Gregory Purcell ·
I wonder how long till Lake Mead runs out of water, it looks like it may happen 50 years before the scientists said it would.
Todd Juvinall ·
"papers" were mostly forged and made up from whole cloth. You global
warming is a hoax. Liberals are lemmings ready to follow Al Gore right
over the cliff. But hey, they will feel better about themselves.
Neo Biognosis ·
sorry, you have evidence that this is the case, or is it an emotion you
have about global warming? I've seen this opinion expressed so many
times, mainly by people who have taken in the propaganda about so called
"data fixing". That was a non-story. All data is adjusted, even Roy
Spence and John Christy adjust their data. It is inevitable. While
data is adjusted, for perfectly valid reasons, it does not affect the
long term trend. That is a steady rise in global temperatures. That is
why Arctic ice is at it's lowest volume ever. That is why sea levles
are rising, that is why heat records are broken, year on year. That is
why heatwaves are killing people more frequently.
Please consider looking carefully at all the evidence. No one is being scammed here, and our future really is at stake!
Please consider looking carefully at all the evidence. No one is being scammed here, and our future really is at stake!
Todd Juvinall ·
Biognosis I have been following and writing about the faux science
output of the hoaxsters since the 70's. You have been duped and
apparently are comfortable with your own propanganda. Do some more
research and don't be a gullible lemming for goodness sakes. What is
your science background anyway?
Neo Biognosis ·
Juvinall I have read hundreds of scientific papers. I have observed
the collapse of the Arctic sea ice since the start of this century. I
have talked to the men who fish the North Sea for 60 years, and they
tell me quite clearly, the seas are warming, the species changing. I
have seen how the climate has changed over the last 50 years. You
respond with the evidence you have, or, don't waste my precious time
with procrastinations and insults. You sir appear to be a troll with
no evidence what-so-ever.
Neo Biognosis ·
Todd Juvinall Please, if you can, respond to this article.
Neo Biognosis ·
Todd Juvinall
Try reading a report or two!
Try reading a report or two!
Neo Biognosis ·
Try Spain for instance...
The reports notes that temperatures have increased in Spain in the last 100 years by 1.5ºC, somewhat above world (0.95ºC) and European average rises (0.6ºC). This rise has been particularly noted during the winter. Rainfall has also been lower in winter, especially in the south and the Canaries. This trend appears to coincide with an increase in the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation - the Atlantic's less understood cousin of El Niño). This rise in temeratures is alreday having its effects, from the every high lower limit of mountain floras (e.g. beech forest in Montseny, endemic 'crioromediterraneo' alpine communities in the Sierra Nevada), to the melting of the glaciers in the Pyrenees. See also:
The reports notes that temperatures have increased in Spain in the last 100 years by 1.5ºC, somewhat above world (0.95ºC) and European average rises (0.6ºC). This rise has been particularly noted during the winter. Rainfall has also been lower in winter, especially in the south and the Canaries. This trend appears to coincide with an increase in the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation - the Atlantic's less understood cousin of El Niño). This rise in temeratures is alreday having its effects, from the every high lower limit of mountain floras (e.g. beech forest in Montseny, endemic 'crioromediterraneo' alpine communities in the Sierra Nevada), to the melting of the glaciers in the Pyrenees. See also:
Neo Biognosis ·
Todd Juvinall Pakistan
Neo Biognosis ·
Todd Juvinall India
Neo Biognosis ·
Todd Juvinall An 80% increase in Category 4 and 5 hurricanes?
Webster et al. present a plot (Figure 4) where of the number of Category 1, Category 2 and 3, and Category 4 and 5 storms, averaged into 5-year "pentads". The results show little change in the statistics of Category 1, 2, and 3 hurricanes, but a startling increase in Category 4 and 5 hurricanes. These most intense and dangerous storms on Earth have increased from 50 per five-year period in the 1970s, to 90 in the past decade--a near doubling!
Figure 4
Figure 4. Intensity...See More
Webster et al. present a plot (Figure 4) where of the number of Category 1, Category 2 and 3, and Category 4 and 5 storms, averaged into 5-year "pentads". The results show little change in the statistics of Category 1, 2, and 3 hurricanes, but a startling increase in Category 4 and 5 hurricanes. These most intense and dangerous storms on Earth have increased from 50 per five-year period in the 1970s, to 90 in the past decade--a near doubling!
Figure 4
Figure 4. Intensity...See More
Todd Juvinall ·
Biognosis Desperate are you? Apparentley. I have lots of evidence and
have written about this for many years. Your fishermn and artic sea
ice are simply a anecdote and non scientific response. You are a sucker
for the hoax.
What is your real name?
What is your real name?
Todd Juvinall ·
Biognosis 80% increase in Cat 5 hurricaines? Are you nuts? There has
been hardly any for ten years! You just mnake it up. Haxes are really
destructive to the planet's people. And you get grants from the
government. Terrible.
Neo Biognosis ·
Juvinall There have been plenty over the last 10 years. You need to
think again. You are so far out of touch with the data it is
incredible. Loke, Rick, Celia and Marie were all category 5 hurricanes
(2006, 2009, 2010 and 2014) respectively. You really are quite ignorant
of the data! Carry on, this is really good stuff!
Todd Juvinall ·
Biognosis Did you ever read history Neo? Remeber all those Captain's
logs on the ships flying the Spanish flag and encountering hurricaine in
the 1500's? Apparently your world view is your lifetime. You need to
go back to school for a "critical thinking" class and some history
course. My goodness you people are really ignoramuses!
Neo Biognosis ·
seems that this letter is a rare thing in the US. People standing up
to tell a truth are subject to unwarrented abuse from people who, for
whatever reason, do not believe what the evidence is telling us. Well
said sir!
Todd Juvinall ·
the contray, it is your ilk that wants those of us who have exposed the
hoax to be silenced. Put in jail and told to shut up. You have called
us names galore. We are simply telling the truth and telling the world
all about you.
Neo Biognosis ·
Juvinall How? What hoax have you exposed. You seem to be deluded
beyond measure. Do you listen to what the people of Alaska are telling
you. Do you even bother to give time to those in the front line of
climate change. Have you anything to give in terms of debate. Can you
point to any single peice of scientific evidence. Or os all you do
spout ad hominems.
Todd Juvinall ·
Biognosis I read and listen to experts. You listen and read ignorant
posters on your facebook page. Get real, you are a tax sucking hoaxster
and you need to stop. Americans are too smart for you. Look at the
polls of what we think are the important issues. Your tax-sucking hoax
is at the bottom. What you are doing is not working and those of us
exposing your hoax have slowed down the transfer of wealth from the poor
to you.
Neo Biognosis ·
Juvinall So you have now posted 6 posts, and all you have done is rant
incoherenlty about hoaxes and taxes. You have posted no E V I D E N C
E!. Come on my old mate, post something that shows me you know somthing
about Global Warming. I've already got the message you are a tight wad
and think everyones plotting to steal your money and land! Lets get
away from the conspiracy stuff!
Todd Juvinall ·
Biognosis No, you need to post your name and not your tax eating
hoaxster business name. Then we can talk. The world now knows to stop
sending you money.
Neo Biognosis ·
Juvinall The point about the facebook page is I've subscribed to a web
site where real scientists post responses to blogged rubbish posted by
people like yourself who are totally ignorant of the science. You
evidently know one end of a brick from another, but past pythagoras
theorem there is a world of maths that is a mystery to your refreshingly
untutored mind! No wonder you don't sully your posts with anything
like supporting evidence. Just stick to the trolling!
Todd Juvinall ·
Biognosis You need to get out of the basement and start getting dressed
in clothes that are not PJ's. Try "Watts Up With That" website. Also
read some Vaclac Klaus and get back to the thread.
have some commenters here wanting evifence, and some saying there is
evidence without citing it. Facts are certainly needed in this matter.
'There are some crucial, verifiable facts - with citations - about human-generated carbon dioxide and its effect on global warming people need to know at
The discussion is too long to post here but is a quick and easy read. I recommend following the links in the citations; some of them are very educational.
'There are some crucial, verifiable facts - with citations - about human-generated carbon dioxide and its effect on global warming people need to know at
The discussion is too long to post here but is a quick and easy read. I recommend following the links in the citations; some of them are very educational.
Todd Juvinall ·
I agree. The Neo organization mouthpiece here is supplying comments from Eskimos, not scientists.
Neo Biognosis ·
The links are very interesting.
Link 1. An extract from
One extract you do not refer to, but choose to ignore!
"The fifth most abundant gas in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. The volume of this gas has increased by over 35% in the last three hundred years (see Figure 7a-1). This increase is primarily due to human induced burning from fossil fuels, deforestation, and other forms of land-use change. Carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse gas. The human-caused increase in its concentration in the atmosphere has strengthened the gree...See More
Link 1. An extract from
One extract you do not refer to, but choose to ignore!
"The fifth most abundant gas in the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. The volume of this gas has increased by over 35% in the last three hundred years (see Figure 7a-1). This increase is primarily due to human induced burning from fossil fuels, deforestation, and other forms of land-use change. Carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse gas. The human-caused increase in its concentration in the atmosphere has strengthened the gree...See More
Neo Biognosis ·
Todd Juvinall Eskimos are in a better position than you to judge climate change. You post is arrogant and ignorant!
I read the thread and I am a little shocked Todd that you were proud of this exchange. You added not one shred of 'new' information for those you engaged. The total content of your posts was "I've been blabbering about stuff I know little about my entire adult life so listen to ME ."
ReplyDeleteThat's right. I have debated the science for twenty five years and it makes no difference to you true believers. I have concluded it is not about the science but all about politics. So that is my position. You are new to this and obviously unaware you are being duped.