Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hillary and Lois Lerner should be jail mates. And many more.

I am not surprised the media is pushing the scandals to the back pages below the fold. This what they always do when a democrat is outed.  If anyone had a doubt about the media bias favoring the left, these two people are the poster children.

Hillary Clinton is a liar and a threat to America's safety.  She created a Internet server housed in a closet in a bathroom in Denver so she could control it.  Of course we all know any server can be hacked and when a mom and pop are in charge the likelihood is even greater.  There are some reports the alleged hacking exposed the travels of our Ambassador, Chris Stevens in Libya.  That alone should force the reluctant FBI and interior officials at the State Department to go into fourth gear.  But we know from past scandals that the ring of corruption is usually much larger.  My guess is Obama, who was nowhere to be found the night of the Benghazi murders, was somewhere he should not have been.  Maybe partying with Bill Clinton?  Lastly, how did Hillary Clinton receive and send "classified" documents as she claims she never used her personal server for?  After all she was the fourth most important official in our government!

Lerner took the Fifth during the fiasco at the Congressional hearings into her denying Tea Party and other conservatives a 501(c)3 for years on end.  How can a government official take the Fifth regarding her taxpayer paid for job!  This is not right.  She should be in contempt and tossed into the clink until she tells the truth!  Her pension should be held hostage until she sings the truth!

Scooter Libby would like to know why these two women are not jailed I bet.  He was railroaded and for apparently not for the underlying allegations!  He was sent to the hoosegow for not being forthcoming to the FBI in some document.  Of course he is a Republican so no surprise.

Now we have Obama running around Alaska crying wolf about the hoax of "global warming"  Science be damned.  All politics.  And America on the verge of telling Saudi Arabia, adios!  We can be self sufficient in energy but the hoaxsters see a opening for control of all people and their lives through the "carbon cycle" and other lies.  To me this would be a get into jail card for all this lying.  Along with Arnold and Jerry Brown in California, we need some more jails.


  1. Pantsuit is upside down on her positive negatives in latest poll. Whistleblowers inside the State Dept have disclosed games being played with classifications to prevent the public from finding out what the biatch gave to the hackers when she violated security protocols. Democraps never think of there being whistleblowers that could hurt them.

  2. Sacramento rent seeking "non profit" closes down. When the "grant" money dries up they fold because businesses will not provide the funds to keep feeding their self serving "non profit" scam. I wonder if they also put taxpayer "grant" money into a worm farm!

    “The Sacramento Regional Technology Alliance is shutting down, the group’s recently appointed CEO said Tuesday,” as the Sacramento Business Journal is reporting. “Howard Bubb, who joined in May, said the group’s board of directors voted Monday to cease operations. “While the organization had increased support from grant revenue in recent years, the level of support from businesses has declined, he said.

    1. It is all the Fue's fault!

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Scoop!

    "Roughly half of immigrant households in the United States receive at least one form of welfare, with that number rising to 73 percent for immigrant households from Central America and Mexico, a new report released Wednesday said".

    1. 20 trillion we owe now and it all went through the bowels of illegals.

  4. Here's a story you won't find on the L:ib's blogs and isn't getting much airtime in the news!

    A White House staffer was arrested Friday on charges of assault and reckless endangerment after allegedly threatening and shooting at a Capitol Hill police officer with whom she had been having sex, according to arrest records. Barvetta Singletary, a special assistant to the President and House legislative affairs liaison, has been placed on unpaid leave and had her access to the White House revoked, a White House spokesperson told CNN on Monday.

    Singletary was released Monday from jail in Prince George's County, Maryland, after posting a $75,000 bond, according to spokesman John Erzen of Maryland's state's attorney's office. The incident began early Friday morning after Singletary texted the officer "asking him to come to her residence...for sexual intercourse," according to charging documents, which classified the incident as domestic violence. After "a brief sexual encounter," Singletary began asking the officer about another woman he was dating and tried to access his cell phones. Singletary then grabbed the officer's service weapon from a bag and pointed it at him, before firing one round toward him, documents say. "You taught me how to use this, don't think I won't use it," Singletary allegedly said before firing one round, according to the police report. She then allegedly wiped down the gun with a towel.

  5. I cant belief is this gunplay is tru but wow what a story.

    She should have plugged him if he was dating anuthrer.

  6. It's really simple, Hillary will not be running for President, she will be charged, some of her staffers will also be changed. The Dem rats that were Hilary supports are going silent now and jumping ship, including the local Dems in Nevada County that were big Hillary supporters and defenders. Hilary is toast!

    Hillary Rodham Clinton received as secretary of state on her personal account — including one about North Korea’s nuclear weapons program — has endorsed a finding by the inspector general for the intelligence agencies that the emails contained highly classified information when Mrs. Clinton received them, senior intelligence officials said.

    Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign and the State Department disputed the inspector general’s finding last month and questioned whether the emails had been overclassified by an arbitrary process. But the special review — by the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency — concluded that the emails were “Top Secret,” the highest classification of government intelligence, when they were sent to Mrs. Clinton in 2009 and 2011

    1. She is now reinventing herself again. More humor, less orange pantsuits. Those suits look "jailish" LOL!


Real name thank you.