Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Homeless? Some are and maybe some aren't.

When I was a little guy the people that were "homeless" in those days were called "hobos".  Here in Grass Valley we hardly had anyone we kids could see who were hobos.  Of course my family was a nuclear family, six kids, hardworking Dad and Mom and we kids never thought anything about our "station" in the community.  We grew up with a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and food in our stomachs.  We grew up mainly is the forested areas where Pop built our houses.  Mom and my older sister ran the household and we always had clean clothes and we made our own school lunches.

Luckily for us, not one of us has been homeless including all my cousins.  In those days the people we called "retards" were usually odd people that were placed in mental hospitals or "sanatoriums.  Hobos were people moving on and mostly males.  So around town those that were called "retards" were few and far between.  There were no "camps" that I recall and the police and sheriff took those hobos to the county line, free of charge for the drive.  Was this a cruel thing to do?  Looking back I would say no.

Over the years the hobos and the mentally ill (once called retards) were recognized as a regular citizen with all the regular citizen's Constitutional rights.  It may have been the ACLU or a like minded entity that fought for that and they won.  Then I recall that people in these mental hospitals and sanatoriums were now able to exercise their "rights" and the reaction across America was to "free" them and close the places housing them.  I really did not pay that much attention to all this then as I was raising my own family and working.  Social issues were not on my front burner. 

So over the years, America and all the government levels down to local were forced to change how they dealt with the mentally ill.  Those people living "outside" became a real issue for mostly local government.  Americans have been trying to help these people through caring people and organizations like churches and others.  Government has tried to help with "services" and food and temporary shelters.  We have that right here in Nevada County.  But it seems that all this help is for some reason not working very good.  Why is that?  The local Union Newspaper has a story about the homeless everyday.  The homeless population seems to be growing.  And it seems the problems associated with the homeless are growing as well.  Camps, crimes, sanitation, drugs, addiction  and littering issues seem to fill our local police blotter everyday.

Could the issue of "homelessness" be overblown?  When Ronald Reagan was President it seemed the press was attacking him daily for the homeless people and writing he must do something now!  They said Reagan was a hard hearted man who did not care about their plight.  Even though he spent millions of taxpayer dollars addressing the issues he was constantly attacked by the media.  (this was a eye opener for me then as to the bias)  Even though this money to aid these people was spread all across the country things did not seem to change.  Even though thousands of "non-profits" sprung up across the land to "help" these people nothing seemed to get better.  And of course after Clinton was elected the media forgot about those homeless people. Same with Obama.

Here we are in 2015 dealing with the same issues.  We build shelters, we spend millions for food and other help.  We spend a lot of law enforcement money to find and arrest and house the criminal element of this group.  Nothing changes we are told, we are supposed to all feel guilty about the level of help the citizens and taxpayers "donate".  Nothing changes.  Could it be there is a huge number of these people that like to live "outside"?  Anyone ask them?

We do our best to help our fellow Americans but maybe there is a part of humanity that does not want that help? If people are unable to care for themselves what are we to do?  What is the old saying?  "You can lead a horse to water but you can;t make him drink".  We can offer thousands of programs and meals and money but without truly understanding the roots of what we perceive as the problem then how do you help to fix it? Do these people share in their own circumstance?  Maybe the "authorities" need to do a census of these folks.  Interview them.  Get their personal input to these questions.  Then when we know the real issues perhaps we can craft solutions.  What I see is a lot of people and money trying to be good Samaritans without perhaps understanding there might not be a problem?  If people want to live outdoors and they have free will, how is it we think that is a problem?

If we can't get over the fact people may not want our help then sure, to be safe, we could build a community shelter somewhere in the county that would hopefully not be contentious.  If people want to use it then they must agree to certain rules, sort of a contract.  Like a guest register at a hotel.  They have free will but like every other citizen they must follow some rules for their own well being and others trying to help.  That would be a caring thing right?  Maybe some want to be a part of regular society but need help to do that.  Maybe not too.  So, rather than just feeling guilty, spending money that may not be helping and allowing some to play the system, let's apply our compassion in different ways.  My guess the "homeless" have as many different views about their condition as we "home" folks do.  So go out there and do a intricate detailed survey of them and let's solve this.  But remember, these people have free will and therefore must also exercise personal responsibility.

Oh, and I read today that a Federal Judge said that hundreds of mentally ill illegal aliens must be returned to the USA because their hearings were flawed.  This Federal Judge is a prime example of ow this country is headed to the grave.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Youi want to call me names then use your real name.

  2. Does anyone think the purple pugslie will ask Heidi Hall about Terry Lamphiers endorsement on her facebook page? Its dated the 14th and is still there so she is fine with the indicted kiddy porn guys endorsement. Lots of pot heads likes too. ROFLOL

    1. In politics we are connected to our like minded folks. Pelline let everyone know they must "disavow" we on the conservative side and do it publicly and numerous times. I guess he should be doing the same about her but as we all know, he will exhibit his famous hypocrisy.

    2. Doesn't the purv go on trial soon? He could be convicted before the primary so where would that leave little Heidi with a convicted little girl porn freaks endorsement?

  3. Whenever I think about the numbers of homeless, addicts, thefts, and public shootings I feel sick to my stomach because I know it's a result of the war within America that has been waged on our future leaders as school children. I know because our public school tried to force the drug Ritalin on a grandson illegally. After all, the school would get $420 for every kid (mostly boys) prescribed the drug...a form of meth. His parents refused, and he's now an intelligent, creative, hard working young man. Another relative's nurse mother put her on it and she became bi-polar and desperate to find anything to help herself. Many become drug addicts during their search to help themselves feel better. Most of the public shooters have this history of drug use. A lady recently told me her young son was prescribed Ritalin. He became confused and frightened, so she had the doctor drop the prescription and he recovered. Active, rambunctious boys are the future leaders of nations. Why would our government destroy them? Wouldn't it be better for them to have men teachers who understand and know how to discipline boys? Why use drugs rather than discipline? BMW

    1. I have no doubt the esteemed left was not expecting the problems with Ritalin when they were shoving it down the throats of active littl boys. The education system could have sent them to the Principal's office but the Principal was defanged by trial lawyers and liberal whiny parents. Now we all get to see the resulys. The left has wrecked the place. All the way from little kids to old people.

    2. The sad fact is what Anonymous stated above is true. The FDA has never oked Ritalin for minors, never once. All approved testing has been on adults. Every school shooter was on some kind of antidepressant or mental health drug before going on a rampage. None of those drugs where officially approved for minors. Lazy, cheap way to control behavior.

    3. Perhaps the school officials who OK'd those drugs should be prosecuted. Doesn't the government prosecute bartenders? I think they do.

  4. I wonder if the Fue was Ritilinized as a child? That was certainly explain his adult behavior.

  5. Don't go giving it an excuse to claim a disability! ROFLOL

    1. I want to see Heodi Hall disavow that leftwingnut extremist Pelline.

    2. Oh ya sure, they are going to suspend their socialist love fest in Nevada city. That will be the day! LOL Heidi was no help on measure s in the last elections defeat. So if she cant generate enough votes for that even in Nevada city how is she really going to fare in supervisor district 1?

    3. Hey you cretins I had a wonderful childhood. The maid fed me 5 times a day and picked up after me so who needed parents around other than for money. So you guys stop pretending there is something wrong with a 400lb hunk of man meat that has an award. I love food porn Todd, thanks for all the cute goodies on the challenges. Sorry only a lol today. Too many ROFLOL's don't do this body good. Do they make a track chair in my size?

    4. What a bunch of BS. My mommie and daddy ignored me. Can you blame them. ROFLOL

    5. Baby huey is never going to be an honest blogger. He fancies himself a real SF icon. No one in the big time world cares about his failed career. Sure scoopy you say' I got to work in SF for a bit and then had to find somewhere no one knew me in any way so I could talk shit'. Was that not your problem in SF, your failure to be accepted and respected? Well guess what? Nevada County sees the same thing the legendary real journalist Herb did. NOTHING WORTHY. Keep up hurting the people you try to suck up to. What was the last local election the scooper of poop was on the right side of? Please don't ROFLO anymore big boy. Don't want a sink hole in Nevada city no matter how nice it would be for you to drop down an abandoned shaft. They can not afford the back fill. ROFLOL

    6. And now the FUE is taking the "comedy central" (pooper) critique of writing styles as real. My goodness, his style is unreadable and boorish. But narcissists think they are just the cat's meow. What a fool. IIf he only knew what the local people think of him (well, if they do) ROTFLMAO!

      You would think these people would figure out that I could care less about them and their criticism.

    7. Little Annie Fannie is his crazy sock puppet. Post after post. What a nut!

    8. Did the purple pugslie die? There was no indication that he did his usual Monday pre dawn George Boardman bitch fest. Must have run out of chili fires. lol

    9. Yeah he didn't mess with Boardman today. Hmmm.

  6. The only thing going on in jeffys lefty land is a couple of the measure s crew yackin about supervisors. The queen of the pot growers is playing nice to Chari West. (??). Covering her bets in Dist 1 maybe? Another is wanting Besse to run against Ed in Dist 2. LOL Will that occupier guy who ran a write in against Ed last time jump in for the left again? Scoopy could be occupied interviewing for the 49ers GM. ROFLOL

    1. Yeah that sounds like everyone, well all three sock puppets, have went home and he can't rustle up viewers. He truly is a terrible writer and I am surprised since he went to college. Looks like he did not learn the skills necessary to communicate at all.

      I still would like to see Heidi Hall tell the community she will have nothing to do with Pelline. He is so divisive. I bet he scares a lot of people who may want to move here. They must say why go to a place that has him? LOL!

    2. Graduating from a university used to have some meaning. But then you get crap results like the FUE. Kids coming out of high schools are not equipped with the basics for higher learning according to the universities themselves. Keep em dumb and docile.

  7. A vote for Heidi Hall is a vote for The True Fue. The True Fue is holding court and demands Cheri West's appearance before His Dishonorable Discharge. We all know the difference between a request and a demand, except his Lardship. Cheri must kiss his behind before she is allowed to kiss his size 186 ring. That is an easy thing to do. Just get a safety harness, a strong rope, and dive into the folds of flesh and kiss anywhere. Like hitting the broad side of a barn with a shotgun. Then, His Wideness will proclaim that a vote for Cheri West is a vote for The True Fue (a former professional editor). It's all about The Truest of True FUE.

  8. This is all way beneath me. I am an award winning journalist with a huge following of imaginary supporters. If anyone wants to get elected in "my" district, they better come talk to me and declare their loyalty. They better also say that they hate Todd, and Besse, and fish, and anyone else I don't like. Because...I am the FUE, the most despised man in Nevada County! LOL! Did I tell you that I have a "cabin" at Lake Tahoe? Herb Caen let's me say it is mine. He felt sorry for me because everybody at work made fun of me. Back in the 90's when I worked at CNET. Before we went public. I am really something, just ask me. LOL!

  9. Hey FUE, wouldn't it be easer for them to just say they liked who you did? The list of people you hate and hate reciprocally is basically the phone book. Who you like is much shorter, it would just have to be I like the FUE. Everyone knows the FUE loves only the FUE. You just tolerate the socialist suckups like ruinit in hopes they say the never heard but longed for word, Friend. ROFLOL

    1. Don't make me call your lawyer. Or, maybe I'll check out the status of your property taxes. You pay your taxes on time don't you Anonymous? Got any overdue library books? If you are mean to me I might just roll all over you. I am The True Fue, and you are po-dunk LOL!

    2. The True Fue has more Chins than a Chinese phonebook.

    3. Sir you are being kind to it. Last time I saw it free ranging in NC it was more like a giant gelatinous slug puffed up like a tick. Skin stretched so tight if poked with something sharp, kabloooie! ROFLOL

  10. What's up FUE, have you been run out of town finally? Postis interuptus getting to you? No new screeds for awhile now, kind of refreshing to not have your foul hot air polluting the community. Too busy as Heidi Halls campaign manager no, wait, I got it. The FUE is going to run for supervisor, well lumber along for supervisor. LOL

  11. The FUE's favorite local elected, loud mouth crazy cat lady Linda Campbell is going to be the topic of discussion at Wednesdays High School Board meeting. 6pm Silver Springs High. There has been a board motion regarding censuring crazy cat lady Campbell. The Union has quite a of list of issue beyond the LaMalfa meltdown and threatening the 4th of july parade anonymously. Go on FUE stand for your kind, ok rhetorically, we know standing is getting harder and harder. Get the crazy cat crew mobilized, don't forget ruinit and the gals. You can rag on Fran Fredle for having free speech opinions, how about we see some balance. Call for Crazy Cat lady Campbell to quit and before the meeting big boy! On the other hand why don't you show up and testify on her behalf and again confirm your BS about being an objective journalist, oh sorry, unemployed journalist. ROFLOL

    1. Unions face book page.

    2. Since you were at one of her cat lady moments you could be there to push back if she grossly misrepresents her actions at Doug's town hall. You could sit near the FUE, well a seat or two away since he will spill over a lot into the neighboring seats that is if he can get down the aisles. LOL

    3. OHBOY OHBOY OHBOY. Big Todd is gonna come visit at the high school meeting on lovely Linda. It will be nice to see you in the flesh big boy. You gonna bring some food porn pics. Can you make me a dvd of them please? I promise I wont wear birkenstocks, I know I have a pair of custom made socks around her somewhere....

  12. I am an award winning journalist who learned his trade at the feet of Herb Caen. No seriously my space was in the foot well of his desk. He was out and about most of the time. It was nice to get to share a janitors closet with an undocumented refugee at cnet. Now I am the king of Nevada City and I pardon little linda for telling the truth about you po dunkers. I may just show up and cheer her on if I finish my pre dinner snack in time. Toodles.

  13. You are all po-dunks and cowards who are afraid to use your real names! LOL!

    1. Didn't you die, that's the rumor mill talk. Not a surprise with your mortality table. Who is ghosting you? What's your real name?

  14. Hey Todd, did your lawyer call the purple hippo? Never seen that jaba the hut mouth stop blabbing for so long. Did the demsocraps kidnap him so they can not have to be carrying that weight in the next election? Heidi Hall exiles the purple pus bag. That might generate some moderate votes if nothing else will. ROFLOL


Real name thank you.