It appears to me our country’s education system has
failed. They have failed in the very
basic of things. Freedom of the
individual under our Constitution. What
else can explain this desire by the young minds of our colleges for
socialism? I have wracked my brain to
find other reasons for this lust of a failed governance system but can’t. Maybe you have a answer. I read with interest some local socialist
supporters letters and columns in the Union this last week or so.
I recall not becoming aware politically until I was in
my late 20’s and started to build houses.
Anyone going through the building permit process to build their own home
knows what a monster has been created to tell us all how to construct a residence. It made me stand up and take notice about
apathy in our elections. Stay home, don’t
vote, you get what you get. Then they
start passing laws that handcuff everyone.
The lunacy shows up first in home building for some reason. Could be home building is a ultimate form of
individualism and must be squashed. And
it has been, just look at the thousands of “rules” controlling your home
construction. Just look at how much of
your hard earned money is transferred to the government just because you want
So now we have people writing about the wonders of
socialism. The people writing these
articles seem to have forgotten what socialism really is. Webster’s Dictionary says this,
“1 : any of
various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental
ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no
private propertyb : a system or
condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled
by the state
3 : a stage of society in
Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal
distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Who in America wants this? Apparently Democrats! Remember the word “socialism” is contained in
National Socialism (NAZI) and the USSR, the second S. And of course MARX and Engels told us all
about the wonders of socialism in the Communist Manifesto. Why would any American, guaranteed the individual
freedoms in the Constitution, think and applaud the demise of their individualism? Give your body and mind over to whom? Become a worker bee without any hope to
better yourself? This is caveman
Demagoguery is all I can think this is. Bernie Sanders calls himself a “democratic-socialist”. Sure, the Castro’s allowed voting but killed
off their opposition before the votes were taken. Hugo Chavez won 99% of the vote in Venezuela
and Kim Jong Un in North Korea is “dictator for life”. You don’t get a chance to vote for opposition
and if you declare that desire you get the Siberian death camps. You think I am kidding? Look at the USSR and read Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s
books. Read Mein Kampf and see what a
socialist has in store for others. Read
the Little Red Book of Mao Tse-tung. The
USSR and their surrogates murdered a 100 million of you last century. Who saved you? America and the individual desire here for
But somehow we have allowed someone or some system to
disregard the reason America became the greatest country ever. Our country starting in 1776 and decided to
throw off the kings and queens and the royalty of the previous five thousand
years. Our Constitution said YOU are
important. YOU are not just “cannon
fodder” for some idiot king. We set up a
nation of laws to protect YOU. Look at
other countries that seem to think all you are good for is a human bomb.
Yet there is a disconnect in many Americans who think “socialism”
is cool or maybe “fair”. It is only
there to allow the return of a king.
Someone has to be in charge. Right?
And if it is not you then you will become cannon fodder again. There is no allure for me in the musings of
socialism. It makes you all into
lemmings. Wait until the socialists
start taking over the means of production.
Little things like the empty shelves of
grocery stores will rise like a Phoenix.
Want that?
I don’t, I reject the socialist claptrap, I vote freedom, I vote America! Show these socialists the door.
Looks like the most hated man in the County s fantasizing about me again. Change your undies Pelline, you stink. What a hoot!
ReplyDeleteYou Todd have the most hated one in a lather. So much so that he even forget his mandatory Monday morning Boardman rant. ROFLOL if you can you big FUE you.
ReplyDeleteA lather? That is a gross visual. LOL!
DeleteThe fue has a new way of saying he was not scooped. He has the posted measure w arguments and opens by saying they were sent to him at 'our' request. Then he thanks YubaNet for posting it? Right, sure, fue while your mass is certainly more than 3 or 4 average folks that still does not make you an 'us' as if you represent some group or real business! YubaNet has had this on line long before the fue's sad ego had to make him spin and obscure the fact he got SCOOPED and hard. LOL
ReplyDeleteThe purple hippo is so marginalized and rejected he can not even get a pot head to post on his latest post. He got frustrated as is often the case and had to post on his own post so it does not look totally ignored, which it is. 2 latest hippo posts have ZERO posts. HAHHAHAHAHAHHA.
ReplyDeleteScoopy batting .800 over the last days. Come on, grab some chili velveta fries and a box of chardonnay and you can crank out 2 more posts! Go scoopy, go scoopy!
ReplyDeleteWhat would his parents think if they knew he was always talking to himself? The guy is a flop at living. Jeeze!
DeleteCould you imagine what it was like dealing with the fue as it was growing up? It is sure they had to suffer a lot along the way, especially as they got older.
DeleteYeah Todd I love talk about the founding fathers andtheir view of freedom. What do you think George Washing would think of the ban on growing industrial hemp. It was one of his staple crops. This is from the Mount Vernon Website
ReplyDelete"Throughout his lifetime, George Washington cultivated hemp at Mount Vernon for industrial uses. The fibers from hemp held excellent properties for the making of rope and sail canvas, which was a major need in the age of the sailing ship. In addition, hemp fibers could be spun into thread for clothing or, as indicated in Mount Vernon records, for use in repairing the large seine fishing nets that Washington used in his fishing operation along the Potomac."
Who cares? Things change and you "progressives" are all about change you tell us. My guess is GeorgeW did not have a bong and get high everyday on ganga.
DeleteI have no problem with industrial uses of hemp so what is your point?
You are right except W snorted cocaine instead of smoking weed. BTW are you going to run for supervisor or not?
DeleteHi there scoopy!
DeleteBTW are you going to run for supervisor or not?
DeleteI think he's angling for another free lunch this time at your campaign headquarters Todd ...and hey...aren't the best free buffets always at the political shindigs!
Remember...it's always about his fetish.
Scoopy is on his second box of chardonnay and is batting .900 in his rant land. Finish it scoopy and you can do it!
ReplyDeleteIt appears he is unaware I do take endorsements for political races either. Jeeze the FUE is so dumbass.
DeleteTrump is going to win
Thanks for another interesting, knowledgable article Todd. BMW
ReplyDeleteThanks, we must all stay aware of the dangers of socialism/communism.
DeleteHeidi Hall is proud to announce she is bought and paid for by the pot growers. The pot spokesman and criminal defense lawyer who is suing the County is now Miss Halls Gold Sponsor as announced by HH today.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about the most hated journalist fue is that he helps cleanse the County of bad influences by supporting them. It is a pattern that he will never get past because of his warped views of himself. Not really visual physical views of himself, just emotional, ego views. He could not visually view himself anymore without a big drone 3D camera. The more he rails against the common people and hard working, long time residents the more he helps spread the real truth. Thanks Scoopy!
DeleteThe grossly obese one failed to cover the union construction workers at the Nevada Tesla project are on strike and protesting. Seems after the State of Nevada give Tesla 1.4 BILLION in taxpayers support Tesla is using non union, cheap, out of state labor to build their new facility near Reno.
ReplyDeleteBrycon Corp, an out-of-state and non-union construction contractor has been bringing lower paid workers from out of state. The representative for the Local Laborers 169 Union says Brycon is bringing in labor from New Mexico and Arizona, only paying $12-14 per hour. "We are trying to call attention to the fact that they are using $1.4 billion in Nevada money to staff jobs with workers from New Mexico and Arizona," said Russ James, business development specialist with the Painters Union.
The obese one posts stores about how wonderful Tesla is and how they are doing a great job to make Reno and Truckee a great place while at the same time bashing western Nevada County and saying we need to be like Reno and Truckee. LOL!
Now we don't want the truth to get in the way of a lefty narrative do we fue?
DeleteThe fue has lost the last shred of fue entertainment value, you know, like a demolition derby when all the cars are immobile. With the most vitriolic sputum on the most incendiary topics he is only able to get the occasional random rant anymore. We should have invested in a chili and fromage stand in front of his shack in Nevada city last year! ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteThe fue has lost the last shred of fue entertainment value, you know, like a demolition derby when all the cars are immobile.
DeleteYou really nailed it with this thought. Even I've lost the will to engage our little jeffster except when he's at his most pants shittingly stupid!
The FUE is truly a huge disappointment to me and most all County residents. He had the chance to be a important part of this place but squandered it with his crummy attitude and ego maniacal ways. Sad.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorites. Barry
Me too. The FUE is still bringing coffee to his betters. And maybe he gets to park next to Hemig's spot in the parking lot. LOL!
DeleteWell, Jim is a leader in the community and a really nice guy. You know getting fired from a job is quite a shot to the old ego. So the vitriol directed by Pelline at The Union is pretty understandable. At some point you just have to move on to more important things. Good to talk to you Todd, and I will be a little more active now that everything has settled down with the kids and we are in a groove! I am sure that we will again bump into each other soon. Small town! Barry
ReplyDeleteWe probably will Barry. The discourse here needs more responsible people like you. The FUE is truly a sad sack. He could have chosen the course to be nice but he did not. Sad man.
Deletejeffpelline says:
ReplyDeleteMarch 2, 2016 at 12:38 pm
It’s good to hear that Barry’s in a “groove.” I should have kept the $60K severance and donated it to him. ROFLOL!
jeffpelline says:
October 7 2012
"Jeff offered $40K in severance for eliminating the Editor’s job, but I passed because. . ."
Well, what lie is it fat Jeffo? Maybe it's the fog of your "juice diet" that makes you not think so straight. Kind of like Brian Williams?? My guess is that you were never offered any severance pay. Makes you kind of wonder about what your "award winning journalism" was for. People in the real press get fired for lying.
Ok that was funny. Barry
ReplyDeleteOK you po-dunks, the severance that I was offered by JA was to be between $40 and $60K, so both of my previous statements are correct. And it might have really been $80K. Actually, I also had the choice to be promoted to Publisher, which I also turned down. Who would want to work for that po-dunk outfit. The internet is changing how we communicate! LOL!
ReplyDeleteSay what you will fue but you are an unemployed journalist fue. Remember it big boy because its not going to change in this life most hated one. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteIn one labored breath the purple hippo says that because voices is broken it takes too much time to read Rebanes blog, even though he just commented on it. In the next wheeze of woos he then talks about your blog Todd. Does he even read his crap before he writes it? Naw the big woos knows anything he says or does is prefect, he is a legend in his own mind. Scoopy, no one laughs with you they laugh at you! ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteHe is my biggest fan. I am getting rich off his viewing my astute and intelligent posts. He is simply a first class fibber about most things.
DeleteSTOP THE PRESSES! The Union forgot to put a period after Dr. This is newsworthy sh*t. I'm so glad El Gordo was watching out for us readers. What a petulant piece of pus.
ReplyDeleteThat is why he has no friends and no respect. Po-dunk.
DeleteSo The Union forgets a period and it is newsworthy, yet Pelline lies about his severance package offer when he was let go by The Union and that is an oops. The more things change the more the stay the same...
ReplyDeleteThe FUE is the poster child for po-dunk. What a hoot!
Deletejeffpelline says:
ReplyDeleteMarch 2, 2016 at 1:03 pm
. . . With NCVoices down, I hardly even look anymore. Too much of a time sink. LOL.
Just when you thought he was gone.
jeffpelline says:
March 3, 2016 at 9:57 am
To the hillbillies on the hard-right political blogs (AKA core Union readers) this is about “So The Union forgets a period.”
Can't believe a word that slips past the food falling out of his mouth.
The FUE has been on a massive period from the first day he moved here from the bay area. LOL!
ReplyDeleteFish repost your last one.
ReplyDeleteAgain you show no knowledge of what you speak. The socialism in NSDAP - the Nazis - was there when Hitler joined the party, started by Anton Drexler. But AH quickly became head of this small party via his ability to give rousing speeches -- to the choir. Gregor and Otto Strasser were the social elements in Nazi hierarchy, but Otto had fled Germany while Gregor was murdered during the night of long knives affair and the weak socialist plank was kaput.
ReplyDeleteOf course I am correct. Do you deny socialist is not in the name? Jeeze do they not teach history anymore?
DeleteNational Socialist German Workers Party.
DeleteI just explained how Hitler expunged the Socialists -- concentrated in Berlin. There is not much more to be said.
DeleteEpic fail, 'the strassers were the social elements'. Thanks for the commie cliff notes version that makes them seem like victims of the NAZIs too, they were kindred sprits who were in a nationalist cult of personality conflict.
DeleteNationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei is the full name of the NAZI's in German. Now known as the democratic control freak party.
ReplyDeleteYou need to look out for the eco NAZIs too. Meters on your wells. No snow melt retention or rain storage. All brought to you by your friends at the California Democratic Environmental Caucus, incubator for Heidi Hall. The parks, especially the National ones were always about the citizens rights to visit and use. The eco nuts want to ban people from the gifts that Teddy Roosevelt and others gave us to enjoy.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that the environmental back to the earth movement preceded the Nazis in Germany. BMW
DeleteScoopy and his bromancer big Truckee steve are having a love fest today. Scoopy says Lampier got in trouble because he was anti growth. That's funny, he is charged with kiddie porn not anit growth opinions. It would not be a scoopy garbage bag without a little ruinit excuse mongering. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteHonestly, Pelline is so dumb. My fence post has more intelligence. Development? Where is it? And the political discourse? Grass Valley is the only place that development might happen. If the big developers had not paid their bribes to MAPF and the other eco groups in Truckee that poor town would have become dust.
DeleteNo, Pelline is so off on this it makes a turkey look intelligent. We have seen the left and their pals the eco nuts attack anything proposed for the last 30 year or more so of course they won and got their way. Not much happening. Be a developer and sit in the front seats of any government entity and see how it feels. Trashed by the left and no-growth people. Why would anyone want to go through that? It is Pelline and his ilk responsible for the 200 million bucks going out of the county. No one else comes close.
Is the Fue a really dishonest "journalist", or is he just really ill informed?
DeleteI was thinking Lampier got in trouble for changing his political views also. I used to wonder about his lefty opinions in the paper, and was surprised when he started showing some common sense. Could the child porn debacle have been a set-up to teach him a lesson that you don't go against the mob? BMW
DeleteThe FUE is such an obese hypocrite liberal. He rants about conflict of interest by Union newspaper folks and fails to say one word about UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi. Some Dems are now calling for Katehi to resign, but scoopie says nothing. So poduck!
ReplyDeleteUC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi has apologized for her controversial moonlighting activities, which had prompted a call for her resignation and legislative hearings on paid outside activities by university officials.
Katehi earns $424,360 annually as chancellor has come under fire for accepting a $70,000-a-year position with the DeVry Education Group, a for-profit firm that offers college degrees online and on 55 campuses nationwide, including 13 in California.
DeVry is being investigated by state and federal authorities on allegations of deceptive advertising about job and income prospects for its graduates. It has denied the accusations.
Katehi resigned from the DeVry seat last week after questions were raised by public interest groups and Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (Dem), who heads the budget subcommittee on education finance. McCarty met with Katehi on Thursday he said he was “unsatisfied” with her explanation as to why she accepted the DeVry position. After the Sacramento Bee reported that day that Katehi also earned $420,000 over three years as a board member for John Wiley & Sons, a college-textbook publisher, McCarty said he decided to call for her to step down as chancellor.
“It is unseemly for the chancellor to be seeking these side deals, moonlighting to increase her pay, serving on these boards ... while students are struggling with a tremendous amount of debt,” McCarty said in an interview. “I don't see how this serves the university, students or taxpayers
Nothing new to see about the Pelline hypocrisy. I still live rent free in his noggin every day. He is somehow obsessed with property taxes. Of course a liberal will do research to find anything they can to try and discredit the opposition. Unfortunately for Pelline, I am well liked and have many friends. He is a lonely man, sitting in front of his computer 24/7 and trashing the good citizens of the county. Probably has a bedpan next to the char so he doesn't have to get up and walk on his poor feet. LOL!
DeleteUC President Janet Napolitano had not given Katehi permission to join the DeVry and John Wiley college-textbook publisher board as is required by law. Ultra lib Dem Napolitano is protecting Katehi stating “I appreciate that Chancellor Katehi has apologized and taken responsibility for having accepted board positions that created an appearance of conflicts of interest with her university responsibilities”.
DeleteThe FUE hasn't covered this one, no surprise. LOL, LOL, LOL
Check your watches, its a countdown to the purple hippo of Nevada city's weekly Boardman rant. The Union has posted the Boardman editorial on line, so it must be any minute to the hippos predictable spew. Well that is unless he is in the middle of his post snack, pre dinner snack munchies. Then it might be awhile. LOL
DeleteIts so sad to be scoopy. The big woos has lost control of his sock puppets. He as a new sock puppet who out of the blue emulated the big woos and posted to a 2014 comment thread. It shows that scoopy is still obsessed with himself and his psychological issues which drives him to revisit his ancient posts to show how right he is in his own cracked cranium. Sad, very sad. Not enough chardonnay and chili cheese fries to sooth that wounded ego.
ReplyDeleteWe all nkow where the local communists spew their hate. Sad. And they are all sock puppets!
DeleteThat fat fool fue tries to explain why sock puppets post on his 2 year old blog posts but he does it on a thread where he is the only poster other than 1 from his bromancer from truckee denying they are 'jon'. Right, sure, you are the most hated former journalist fue. Boardman must be loosing his fun factor, he only got a couple of lines in a general anti-union rant. The fue, as wack job wingnutty as ever. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteHe is talking to himself again. Annie Fannie, LOL! And the sock puppets are all a flutter with indignation about how we all see them. Po-dunks all my GOD, they need mental health help.
DeleteThe fat fools bromance really tried to say that Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon and Johnson are socialists like Bernie? Talk about a massive pile of bovine scatology! He must think even the mush brains would buy that crap. Kennedy a socialist?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteThe historically illiterate are trying to claim that NAZI's were not socialists of a stripe and offer them putting commies in jail as proof. The reason the NAZIs were at odds with the commies was that they were so similar and vying for the man on the street. Both are autocratic dictatorships which brook no opposition in any way.
ReplyDeleteThe NAZIs put everyone in the camps who represented any possible center of power that could be an opposition force. More alyinsky 101 rewrite of history to cover their tracks. The crazy cat lady crew at its lowest.
The socialists want to change the history on this because of the problematic treaty between Hitler and Stalin that carved up Poland before the start of WW2. Russia was shipping mass raw materials to Hitler and allowing his tanks and planes train in the USSR while Germany was under sanctions. We know that's too complicated and does not follow the party line.
ReplyDeleteIts all out there for anyone who is open to learning more than comrade obummers commmie crew want you to know. How about a heaping dish of Reverend Wright?
The faux historian Steve Frisch is trying to rewrite history on this very topic on my OP-ED this morning. I can't understand why a guy receiving all that tax money for a faux non profit would want to do that.
DeleteWho cares what that grant whore Frisch says, after all he is bff with the fue. With that kind of judgement does that show, is there actually anyone who cares what the grant whore says anyway?
DeleteOn my, what will the FUE do now? We know how the FUE sucks up to the pot growers and we know how he sucks up to Clerk Recorder Greg Diaz. Which way will the FUE go on this one? FUE can't suck up to them both since Diaz is in agreement with the Board of Supervisors, County Council and Diaz supports Measure W as written. "The arguments, filed on behalf of Nevada County and Clerk-Recorder/Registrar of Voters Gregory Diaz, state that Forrest Hurd’s efforts to remove, or amend, Measure W aren’t supported by the facts". The lefty growers must now attack Diaz because he is working to keep medicine from Forest Hurd.
ReplyDeleteThe union got a new column writer Hilary Hodge and she has a blog. she is clearly a hard core lefty liberal. Check out this post on FUE blog about her. Her blog is real interesting and has some real colorful language. LOL
ReplyDeleteSteve Cottrell says: March 8, 2016 at 4:17 am
Began to read her (blog) piece about Bernie & Hillary and was very surprised to see that kind of profanity on a blog recommended by SFR. You’re right –– the internet is, indeed, changing how we communicate, but it’s not all good. (Or else I’ve become the kind of fuddy-duddy that I never wanted to be).
Scoopy is off to a slow start today, only batting .800. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteSeems like the new gal at the Union has led quite a life. Those college degrees in English Literature fall by the wayside in the real world don't they? Anyway we will get to see how a liberal person thinks every week apparently. Where is Meckler when we need him? LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnnie Fannie is hot for me again. Give it up Annie you are a sock puppet. LOL!
DeleteI don't think The Union management has a problem with editing letters to the editor to make them more readable as much as they had a problem with a liberal hack known as Pelline rewriting them to match his hack ideology. One is good business the other is using your position to influence. Clearly a reason to send one packing.
ReplyDeleteI heard the FUE asks for money before he does a story in his magazine. Is that ethical?
DeleteAnnie Fannie is stalking me again. I don't like fatty. Please go away.
DeleteTodd its more like they pay him to go away and leave them alone, God forbid someone gets the business owner in a picture with the purple hippo. That will ruin a business for sure.
DeleteSome fool named Chip Wilder (who names a kid Chip?) is dissing the Union Editor for daring to write an Editorial. Chip, listen up, that is his job you doofus. Liberals truly have a mental disorder.
ReplyDeleteIn a classic case of no irony recognition genes, the racist grant whore from Truckee is calling George Rebane a racist. How come those eco wackos in the SBC are all lily white mr grant whore? Uncomfortable with strong women and closet racist is what Frisch is all about. Microagress that big boy!
DeleteSounds like a purple hippo of Nevada city fan. The purple hippo is the propaganda minister for the Nevada city Nazi set.
DeleteAnnie is now telling us she has a foot fetish. And that she met me! What a =dreamer. She is way to large for me.
DeleteThe water meter on your well loving Democratic Environmental Caucus's candidate for Dist. 1 supervisor Hall has posted her endorsements. A clown car full of wingnuts and pot lovers and of course the wingnuttiest Margret Joehnck. Scoopy did not make the cut or is she suppressing any acknowledgment of scoopys existence to prevent the dreaded arsenic touch of a scoopy endorsement? ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteThe FUE is unhinged. He is now agreeing with his sock puppet Annie Fannie. You can't make this stuff up.
ReplyDeleteHey Chip Wilder if you are going to spout more of your hate of the union newspaper in the future get your facts straight first. Chip does not know the difference between the Publisher and the Editor and falsely attacked the Editor in his hate rant. Well done Chip, you showed everyone how uninformed and clues you are. Maybe you should have the FUE be your proof reader! Please pull up your pants now as you sure dropped your drawers on this one. Notice how the FUE tried to run cover for Chip's instead of correcting him? Such a Podunk mistake Chip,LOL!
ReplyDeleteChip and FUE. Two podunks. Hilarious.
DeleteThe FUE claims he does not how 'left' Heidi hall is at the same time he starts the right wing drum beat on Strawsers because he has support from pro-business interests. This is the same Heidi who was channeling Nancy Pelosi in her debate with Doug LaMalfa. The FUE is so unexposed to reality that in his world an eco wingnut who works for the democrat party's most extreme wing of environmental wackos who don't want people in public park lands is a moderate. Does Heidi Hall own stock in a water meter company? ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of failed socialism and the dumbass libs a thorough repudiation of the (un-)Affordable Care Act is out by all places National Public Radio and Harvard!
ReplyDeleteRelease of the study was timed to be buried by Super Tuesday coverage, NPR this week released a new study that indicates that Obamacare has failed on almost all levels.
The poll, by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, shows that three quarters of Americans think health care in their state has not improved under Obamacare. The survey says more people think health care has gotten worse (26%) than better (15%).
NPR and Harvard show Obama care is a failure. Will the FUE cover this story?
Annie Fannie is stalking me and thinks her foot fetish interests me. Not. She says we met in the early 90's and I wore dark rimmed glasses. Never did. She also says I am rotund. Nope. 6-54 213. She is delusional, maybe too much ganja? LOL! She seems like a mean spirited gal too.
DeleteThe crazy cat lady crew would have a fur ball if the FUE ever told the truth about Obummer care. He has to tell the Nevada city truth, the leftist truth and nothing but the crazy cat lady crew truth!
DeleteIts going to be a hard night of chili cheese fries and boxed chardonnay for the FUE tonight. The Union SCOOPED him on the new Grass Valley Police Chief. What's the most hated former journalist fue to do but ingest mass quantities?
ReplyDeleteScoopy is taking his Union scoop pain out on Paul Emery, calling him a musician masquerading as a journalist. Now that's funny coming from the failed journalist fue who is now a purveyor of a food porn, bird cage liner. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteWhat a tool. Pelline blasts his former employer and cannot do it grammatically correctly. Dumbass.
The purple hippo must be on the second box of wine considering his latest post. 'The Union publisher Hemig needs to learn to punctuation before he can retire.' 'Now Jim it's ol' republic brewery with a lower case 'ol'. Those of us who are careful know that. You need to learn to pay attention to details like this before you can hope to retire.' BWAHHAHAHHAHA
ReplyDeleteYou keep workin on learnen to punctuation there you big careful purple hippo with the royal us.
Its more likely Hemig will retire or get promoted before he is an fue.
Another fine example of why the unemployed journalist fue is an unemployed journalist fue! ROFLOL
"...learn to punctuation..."
Ya, ask the FUE what he was going for there MK.
DeleteIn a typical most hated former journalist FUE style he pretends that Mr. Kesti is a blithering idiot with his 855 am and then makes a passing reference to his screw up only being a typo on a blog. What typo? The FUE has deleted the guy who was so stupid as to tell the truth about the FUE and then the FUE fixed his substance influenced screw up to the pile of revisionist history that the FUE leaves in his path.
DeletePoor little Heidi Hall got the FUE seal of approval also known as the kiss of death. What a sad pathetic existence the FUE has.
I see where the FUE asked if I can read, followed by a quote of the, "... learn to punctuation..." line I previously posted. I had quoted Anonymous who had quoted (You guessed it!) the FUE. Yes, FUE, I can read, and I see all of the errors that you commit regardless of whether you subsequently correct them. They are so much richer, though, when you commit them while criticizing others for their errors.
DeleteO commit too mny errors to criticize anyone so I don't regarding spelling. English class was always tough. Math was fun. So I leave the puncuational stuff too you. LOL!
DeletePelline is whining again. The master of misspellings is dissing others for misspelling's. You cannot make this stuff up.
DeleteI have never seen such a immature person as this Pelline character. He is truly a busybody in all things as he seeks validation here. What a hoot!
Then he disses the Union Publisher for allowing free speech from anyone on the right while embracing (silently) all the leftwingnuts who are his pals. My goodness, this idiot Pelline was the Editor of our precious newspaper! Thank you Jeff Ackerman for booting his sorry ass out. Whew, we dodged a real loon!
The dumb fat FUE has outdone himself this time. He rails on Hemig for misspelling ol' Republic. Check out fat FUE's http://sierrafoothillsreport.com/2013/05/06/scoop-ol-republic-brewery-of-nevada-city-to-quadruple-production-begin-bottling-in-major-expansion/ and you'll see fat FUE REPEATEDLY misspell ol' Rebulic in a variety of ways! Scroll down to "related articles" at the bottom of the page and witness the Fat FUE over and over again misspell ol' Republic. This lump puss must be drunk on his momma's milk to make SO MANY repeated mistakes then have the tiny, tiny balls to point a fat stubby, grease dripping finger at Hemig.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, Pelline is so extreme left he thinks Heidi Hall is moderate. My goodness, what a loonn. Chemtrails ans all. And now Duane has become his enemy since he got the Tea Party and Contractor's help. Hall will have the loons from the Democrat Central Committee and maybe some nutball eco etremists money. Anyway, Pelline is the direct reason young people don't come to our county. His extreme views are scaring them off.
DeleteThe TP has not endorsed Mr. Strawsers.
DeleteIn an interesting twist, the fat fool fue has confirmed he is not a journalist, just a demented nasty blogger with a napoleon complex when he tried to mitigate his typos in comparison to the Unions. He holds himself to a lower standard from his latest posts. Well gee fue, the rest of the world knows you have NO standards, just rhetoric in support of the left in Nevada County.
DeleteIf the fue did not have double standards, he would have no standards at all.
DeleteTabloid journalism and Pelline could use a copy editor with the boxed wine. What a tool.
ReplyDeleteDuane Strawser, Paul Emery, RL Crabb, KVMR, Jim Hemig, The Union newspaper all hated and insulted by the big fat baby FUE. The FUE is clueless that the community views him as a rant, blowhard, nasty hatemonger. Most everyone in Nevada City laughs behind his obese back abut this unhinged, ranting fool. Folks tell me that they cross the street or go the other direct anytime they see him waddling down the sidewalk in town. FUE is the laughing stock of Nevada City and the butt of endless jokes.
ReplyDeleteNevada County Superior Court Judge Candace Heidelberger is clearly a Bernie loving, hard core ultra liberal.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is not that she may love commissar Bernie, its that she loves criminal rights and not victims.
Delete"jon" the troll is a convicted molester I am informed. What a scumbag.
DeleteThat trolls girlfriend ruint is running for Nevada city council. Can Nevada city survive another dose of socialist ruinits crazy cat lady crew? The town is still on its knees from her last dose of insanity. God help them.
DeleteAs I understand it she is a believer in chemtrails. She fits right in with Pelline and Frisch. A good fit for Nevada City.
DeleteWho do you "understand is a believer in chemtrails"?
DeleteThe overpasses in the Basin were full of them.
DeleteWill they wear tin foil hats and cloaks to the city council meetings now?
ReplyDeleteWTF is up with the union on facebook, 3 pot head articles leading on this fine Sunday. No comments of relevance. What about the letters who don't want uncontrolled pot dealing across the county? Oh ya they are suppressed in the round file. Are the pot heads really making that much money for the Union or are the new less than a year here reporters from out of the area just all pot heads? No connection to the community at all. How is it that the Union buys what the drug dealers are selling rhetorically when the community who suffers from the drug dealers no longer matter in relation to the pot profits at the Union. There was a time that newspapers cared about the well being of the community. That's clearly lost in Nevada County now. How do they sleep knowing they are destroying the futures of our children and their mental development with their crass money grubbing and disregard for the greater community good.
ReplyDeleteWhere do I find this?
DeleteThe Union Newspaper on Facebook.
DeleteSome fellow from Penn Valley dissed my VOO article. He used every leftwing red herring to tell us how wrong I am to think individuals are important. You cannot make this stuff up.
ReplyDeleteThe Truckee grant whore is on some kind of crank fueled serial rant at the purple hippo house. You make those guys sputter and spew! Keep up the good work Todd.
ReplyDeleteare these boards still active, I hiope they are
ReplyDeleteTodd I hope all ise well
I was in Mexico for 9 days and left my phone and computer home. So back at guys! No worries BMW!
ReplyDeleteso glad todd, great vacation for you ,. nice workingg
ReplyDeletePlease get this election season goin, its really crazy. why are the republicns so devout oj these 3 men?
Gonna be interesting Woody!
DeleteOnly a arch narcissist like the FUE could write a whole article on Easter and populate it with so many ME's and i's and utterly fail to mention anything about the meaning of the day. You cant make this stuff up. How pathetic.
ReplyDeleteThe most hated unemployed journalist fue is now reduced to just reprinting articles done by real journalists. That food porn venture is just too taxing for the fue. The fue is taking donations of chili, cheese, velveta is requested and of course frozen French frys. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteMaybe we can all start to talk about the issues and less about the fool from Marin? I am getting bored with all that. What about it?