Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Sam's Club in Roseville Gasoline at $2.48


  1. Oh Todd.....why must you poke the bear?!

  2. It was 2.37 the week before. But still great to see it close to 2 bucks!

  3. I think it will go down more by next week.

    1. I think you're right. My target is for right around $2 about the first of 2016.

  4. Po-dunk!

    The sound you make when you cannonball into the pool?

  5. The pouty prince of purple is so desperate for traffic that his lardship had to stoop to claiming a scoop that Dr. Wren is on the Republican central committee. Wow what investigative award winning reporting of something that is no secret! Talk about out of touch with the community outside of the ruinit circle of stupid. ROFLOL

    1. Yeah Scoppy is really a topnotch investigative reporter. NOT! Who care is the man is on the NCRCC anyway? Does that make the science and facts different? No, of course. Rather than Scoopy dissecting the man's piece he goes after the man. That is what liberals do. They are a shitheads.

    2. You just watch me big boys I have a multi-part expose' on that Bob Wren person and you will be flabbergasted at the results of my investigative journalism. This should get me some street cred as opposed to the crud which inhabits my parts. Multi-part I say, there will be one on the time he had to pay a late fee at the library, another on his not giving the paper boy a holiday present (notice I did not use the banned Christmas) and the final chapter will be about his parking ticket. Take that you mean republicans.

    3. Any award winning journalist knows that you must declare your political connections. In every blog post I wrote about my good friend, the accused child pornographer Terry Lamphier, I noted my donations to his political campaigns. Well...those admissions were in my first draft, and the dumb shit that edited my piece must have cut them out. I not include that information in my award winning blog post would make me...a low life, two faced hypocrite. I wouldn't want anyone thinking that about me, I have a reputation to protect. And really important friends. Let's see, besides Terry Lamphier, my friend Ruinit is really popular, my friend Laurie O and I, we go to the gym together. And then there are my friends Annie, Windy and Gloria, my three friends who come out and play with me when I am lonely, which is all the time. They like me, and nobody else knows them so I have them all to myself. Well, I have to go now and write some more shitty stuff about The Union. I hate that they fired me. Can you believe it? Me, the award winning journalist, with a boat on Lake Tahoe, dumped, like a useless box of rocks. I'll get them back. I'll write nasty things about them forever. Who cares if it makes me look like a petty little punk. I like looking little. It helps my self esteem. I need that. Have you seen me lately? LOL!

    4. What's a hard left ignoramus of a blogger to do? I have tried every scumy trick to get viewers and clicks on my grave yard of a blog. Crap I even tried to stir the pot with a rehash of a 1993 story and make it somehow relevant and no one not even Ruinit coughed up a post for me. What's a sock puppet master to do? Not even manufactured controversy that no one gives a shit about is drawing fly's to my pile of poop comments. What's a superior intellect going to do when you podunkers don't want to play with me. No one lets me post other than you Todd. No likes me or my smell what's a hack to do? Time for my post lunch snackies. I think a tub of butter and a jar of marmalade will do for a start then we can get into some fried goodies. Wanna see my food porn pics? I have so many more than my give away that's printed out of town can hold. ROF... oh no I fell and I cant get up so no roflol today peons.

  6. The enviro libs are hating gas prices going down, they want them high. Lower gas prices means money in the pockets of regular families, but the Governor and the dems are working to add more fees and taxes as a result of the lower gas prices.

  7. I hate the shitheads too Todd and thay are recking this country. When will it end?

  8. Americans drove 1.54 trillion miles in the first half of 2015.

    Jerry Brown desperately needs more money for our roads. Too bad the last gas tax hike went to the Train to Nowhere and low income housing. The anti-human activity crowd is proposing another gas tax, a $65.00 driver fee on every motorist and a whole barrel of great ideas. Keep gasoline prices lower to help the poor people and illegals to offset this $65.00 driver fee. Maybe the revenue generated will fix a few potholes this time.

  9. Did I tell you I hate The Union? I can't say they fired me because we have a deal to not talk about it, but...what do you think? Seven years later I still can't get over it! Damn that Jeff Ackerman, that was the best job I ever had! Now I am an unemployed blogger, and a really nasty hateful one! Damn you all!

  10. TF, put down your Ouija Board and perhaps the demons will let you eat in peace Those busted shocks on your red pickup truck are not going to fix themselves. Get on those shocks this weekend. What? You say you cannot climb under the truck because your lift only raises 5 feet. Yes, clearance is an important thing when working with your hands and not your mouth. And what is all this about a red truck? Red is the color of Megan Kelly's blood, the color of Rednecks, the color of hard far right extremists, and the color of your puppy eyes when you think about The Union. Paint that truck a bluish shade of purple. Now, take both hands and lift your cheeks as far up as your strength allows and turn that puggy frown into a beautiful smile, just like your Mom and Dad used to do, each pulling with all their might on each cheek when you were a precious little bundle of oleo joy. You had quite the infectious smile, but seldom reveal it. unless hanging upside down from the tow truck hoist.

    1. Did you see my cinematic achievement as a youth,? I had a dominant position in the ending of the Ghost Busters movie and smiled remember me? Sure you do, I was the stay pufft marshmallow boy! I even got to use my school hat and tie. Just a little pancake makeup, mmmmmmm pancakes, drooling like a saint Bernard now. Gotta go get my pre dinner sancks. mmmmmm pancakes.

    2. I was told you posted some SYRCL propaganda from 20 years ago regarding my opposition to the Wild and Scenic scam. Is that right? My my, and you were the Editor of our valuable newspaper? Thanks to Jeff Ackerman for getting rid of your sorry arse. I now see the extent of a lying press member. Hey, at least my facts are correct and real. But as we all have noticed over the years, a liberal press member is truly never telling the truth and is totally biased. Thanks again Jeff Ackerman for booting this Pelline fellows butt from our paper.

  11. I quit you po-dunk rednecks, I didn't get fired. They told me that would be the "public story". So there! LOL!

    1. Don't make me call your lawyer Todd.

    2. Why, maybe I could get some money from your harassment? LOL!

  12. Sounds like you guys really have thunder thighs in a froth today. Hope he does not wear any corduroy shorts and starts brush fires! So the disgraced former Union employee says him and Ruinit would put a better town hall on than the Union " And I would succeed in pulling it off because that's how I roll when I put my mind to it." Especially if he put his mind to it rolling down hill, back up the hill is another story. So it sounds like he recovered from his fall earlier up the thread. Kilroy's must have heard and sent a truck to get him upright again. ROFLOL

    1. Yep, he can do better than anyone can do. And about anything. Well except the fifty yard dash. Paramedics on the ready. ROTFLMAO!

      Can you believe that schmuck was the editor of our paper. Thank goodness Jeff Ackerman toss his ass out.

    2. The FUE is one massive egocentric, narcissistic clown. Over on the Vents 2016 Facebook page Mike Thornton called Pelline "pompous". Can't argue with Mike Thornton's call on Pelline!

    3. Vents? Thorton is usually wrong but this time maybe not. LOL!

  13. Oh, so the prince of purple pus wants to put Ruinit in charge of another project with no skin in the game? Ya right lets give her some more of other peoples money to piss away with no benefit to anyone other than the 'non-profit' employees and their expenses.

  14. News flash!

    2.7 magnitude earthquake just happened in western Nevada County. Hope the FUE can get back up. Anyone have the number for Fischer's Towing?

    1. Nope, it was only a 2.7 magnitude earthquake, if it was the FUE it would be 6.0 or greater! LOL, LOL.

    2. Did the SYRCL jerks come save him?

  15. NEWS FLASH-SCOOP on the scoopster a new sink hole has opened up (under the hippo feet) and the lefty hippo is at this minute hurtling toward the center of the earth. Nevada City leaders concerned about a volcano opening up, others are betting on pugslie blocking the path with his mass. Chemtrail and mmj proponents holding competing protests against the earth mama's sage healing ceremony. Film at 11, widescreen only. TATA for now.

  16. Face it, I am awesome and you are po-dunk losers without a tiki bar in your back yard. None of you are even a pimple on my mile wide ass! LOL!

  17. Tiki Bar, True Fue? It must have cost a fortune to have the natives chop down 8 acres of cane to make your Hula skirt.
    Earthquake? Another unfounded rumor. It was just True Fue doing his ROTFLOL again. Building inspector will be at TF's house tomorrow to check for structural damage and to certify the home safe to enter again or not. The Red Cross has set up a temporary safe structure for shelter on the concrete slab pavilion at Pioneer Park just in case his house is deemed uninhabitable.

  18. See now you did it Todd, in my desperation for activity on my scrumptious award winning blog I have had to drop the cloak of journalistic objectivity and whored my site to the Nevada County Democratic Central Committee. Now big Stevie and me can wallow in the warm glow of hard left or dare I say it, socialist rhetoric. It worth putting up with screechy voice harpies and their emasculated serfs like Firthy to get some attention. I should be on the central committee! Is it an all you can eat pizza buffet at the first Tuesday?

    1. The internet is changing the way we communicate, oh you bet. There is now enough bandwidth to even send pictures of the purple hippo. ROFLOL

    2. Screechie harpies of the Democrat CC. Now that is a very accurate description. Pelline and Firth must be BBQ rib buds? Firth has now proved what a liar the leader of his scrum is. Mu goodness the leader of the dems is or was the CEO for a gunrunner from SF! You just can't make this stuff up!

    3. I double human companion (dog) dare you to debate my bromance stud big Stevie. Go on you fascist old farts. Ruinit is going to finish taking over Nevada City and then force them to put a throne er a seat big enough for me down front center in the council chambers. I sure hope she can get a snack bar too. Even a theater style one with the retro goodies like goobers and lemon heads. I think of you idiots when I smash one of those with my remaining molar. Screw you TODD! You are too stupid to know we are so much smarter than you all. I mean look at us, we do nothing that matters and get idiots to pay for porn food pictures and Stevie's advice that any 9th grader could recite from the DNC talking points. ROFLOL counting my bank on the way to the bank bitches!

    4. Maybe the debate could be in your neighbors new granny?

  19. Now Todd...we're going to have downplay our internet friendship! Seems a certain little boy in his over-sized sailor suit is feeling a little threatened.

    jeffpelline on September 10, 2015 at 8:39 am

    When you see how “fish” relates to people such as Todd (who he has never met in person) as if he were a brother, it gives new meaning to “meeting people over the internet.” “You don’t have to be lonely

    Hey Todd....did I ever mention how the internet is changing the way we communicate?

    Well if I hadn't let me mention it now!

    1. Thanks fish, are you sure you are not my brother from another mother? LOL!

      I think the bigboy is lonely. I see he is using all his sock puppets again. He uses all those female SP's. It gives me pause though. Is he a Kaitlin too?

    2. It gives me pause though. Is he a Kaitlin too?

      Probably not! Tits are big enough though.

  20. fish, are you judging me by weight or by volume? LOL!

    1. There should be an excise tax on people over 600 pounds or is it kilos in the FUE's case? Hard to tell. Don't they degrade our roads to a greater extent than us normal po dunk folks? Normal Rights! Normal Rights! Normal Rights! Normal Rights! ROFLOL

  21. Oh those good old hippies in Nevada city think they are so smart with their stupid constitution day parade. What the hell are they thinking! The have that local Podunk newspaper publisher as the commentator for their stupid parade when they could have had big fat flop sweating me bragging and blowing smoke up my own ass. What are they thinking, hazardous air, commentator from a dying newspaper that I cant seem to kill even though I bitch and moan about every niggling thing I can to no effect. Why wont they listen to ME! MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything is about ME! Screw you all have your little Smokey parade, see if I care. Well you wont see me crying into my little pony pillow case and soothing my frayed nerves with a gallon of jelly. So you wont see how desperately I care about being ridiculed and shunned. You will just see it in my sniveling self-aggrandizing scatology on my lonely, lonely boorish blog.

    1. Yolu watching the parade in your speedo undies at the computer?

    2. Did you hack my web cam! OH NO MR BILL!

    3. You and Steve in your speedos would have defeated the Iranians all by yourselves. LOL!

  22. OK Todd, I have had it! I challenge you to a Sumo wrestling contest! After I bounce you around, I will whip GG in a foot race! Then I'll take a break and have some chili fries and chardonnay! Come on Todd, let's go! LOL!

    1. My speedo looks better than yours. "Annie get your gun" LOL!

  23. What a maroon as that great philosopher bugs bunny would say. The purple hippo is now bragging about donating money to Yuba net. You can tell a shallow brittle narcissist when they not only have to tell you they donated money to impress and guilt, they tell the exact amount they donated. Those are some class act SF values thunder thighs. ROFLOL

    1. This is a regular occurrence by the FUE. A real humble donor finds it very distasteful and unattractive, maybe even unethical, to brag about donating anything. A good Christian does not ask for a pat on the back for some self serving "donation". My goodness, the man is a true putz.

  24. Hey, I offered my boat for the homeless to sleep in, as long as I wasn't using it, and they could pay the cleaning deposit. And I put $5 in the Salvation Army kettle pot once. Well... I showed them a $5, but actually switched it for a $1. They never know! LOL! How do people know how awesome you are if you don't tell them? You are all so po-dunk!

    1. Hey I remember the boat thing. No one took up the offer. The homeless could not stand the stench of rotted chili chees fries in the hull and the picture of you in a speedo drove them out. Oh well. ROTFLMAO

  25. I'll trade you a photo of me in my speedo for a photo of you in a TSA scanner!

    1. That's OK there are plenty of Michelin man pictures floating around.

    2. My photo is wotrth money, you have to pay people to place yours in the museum of horrors. LOL!


Real name thank you.