Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Is this a FUE sighting in Nevada City?

A wide path was required for the alleged FUE's trip(s) to the dinner table


  1. So the FUE posts on his hate blog, "Todd proclaims to be a regular at Twin Cities Church. I’m going to email his blog to Pastor Ron Thompson to review this week and ask him if the church condones this kind of aberrant behavior or how it tries to “help” them. It’s also not hard to imagine why Todd has had some matrimonial problems".

    WOW! The FUE sure is the biggest, self absorbed, narcissistic child around. What a piece of work this guy is. No wonder he is friendless, no wonder folks thank God after he walks away from them after a close encounter of the obese kind.

  2. Thanks Todd, that photo makes me look like I am losing weight. The chili cheese fry diet is working! LOL!

    1. Only in Nevada City could you find a hippo in birkinstocks lumbering amongst the socialists.

  3. This guy wonders why no one likes him. What a hoot!

    1. Stop it Todd or I'm going to email Pastor Ron again!

    2. And he thinks he knows I go to church and where? What a hoot!

    3. What are you Jon two years old, go tattle to the pastor! Lol!

    4. Don't make me email Pastor Ron again!

  4. Here is the link I check, well one of them, for gas prices around the area. Roseville has the cheapest.

  5. New movie remake in the works. It's currently being crowd funded, it's called "The Blob that ate Nevada City".

  6. Prediction time. So Reinette Senum is going to team up with a San Fran chief and open a taqueria next to the druggie boardwalk in Nevada City. Since Ms. Senum has been an Occupy Wall Street, 99%er activist, hater of corporate America, protester for "living wage", a $15.00 an hour min. wage and mandated employee heath care promoter what will she do as a business owner and employer at her taqueria?

    Will business owner Ms. Senum pay all her employees a min. of $15.00 an hour to start? Will she provide a 40 hour work week for her employees? Will she provide heath care for all her employees? Will all her employees be paid a "living wage" and heath care? We know the answers to these questions already and the answer is no. Ms. Senum will at last experience the reality of being a business owner.

    1. She needs Steve Frisch to be her business manager. LOL! She will be on the radar of the IRS overnight!

    2. Ted Cruz did a smackdown to a stupid Hollywood actress who sneaked in to "debate" him on homosexual and other deviant lifestyles. My goodness it makes a Christian proud that he stands for his beliefs! All while he was cooking pork chops at the Iowa State Fair.

    3. Will business owner Reinette Senum pay her employees a min. of $15.00 an hour to start? Will she provide a 40 hour work week? Will she give all her employees health care? Will all the employees be paid a "living wage"?

  7. Isn't Reinette Senum a renter? Renters are Podunk per Jeff Pelline. With the lack of affordable rentals and the high cost of housing in Nevada City will business owner Reinette Senum pay all her employees a living wage so they can afford to live in the town they work in? If so dinner at the new taqueria will cost $106.20 per person, just like the farm dinner. LOL!

    1. Hospitality House could have used that food and made it go farther for others than just the one massive meal by the big fella. LOL!

    2. Pelline's elitist take on the NC Farm dinner, "The food and service was exceptional and well worth the $90 per ticket plus 18 percent service tip ($16.20) or about $106."

    3. I wonder what the hourly rate Reinette Senum paid all the NC Farm dinner workers? Where they paid a min. of $15.00 an hour?

    4. Good question. Where is the transparency?

  8. FUE needs to get informed before he rants. Former Lake of the Pines resident Vincent Cauchi dropped his civil law suit against Mr. Mascaris, a member of the LOP homeowners’ association board and his wife.

    From the Union story that covered this, "Both parties agreed to mediation, which was scheduled for Aug. 5. But on Aug. 3, Cauchi’s attorney, Barry Pruett, filed a request to dismiss the case with prejudice. “Right before mediation, the plaintiff gave up ”said the Mascaris’ attorney, Raymond Shine. “He can’t bring (the suit) again.”

    1. No surprise there. He has bad "facts" and lousy spelling. Thank goodness Jeff Ackerman booted his sorry arse from the Union!

    2. Scoopy sure got it wrong. So much for the self proclaimed "award winning journalist" Sure glad we have The Union newspaper so we can get the facts.

    3. I agree. How can a self proclaimed "award winning journalist" be so awful in his "profession"?

    4. Screw you Todd! Don't make me email Pastor Ron again!

    5. The FUE sure is uninformed and failed to get the story right, just another FUE fail. Seems the FUE failed to mention that Cauchi dropped his civil law suit against Mr. Mascaris and his wife. Cauchi made a bunch of claims and dropped his law suit.

    6. That is just another indicator of why Jeff Ackerman booted him.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Purple is the color of Royalty and my veins so screw you whoever you are!

  10. You guys are just plain mean to me. I wonder if any of you have a boat on Lake Tahoe, or are you just po-dunk hicks? I have a shiny new truck with a custom license plate too, so eat your hearts out! LOL!

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  12. My recent comments widget just vanished! Jeeze!

  13. Revenge of the purple?

    1. OK I somehow fixed it. Don't ask me why it left! LOL!

  14. Screw you clowns. I'm going to email Pastor Ron again.

  15. From someone who apparently cares about you a great deal Todd. He can't stop writing about you.

    jeffpelline on August 23, 2015 at 8:07 am

    I think Todd Juvinall would rather have a Dickey’s BBQ, however. He liked the brisket and free “swirl” ice cream.....

    Sorry here's one where I "photobomb" his expression of affection for you. My bad!

    jeffpelline on August 23, 2015 at 12:31 pm

    Oh, I forgot to mention: Todd’s friend, David Larsen of Carmichael AKA “fish” proclaims on Todd’s blog to be a Dickey’s “aficionado” too....

    Still more.

    jeffpelline on August 23, 2015 at 6:18 pm

    I’m reading some of the comments on Todd Juvinall’s blog about this, including his own, and wondering if his repulsive behavior is “nature” or “nurture.” It must be revolting to call yourself a “longtime local,” knowing you’re in the same subset as Todd.

    ...and more.

    jeffpelline on August 24, 2015 at 5:24 am

    Oh no. Todd has run another photo of me on his blog under the headline “Is this a FUE sighting”? “A wide path was required for the alleged FUE’s trip(s) to the dinner table.” That marks three photos in the past year or so. He’s obviously obsessed.

    But wait....there's more.

    jeffpelline on August 24, 2015 at 8:57 am
    “I had a nice dose of Twin Cities Church this morning,” Todd has written on Rebane’s blog. Let’s see how Pastor Ron responds when he gets a “nice dose” of Sierra Dragon’s Breathe (sic). Intervention could be at hand! LOL.


    jeffpelline on August 23, 2015 at 9:28 pm

    And Todd drives all the way to Roseville to buy his gas:

    “Gasoline $2.58 in Roseville today.

    Posted by: Todd Juvinall | 23 August 2015 at 08:57 PM”

    Wow...even I'm starting to get bored now.

    jeffpelline on August 24, 2015 at 9:07 am

    Someone ought to tell Todd that you can buy gas for less in Yuba City, not Roseville, assuming you want to drive all the way down there to “save” money. LOL.

    But remember Todd you're the one who's obsessed with him.

    1. Thanks for the recap fish. I think he has a man-crush on me and when I say "crush" I really mean it. LOL!

    2. Much like the African Rhino, if you hear rustling in the branches outside your window at night back away slowly. You don't want to startle him as he's likely to charge you.

    3. More like the hippo I would think. LOL!

  16. You are so poduck,, Now I'm going to email Pastor Ron again!

    1. Go ahead, and I am going to email your succubus!

    2. You think pastor Ron Will be upset with Todd or you bugging him every time you don't like something he writes! Lol at you!

  17. This is great news. We will soon have a real Taqueria by a real Mexican family from Guadalajara, Mexico. This is one hard working family!

    The Nungaray family that owns the two El Agave Taqueria restaurants plans to open "Mi Pueblo Taqueria" in the space formerly occupied by Nevada City Eats at 104 Union Alley in Nevada City. The family’s other El Agave locations draw a lot of customers from Grass Valley and Nevada City. Nungaray says the Nevada City restaurant will offer the same authentic Mexican fare as El Agave, but will also offer a larger variety of vegetarian options to accommodate local customers.

    The Nungaray family hail from Guadalajara, Mexico. Seven years ago, then-19-year-old Celenne Nungaray moved to Auburn with her parents, Francisca and Ferman, and two younger siblings, Yeraldin and Hugo. The family opened their first El Agave Taqueria at 10007 Combie Road in 2011, followed by the second location at 1285 Grass Valley Highway in 2013. The family also opened Pollo Asado Mr. Jimmy in North Auburn in 2014.

    The family’s focus at the new location will continue to be serving fresh, homemade food. “We’re very happy to the people of Nevada City and to the owner of the building to give us the opportunity to move over to the area,” Nungaray said.

    A real Taqueria by a real Mexican family from Guadalajara, Mexico!

    1. Did you all see? I am the biggest mouth on my ignored blog. I posted 10 times and no one answered me. No one stuck up for my sidekick the worm farmer being ignored by the union article on 'the other' Mexican restaurant going into my purple paradise Nevada city. At least I know they are ignoring horsey face too. I have banned so many people that there is no one left other than a crumb from my bromance lil' stevie Frisch. Its lard to be me, I mean hard. You ignorant bumpkins keep telling yourself you are getting to me with all that ignoring and not saying my name on rebanes. Screw it, I am going for my pre lunch snacks. Mmmmm haggis with cheese sauce!

    2. Your a real nut case aren't you!

    3. You appear to be talking to yourself on your blog. Ludes?

  18. I'm looking forward to a true Taqueria opening in Nevada City. The Nungaray family are wonderful folks. They own the two El Agave Taquerias and I eat there from time to time. They are the real deal, a hardworking Mexican family from Guadalajara, Mexico. Their food is authentic and their prices are very reasonable. Try their pork carnitas, the best I have ever had!

    by a real Mexican family from Guadalajara, Mexico.

    1. Will do! What is a carnita? LOL!

    2. Todd, a bucket full of carnitas is a way to bait a FUE. It worked, the FUE took your bait!

  19. El Agave Taqueria is the bomb! I love their food, authentic, great prices and friendly folks. Looking forward to them opening soon in downtown Nevada City.

  20. Send them a picture of the purple hippo boy so they know who to look out for since he already has it in for them. That hippo boy is a racist for sliming them all in a vain attempt to puff up the commie worm farmers sustainable organic collective eatery to be.

  21. Hey Todd, the putrid purple boy is saying you wish Ackerman was back at the union and then he says its a new world order. ROFLOL' Wow really. Did Ackerman tell hippo boy it was a new world order when he fired him? I wonder how many clicks hippo boy gets are just from people waiting for him to screw up so we can jump him? ROFLOL

  22. You are just po-dunk punks who are jealous of me and my boat on Lake Tahoe. And my shiny new truck with the custom license plate. And the tiki bar in my back yard. Did I show you a picture of my house at Lake Tahoe? I put a political sign on it so it would seem like the picture wasn't about my house, but it really was! Did you see it? Did you? Do you want to see some of my food porn pictures? Now that you know how awesome I am you will be nice to me? Rednecks! LOL!

  23. OH NO MR BILL! hippo boy says we are in the middle of a major media disruption in Nevada county. Translation: I got likes from the worm farm money pit aficionado Renette Sennums friends. NA NA NA NA NA I got more likes than the union on nc peeps. What peeps? A chicken, so that makes the FUE the winner of the chicken shit award of he day. ROFLOL

    1. Can you believe the Union Newspaper was in the hands of that fool? It is a community treasure and thanks goodness Jeff Ackerman booted his sorry ass.

  24. I'm going to email Pastor Ron again!

    1. Better check with your personal succubus first.

    2. Hey you entitled old-timer control freak! Now I have done it, I told the world that you and Laurie O are just two sides of the same coin. Now I have ensured I can only cower in by chili room or scurry to Tahoe for safety from the ucky masses like you guys. I cant wait to bask in the warm glow of dear sweet Rennets terrazzo lights. I finally picked the winning side, its a new world order and a fresh experience to actually have backed a winner. That is all.

    3. Now that would be interesting to see and listen to. Laurie O and Pelline. Hmmm. I think they share too many similarities though. It could turn into a "large" get together with only the two! LOL!

    4. That pathetic narcissist the fue has stooped to claiming he is posting the content of an email from someone. What's the matter fue, ran out of sock puppet names? What a POS. ROFLOL

    5. A real "awarding winning journalist" would not do such a thing, it's a violation of journalist ethics. So Podunk!

    6. My guess is the fellow who crapped on the floor at the Chai place would be an honored guest at Pelline's. The man is such a phony. He and Enos are the same coin reversed.

    7. Ya I could just see the purple veined hippo mistaking the housewarming gift from that guy for pate' and getting out the toast points. ROFLOL

  25. The BIGGEST self proclaimed journalist in Nevada County is ripping off RL Crab with his organic butter spread looks like Trump. The actually funny thing about this pathetic try to get attention is that the sustainable, bs, bs, bs spread is that it looks like the puss filled hippo himself when he lays down.

    1. Now the FUE boy is dissing Russ Steele. My goodness, juxtapose the military service of Russ Steel and purple boys love of Senum who tossed taxpayers money at a worm farm. You just can't make this stuff up. If purple boy dd not exist we would have to make him up!

  26. Would somebody please tell the pictured large lady with pendulous breasts to pull down her shirt in back. Seeing the sunburn back of the legs against the brilliant white skin is not very ladylike

  27. Ralph, are you being mean to me? Am I going to have to call your lawyer? Or maybe your pastor? Don't make me call your pastor "Ralph". What kind of a name is that anyway, "Ralph"? Maybe I should look up your property tax payment history "Ralph." Or, maybe I'll forward this to the FBI. How would you like that "Ralph"? I am not someone to be trifled with, I used to live in Marin County and I have a boat on Lake Tahoe. LOL!

  28. Mr. Underglass to you, TF. And what about those two glasses you are carrying? A woman of your caliber should have Grass Valley waitstaff peasants bring you a couple more. Another couple more, underlings. "Need I have to waddle down there and do it myself, Penn Valley trash?" Astounding lack of respect given to the dame that spawned the name Shock and Awe, mademoiselle. In the slightest chance you are unaware, the concealed weapon you have falling out of your g-string is also not very ladylike. It looks like you are pinching a loaf.

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  32. I'm sorry "Ralph", but I have several "Thermos" bottles here and am not sure which one you would claim as "yours." Would your be a one quart, or two quart model? LOL!

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  34. I understand clearly your dilemma, True Fue. I did not take into consideration even the largest girdle ever created according to the Guiness Book of World Records will not stretch that far. Stick with the moo-moo or get in contact with Acme Parachute Company before venturing out in public again. My condolence fair lady.

  35. Are you having fantasies about me Ralph?

    1. OK lets move on and change the subject. Even I am getting bored!

  36. Scoopys bff ruinit is going start a cloud fund campaign to start an anti-pelline-bullying ad buy. Ads to be placed in nc peeps, yubanet and sierra food and wine.

    1. All of the FUE Sock PuppetsSeptember 2, 2015 at 5:39 PM

      It's about time!

    2. So where will they publish ads that get Pelline to stop bullying?

    3. What do you mean by that? I am a victim here. Look at all the crap that is said about me. I should sue all of you. Or at least call your lawyers. Po-dunk. LOL!

  37. Well now big boy the truth is that there are not enough blogs or links to cover the extent of your dark and dirties and that's just your underwear! In the dictionary under narcissist there is a picture, wide screen of course of the lefty hippo boy! Now that's sayin somthin' in Nevada citys high level competition of narcissists. IF the host here did not let you post then no one other than sock puppets and your bromance or an occasional Emery would ever know you existed. Hippo and Ruinit are a perfect pair of critters, horsey face and the hippo, sounds like a sit com if it was not so pathetic! ROFLOL

    1. Now you cut that out. Everyone knows I had to stop wearing undies 200 pounds ago, they would just disappear somewhere I could not find them. Thank you for mentioning me and Rinette we are a pair aren't we! What, wait, no, you were not really being nice to me were you. You are just taking advantage of my not having any friends anymore. Even my imaginary friends don't talk to me. Screw you I am going somewhere richer and more diverse, sustainable and with more restaurants! Po Dunk Trolls the lot of you!


Real name thank you.