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Eric Cantor-------Dave Brat |
The national talking heads were saying "immigration" was the reason but I don't buy it. I think the conservatives targeted Cantor because he was the Numero Dos in thre House and if you boot someone that high up it sends shivers up the spines of the rest. If it was a Texas House member, probably not the same impact. But of course we have to listen to those Washington DC "expert" talking heads since all the news shows never chat with "joe or Jane public". The Tea Party was dead according to the democrat big mouths only a week ago! Now the Tea Party is in control of the Republican Party according to the same democrat know-it-all's! Too funny.
With news on 24/7 and all these so called "experts" telling everyone what to think and believe, you would think Americans were just a bunch of robots shown how to pull the levers of ballot machines for the status quo (well it is for the democrat party). But to me this should be a big lesson to all politicians who forget about their constituents in their own districts. This is true from Congress down to dog catcher. Keep those "pot holes" repaired or risk being defeated.
I do feel bad for Cantor but I also feel good for the process. Too bad the democrat party is so unreachable for any change. They elect and re-elect scofflaws like Alcee Hastings and Charlie Rangel and others. It takes a death to even budge one inner city democrat. Those politicians are so effective since they get most of the transfer money and disburse it to their constituents. That keeps the "money drug" disbursed and the unrest at ease. But once again we see the Republicans/Conservatives as the people and party of change. We usually have spirited primaries and those status quo types can never rest easy. American politics will miss Eric Cantor but the process of his defeat is the true winner.
Ah yes, 'the show must go on'. Warms the heart to see that money had little influence, what a refreshing treat.
ReplyDeleteRe: Pelosi, wondering how you could possibly gerrymander any combination of that base of the Bay Area- district in SF, Marin, Contra Costa or San Mateo counties, or other surrounding areas, and possibly make it a Repub district. You need to explain that one.
ReplyDeleteHey it is easy. Remeber the I-95 corridor back East? Do the same here. LOL!
DeleteHow do you explain the solid win for Lindsay "Grahamnesty" in the reddest of red S.C.? Certainly no friend of grass roots Tea Partiers.
ReplyDeleteAu contraire. Graham saw the light and went around his state making pals with the grass roots. His explanations were well received and the votes shows that his style worked. As you may recall in my analysis above, I said it was all local.
DeleteThe anti corporate conservative David Brat shows how the people from the left and right are coming together. Good for him, Cantor should be humiliated and ashamed of his time in office.
DeleteMother Jones doesn't see much of the Left in Brat:
While it's always nice to see a libertarian win, this one is definitely leaning to the right.
Mother Jones doesn't see much of the Left in Brat:
DeleteMore reason to like the guy.......
DeleteAs usual you cannot see the big picture. Being pro free enterprise and anti big business isn't a left right issue but rather a people vs. big money issue. Your political shortfalls are because you refuse to see the commonalities in people and only want to focus on the differences. If you are lucky one day you will realize that you have been used as a tool for a very small group of people to accumulate even more power and wealth at the expense of the ones you love. When that day comes you will accept that we are all in this together and your political goggles will lose their red tint and become clear.
Yeah...my greatest flaw...not seeing the "big picture"!
DeleteI'm telling you Manchild you need help....this megalomania will be your undoing. I can see the written history now..."only one man.... Ben Emery was possessed of sufficient revolutionary understanding of the historical inevitability of the movement....."
But hey....at least you aren't as bad as some of the open and avowed Reds....they were completely over the top in their self worship. Trotsky, before he was given the bums rush...not to mention his Mexican Vacation was just sure he was Superman.
Keep swinging son....you'll get there!
How is the documentation of the accusations leveled at Rebanes coming?
I can see the written history now...
DeleteOf course these from your memoirs....you're own personal "little red book" if you will.
If you are lucky one day you will realize that you have been used as a tool for a very small group of people to accumulate even more power and wealth at the expense of the ones you love.
DeleteIn the interest of amity and comradely good fellowship an explanation of how I'm facilitating the filthy evil rich is appreciated....you know....so I can stop.
DeleteAll you are doing is projecting instead of self reflection. Maybe just maybe I might have something to offer but you are to busy trying to convince who knows who that you're superior and can learn nothing new from somebody whom you disagree politically.
I have admitted on a couple of occasions that I am a painfully average "mid wit"....! This is why you are so transparent to me...I recognize mediocrity! The difference Ben is that I know that any "solution" coming from one of my midwitted brethren (that would be you) is likely to cause more problems than it will solve.
DeleteProgressivism: a philosophy responsible for 80 million deaths
You must be very proud.
I'm going to try this again. You have accused me of facilitating the following: .....you have been used as a tool for a very small group of people to accumulate even more power and wealth at the expense of the ones you love..
DeleteA simple explanation of how I am doing this would be appreciated.
Ben Emery, you know I have to bask in the sunlight of your superiority. I will pray on my knees to your statue. My goodness Ben Emery, you are so predictable. Not good in a revolutionary vision kinda guy. I look at deeds not words to see if a person such as you really has anything going. I cannot seem to find anything. Please, tell us all why we should buy ib to your philosophy. Inquiring minds want to know.
DeletePlease list your accomplishments that have crossed over your ideology and are attractive to both the left and the right. Please only list those things you have actually accomplished or attempted. We have had enough of your cut and paste and rhetoric. My guess is, as usual from you, crickets.
Delete"you have been used as a tool for a very small group of people to accumulate even more power and wealth at the expense of the ones you love.."
One perfect example, climate change. What is your position? The one that a few energy tycoons propose or the one that 97% of the experts on the issue of climatology.
If somehow this doesn't pin you down there are plenty of others, corporate taxes paid in the US is on average 12% yet I hear complaints about the highest corporate tax rates in the world, which 12% effective tax rate would land us in bottom of actual corporate taxes. Up until the Civil War corporate taxes funded virtually all of the federal government and in the 1950's it was still around 33% of the federal government was funded by corporate taxes. Should corporations in the US continue to have loopholes that allow them to keep income offshore avoiding US taxes? Or is ok in your opinion that we the people have to pick up their share of paying for the commons?
Let's see fish, Hmmm, climate change. Yep the people across the planet that drive a motor vehicle are all under the hypnotic trance of the 1%. My goodness, how did I miss that?
DeleteOne perfect example, climate change. What is your position? The one that a few energy tycoons propose or the one that 97% of the experts on the issue of climatology.
DeleteI'd check that percentage Ben...rumor has it it's not nearly so high as you think and falling daily. In truth it never was more than a revenue grab anyway.....a way to tax peoples very existence....how perfectly regressive of you.
Should corporations in the US continue to have loopholes that allow them to keep income offshore avoiding US taxes? Or is ok in your opinion that we the people have to pick up their share of paying for the commons?
I'll employ a Frischian response to this....are they behaving illegally? If so why isn't your progressive Obama administration prosecuting them? It they are acting within the law then all you need to do is create sufficient pressure in congress to have the "loopholes" rescinded. Easy peasy! Now you can tax or not tax as you see fit Ben...the problem is that after you collect the revenue your government simply pisses the majority of it away!
Solyndra anyone.
Der Ben Emery, please supply us with the names of those tycoons so we can go thank them for supplying the energy that keeps us all in the current world. Also, give us the list of your 99% of all scientists that agree with you. I have never seen that list but you sheeple use it all the time.
ReplyDeleteWe are in the middle of a political revolution and I truly believe within a generation the D's and R's will hardly be recognizable if not gone completely. A new form of governance is in the making and I am not sure of what it is going to look like but will have some form of democracy inside it. Possibly another stab at a 21st century version of Articles of Confederation. I think the US Government on the federal level has gotten so big it cannot function and even some states.
You are not going to get a disagreement out of me...
DeleteHey.....given your recent discovery....well disclosure anyway of yet another link to the oppressed peoples residing on this spinning ball of dirt. Thought that this might be of interest?
ReplyDeleteThese girls write with the same degree of self aggrandizement that you do.....take a gander when you have a moment.
DeleteYou are inflicted with the same illness as the rest of the neo fascist crew at rebanes, pure unadulterated selfishness.
More accusations....! Never any proof!
DeleteIt's what is to be expected from a progressive.
Fish, yes, that is the first plank in the lib platform. You read it in Saul Alinsky. Never get pinned down on a solution just toss grenades at the opposition. Ben is a typical, left wing nut. No substance but a great name caller. Funny how he knows nothing about anyone on the right but we are all fascists. My Pop fought them yet somehow, over this internet, neo scum like Ben Emery thinks he can call us those things. He should walk to the other side of the street if he see me coming.
DeleteI'm not sure that you're right Todd.....Ben is intriguing because of this compulsion he has to pigeon hole his online opponents. I'm, to the best of my knowledge a "small L" libertarian...but in Bens eyes I'm goose stepping down main street with you, George, Greg, and wild Billy Tozer.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of neighbor is Ben?
"He should walk to the other side of the street if he see me coming."
ReplyDeleteHa, I love that! What are you going to do when Ben doesn't cross the street Todd, make a strong articulate fact based case for your beliefs?
I would imagine he would cross the street. It would be the same for you if someone called you a effeminate fatboy. You know it is true. How is your ticket ales for the communist Van Jones? I bet you two are "bosom buddies".
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteSorry Steve Frisch, had to remove your childish four letter rant. What a kid.
DeleteLets see Todd and Greg threaten libel lawsuits, Walt wants a duel, and you say people should cross the street rather than walk past you.
ReplyDeleteWho are the fascists your sainted daddy fought to save the world from?
Steve Frisch, if you are called a effeminate fat boy what would you do? Send in the lawyers! LOL! Sorry to see you act so childish. Besides, you are interpreting people as you want to and it is truly funny. Ben is a wimp so he would cross the street because of no backbone. I am not a violent person but if he throws a punch I would be compelled to kick his ass. You are no worry since you like cheesburgers and fries to the nth degree I hear. Too funny.
DeleteOh, and what is defendng oneself from someone have to do with fascism. You come and defame people and they challenge you to back up your words and you pussy off with lawsuits. You are a nobody Steve Frisch and you know it as does the community. You are not worth even a spittle. What a hoot!
So actions in civil court, dueling, and potential fisticuffs are characteristic of fascism? Wow....perhaps I've been too hasty in my criticism of Bens labeling of those who don't share his worldview!
DeleteHas der Fuehrer been informed?
Yep, I guess Steve Frisch can defame everyone and thinks he will stay ut of court. It will be great to own everything he owns and all his money too! I bet he has some money since he failed to pay those taxes for his failed restaurant. You know, the taxes he held in trust for the employees.
DeleteHere let me post it without the profanity for you.
ReplyDeleteI would never cross the street for you. I would walk right up to you and allow you to throw the first punch like the person of limed intellectual capability that you are. Then I would press charges for assault and battery and seize you property for my own use when you settled.
So what exactly did you mean when you said that Ben better cross the street?
You would cross the street Steve Frisch because you are a pussy. I would simply laugh at you as your yellow spine ran for cover. Too funny. I answered your dumb question back one. What a doofus low brwo you are. No wonder you are laughed at all over the county. What a hoot!
DeleteLets be clear here boys, it was Todd and Greg who threw down the first challenges of law suits. They threatened me with libel lawsuits. I am merely retaliating in kind.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are the one who threw down with a challenge that Ben should cross the street. You are an ignorant, lying, bully. I have enough confidence in your lack of self control that I know you would not be able to resist resorting to violence. It is in your character.
I also find it hilarious that you would edit me calling you a shit heel but you feel empowered to call me a pussy.
Bring it on you fat, aging, multiple times divorced, hypocrite. The fascists are the one like Todd who imply and threaten violence as a means of settling their problems.
So perhaps you could answer the question bully, what did you mean when you said Ben should cross the street?
Oh, now I know why people call you a effeminate fatboy Steve Frisch. Sorry, but I just can't believe they call you that. I call you a tax cheat. You did not pay the taxes entrusted to you by your employees after you failed in the Passages restaurant in Truckee. Where did that $250,000 or so dollars go? Did you ever make it right with those lower middle class, struggling employees? And you call yourself a defender of that class of folks. What a hoot!
DeleteRegarding my married life. The women I am no longer with were paid money, my money, not my employees money. So it appears you have reoccupied the sewer level on the blogs again. An appropriate place for who some call an effeminate fatboy.
I know that if we crossed paths you would cross the street because you are a simple weak kneed fellow. We can tell by how you dress and where your glasses. Too funny.
This is fun keep it coming you twerp.
ReplyDeleteI feel so embarrassed for you and your fish. The complete lack of intellect, the childish way you and your friends verbalize makes he think of a 4th grade playground. Not to mention the fact of your continuous sexist remarks create a kind of rage in me. If I saw you walking down the street you bet I would cross it - to the other side. Your stuff might be catching! Eeeewww!
S. Cunningham Miller
Aw shucks, another PC liar with a fake name. You are a stuffes shirt and maybe you belong over on the FUE's blog You crack me up. Eeew!
DeleteThat's gotta be "Big Boy"! Of everyone who drops by only he writes that poorly.
DeleteLittle Boys,
ReplyDeleteI have matured beyond a teenage mentality of threatening physical violence, I leave that for the Black Shirts. I took a vow of non violence in 1991, I haven't always been able to keep it but only in times of self defense have I broken that vow. Trust me you like me better as a non violent person who fights with words not their fists.
I think it is Todd that gives the advice of toughen up.
Todd there is so much proof that you and the Rebane cohorts share the core ideology of fascists it isn't even funny. Yet on the other hand the accusations that I am a communist are absent of one key factor, any examples that I have ever once advocated abolisihng private property. Without that there is no communism. On the other hand you guys want a corporate rule in the so called "Free Market". You want to crush labor unions. You want to end public education. You want to end "liberal" professors at higher education. You want to limit the ability for tens of millions to vote. You want little to no taxes on the wealthy and corporations. You want a military super power that flexes its muscles all over the world. You have no problem with government spying on social justice and peace groups. You have no problem with drone warfare in sovereign nations that we have not declared wars on. Immigration reform always seems to be aimed at the brown people. You want a holy war with Islam. The list can go on and on.
The other thing Todd, I believe we were at Pearson's together the other day. I wouldn't be calling others fat, your pear shape isn't something to brag about. The one thing that stuck out is you took up both spaces in the back so I had to load my high wheel trimmer with my truck sticking out in the street. Typical selfish park job for a selfish person.
By the way, I never claim to have any power other than joining the masses and my opinions. I am a constant volunteer or what I call a street level grunt worker in the movement of equality for all. So your painting of me as being a megalomaniac doesn't fit. Try again.
Aw thanks Ben Emery, we can always count on our advice and maturity. Not! Too funny.
DeleteBen Emery, I and Rebane cannot be fascists. We are for individual rights and smaller government. It appears to me that you are the fascist. You belie the government should be in charge of everything and you believe in taking the money of those that earn it to give to the slackers. Therefore, from now on your name in my posts will be Der Ben Emery to better represent your true self. I bet those rich Jews of Europe got what you think they should have, right Ben?
Regarding violence, I am a peace loving man. I know some karate and some great boxing moves, but never used in violence. So, it is good that Steve Frisch, the pussy tax evader never attacks me physically. He'd lose and I would sue him.
So you were that ugly fat kid at Pearsons? I was parked where I was because when I arrived there was a car in front. What a pussy you are Ben Emery. Aw gee, had to load a machine all by yourself. Wawww!
As far as my shape, I am 6-4, 220 pounds and in good shape. You look like the lard ass man. I am very popular on the dating circuits. Women can't get enough of me. Too funny!
Well, I am having to much fun with you two neanderthals so I will be back tomorrow.
Trust me you like me better as a non violent person who fights with words not their fists.
DeleteI've seen you fight with words from what I've seen you might want to consider going back to your fists. Just sayin.
Todd there is so much proof that you and the Rebane cohorts share the core ideology of fascists it isn't even funny.
Again Ben merely repeating the accusations without proof demonstrates nothing. Accuse all you want....you might as well be praying for all the good it does you. I suppose it substitutes for valid argument in Bens world......an article of your progressive faith.
By the way, I never claim to have any power other than joining the masses and my opinions. I am a constant volunteer or what I call a street level grunt worker in the movement of equality for all. So your painting of me as being a megalomaniac doesn't fit. Try again.
Your megalomania doesn't depend on your status or your experiences or whatever it is that you do with your spare time. You can't seem to submit a blog entry without making the claim that "...you guys just can't see the big picture!" I can only infer by making this statement that you believe that only you, the... street level grunt worker in the movement of equality for all. as you put it, truly sees the "big picture"!
Poor Ben...burdened with all that knowledge...all that potential...like I said...megalomania.
Enjoy the rest of your evening Manchild,
Fish and Todd,
DeleteI just visited over at Rebanes and there is a ton of justification towards my list of examples. All anyone has to do is go look through the threads to see where you guys stand on the issues I presented. There are more but I thought the list I gave enough to prove my point. If my list of examples are pointless then why so much anger and justification? I would say my fighting with words is working just fine.
As for Fish, you rarely contribute anything of substance so you might not fit my description but you might want to consider who your siding with in these divisive conversations. I stand by my opinion of Rebane and the four or five regulars. I cannot stand theirs (your) political ideology but never say you are not entitled to them. I will say this, George does let people to speak their minds without censorship. That I do respect but that is a rare thing when it comes to his political ideology.
My positions and solutions are very well established so there is no need to try and justify them or repeat them for you guys to ignore.
All anyone has to do is go look through the threads to see where you guys stand on the issues I presented.
DeleteReally....much like you refuse to do when George presents you with the same challenge.
If my list of examples are pointless then why so much anger and justification?
Because you present "justifications" so rarely I find myself surprised when I see them. Anger...none! It's like I've mentioned to Michael...dropping by here and at Georges is little more than working the heavy bag. It's been fabulous for my blood pressure.
As for Fish, you rarely contribute anything of substance so you might not fit my description but you might want to consider who your siding with in these divisive conversations.
You could not have paid me a higher compliment.
My positions and solutions are very well established so there is no need to try and justify them or repeat them for you guys to ignore.
It appears Fer Ben Emery will never answer. This is a tactic taught the liberal. One only needs to watch the debates and read the lefts/democrats, ads. Communist/fascists like Der Ben Emery propaganda needs no proof. Just take their word for it.
Delete"I just visited over at Rebanes and there is a ton of justification towards my list of examples."
DeleteBen, I suspect you are again deluded. Just one example quote from you, and a justifying quote from RR, please... since you see a "ton" of justifications, it should be easy to select one to examine more closely.
Der Ben Emery has fled. A typical cut and paste hit and run without proof or example. I think the fellow is on strong medication!
DeleteTodd, this is not a very nice way to be spending your Father's Day. You should take your TSA scan to a movie, get to know each other a little better before you keep doing that, well...you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteMichael Anderson, please, I am not interested in you I like women. You go to the Del Oro and sit in the back and smooch and bugger whoever you want. I am sorry you cannot see my TSA worldwide and famous Xrays. The women still swoon.
DeleteTodd, just give me a chance. I'm sure once we've spooned a while I'll win you over. We can work it out.
ReplyDeleteOh Michael...after all we've been through....you still prefer Todd!
DeleteYou've hurt me deeply! Flowers alone won't fix it this time!
Damn...almost forgot!
ReplyDeletefishJune 15, 2014 at 12:25 PM
I'm going to try this again. You have accused me of facilitating the following: .....you have been used as a tool for a very small group of people to accumulate even more power and wealth at the expense of the ones you love..
A simple explanation of how I am doing this would be appreciated.
????? Still waiting.....surely by now you have something......anything?
I retract this. I found your response above.
DeleteThe growing evidence supports Ben Emery's June 14, 2014 10:42 AM comment that "the left and the right are coming together"--especially on the realization that Barack Hussein Obama is incompetent and that the country club GOP members are too timid to challenge him. Cantor's ouster is just the beginning. --JG #NoConfidence #TimeForBiden #BenchBarack
ReplyDeleteFor Fish especially but in general for all who like to discuss politics and their ideologies. I don't think I am superior in any shape or form but do think I take a different approach or angle when looking at politics and issues in general. If the failed fourth estate or as Amy Goodman calls it For The State and the D's and R's want me to discuss politics this way, I will choose to discuss and research politics that way. It is all a shell game trying to keep the masses distracted so we don't unite to kick those small few people/ institutions in positions of power out on their a$$es.
ReplyDeletepolitics in government
Liberals trust people and understand that a small few will exploit the system. Thus the constant adding government assistance programs in a dysfunctional system.
Conservatives don't trust people and believe their tax money is being stolen or wasted due to those who exploit the system. Thus the emphasis on personal charity not government assistant programs.
Progressives want to reform the system in such a way that makes it the most representative of the people therefore making government decisions that benefit the masses, which in turn would drastically shrink the size and scope of government
Libertarians don't trust institutions of any kind and truly believe in limited government, almost no government.
Liberals/ Progressives want to give everybody an equal chance at succeeding by making sure equal opportunity is available.
Conservatives/ Libertarians believe success comes with personal work ethic and sacrifices. Believe government interference might lift the opportunity of one group but at the expense of another group.
part I
Part II
DeleteAlthough very simplistic those are the generalities of the political stripes in the US.
Nature vs. Nurture is really the argument.
Now here is where we all get lost and I try my best not to get sucked into it, but have to admit fail way more than I should. Those who sit in positions of power frame all the debates to move it away from nature vs. nurture since there are huge agreements by both sides of that debate. I would say like 90% or so of people want a fair wage for fair days labor, shelter, food, clothing, ability to afford health care when needed, to give their children a decent education, and to be able to retire with relative comfort and dignity. The people don't want it given to them but the opportunity to earn these things.
The powers that be need us to focus on the differences not the commonalities. If we come from a place of agreement than compromises and the best way forward for all people can be obtained. If we come from a place of differences it becomes my way is good your way is bad and very little is accomplished.
It is all about how we want to approach the issues. Over at Rebanes I started trying to find agreement but quickly was hammered by George and his 4 or 5 regulars. Like most people I didn't have the strength to ignore the insults and played the game as George prefers it to be played. I don't like myself at the Rebane's or Sierra Dragons Breath because I give into the negative approach because of dealing with people who refuse to search for the commonalities and insist on living in the differences.
That is why I find it funny that Fish had to go after my original comment
"The anti corporate conservative David Brat shows how the people from the left and right are coming together." Ultimately it is the agreement that crony capitalism has destroyed the American Dream for the vast majority of Americans.
In 2008 a poll was conducted by Washington Post/ ABC and I think WSJ. I used to use the poll with a presentations to the college and high school classes. It has since been scrubbed or hidden on the internet. The biggest issue that concerns the people about our government had a 92% agreement . That issue was government corruption. My guess those who sit at the leadership tables of both the Democratic and Republican Party's made sure that question wasn't asked again so we don't get polls like that any longer, remember For The State media. The polls are now often are worded like "Who is to blame for our government woes, Democrats or Republicans?"
Since both incredibly large institutions of the R's and D's have controlled our government for over 150 years they are both to blame.
DeleteYou wrote: "Liberals trust people and understand that a small few will exploit the system."
and you wrote: "Conservatives don't trust people and believe their tax money is being stolen or wasted due to those who exploit the system. Thus the emphasis on personal charity not government assistant programs."
I think if you replace your use of "people" with "government" you're statement is 100% accurate. As written, your words are 180 degrees got in in reverse--JG #BidenCan'tBeWorse #HopeLESS
He does have it backwards. Ben Emery, please give us examples of where the liberals trust people. It seems to me your ilk are telling us what to eat, where to get healthcare, what to drive, and the list is endless. Conservatives actually vote every day at all levels of government to turn back overreach and let the people decide for themselves. I really do think you may have political dyslexia.
DeleteGreat examples...and collectively we could generate 500 more within 24 hours.--JG
DeleteZero times Zero is, Hmmmm?
DeleteThat is why I find it funny that Fish had to go after my original comment
ReplyDelete"The anti corporate conservative David Brat shows how the people from the left and right are coming together."
I didn't Ben…"Mother Jones" did, as related by Greg.
This is what I said:
Mother Jones doesn't see much of the Left in Brat:
More reason to like the guy...….
The powers that be need us to focus on the differences not the commonalities. If we come from a place of agreement than compromises and the best way forward for all people can be obtained. If we come from a place of differences it becomes my way is good your way is bad and very little is accomplished.
The same refrain always. Let's just agree and make government bigger and more intrusive….as a practical matter this is how it plays out …..always! As to your claim that progressives want to "fix" problems so they can reduce the size of government you'll need to provide ample documentation that this is not just a stated goal but provide some evidence that it has occurred at some point.
DeleteCompromise could work if there was genuine compromise from both sides.
What we've seen is yielding on the right without reciprocation by the left.
The only good thing to come out of this is that the leftist have had things so much their own way, they own the horrible outcomes that we see today (IRS, Bengazi, Iraq, Libya, VA, budget deficits, etc.)
We also get to see what a bunch of lying cock-a-roaches (Tony in Scarface) the left is. Now we are to accept the loss of all the emails on Lois Lerner's and related computers of the exact time-frames of the TP fiasco? And today the captured the militia guy who murdered Chris Stevens and others? My goodness.
DeleteTodd, it seems that the convenient timing and convenient excuses have become too much for even the "drive by media" to overlook. Within the past 10 days, Chris Mathews, Geraldo Rivera, Christiane Amanpour have each expressed dismay over the community organizer's (Obama's) horrendous leadership.
DeleteBarack Obama sat on a wall.
Barack Obama had a big fall.
All his ass-kissers and all his boot lickers couldn't put Barack Obama back together again.
#DumpHumpty #aBadEgg
JG, trying to understand why the egg is bad. Was it overcooked?
ReplyDeleteWoody, the egg looked very nice on the outside...even for a brown egg. But inside the egg was rotten. Source of the rot is uncertain. One possible cause is that the mother hen rejected the egg shortly after the egg was fertilized. It seems that a duck adopted the egg which resulted in complications. Poultry officials have tried to research the issue, but it is possible that the extra heat of the duck overheated the embryonic brain of the infant chic. Because the egg is brown, their efforts to examine the background of the egg were thwarted.
DeleteThere are other theories for why the egg is bad, and I'll let other readers share those theories.
I have very long days at the moment and don't have time to address all of the responses but will add a couple things to clarify my position.
ReplyDeleteLiberals/ Progressives believe that government is supposed to be a representation of the people with citizen legislators, that is why liberals/ progressives call it "our government".
Conservatives/ Libertarians believe that government is an other, that is why they call it "the government".
Libertarians/ Progressives do not trust large institutions but the difference is progressives understand that institutions are needed for a large population to function on a high level, this can only happen with very intense scrutiny and watchful eye of the people.
Conservatives believe in business will govern the people by market demands or vice versa. I know that conservatives will argue in favor the latter part and will challenge the actual result of the former.
What we got going on today is big business controlling the arms of government, which systematically has been grabbing more and more power without any real oversight from the people except with a very undemocratic electoral system that has been rigged to only allow two political parties to control our government. That is why our government has gotten so huge and overreaching, they are doing the bidding of big business while using big business to suppress our civil liberties. Both parties are corrupt and can no longer govern in the interests of the people because money controls our elections.
This is where I understand but disagree with conservatives/ libertarians, they will argue that government shouldn't have the power that allows big business to corrupt the system. My answer to that is without our government setting the rules big business would absolutely control without any oversight from the people because we would be engulfed in anti competitive monopolized markets. Look anywhere in the world where government has little to no power over the markets and you will see an undeveloped nation that lives in corruption on the street level more commonly known as, third world countries. We are the government and through our government we build the commons/ infrastructure that allowed the US to have a competitive advantage all throughout the second half of the 20th century. Unfortunately we have had a 40 year stretch where the US government has left the development of infrastructure go to the private sector and what we have seen is the private sector by in large leave the country due to our so called free trade agreements. These free trade agreements only benefit big business nobody else. The US infrastructure has a D rating and is in need of a $3 trillion make over. Instead of infrastructure the US has invested into military empire that is strategically placed assuring low oil prices for big business to be able to manufacture goods tens of thousands of miles away and still be profitable. The US is now behind the 8 ball due to the outdated and crumbling infrastructure and our defense/ pentagon budget is over a trillion dollars annually.
This is where I understand but disagree with conservatives/ libertarians, they will argue that government shouldn't have the power that allows big business to corrupt the system. My answer to that is without our government setting the rules big business would absolutely control without any oversight from the people because we would be engulfed in anti competitive monopolized markets.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Ben…you've successfully argued for the status quo.
Der Ben Emery, please tell us why you so admire the 70 years of the USSR? Since you believe the governmet should be in charge as opposed to a country of free men pursuing their own dreams, I am guessing you prefer the "Commandant" telling you what to do rather than the CEO.
ReplyDeleteNo the status quo is unaccountable and corporatist, which is the two party tyranny we have over our government. I believe, defend, and promote a democratic republic form of governance. Those who have corporate interests have taken over the two political parties/ control of our government and by doing so have opened the door for businesses like Walmart to use government services to subsidize their workforce. It has been well documented. The other thing the Walton's have done is use their 30 plus billion inheritance to try and abolish the estate tax. Ever wonder where the term death tax came from? The Walton heirs spent $100 million to influence think tanks and law makers to get rid of the estate tax that affects 0.03% of the US population and you can take a guess on what side of the economic spectrum that 0.03% lies.
You are an empty vessel and this conversation is way to complex for you to participate. So please follow the thread but keep your stupid comments to yourself.
Der Ben Emery, you are too simple. I see you have once again dodged a set of questions with personal attabks for diversion purposes. I raised a couple of boys and they had much more intellectual capacity at 12 than you do. So once again, review my questions above or just shut your dopey pie hole. Too funny.
DeleteAlso, it is time for you to get a job and become a maker. Sheesh!
No the status quo is unaccountable and corporatist, which is the two party tyranny we have over our government. I believe, defend, and promote a democratic republic form of governance.
DeleteAs do I…..unfortunately I don't see any way to get to your more representative form of government given the general civic disengagement shown by the populace.
Those who have corporate interests have taken over the two political parties/ control of our government and by doing so have opened the door for businesses like Walmart to use government services to subsidize their workforce.
I know that Wal-Mart is your bete noire but the problem can be seen in either of two ways. Either Wal-Mart uses the government to subsidize it's employees as you describe or Wal-Mart defrays government expenses by paying the otherwise unemployable minimum wage where they would draw full benefits were they not working at all. A distinction without real difference but I still favor the latter interpretation if for no other reason than it benefits people to get in the habit of work.
The other thing the Walton's have done is use their 30 plus billion inheritance to try and abolish the estate tax.
I don't hold this against them….I would certainly spend the money to protect my estate from wasteful grasping spendthrifts in government.
Ever wonder where the term death tax came from?
The Walton heirs spent $100 million to influence think tanks and law makers to get rid of the estate tax that affects 0.03% of the US population and you can take a guess on what side of the economic spectrum that 0.03% lies.
Again Ben….is any of this illegal? I find it far more palatable for the Waltons to defend against a rapacious state than the guilty rich left who want to reach down and steal from the middle class but hide behind their various foundations while doing it.
fish, excellent point on the welfare/minimum wage Wal-Mart part. That is a spin that is actually a good way to look at it. If the person was getting paid by Wal-mart then they are not totally on the dole. I guess though that the left has still won the argument since people are still unable to live within their means. I recall starting out at $1.50 per hour and was able to live on it, go to school and then pursue a better life. But I suppose those "poor" employees just can't do that.
DeleteI am amuse though that Der Ben Emery is now attacking Wal-Mart because it was justr a couple of weeks ago he was attacking the Koch brothers. Together the two companies employee about e.6 million people and pay billions in wages and then those wages are taxed. I would suggest Der Ben Emery ask the government to stop taking their share from those "poor" folks and allow them to spend it as they see fit.
How come Der Ben Emery never does the same analysis on Steyer or Soros? Oh, because they pay for the talking points Der Ben Emery uses perhaps? I would say Der Ben Emery has no brain of his own since all he does is vomit lefty talking points and copy/pastes all over the place. He needs to get a job and start feeling better about himself. That might be impossible though since he seem to settle on being the liberal patsy.
If you've ever been poor you know very well that there's nothing in your wallet to help the poor. If eventually you get somewhere financially there is something extra and you can donate to help others who don't have anything. ambitious people take risks and put in long hours working to get ahead. Those who don't shouldn't covet what those who work hard accomplish. We all have choices as to what we want to become. Even the Fish &Game tell us not to feed the wild animals because they'll become dependent and forget how feed themselves. Charity is good as long as part of the program is teaching people how to help and feed themselves. They'll appreciate the self esteem and independence. BMW
ReplyDeleteRegarding Wal-Mart. Our 100 year old family member has this to say about it. Wal-Mart was so wonderful to work for that she would still like to work there if they'd have her. BMW
ReplyDeleteBMW you are right on the mark. Instead of whining they don't have three color TV's and a BMW they should get the black and white TV and a used Ford until they start doing better. Actually the attacks on Wal-Mart are driven by the lefty unions and the wages are simply a straw man.
DeleteThere is too much belly aching in America. These folks have a sense of entitlement so the are "owed". Moms and Dads have really spoiled their kidlets. Hard work and show up on time is a good start.
I chatted with someone who worked at the local food bank yesterday. She got fed up nd quit becasue there were so many "druggies" coming in who were able bodied who knew all the freebie government programs and refused to even look for work. She couldn't deal with them any more.
I gotta be honest….I don't think I would have any interest in working at Wal-Mart. For some people it's an option….sometimes their only option. To constantly impugn them because they are successful and others aren't is horribly bad form and the worst form of class envy.
DeleteWhen I was 20 I was married and had a new baby. I dug ditches to make money to take of my family. Perhaps that start has made me less sympathetic to today's whiners about "minimum wage".
DeleteLets move onto the Republican and Democratic Party's shall we.
ReplyDeleteNeither party represents their base but live in the grey area of trying to influence the uninformed to be afraid of the other party. I will admit the Republicans have a more uphill battle with this because of their positions on social issues to appease their very strange coalition of small voting blocks. The religious right (abortion, same sex marriage/ equality), racists(voting rights, immigration), zionists(AIPAC, Islamaphobes), 2nd amendment(zero regulations on gun ownership), and a big policy issue not a social issue the ever important cash cow energy industry(Climate Change Denial). These are a few examples of the Republican juggling act to try and remain competitive in elections.
I have to go but will continue with the wall st sell out, war mongering, labor abandoning, pro industry Democratic Party later.
Der Ben Emery, you say both parties but you only post a plethora of what you say are Republican issues. Please give us all the extensive list of democrat party shortcomings so we can see what a independent non-partisan you claim you are.
DeleteGet back to me when Bens "Sermon on the Soapbox" is finished. We can continue then if you like.
DeleteI think he has too much time on his hands and we get these blasts from him when he missed his meds. LOL!
DeleteBen, I believe you are correct: "Neither party represents their base but live in the grey area of trying to influence the uninformed to be afraid of the other party."
DeleteToo many elected representatives are principally representing the people where they live...which is in Washington D.C....instead of representing the the people that elected them.
It will be healthy to have some new people in DC. Judging by Cantor's defeat, a lot of people feel the same way. --JG
I have to go but will continue with the wall st sell out, war mongering, labor abandoning, pro industry Democratic Party later.
DeleteSo we're just going to gloss over opinion masquerading as fact and outright incorrect statements...2nd amendment (zero regulations on gun ownership....really? Zero regulation??) before you jump on your pet hobby horse of unresponsive party politics.....?
C'mon Ben put a little effort into the discussion....there are a hundred places I can go if I want someone who hasn't a clue to preach at me.
fish, I don't have to make sense with what I say. My passion for the downtrodden and disenfranchised overrides the need for my rants to be factual. It is, because I say it is. Who cares that there are over 20,000 gun laws on the books. If there were more laws, and a Department of Making Sure Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Are Doing Their Job, there would be no gun crimes. If I were President, it would be so. We have living proof that you don't need any experience, or any smarts to be President. That makes me qualified for the job.
DeleteThanks En......my best to our mutual friend Ben.
DeleteSo Todd...."En"....a friend of the Bros. FUE?
DeleteUnknown fish.
DeleteYes fish, there are some common DNA threads with some of the FUE family. I am, I suspect, similar to you in that I can only read so much nonsense before the silliness and lies just build up and spew out. Kind of like food poisoning.
DeleteThat damn milkman got around didn't he? LOL!
DeleteFirst eggs, now milk. Is this about Senator Cantor?
DeleteWoody Held, no it is about you. Get a grip!
DeleteTodd, all I can say about the milkman is that if he had a route in Ben's neighborhood, and could have added some 100 IQ to the gene pool there, we would not be having this current discussion about Ben's grasp of basic issues. LOL!
DeleteTrue, at least a milkman needs to remmber his route, how to get there and then return. Ben knows neither.
ReplyDeleteMy gift to you....a chap who it seems has similar views to yours (especially re voting) but manages to be less annoying.
I feel it only fair to warn you......funded by the......(sotto voce).....cough, cough.....Koch bros..!
It seems young Ben is out and about today......just saw him over at FUEs. I guess he doesn't want to continue our discussion. Apparently an audience doesn't sit in rapt wonder at the very magic of his words is too great a challenge for him !
Or maybe it's just that I'm just not seeing the BIG PICTURE here........
He stalked me into Pearson's Small Engine Repair and then complained I took his spot in the parking lot. I think he is nuts. But he is full of himself but that is all brown and gooey. Yikes!
DeleteHe followed you into the business to complain? That must have been one great parking spot!
DeleteYou boys need to learn to play nice in the real world!
I am a lover not a fighter but I will defend myself. LOL!
DeleteI know your are kidding but others might not. Stalking you into Pearson's? Was my 76 year old mom my accomplice? No complaint was charged I was letting you know on this blog that your park job fits right in with your selfish personality and I am sure it wasn't on accident.
Instead of stalking could it be I work on a ranch/ farm properties with around 200 acres I was there picking up a piece of equipment and this a$$hole decided to take his half out of the middle of the two parking spaces forcing me to park with my truck bed hanging out over the sidewalk. Forcing me to have to enter the street to load my equipment into the back of my truck.
Ben Emery, you have a screw loose man. First, I have no idea what you look like so you must be a pretty non descript person, unlike me. Second, Pearsons does not have a set of parking places and third if I parked in their area in the back it was with the greatest amount of consideration to others as that is how I am. If you left your poor feeble mom in a hot truck cab while you traipsed around town, you should be arrested for cruelty. I am ashamed of you for your lack of concern for your own mother. What a terrible son.
DeletePearson's probably figured they didn't need to draw lines because most people who are old enough to drive could figure it out, they didn't figure stupidity into the equation I guess. Actually my mom came inside with me and I only knew it was you because of your pear shape, wanna be rancher shirt, and the CABPRO sticker on the back of your truck. The only thing you were missing from being a complete dude rancher is your shiny cowboy boots and ten gallon hat, maybe you had them in the sparkling truck. Your a real gem calling my mom a poor feeble person without knowing who she is, what a d*ick. If your parents were around what would they think of such comments?
DeleteUsually I could care less about the parking spot but I don't like you, so it bugs me.
Herr Ben Emery, you are too funny! Pearson's has no parking, it is every person for themselves. They have a drive though space by their repaired and waiting machines. You left your poor, aged mother out in the sun baked truck just like some dumb parent does their kids and you call me dumb? My goodness man you could have received a ticket for that abuse. Maybe even be arrested!
DeleteRegarding my truck, yes I do wash it and it is spotless. Unlike yours that has apparently been attacked by numerous crow divebombing. You should wash it once a year at least. It is just plain unhealthy to have all that bird poop on it. Or maybe you like the "rustic" look?
Regarding my footwear. Sorry Herr Ben Emery, I do own cowboy boots so you must be talking about your daddy. I also so not own a ten gallon hat. Again, your daddy. I would say you are probably an embarrassment to your parents as you are constantly ridiculed for your dumb debating skills and idiotic opinions. But hey, keep trying as you toss that horse manure into that truck of yours as the ranch hand you are. Too funny!
Democratic Party Part I
ReplyDeleteWhere to begin?
I guess lets get what it means when I say corporate out of the way. It means big business not mom & pops and medium size businesses. My wife and I owned a mom & pop and are now both self-employed. We are talking the behemoths of their industries such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Monsanto, Tyson, AT&T, General Electric, Walmart and so on.
The other thing is to look at who fills the leadership roles inside the party at the committee level (who are their major campaign donors) and in the unaccountable extensions of the leadership such as the DNC.
The Democrats spend all their time catering to the Third Way, Corporate Democrats, Moderates, or Conservative Democrats these days ignoring the largest voting block because they feel that progressives have no other place to go. The Republicans do the same to the libertarians.
To you guys the list I am about to give probably doesn’t sound so bad but if we have two political parties doing the bidding of big business who is actually standing up for the mom & pops and workers?
The Democratic Party uses the accomplishments and rhetoric of a party that vanished 40 years ago.
I guess the easiest way to state it is who pursued all the free trade agreements starting with NAFTA and continuing it today with the TPP among others? Big business, Republicans, and the leadership of the Democratic Party Bill Clinton is the one that made the shift to the “Third Way” with NAFTA, stopped supporting labor, ending welfare as we know it, deregulated the big banks, didn’t do squat for environment, left updating infrastructure to the private sector, and got the party hooked on big business funding for elections.
Der Ben Emery, I have read this screed three times and as I suspected, you are nuts. Go back and read your hate comment on R's and then read this one supposedly on D's and if you think it is rational, then OMG> You need serious mental health.
DeleteAs usual you throw out a bunch of character attacks without specifying what you are talking about. It is pretty straight forward even a stupid sh!# like yourself should understand it. The Democratic Party leadership has shifted allegiance to big business and left small businesses and workers out in the cold. My guess you have never heard of Third Way Democrats.
Herr Ben Emery, , LOL! You are just out there in the ozones. Your screeds are ridiculous and unintelligible. Please, get educated on things other than the Socialist agenda handbook. You ideas are just plain dopey and your outrage is not believable.
DeleteI take back my stupid sh!# comment and sincerely find it very concerning that you cannot have a political discussion that actually involves thinking. It makes a person wonder what happened to you? It seems you had a very loving upbringing and were quite functional at one point but you're cognitive skills seem to have deteriorated to the point you're basically a recording stuck on a loop of insults towards liberals.
DeleteYou might want to seek some medical attention.
Herr Ben Emery, please stay off of the ganga, your cognitive skills are no better than a three year olds. I would suggest you need to try harder than he cut/paste lifestyle in order to compete with me. If you ever actually win an office at any level, then perhaps yopur views and oipinions will have some merit. But, you got less votes District wide than I did in my Countywide race so I wouls suggest no one cares what you have to say. Too funny!
ReplyDeleteThat is strange since you, fish, bill, and other rebane rightwing regulars mention me frequently even though I am not posting there any longer. So for not caring you guys spend a lot of time worrying and complaining about my opinions. Good job at sitting out in Vietnam, the smartest thing you ever did from what I can tell.
Herr Ben Emery, we talk about you becasue yopu are a good foil. You are a comedy central fellow. We all get a kick out of your inane opinions. Also, how come you were not in Desert Storm?
DeleteEven stranger since the f-bomb and personal attacks are the content of those comments. Doesn't look like comic relief to me but rather the truth hurting your guys ego's a bit to much.
DeleteNo ego to hurt. I am in complete control of my emotions. I have debated five year old over lunch money better than your skills. Too funny!
DeleteSo did you sign up for Selective Service or did you dodge your responsibility?
ReplyDeleteThe longer this thread is the more moronic you appear. Nothing to say about the content of my comment. You only focus on me not he issue at hand. Yes I took my responsibility very serious and continue it to this day. That responsibility is to try and prevent any US soldier from being put in harms way without necessity. To try and make sure the VA and Tri Care are fully funded and every soldier is taken care of. Those things don't happen in the USA because the Third Way Democrats and Republicans that support war but not the men and women who they send to fight them. Budget over veterans. Don't take care of the veterans so the wealthiest Americans and corporations can have tax breaks. Taxation is at a 60 year low but the Pentagon/ Defense budget is an all time high. You and your war mongering friends have some messed up priorities. I was detained for protesting the ignoring of Gulf War Syndrome for returning Desert Storm. I don't have anything against soldiers, but I do hold a huge grudge against the pieces of sh!# politicians and those who support the policies that order the soldiers to do their fighting for them. One my friend are one of those pieces of sh!#.
If the United States was officially attacked I would sign up in a heart beat, the only justifiable war is a war of self defense. A war of aggression or preemptive attacks put the aggressor on the wrong side of history.
So how about that Bush administration continuing the Reagan policies of propping up what you guys called the Axis of Evil. Actually Reagan sold weapons and intelligence to the Iranians within a couple of years after they took Americans hostage. Two out of three Axis of Evil declared by your side of the political spectrum were funded and propped up by Reagan and Bush. Man it most be tough for you guys to look at yourselves in the mirror.
Herr Ben Emery, I lost you after the first line. You are a useful idiot here and elsewhere in regards to your opinions. We use you for that service. We have no desire to engage you in a serious sicussion now becasue you always revert to a 12 year old. If you want to debate with like minde idiots, go to Pelline's. This is a serious bog and you simply are in over your head.
DeleteIt want to make this perfectly clear. It should read
ReplyDeleteYou my friend are one of those pieces of sh!#.
Herr Ben Emery, thank you for showing the true person once again. I kick your butt every time you try and engage me because I am your better and you can't hack it. I debate people of intelligence and you are not intelligent. You are simply a useful idiot. Too funny!
DeleteThat is strange since you, fish, bill, and other rebane rightwing regulars mention me frequently even though I am not posting there any longer.
ReplyDeleteWhy would you wonder at this? For as long as I have been here you have been a regular commenter and ardent proselytizer for your proggie faith. If you don’t want others to discuss that which you freely offer in a public space perhaps keeping a journal would be more to your liking.
Now, while your I find your daily displays of cognitive dissonance routinely entertaining and occasionally infuriating I simply couldn’t let your last attempt at low rent psychoanalysis pass without comment. As I said Ben, I don’t care that you didn’t serve…and frankly think that you probably saved whatever branch of the armed forces that you might have preferred a great deal of time and money by not joining and thereby obviating the need to go find you after you pulled a Bowe Bergdahl and traipsed off to be "in solidarity” with the Afghan or Iraqi masses. I don’t care why Todd didn’t enlist either and unless you can show me differently I will assume that he would have served had his draft number been called. As you said, Todd was correct for not going whatever his reasons at the time
That you are correct in a general sense regarding war doesn’t shield you from criticism from your implicit denigration of the service of others who didn’t have the opportunity to serve in your “The Approved Mid Century Conflict - a Ben Emery joint”.
Now since the big outside world is a scary place you should probably scurry back to jeffys rabbit warren where you can comment in a safe, warm and nurturing environment where you will doubtlessly be more comfortable. We wouldn’t want you to have to express sentiments like this again; ” Trying make their lives mean something while putting the rest of us in danger.” Danger…danger danger…there’s danger about….danger….!
I would be happy to engage you directly at Porcines but he censors and frequently heads for the fainting couch when he loses control of the discussion. Funny for a “newsman” and supposed champion of the right to free speech.
Toodles manchild!
I am surprised the bigboy, that 1% man that Ben Emery hates, has not invited Ben to sail on his Yacht on Tahoe off of his mansion there. Strange bedfellows! Too funny.