Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

First Debate pretty calm

I watched the whole darn thing and even some f the prep (on CSPAN) and in my humble opinion Romney was the winner.

 Romney did not let Obama get away with the attempts to lie about his claim Romney would be giving five trillion in tax cuts.  Each time Obama said it Romney came back and corrected him.  That was a very important point for me.  Obama knows the lamestream media will carry his lie on the front page above the fold and the Romney truth on the last page and the last paragraph.  So he kept it up and each time Romney smacked him down, Rhetorically of course.

Obama looked to me like he did not want to be there.  Hell, he flew there in our 747 and had our chef and his staff fix his dinner so why the look of disdain?  Of course we all know whatever Obama did or said would be portrayed as a smashing victory for him by his stenographers in the press.  They will really have to make it up though.  Romney knew his stuff.  Obama was hesitant in many cases and sought out thoughts to appear as if he knew what he was talking about.  Romney was quick and came across as the master of the facts.

That's it for me, it was a pleasant debate for the most part but I must say, I like it when the audience gets to be a part of the exchange.  I do not like the folks being forced into silence.  I was hooting and hollering at the TV when I heard some of the exchanges.  I think it makes debates more interesting when the actual people who get to vote are hooting and hollering in the room for their guy. 


  1. Even James Carville and Jeff Pelline called the deabte for Romney. Enough said.

  2. Agreed, a little reaction from the audience would have been nice. It sounded and looked as if everyone behind Lehrer had been escorted out of the hall just before the debate started.

    We missed your debate prediction entry on RR.

  3. Watching the debate Romney did better but when the lies are exposed he be hurt big time. Rocky Anderson won the debate in my opinion, no I am not crazy as you will most definitely claim but Democracy Now! expanded the debates to third parties. Rocky Anderson and Jill Stein attended but Gary Johnson declined.

    1. That was fine to have a extremist debate mirror the real one.

  4. Yea, the 4 trillion added to the debt by the Romney tax plan isn't accurate. Actually number in the report is 3.8 trillion. If they are going to make claims, they ought to be honest and precise.

    1. So anonymous, you don't believe Romney when he says he will not add to the deficit with his tax plan? Who woulda thunk?

    2. I think that this is clear case of being driven by the desire for power and wealth at the expense of all else. Change positions, say whatever you think people want to hear, do what it takes to get that power and money. Politicians are sad creates.

    3. BS! Romney will decrease taxes 20% for all. Don't resist. He will find other means to make it deficit neutral through exceptions. Not sure historically what the taxes have been, but I know Romney will lower taxes to record lows. So quit whining! It might cost, but in the end who cares.

  5. "O" got worked like a rented mule. And when he pleaded for a "subject change" was the nail in his coffin.
    Poor "O", NO teleprompter to come to his aid.
    I was half expecting an "ear wig" with his minions behind the curtain talking in his ear. " say this",, "counter with that".

    1. Romney whipped him like a wet poodle. Good call Walt.

  6. This will be an interesting few weeks. O and company have racked in records amount of cash this month.

    Go Bain Capitol!!!

    1. But not to the extent of Mitt's intake. You really think spending money hand over fist is going to save his butt? How did that plan work for Solyndra?
      If you really want to give "O" a little protection, you might want to send him a genital cup. He sure got his "boys" kicked last night.

      Now that "O" has his pet teleprompter back, he sure can sell more ice to Eskimos.

    2. Oh,OH!! Guess what I found when it comes to those "donations" you speak so highly of.
      "thousands of cases of credit card solicitations and donations to Obama and Capitol Hill, allegedly from unsecure accounts, and many from overseas. That might be a violation of federal election laws.

      The Obama campaign has received hundreds of millions in small dollar donations, many via credit card donations through their website. On Thursday, the campaign announced a record September donor haul of $150 million."

      "O" and Co. have been trying to keep this quiet, but the cat,s are out of the bag.

  7. Jobs report slightly positive: Apparently, under O's watch, >900,000 private sector jobs have been created, and ~600,000 government jobs have been eliminated. Damn socialist!!!!
    What a commie.

    1. Well... You just don't know just how right you are.
      Here is a quote from the latest of Heir Leader.

      "Our economy does not grow from the top-down, it grows from the middle-out. We do not believe that anybody is entitled to success in this country. But we do believe in opportunity"

      So we are not entitled to success????? Really!!!???
      You have got to be kidding! But once again "O" says what HE really thinks. YUP!!!! A Damned SOCILIST..

      And let me guess... You still going to vote for the Somebich.

      And of course, you buy the unemployment #s. despite the fact that good ol' Progressive fuzzy math is involved. Remember. They only count those receiving unemployment checks. What about all the rest? how come they don't deserve to be counted? Maybe because that would put the real number close to 13%?

  8. The only interests "O" has is his own, and a few close big donors.
    His idea of equality, is everyone poor, and fully dependant on government.
    The only "successful" will be "good party members".
    Maybe that's some of that "flexibility" he was talking about with the Russians.
    I wouldn't put it past him to turn over Alaska and all it's natural resources to Russia or even China. We know how he likes the idea of returning to some "historic" boundary lines.

    But "O" statement that success is is a bad thing has crossed the line.
    In America, working towards success is the name of the game. We all have the same opportunity for it, but there is no guarantee that we will achieve it.

    "O" must GO.

    If your not rich, or well off, that your own fault. No one else's.
    But of course. "O" says otherwise.

  9. Sheet the keyboard sucks. Basically, the libs are so worried about being pc that they are wimps with no backbone. Look at legislatures, the dams don't have the principle or discipline to not vote with the top. In contrast, the top has the ba**s to stay together to oppose what the dems propose, but the dems have a history of compromising, what losers.
    Our country needs conviction, not wimps.

  10. Gop not top. Auto correct got me. Probably liberal autocorrect, wimpy losers with no backbone or plausible argument.

    You libs just pussyfoot around and lose. The Gop is aggressive and wins. Just give up now and experience the enevidable.

    1. That must be why the trickle down theory has done so well as if this was actually true, we should be "swimming" in jobs.

      Both parties have gone to extremes and do not represent the views of the majority of Americans, no matter how hard you want to claim so.

    2. The great majority of Americans "do" belong to the R or D parties. You are just plain wrong.

  11. I understand that Walt and Todd are strongly backing the republican candidate and BenE/Frisch are for O and company. However, other than just supporting your party, how are you guys really excited for either candidate?

    For liberals, Obama hasn't done a good job at all. He hasn't accomplished anything and I find it hard to be enthusiastic about him this time around.

    For conservatives, Romney has a spotty record when it comes to conservative issues. It is like Romney changes his social views to whatever is going to get him votes (stem cell research, abortion, gay marriage, ect.). He isn't likeable in any sense like Bush was or Reagan for that matter.

    I feel like the passion that you guys exhibit for your candidates is much more about party loyalty/dislike of the other party and the people in that party/dislike for the other candidate. Rather than genuine excitement for your own candidate. Feeling this way is fine, but I think it would be more constructive to tout your own candidate and his credentials opposed to tearing down the opposing candidate.

    1. Of course the "party" is is important. The "party" is not just the one candidate but those people up and down the ticket and the "philosophy[hy" of the party in which I believe. You forget that the Executive Branch is one third of the government and has most of the employees. Romney's views. like mine, are not rigid but in some case fluid with the times and events. Obama was evolving on homosexual marriage wasn't he? nd the press just did their usual lapdog on that with him.

    2. I am a conservative, and live by those values.
      I vote for people with similar values.
      We have seen what Progressive values have done, and it's not pretty.
      "O" and Co. want government in every aspect of our lives, and want the power to mess with our lives.
      Libs have this "mother may I" mentality. I can make decisions quite well on my own.

  12. What we saw during the first debate is President Obama without his prompter. Real life in real time. Perhaps that is what Clint Eastwood was referring to by using the empty chair.

    1. Yeah, kind of like how we saw the real Romney as I was eating a hotdog and watching the Jeff Gordon with a purple hat. He had a shirt and a tie with slight reservation about his leather shoes. His confume wax freshly applied and ready to go. Maybe this is what Bill Clinton was referring to when he was speaking at the DNC.


Real name thank you.