the past tense there big guy.

    24. I always appreciate a compliment. Thanks.

  4. Military man (sic) would be a good index, sent in with the agenda of killing a populace. Do you know how many civilians died in Iraq, in an illegal invasion based on a tissue of lies from the highest level of government(s)? I do admit to a predisposition- for humanity. But then, I try to follow Christian teachings!

    1. You sound exactly like Trump. Welcome aboard. Don't forget to vote for him.

  5. Kit, you have to understand that Todd has shortcomings that show up each time he faces a challenge to his thinking. Then he resorts to 'pithy' one-liners, name-calling and insults. You will find a better forum for genuine discussion than this one. Good luck.

    1. Kit is Pelline. Jeeze do I have to draw you a picture?

    2. And it would seem that the "Anonymous" Robin to jeffys Batman is likely the CEO of a certain local non profit environmental "Bucket Shop". I guess the threats of potential litigation did drive him to hoist the cloak of invisibility!

  6. I am none of the above. Let's solve the mystery, shall we? Todd, I'm someone you once knew, who knows you well.
    I am your conscience.

    1. Sure, you know me well. Why don't you post your real name then. Tell us all who you really are. Oh, chicken? Yep.

    2. it! He's the car from the old "Knight Rider" TV series.

  7. Some deep thinking going on here!

  8. Then say something intelligent, dang it! Bunch of bumpkins..

    1. Surely a rhetoric major can do better than that.

    2. Read the post and get on your knees and pray thanks.

  9. Allahu akbar.. allahu akbar!

    1. Yes that is what the Orlando killer shouted. What is your point?

  10. More than 1.6 million human beings on this planet use these words to pray. You did say, 'get on your knees and pray', didn't you? No pleasing some people!

    1. Yes and they shout it before they slaughter the innocents.

  11. All 1.6 million of them? I think the US military murdered that many in Iraq!

  12. That's 1.6 billion, guys. Billion, with a 'B'.

    1. 1.6 Billion religion of peace practitioners, killing each other faster than ever. Even faster than the hood rats in Chicago.

    2. They do have a problem with killing.

  13. 'America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without passing through civilization.'

  14. The most hated former journalist FUE let some truth slip out in his jealous rant against the last Union editor. While bitching about Jim Hemig's upbeat post on his business page the FUE had a bout of penis (not that the FUE can see his) envy about Hemig having a Porsche SUV and a boxter. He got such a case of the vapors he admitted he would rather ride in the SUV, as if he could ever fit in a Porsche boxter! ROFLOL


Real name thank you.