Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Why people have a low opinion of lawyers. Cohen may be a example.

Why in the hell would the House of Representatives run by the democrat party, invite this guy to testify?  He already did and then was arrested and convicted of lying to this very committee!  Would any rational person believe anything this guy says?  Not me or any other reasonable person.  Liars like Cohen are shunned for the most part.  But the democrats have this fellow traveler who they think will drop some verbal bombs that will convict Trump.  Then they can impeach.

But it is all backfiring and the democrats are being shown to be the vacuous people they truly are.  And who is paying Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis?  Tom Steyer?  A billionaire "true believer" in man made climate change hysteria?  Probably a lot of the other billionaires that hate Trump as well.  And all tied at the hip with the democrats.  

So what have we heard?  Simply gobbley-goop.  No collusion, no illegal activity by Trump, just a bunch of finger pointing by Trump haters.  No proof.  No facts.  This kind of stuff the democrats are doing has not been seen since the "show-trials" of the old USSR.  I hope these stupid democrats keep it up.  Along with their other loony "Green New Deals" and "infanticide" laws passed in New York and Vermont, we are seeing the true ideology of these lovelies.  So I say keep it up and soon the bulk of the voters of America will send you to the dustbin of history.


  1. So when Republicans say Cohen "can't be believed" based on the fact that he lied to them, they are essentially admitting that Trump can't be believed either!

    1. Hillary lied to you and all voters so does your statement then ass-ume all Americans are liars?
      Your logic is missing one thing, logic.

    2. you sure have a creepy obsession with Hillary. Its 2019!!

    3. My how you m ust be a snowflake?

    4. This blog doesn't age well when trying to defend Trump. Will you apologizes to your readers for false information you tried to spread to protect Trump and the Republican Party?

    5. Actually you gutless libs that post anonymously are the liars. I print the truth but you idiots can't accept the truth. Your party i filled with nuts that hate America. I will leave your comment as a example of the lack of smarts the libs have.

  2. No, but if you think your hero Cohen is telling the truth I have a bridge you might be interested in buying.

  3. Cohen belongs in Prison with your hero Trump!

  4. I agree! Hillary too!!

  5. When do you know a lawyer is lying? The mouth is opening and regurgitating! What's the difference between a beemer full of lawyers and a porcupine? The pricks are inside the beemer.

  6. What do you call 1,000 lawyers are the bottom of the ocean? A good start.

  7. Also of note Mark Meckler and Kim Pruett went to the first tea party rally in Sacramento on February 27, 2009. Ten years ago. 👊

  8. Great article Todd! Deep State Paranoia is alive and kicking!

  9. Cohen appears to be not too bright, as evidenced by. his choice of the lawyer to defend him.

    1. How about the people who hire Cohen? What does that make them?

  10. We have received the mail-in ballot of the former resident of our home from the elections office three or four times since we moved to our house in 2016. We received her ballot again a couple weeks ago in connection with the special election. The former resident has repeatedly been to the elections office to fix the problem, but it is still a mess. Don't try to tell me that Greg Diaz has a secure election and that the mail-in ballots are secure. He can't even get them to the correct people prior to voting, and I don't know how many Facebook posts that I have seen in the past with people getting extra ballots in their name or someone else's name. Diaz is a joke and trying to play politics with this election. Based upon my own knowledge and experience, if someone has a fear that their vote won't be counted in Nevada County based upon the ineptitude of Greg Diaz, it is a legitimate fear.

    Diaz knows that the mail-in ballot system they had did not work in 2016 and now (prior to the special election) wants to set up the narrative that it is the Tea Party's fault. Lol. There are like a 100 people who get Tea Party emails. They are a non-factor anymore, but that won't stop Diaz from placing blame for his ineptitude on someone else...

  11. Diaz brings up ballot harvesting and asks rhetorically if it could happen in Nevada County. Well, yes, it can happen and happened all over California, because California made this crazy practice legal.

  12. I think that he has some guilt and is doing a ropa-dope on the Tea Party.

  13. Barry, Diaz is just messing with you by sending you other people's ballots.

    Just because there are mail database mixups does not mean ballot security is in question once the ballots are within the Postal Service system and in the Elections office.

  14. Seems the new Governor does not care about the will of the people and their votes.

    Newsom plans to sign an executive order Wednesday morning granting reprieves to all 737 Californians awaiting executions – a quarter of the country’s death row inmates.

    His action comes three years after California voters rejected an initiative to end the death penalty, instead passing a measure to speed up executions.

    1. And he is dismantling the chamber. Recall or resign.

  15. Newport Beach is the home of scumbags. First there were the Newport Nazi kids and now, William “Rick” Singer, 58, of Newport Beach, Calif., was charged with racketeering conspiracy, money laundering conspiracy and obstruction of justice in the college admissions scam.

    1. Where do you live? Your statement is off the wall.

  16. Pelline is drinking jis pals kool-aid again. The man is a moron.

  17. Newsome is overturning the will of the people of California that just three years ago rejected an state wide ballot initiative to end the death penalty. The voters instead passed a measure to speed up executions in California!

  18. He is a dictator wannabee. He needs to be recalled. The media should interview a victims family everyday with pictures to shame that scumbag into withdrawing his communtations.

  19. The rumor is that the most hated unemployed journalist FUE had a big public meltdown when his fatty liver celebration got canceled by the man! Did it register on the Richter scale?

    1. You forget that todd is fat too!! He looks 6 months pregnant lol

    2. WTF is a fatty liver celebration? Sounds like a Druid feast?

  20. Probably had to get some professional help to cope.

  21. What was that wild animal howling in Nevada City this morning? This could have been the cause;

  22. Congrats to the Union. I would guess there is a wild and fat animal not happy for this award.

    1. There will be plenty of bat shit crazy liberals howling like stuck pigs around here liberals will be jumping off of buildings when Mueller's report with no inditments comes out
      Tim Gore

  23. The Bee had a couple of ridiculous articles today. One on "gerrymandering" and the other on homeless people. The people that write these things must be as dumb as a post. They made me so mad I left long voicemails on their machines. I was respectful but firm in that they are as dumb as a post.

    Anyway the redistricting article was pure as partisan left one as they usually are. And the virtues of "citizen" panels extolled. Even though the California experiment shows their data was bogus and skewed the states to the democrats And the example of ONE district in Missouri that a R won was given more space than the SEVEN we lost here. Bogus.

    Homeless people in Sacramento get an average of $30,000 per person in money and services a year. Yet they have now trashed the American River Parkway and many other areas. The author's solution? Put homeless shelters in rich neighborhoods. And he extolled the great ideas of Mayor Steinberg who actually had no ideas. And the author "laughed" at the KOMO documentary on Seattle's homeless problem. I saw it myself. Anyway I said until you make these folks take some personal responsibility for their lives nothing will change. That was poo=poohed by the author. Actually not even covered.

    The state of journalism and smarts of those idiots is really shown in these two articles. God help us.


Real name thank you.