Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Blackface is the next #metoo! What is this all about?

Looks like the democrats have stepped in to the pooh again and they can't seem to scrape it off of their shoes.  Blackface was prevalent for many years on this country and some now are judging the use of shoe polixh on a face as a unforgivable transgression.  Others think you should be ostracized and run out of town for using a color on your skin.  What do you think?

The use of white people as props for other races was prevalent in the past.  Especially in Vaudeville and Hollywood.  They called song and dance people that wore black on their bodies "minstrels".  And it was all over the country and even in Paris and other continental countries.  My personal opinion is it is simply a acting gig and should not be taken seriously as "racist".
Al Jolson early 20th century singer

Hollywood used white people, Katherine Hepburn, to play Chinese in The Good Earth.  Al Jolson used black face for his famous song Mammy!  Now we see these acts as something differnet with a contemporary meaning that was not in it's original meaning.  So we have to debate it.  Today we saw that "The View" nutcase, Joy Behar, was in blackface.  Jimmy Kimmela nd others in current day Hollywood have done it.  Mostly for humor.  The Wayan brothers, black comedians, did a movie where they became white chicks!  Tootsie had Dustin Hoffman become a female and Robin Williams was "Mrs Doubfire.   Were these wrong or just funny?

Judy Garland
It seems to me we are taking things way to seriously in America and many have lost their sense of humor.  Comedians are avoiding college campuses as they see their humor is berated by students who have hostile intentions on them.  A nation of 320 million should just lighten up.  We need to be able to tell jokes and show humor or we will all become the "wicked witch of the west".  And we don't want to do that.  HERE is Judy Garland as a young singer in blackface and it is funny.  That was 1938 and I don't think we say she was a racist do we?  But if we insist on judging past actions with today's rules we will not be very happy.  That is why people tear down statues and try to paint our Founders with todays values.  Sorry, we must not let these things happen.

Personally after listening and watching all the yappers on this issue I say I really don't care.  People mock and make fun of each other all the time and this is one of those ways.  As long as it is not personal, I don't see why there is a problem.  I understand that Hollywood and the TV movies try to get those minority actors to play their own ethnicity now and that is fine.  But those acts from the past should just be shrugged off and let's move on.

Northum in Virginia though should resign and not because he may have been in blackface.  I have changed my mind about that.  He should resign for lying about it.  And for his infanticide position on babies.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 'People mock and make fun of each other all the time and this is one of those ways.'
    Perhaps, but that does not mean it is not dangerous.

    People do mock and make fun of each other all the time. It is a way of asserting control over other people. Jesus was mocked and made fun of by the people who executed him. Perhaps you should remember that when you carry on not caring about this issue. The gas chambers of Auschwitz were presaged by the cartoons of the 'big nosed' Jews. The millions of Tutsi murdered in Rwanda were belittled first by a wise cracking radio show host.

    Humour is used by people to belittle those they disagree with. But you know all this, because while you claim to debate, the majority of your posts contain little to debate, but much belittlement of the opinions of other. That reflects exactly your charachter. So belittling black people as Judy Garland did, is not acceptable. While she was an entertainer, she relected attitudes toward black people that are wholey unacceptable and racist. That is why we should be careful what we accept as humour and distinguish the less harmful from what is gratuitous belittlement of others.

  3. True but “ But if we insist on judging past actions with today's rules we will not be very happy. That is why people tear down statues and try to paint our Founders with todays values. Sorry, we must not let these things happen.”

    Nobody is saying it’s not racist. What we said is that judging history by today’s lense is stupid and silly.

  4. What do you think the pdds are that the troll Neobiognosis thinks "white privledge" is real? I bet it does. Therefore it has no credibility here.

  5. Drop clip from great interview with former 60 Minites correspondent, Lara Logan. Yes the media/journalists are all liberal and all have a liberal agenda. Local Exhibit One - Jeff Pelline - thankfully former editor and “journalist” of The Union.

    1. Of course we all knew this for years so no surprise. Nice that a "journalist" admits it. My guess is she will never see another job from the alpha-bets. Maybe FOX or Briebart.

  6. I bet if someone created a real news station (really balanced), it would be popular and the folks would likely be rich.



  8. “Victim was not a student”
    Dafook? What about the aggressor? Where he is from is of paramount importance. People like Pelline excuse bullying when it is done to advance socialist causes. It is wrong

  9. They will never do a thing to that liberal thug.

  10. NEWS FLASH! That megaton of no fun the universally reviled FUE has published a headline typo! THE PAIN, OH THE PAIN!

    Wildness Preparedness
    This should be an informative series:

    The flyer shows its about WILDFIRE Preparedness. Stop the presses, call Boardman and Ackerman and the rest of the crew so he knows they are all laughing at that fired and still unemployed coffee fetcher.

    Its 543, start the timer, how long until he fixes or posts about some old election or old tax liens and claim he meant to write WILDNESS. ROFLOL

  11. I would like to hear your spin on the Cohen testimony? LOL!!!

  12. Cal is a nationwide punch line to a bad joke

    1. Idiots like that Clover at Davis need to be homeless for a while. Desperate for food. Or maybe arrested and sent to the clink to be abused by Bubba. Then the real world is experienced and not just a poetry reading.

  13. Here’s some more...

    Conservative Attacked on Berkeley Campus Speaks Out

    Berkeley Settles Free Speech Lawsuit

  14. So Yvette Felarca, still facing criminal charges of assault, inciting a riot, and resisting arrest, is still tabling on UC Berkeley's campus. And the university wonders why violence breaks out here.#defunduc

  15. Apparently this style of censorship at Berkeley is where Jeff Pelline learned his style of censorship.

    We could go in forever as censorship of thought at Berkeley is rampant. #defunduc

  16. Hie ilk is all about censoring others. The liberals are quick to boot those they can't agree with. I call them chicken shits.

  17. Intimidating the directors of western gateway park in an effort to inhibit free speech. The Berkeley way.

  18. I remember that. And now his ilk is bossing Nancy Pelosi around. What a hoot!

  19. Pelline is peeing his pants over Barry's posts here. What a hoot!

  20. Maybe Ted Kaczynski was Pelline’s math professor at Berkeley?! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  21. Pelline is emailing denying he is peeing his pants over your posts. The man needs a visit from the guys in the white suits, LOL!

  22. Now Pelline is making fun of the place where I was born which is predominately black. Racist much? ๐Ÿ˜‚

  23. He must be a racist then. His rules.

  24. He should clarify whether he is picking on my birthplace on the basis of race. That would be horrible if he is.

  25. He can't keep up. He is peeing his pants and looking for his depends. No time to waste.

  26. And there is the clarification. Race based bullying. My ancestry DNA says I am Jewish as well. Maybe Pelline can bully based on antisemitism too. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

  27. Somehow Pelline is implying that he is a better person because he was born in a white neighborhood and I was born in a black neighborhood??? Dude...he is one sick racist puppy.

  28. And the truth comes out. Typical elitist liberal.

  29. He really acts like a "white privledge" caucasian. Better than everyone. Textbook!

  30. Stunning display of racism on Pelline’s blog right now. Stunning.


  32. Annie Fox = Gloria Zane. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  33. One thing is clear from Pelline’s rant these lasts few days. When he suggests that folks are tainted by being born in a predominantly black neighborhood, there is clearly and unequivocally some racism connected to his elitism.

  34. I agree. He is a white supremicist I guess. Sad.

  35. I am more convinced that ever let Annie Fox and Joe Koyote are in fact Jeff Pelline. Far too coincidental the timing of “their” comments. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  36. He has numerous sock puppets. You may be right. He posts as a sock puppet elsewhere I believe

  37. The most hated unemployed journalist FUE in its most recent post has I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I yes no less than 13 times. Clinically diagnosed narcissists are always easy to spot.


Real name thank you.