Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Democrat Extremists at all levels are wrecking the country

Are we sick of the vitriol yet?  I am and I bet most Americans are too.  But that is not stopping the ridiculous pursuit of President Trump by the looney left of America.  We saw a two-year proctology exam of the Trump campaign by Special Counsel Mueller.  All that time the democrats were salivating that the conclusion would be "Collusion" with the Rooskies to defeat the Hillary Clinton campaign.  After twenty-five million bucks, employing numerous democrat lawyers and 500 supeonas, the Mueller report was completed.  And the end game?  NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION!
Of course, I always knew there was none and so did many of the talking heads on the right.  Hannity and Rush parried all the lies by the left every day.  And they were spot on.  Trump made a joke (see Youtube above) and I saw it live.  And that joke got the haters thinking maybe they could turn that into an investigation.  So the anti-Trump crew in the Intelligence and Law Enforcement branches did just that. Review the above YouTube at 47 seconds for the joke,.

Never mind that all this investigation was based on another fallacy.  Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS 11  million dollars for "dirt" on Trump and they hired a failed Britsh spook named Christopher Steele to gather the info.  Well, he now says he got it from the Rooskies and it is all UNVERIFIED!  Meaning it was fabricated.  So to the common people, it seems the collaboration with the Rooskies is Clinton and her campaign.  Yet Mueller knew there was no collusion by Trump early on and still pursued it knowing it did not exist.  I think he was trying to trap Trump in some form of perjury trap like he did with General Flynn. (Who I hope Trump pardons)  But Trump and his lawyers were too smart to fall for that trap and issued "written" responses.  Mueller was stifled.  And his 18 lawyers most of them Hillary supporters were stifled as well.

So on and on this phony investigation continued and it gathered in some "process" crime indictments and even some arrests and jail sentences.  But not one for the underlying reason AG Rod Rosenstein ordered.  Collusion!  I would suggest this process is anti-constitutional and very scary.  An unelected bureaucrat is given GOD_LIKE powers over all others?  That is not right.  These kinds of positions have no place in America.

But the results of this proved nothing and kept America from being the "progressive" country it truly is.  We were stuck ion a time warp while all sides spewed their information and conclusions.  But as I said, the "right" was spot on while the "left" was totally wrong.  But the left will have none of that "truth".  They are apoplectic that Mueller and AG Barr found nothing.  But of course, the left has stated they have found a bunch of things they can impeach Trump with and therefore they are proceeding.

 I think the country needs a break.  Stop the silliness and just accept you all lost to the better candidate in 2016.  There is another election in 2020 and I suggest you try to win that and forget about the past defeat.  In the meantime, democrats are paralyzed regarding legislation to keep the country moving along.  They cannot even fix the obvious immigration issues that need their attention.  And millions are sneaking here and bankrupting us. How about our roads and bridges and water and sewer issues?  Balancing the budget?  Homeless veterans?  And many more.  But they can't see past their noses and it is all "get Trump" all the time.

If the democrats keep this up they are in my view reassuring Trump's election and the Congress returning to Republican control.  The R's seem to me to be the adults in the room.  The lefty candidate for President are all looney tune socialists and the American people are not socialists.  The rising star of the gal from New York, AOC, well she is just a moron but she is the democrats moron.  And she represents people that have no clue how to survive in a complex world. So my recommendation is to proceed with the business of America and start getting the things done the people want to be done.


  1. You have encapulized the feelings of consertive and all Americans.
    Pat Buchanan wrote on 4/23/2019 an excellent article worth reading.
    Tim Gore

  2. Democrats and their co-conspirators in the media are also being exposed just like Pelline has been. Not journalists but leftists propagandists. 😂😂👊

    1. Which we knew and exposed long ago. Now it is sticking.

  3. It’s been very satisfying and fascinating watching Pelline be exposed as a fake news guy. I love everyone. Everyone, as a creation of God, is special in some way from the homeless guy to the PhD. I was taught as a child to respect people and listen. You can learn a lot from people (and not from just those with college degrees). What I can’t ever respect is dishonesty. That’s why I can’t stand fake news journalists...and lawyers. 😂

  4. And businesses and people flee California in increased numbers. Aerojet Rocketdyne is laying off 180 in Rancho Cordova as they continue to expand their facility in Arkansas. Add in how screwed up the Dem's are that run California, sexual assault allegations have been detailed in the suit against California Democratic Party and its former chairman. California is leading the way right down the crapper.


    2. Yes you 1% laggards are actually hording all that money. And I thought you were a fan of the middle class. Hypocrites.

  5. When President Trump is re-elected they are really going to melt down. Looking forward to more Judge appointments!

  6. And yet more fake news. I am happily working in my well trained profession while Pelline and alleged journalist/propagandist publishes fake news on his blog, because he got fired from a real newspaper. Ouch. 😂😂

    1. Hi degree was rhetoric or some pussy classes wasn't it? Being a lawyer is something that takes brains.

  7. You know Todd. I think there’s a larger insight to learn by watching an extraordinarily liberal journalist work for the Chronicle and then get fired from our local newspaper - The Union. One would think that a very liberal propagandist (one with all the liberal credentials such as BA in rhetoric from Cal and masters in journalism from Northwestern) would do very well at an extremely leftist media location which focuses on propaganda and not on the traditional “journalism” that regular Americans are currently missing and of which they are deprived at a national level. At the same time such national deprivation of “real news” is filled at the local, community level by our local papers such as The Union. It makes total sense how a purveyor of liberal propaganda and “fake news” would negatively impact the local paper by having such an editor. Two different audiences. One is an elitist mentality, and one is pragmatic and understanding love of community. The whole episode with the FUE demonstrates that the current cultural divide in America. Now and without the bully pulpit of The Union, the FUE continues his “fake news” and propaganda. #MAGA

  8. The rumor is a certain "editor" was booted for "cause". A local businesswoman claimed "bullying" and reported that person to the boss. Now it might be just a rumor but we all know people like that don't we? Seems to me a lot of the "bullies" are so-called "educated" people who can't seem to get along. No amount of education can give certain people "class". Sad.


  9. Well stated Barry and Todd
    Tim Gore

  10. I have heard some rumors related to bullying at Miner's Foundry and Firs Safe Council...

    1. I see that the FUE is pushing his lack of English writing skills again. The man is a moron regarding the use of the language. Small towns are no place for a lefty Marin extremist. What a hoot!

  11. And he is once again talking to himself. He must be lonely to have no one other then himself commenting on his rag. What a hoot!

  12. I read and commented on George Rebane's article today. From a day or so. I really respect his prospective. Of course and the normal lame brain or the lack thereof, commented the usural bunch of lame brain comments. Didley and Wilson don't have a clue and Wilson is brainless, a good reason not to smoke whatever he smokes. WTF is he
    Tim Gore

  13. Glad you comment some common sense to those idiots. And they always go personal when we have them stymied. Keep up the good work.

  14. Pelline can't defend Heidi Hall and her family problems so he attacks others that are shocked at what is happening. Pelline supports alcoholics and illegal immigrants and can't stand the true Patriots and working people of the county. I think he has stuffed too many chili cheese dogs down that huge throat and has lost what little noggin he used to have. Now that he is a senior citizen it appears he may ave some form of dementia. What a sad man.

    1. And is it not rich that Pelline and his ilk are all chasing after Trump and his family members including his 12 year ols son and that to them is just fine. Hypocrites galore. Pathetic people.

    2. Is Heidi Hall the gal that got a DUI a few years ago after she left her birthday party in down town Grass Valley?
      Tim Gore

    3. That is what i recall and thought it was Condon Park, seems the crowning glory was backing into a parked car and her BAL was over 2.0 and mid 2's or above.
      Poor judgement is one thing for private citizens but quite another for elected politicans holding public office. Anyone that blows over 2.0 is a amature and or professional drinker that has impared thought process that may or may not impact their respsonsibility to render clear thought relating to their job.
      Well the county / city governments don't seem to care one way or the other.
      Tim Gore

  15. Seems to me conservatives have attitudes that reflect an open mind and are not of only one view but liberals are close minded and never open to an intellegent discussion and it's their way or no way.
    Particulary evident in the congress. Lack of the ability to resolve issues as liberals are dead set in their beliefs.
    Tim Gore

    1. We are all about freedom from a over-reaching government. Libs like to control everything don to our bowel movements.

  16. How much money has broke ass Nevada City and their nut bag Vice Mayor Ruinit poured down a rat hole to try and ban 5G service? Wednesday's Union story failed to include how much money was spent on the effort that has been tossed aside due to lack of jurisdiction. Total waste of money. Notice that Ruinit's taco place is still boarded up since she closed it over a year ago?

    1. Not many good tacos available up here. Maria's Happy Hour Carnitas tacos at 3 for $5.00 are the best I have found other than the authentic "Street Tacos" I make at home.
      Tim Gore

  17. Vice Mayor Ruinit should be renamed Ruin-it. Enough of that wing nut, on to better things!
    Ted Cruz during the end of the democrat's ill attempted Spanish Inquisiton that backfired on them today, AG Barr showed them no quarter.
    Ted Cruz at the end of the hearing gave the democrats multiple broadsides with his cannons.
    Go Ted, blast them out of the water!!!
    Tim Gore

  18. Well the libbies are this evening doing multiple Depends changes.
    AG Barr whipped the dems like rented mules today.
    Feinstein, Harris and the rest were flipping out.
    What did the two plus Spanish Inquesition prove? Trump is beyond reproach? Hell over 35 million and over 2 years. Mueller is laughing all the way to the bank.
    $500 per hour to pick fly shit out of salt, the old bastard drug it out for over two years to line his pockets.
    Tim Gore

    1. He klnew there was no collusion at the bginning. And obstruction was a total crock as it was a Article Two power so you are correct. Follow the money.,

    2. Pelline is talking to himself again. Must be lonely at the swamp he oversees.

  19. Grossly obese and Asperger's Syndrome.

    1. I truly think obesity has a major impact on one's self esteem and even thinking. 500 pounds is not something normal.

    2. Look up Asperger's Syndrome and it makes it all clear.

    3. Yes here is th definition. Pelline definitely has it or something almost the same. LOL!

      "A developmental disorder affecting ability to effectively socialize and communicate."

    4. todd, I guess you don't have mirrors in your house?

    5. Asperger's Syndrome nails it!

    6. Yes I get to look at this handsome face and body everyday.

  20. Asperger syndrome is characterized by qualitative impairment in social interaction, by stereotyped and restricted patterns of behavior, activities and interests. Intense preoccupation with a narrow subject, one-sided verbosity, restricted prosody, and physical clumsiness. Difficulties in basic elements of social interaction, which may include a failure to develop friendships. For example, a person with AS may engage in a one-sided, long-winded speech about a favorite topic, while misunderstanding or not recognizing the listener's feelings or reactions. This social awkwardness has been called "active but odd". Such failures to react appropriately to social interaction may appear as disregard for other people's feelings and may come across as insensitive.

    1. Wow all those $100 words that most do not understand either the words or without knowing word usage or defination.
      In laymans terms or terms bone head liberals understand and sounds to me like AS fits you to a "TEE"
      Make it simple next tim and refer that type of person as an "Arrogant Asshole"

  21. COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION OF OF JUSTICE, You cant have one without the other?
    Tim Gore

    1. The democrats have disregarded the findings and still think they are relevant.

  22. The propagandist media is getting a very rude awakening. They finally have met their match with a leader who will finally call bullshit and stick it to them. Trump has exposed the liberal media for what it truly is - a branch of the DNC. Credibility has gone out the window, and no matter what they say or propagandize, Trump is still at 50% and climbing. Is there a local example of same??? Lol.

  23. TDS has infected the democrat party and the lamestreams. Thank goodness we have other sources of information.

  24. I did not know but apparently I have a

  25. Replies
    1. Dr. Glock and Dr's, Smith & Wesson, Henry and Browning may help ward the stalkers off but if one of them is a 6'-4" good looking blond female with big boobs you may wish to persue a different approach.
      Tim Gore

    2. Terry's comments and the replies re prop 13 commercial tax revisions and socialist whaco replies are interesting.
      Tim Gore

    3. By the way groups backing the repeal of prop 13 affecting commercial properties and residential properties are the following which are non-profits which most seem to or have socialistic agendas, not suprising as these bastards keep chipping away at the constitution and they are not in a hurry as time is on their side.
      Check out the backers:
      1. Evolve California?
      2. ACLU SoCal?
      3. Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of California?
      4. California Federation of Teachers
      Who or what are these groups backing this?
      Number 3 is more than intersting? Google these and find out more.
      Tim Gore

    4. Correction, residential rentals not single family
      Tim Gore

    5. Todd don't need heat for his stalkers. He needs exercise. He's one taco away from heart attack. Todd is fatter than our PornStar Loving President.

      6'4 good looking blonde with big boobs. I'm sorry Tim but it sounds like you like guys.

    6. That is an extremly reply and I am still laughing!!

  26. The FUE posted a pathetic self congratulatory review of his mothers day dinner. An overcooked roast and a couple of baked potatoes, no salad, no asparagus, no mushrooms, no nothing to make it a real meal. Must not like his long suffering wife too much. How Podunk can you be Podunk?

  27. Well he really has no class anyway.

  28. What would you expect him to serve up, Beef Wellington, oysters on the half shell, creamed spinach, baby new potatoes parsley and butter and a good bottle of red wine?
    Podunk is "Suave and deboner".
    If it were not for no class he would have no class at all.

  29. What no fresh baked sourdough bread?

  30. It is so bad for the FUE that he is copying the NYT's new tactic of recycling old news when there is nothing of interest to anyone he can write. At least it is a change from me and I being every third word! ROFLOL

  31. There will be some serious shit coming down in June as AG Barr has cut Horowitz and Durham loose a couple of Pit Bulls (my spell check died ) but WTF you know what I mean.
    Obama, Holder, Comey, Ohr, GPS and the others will be history in late June or July
    Tim Gore

  32. Tim, I thought they shut down Infowars? Love your deep deep state conspiracy paranoia!!
    David Dennison

  33. It appears the left and never Trumpers are scurrying away to hide. This is fun!

  34. Omg. In my mind I just see Jeff Pelline hammering away at his keyboard, eating chili fries with a glass of cheap wine, and frothing over his hatred of George Boardman, The Union, Keith Davies it anyone that points out Pelline’s “journalist” inadequacies. Pelline is never wrong at least in his mind. For someone who generates their self worth through name dropping and self praise, getting called out probably feels like an attack on his ego that can’t be dealt with rationally. Off. The. Rails. 🙄

  35. And he is a worse speller than me! He is a lonely man and they usually lash out at others they are jealous of. I can still see my feet so he lashes out as he has nor seen his in years.

  36. Todd you have the same body as Fat Nixon (Trump). Your profile pic cuts off your double chin too lol

    1. But I am still more handsome than you you mutt faced dog.

    2. thats true!!


Real name thank you.