Obama feeling 'feisty,' ready to take on the 'crazies'
VEGAS (AP) — President Barack Obama is putting people on notice: He's
back from vacation feeling "refreshed, renewed, recharged" — and "a
little feisty." He immediately showed his feisty side. In other words, he showed his "liberal" side
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Obama thinks he is hot! Maybe so! |
a Democratic fundraiser Monday night in Nevada, Obama declared himself
ready for the challenges he faces this fall in dealing with a Republican
Congress that disagrees with him on the budget, energy policy,
education and much more. They disagree with much much more Mr. President because you are an empty suit, void of any ability to live in reality
said that as he'd ridden to the fundraiser with Senate Democratic
leader Harry Reid, they'd done some reminiscing and spent some time
"figuring out how we are going to deal with the crazies in terms of
managing some problems." Liberals always resort to name calling when they have no platform.....so we conservatives are all "crazies". How mature of him to use such eloquent language
He didn't identify exactly who the two of them had defined as "crazies." Let me take a wild guess....anyone who disagrees with you
Obama spoke at length about his differences with the GOP Congress. And
he lamented that "too often, our political debates are not about what's
best for the country but what's best for the next election." But you seldom debate....you just complain
the country is to remain a strong world leader, he said, it needs "not
just a president who, after a few gray hairs, seems to know what he's
doing, but we also need a Congress that functions." "Strong
world leader" you are not, Mr. President, and you have not a clue what
you are doing half the time. Anytime congress can block your 'phone
& pen' management style they are doing me a favor
Obama also looked beyond the immediate challenges to simpler times down the road. Thanks
to your inept management, times ahead will be anything but "simpler".
It will take America YEARS to recover from the damage you have done.
said that since neither he nor Reid is seeking re-election next year,
the two off them had talked about "riding off into the sunset together."
Why wait? You can both leave NOW, no one would notice your absence
Monday, Obama spoke at a green energy conference where he accused
fossil fuel interests and other critics of his energy policies of trying
to restrict consumers from accessing solar, wind and other renewable
sources in order to protect the status quo. This
claim is just more of his crap. I can purchase solar, wind and
other renewable sources whenever I desire. There are ads all over the
place for consumers to make choices.
"That's not the American way," Obama said. "This is about the past versus the future. America believes in the future." You don't even have a clue what the American way is!
president also questioned the ideological consistency of those who
champion free-market solutions — except when the free market is pointing
to the wisdom of renewable energy. He singled out billionaire brothers
Charles and David Koch, who are major donors to Republican political
candidates. Right....shame
on the Koch brothers for putting their money where their mouth is, and
shame on them for even being rich. If the contributed to liberal causes,
he would call them heroes!
one thing if you're consistent in being free market," Obama said. "It's
another thing when you're free market until it's solar that's working
and people want to buy and suddenly you're not for it anymore. That's a
problem." Yes, it is always a problem when folks don't agree with you
said the economics are now such that "solar isn't just for the green
crowd any more, it's for the green-eyeshade crowd too." Solar use is gaining in popularity because it is starting to become cost-effective, .....you just don't get it.
fuel and utility interests have been working at the state level and
elsewhere to undercut clean energy policies with arguments that the
matter should be left to the free market. This is a blatantly false
statement and anyone with half a brain can see through this bull. The
president fails to realize that it is in fact the free market that has
created an increase in alternative fuels. He fails to realize that
electricity is still generated by coal, and there will always be a need
for fossil fuels....Unless
all lawnmowers will be required by the government to be powered by
electric batteries. Does he think a Prius engine will work in a Mack
A United Nations-backed carbon-trading scheme in Europe, originally meant to combat global warming, has instead resulted in the release of more than half a billion additional tons of greenhouse gases, according to a new report.
No Trust in Al Jiz formerly known as Al Gore TV. Would never go to a link there. If true is still falls behind the Florida tires to make reefs fiasco.
ReplyDeleteCan I add a P.S.to my tirade against Nobama? A homosexual football player gets drafted into the NFL, kisses his partner on national TV, and gets a phone call from the President of the United States of America, gushing over how brave he is. Has our President contacted the three Americans that saved dozens from certain death on the French train? His silence speaks volumes. Sorta makes ya want to throw up.
ReplyDeleteJust watching the plane arriving in Sacramento with the young man from the train. Now this young man is black. Would it not be simply the right thing to do for Obama to use this brave fellow as a role model? But he (Obama) did not have anyone there to meet him. Obama has no class.
DeleteWell, apparently the hero does not look like someone who could be Obama's own son, so there you have it.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI removed this comment for nasty namecalling.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThe comment was removed because you name called the host and you did it as anonymous. Real name, real email and you can post it again.
DeleteI see a bunch of other anonymous posters here, as well as a number of nome de guerre, plus the last post did not name call anyone.
DeleteReal name real email. My blog my rules. You name call me, off you go. That is what you did. So adios again.
DeleteHonestly the FUE is a total embarrassment to this community. Many people probably turned their cars around after reading that fellows screeds. His three commenters agree with him. They are ridiculous people, you just can't fix Marin stupid.
ReplyDeleteNot so fast “Anonymous”.....a small NBC affiliate claims “President Barack Obama has spoken to the three Americans”. That’s it. I checked NBC’s national website and there is nothing mentioned, even after a search of their website. No date/time or actual quote. Just a claim that he “called”. That dog won’t hunt.
ReplyDeleteSo maybe it is a made-up story? Not the first nor the last time Obama has fibbed.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOk, update...Pelline's blog has a link to a story that Obama did in fact call the Americans who saved the French, so I stand corrected. I guess I am the one that is stupid. But really, the continuation beyond correcting me is 'insensitive' and 'mean spirited'. Posting my government retirement pay scale? I don't get it. Besides....$31,000 might be the gross, but the net (after taxes, taxes, taxes) is actually far less. But I fail to see what that has to do with the subject at hand.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason Pelline thinks a policeman doesn't deserve a pension I guess. Hell he calls the Sheriff all the time to whine about me so I guess he is a hypocrite. And a a Welfare Fraud investigator you were very effective getting the scofflaws stealing from the taxpayers. Honestly Mike, Pelline is unhinged. No one likes him in Nevada County except a couple of sycophants who post on his trash blog.
DeletePosting my government retirement pay scale? I don't get it. Besides....$31,000 might be the gross, but the net (after taxes, taxes, taxes) is actually far less. But I fail to see what that has to do with the subject at hand.
DeleteWhat you don't understand Mike is that Scoopy is all about respecting his neighbors privacy. It's why he scours the delinquent tax rolls and publicly accessible county and municipal crime websites and then hurriedly scurries back to inform both people who follow his blog what he's discovered.
It's all about "boundaries".
Fish, if you weighed 600 pounds and needed helped to walk and you hated yourself you would be the FUE. He is a sorry example of a human but diversity makes the world go around. He just sits at the computer screen, propped up with pillows so he doesn't tumble over and goes about attacking everyone. Freud canalized people like that a long time ago. Hermits, mad at the world, self haters, and lover of tons of chili cheese fries! If the FUE did not exist we would have to make him up. What a sad sack. ROTFLMAO!
DeleteFish, boundaries are for the little people, don't you know that? Just like all of the other "character traits" that those of us who are smart enough don't have to bother with. You know, traits like honesty, integrity, humility, and respect. LOL!
ReplyDeleteI give the FUE personal credit for scaring off potential transplants to Nevada County. When you read his hate filled screeds about the people here, I would flee too. He is probably responsible for the county's population actually shrinking! He is a total embarrassment to our way of life here. Those "big city" values just don't fit in here.
DeleteI'm a middle of the road guy, you can tell by my blog that I am. If you don't believe me just email my good friend Pastor Ron!
ReplyDeletePlease do. LOL!
DeleteMore fruits and vegetables ended up in the garbage after the U.S. government introduced a rule requiring fruits and vegetables to be included with school lunches, a new study finds. What's more, the amount of fruits and vegetable eaten by kids actually dropped since introduction of the law.
But those libs have "good intentions" so all is well. Even though the program is a failure. That is why the place is a mess.
DeleteStupid government rules belong in the garbage.
ReplyDeleteYes they do!
DeleteDamn government trying to force kids to eat healthy food.. just let them have red hot cheetos, red Bull, pink slime, and a snickers bar for their school lunches…. good American food.. Wasn't it Ron Reagan who declared that ketchup was a vegetable and should be counted as such for school lunches? I don't get why 80% of all the GMOs are sold in America. Why won't those dumb Euros eat our GMOs? They are good enough for us and we don't even care that we don't know we are eating them.
ReplyDeleteFreedom from people like you made America great.
DeleteDon't mess with my chili cheese fries they help me keep my girlish figure.ROFLOL
DeleteThank you dear boy, you have the correct lefty elitist attitude that I exude like chili cheese sweat. Its hard having everyone tell the truth about you. You are smart to hide you identity from the fascist trolls like Todd and Fish. I keep posting the same old links over and over and over about them, perhaps that's why no one comes to my award winning journalistic self ego stroke of an ignored blog. Gotta run now, pre lunch snackie time, a jar of organic gravy and a loaf of sustainable white bread should tide me over. ROFLOL
DeleteWell, if parents would be parent(s), they would insure their child brown-bags a healthy lunch. No cash, so they can't purchase junk. Unfortunately, Too many parent(s) rely on the 'free' government lunches, but if they are ending up in the trash can then our tax money is ending up in the trash can. There is a lesson to be learned here....get government out of our daily lives and let nature takes it's course. If the kid gets hungry, they will eat what mom or dad packs for them.
ReplyDeleteDo the parents who "rely on the 'free' government lunches" do so because they are just "takers" or because they don't have any money and need to feed their kids? It is well documented that hungry kids think about food not school, which is why the "free lunch" program was started in the first place. What if mom or dad is too stupid to feed their kids decent food in their lunch, too bad for the kids, they will just have to suck it up and eat the garbage their crack addict parents threw in a bag for them like coke and gummy bears?
DeleteWhy does government want to be mommy and daddy? The parents are smart enough to have kids, it is their responsibility to raise them. Schools are for education, not daycare.
DeleteIf the parents fail to perform, I think that is called child neglect. They need to be held accountable or lose their kids instead of the government giving even more handouts....that ultimately just makes the problem worse. Many do in fact need help, no doubt about it, and as a society, we help. But far too many are taking advantage of the system. Which is why I'm working on a book entitled "WELFARE ~ The Ultimate Drug".
DeleteWho is going to take their kids, government? So what is better having the government take their kids and putting them into foster care (at tax payer expense) or trying to keep the family together and give them public assistance (also at tax payer expense)? Either way the taxpayers lose, so what is going to be better in the long run for the kids and society in general once the kids grow up; a home with their parents (even though they may not be the best), or passed around the foster care system where they can be used and abused but seldom loved?
DeleteWhen you do the research for your book you might find that those who take advantage of the system are really few and far between compared to those who are just down on their luck. For example, the single greatest cause of families becoming homeless and needing public assistance in America is medical bills.
Nice to know the radical left is feelng the pain and reacting as expected. ROFLOL
DeleteIts an equine and porcine thing. AKA the purple narcissist bag of (insert your best and post it) and his terrazzo light aficionado who is a big supporter of grazing on weeds and renters. OH Shit, the purple prince of irrelevancy is getting bitchy about renters in his hood. OH MY. They wish they could create a rumble in the purple jungle. ROFLOL
DeleteJon who is a troll over at Rebane's blog has to Pelline.
DeleteAs a follow-up, sure it’s OK for Mike to draw a generous public pension, according to Transparent California. But it’s rather hypocritical for Mike to then go out and rip on generous public pensions/”big, liberal” government. Wouldn’t a more gracious tone suffice? Like “I earned it but thanks.” It’s not OK for Todd to be delinquent in his property taxes. And it’s hypocritical to be delinquent in your property taxes and rip on “big” government. Don’t we all have to pay our “fair share”? This little band of hard-right political activists in our community lack “self awareness” and is a real drag on the community. Nowadays they are egged on by a fool called “fish,” who actually is David Larsen of Carmichael, whose extreme views are expressed here: http://www.ncc-1776.org/tle2011/tle603-20110116-02.html
ReplyDeleteI hope the FBI is reading Todd’s blog, not just Pastor Ron and Dr. Phil. LOL.
...and right on cue the "Tone Police" arrive.
I hope the FBI is reading Todds blog too as it's not nearly so dull and preachy as yours.
....and as always LOL.
Fish, I think the fellow has lost his noggin! That is what happens to some who move here from the city.
DeleteWere these the San Francisco values that Pelline is so proud of?
ReplyDeleteSAN FRAN STINKY: How to solve city's public pooping problem...
Make sure to click through the photos.....fabulous.
Fish, that is what SF values truly are. LOL!
DeleteBTW, I wonder what the SF values putz has to say about those other "values" like, Hmmm, the murder on the Wharf of Kate Steinle.
Don't know Todd....that one is starting to look like an accident on the part of the guy who pulled the trigger. Not that that excuses him being here illegally with multiple convictions.
DeleteI'm interested to see if anything happens to the BLM cop who thought it was fine to leave a loaded gun in his personal vehicle.
The BLM guy was probably back from Nevada where he took part in the incident last year with the cattle guy. They think they are god.
DeleteI was chatting with some people yesterday in town and for some reason these folks started talking about Pelline. They could not believe a leftwingnut like him was a resident. They thought those kinds of loons were only on the ridge! Anyway, his reputation is getting out there as a person to avoid. I think he is keeping people from moving here with those liberal/loon screeds of his. Too bad.
DeleteHey, let's get back on topic here shall we? This is about ME! Not San Francisco values, or the BLM, this is about ME! ME, ME, ME, ME, ME! Say my name you po-dunks! You wish you were me and you know it! Did I tell you I have a boat on Lake Tahoe? And a collection of food pics that will make you drool! LOL!
DeleteHippo boy crowing about the horsey face set winning the terrazzo light wars for now although there was no money voted to pay the bill (??). The boss senumista says they will crowd fund it she thinks. Same old shit, pay for it with other peoples money. Will this turn out as well for NC as the scum bag magnet 'boardwalk' that is killing businesses like the Pete's Pizza and others who are too afraid of the NC bully set to speak up? Tow the socialist line or you will have the hippies and the purple hippo boy digging in your trash for dirt or just making up stuff to bully you. How progressive of them. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteStop it damn it! You guys telling too much truth about the freak show that is Nevada city is screwing up the narrative. So you leave my sweet horsey face alone! I can squander some of my inheritance on the light bills. Screw that reactionary cow who told the truth about her pizza parlor being shut down by the boardwalk rats. We all know Nevada city is one of the most dangerous cities in the state so why not get the low life in one spot to keep an eye on it. So what if they scare the children and ladies? We all know we are just rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking ship of tourism. We have done everything a progressive can do, invite homeless to piss in the doorways and do drugs everywhere unhindered and they also get to engage in the commerce of drug dealing which is trillion dollar pillar of the Nevada county economy! Its a New World Order in Nevada City you yokels. ROFLOL
DeleteWas that fellow that broke into the Chai place at the Boardwalk a regular on the Boardwalk? I mean, hey the manners of those folks. Break the glass, rob the business then crap a pile on the floor! What a wonderful group of young people eh? Maybe the bigboy can become the Commercial Street patrol?
DeleteThanks for your research into this matter Todd
Well the purple hippo boy would not need to worry since no one wants to make physical contact with the blob that ate NC! ROFLOL
DeleteIs this what MA will be bringing back? LOL!