Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Gasoline is $2.37 in Roseville today.


  1. Todd, How Dare You? Don't you know the difference between economic speech and economic activism? You are crossing the line here pal, and you are doing it without my approval! You should be exposed for what you are doing and forced to resign from everything. You should spend every dime of your money in Nevada County on things that are approved by ME! Thus sayeth the FUE!

  2. Hey, $2.37 a gallon! That is about the same price as Arizona. How is it possible that with Cap and Trade in place California gas prices are so low? Shouldn't prices be rising in California? I guess there must be some other market forces at play, like perhaps refinery capacity, pipeline access, foreign pricing, access to renewable fuels to blend in, and a glut in the global market.

  3. Hey Anonymous! None of that stuff has been approved by ME! If I say it is not OK, it is NOT OK! Don't Forget who is in charge of public morality here. It is ME! The decider of all things! Po-dunk losers! LOL!

  4. Read George Boardman's column this morning and got a kick out of it. It is was early for all this but it is great theater.

    Now we see Nate Beason has decided not to run again. I can relate to that. I stopped after two terms.

  5. How could I possibly get a scoop on Nate when I got seriously sooped by the Union when Heidi ran. $&@)$&@). No one really talks to me, its more like I pester them and they toss a nice to see ya as they scurry away as fast as they can. Well at least I can credibly say I am THE MOST HATED MAN IN THE COUNTY! I wonder if I went trany? That would make me PC protected by the thought police and heck I have DD's already. ROFLOL

  6. The purple hippo of Nevada city says Dwayne Strawser is running for Nates seat.

  7. Pelline, who is always complaining about anonymous commenters and trolls on other blogs, has no problem running a comment from an anonymous "reader" who called me a liar for my characterization of Jim Firth's comments in my Union column.

    Firth was man enough to set the record straight. When should I expect an apology from Pelline for posting the original comment, and his "reader" for lying in the first place? I'm not holding my breath.

    1. Yes don't hold your breath. Your column was very good this morning and Firth set the record straight? You mean he confirmed he did not answer your question?

      Pelline is a hypocrite and practices it all the time. I am sometimes that way I guess like most humans but I try not to live it as he does. Keep up the good work. Of course when you smack me I might get a little testy. LOL!

    2. The purple hippo is as clueless as he is massive. So here is a guy who lives in one of the most criminal cities in the State and he posts on his blog that he is going out of town for a few days. Go ahead thunder thighs tell all the crooks that your house is easy pickings. While there are sure to be lots of tech toys don't plan of finding anything edible crooksters. The internet is changing how we communicate! ROFLOL

    3. Mr. Boardman you got his purpleness huffing and puffing like he is trudging up Fillmore hill in SF! He couldn't even think to use his sock puppets to attack you and that's why he went anonymous on you. ROFLOL

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I go out for a nice bike ride around the lake and come home to find that Pelline has taken not one, not two, not three, but at least six different shots at me. Not good for the blood pressure, Jeffy.

    Allow me to answer his criticism.

    First, the video about the biker bashing the car. Pelline didn't have a problem when the item was published Sept. 7. No, it was two weeks later after The Union published Randall Musgrave's letter that Jeffy found something to get upset about.

    The bike vandal in the video was participating in a monthly event called Critical Mass, when self-appointed bike vigilantes jam up Friday commute traffic in San Francisco just to show hapless motorists how self important they are. And bikers wonder why some motorists are hostile toward them.

    Then there's the column on the presidential poll at the county fair. Pelline says I'm a dummy because I made selective use of a statement issued by Jim Firth. Why would I print a statement that ignores the questions I asked, and is nothing more than platitudes and boiler plate recycled from an "Other Voices" column that appeared in The Union a month ago? I know that kind of crap passes for editorial content in Sierra FoodWineArt, but I have higher standards.

    If Pelline wasn't so intent on taking a shot at me, he would have posed the obvious question: Why did Firth pass up an opportunity to promote the Democratic agenda in the paper? I suspect it is because he got flak from Clinton backers for the "Other Voices" he wrote August 22 that discussed how the success of Sanders and Trump reflects a populist sentiment.

    You will note that when Firth writes an opinion piece in The Union, it carries the disclaimer that "His opinions are his own, and not those of any organization." In other words, the chair of the local Democratic Party can't be trusted to speak for the local Democratic Party. Will Rogers nailed it when he said: "I don't belong to an organized political party...I'm a Democrat."

    One more thing. My wife and I made a brief stop at the recent birthday party for the Nevada Theater, where I was introduced to a well-know Nevada City resident. After complimenting by column, he blurted out: "Pelline is full of sh#t."

    Such eloquence is rare in the Queen of the Northern Mines.

    1. Like you I am moderated off Pelline's rag of the airwaves. His behavior is truly anti-social as we see a couple of people commenting there along with his female sock puppets. I sometimes agree with your stuff (yesterday) and sometimes don't agree. But that is the nature of all this. Pelline is simply as your Nevada City person shouted out. No one likes Pelline, he is a nasty man. My guess he travels to his yacht at Tahoe and his other residence there to escape all the evil he has spread through the area.

      Firth is a politician and his not answering your questions were telling. And the fact he has a disclaimer on the Union OV's tells me he is a lone wolf and afraid of the "powers that be" really running the democrats here.

      I would not sweat his criticism as I always use it as my "red badge". You have a weekly column read by many thousands and he has "windy". You just can't make up his kind of stuff!

    2. The purple hippo is hearing voices again as he is claiming elected officials talk to him. Who other than the ones trying to get off the phone when they find out its him on the line? You guys all have him going crazy, he is even letting people post without their names now. ROFLO Well we know the waiters have to talk to him but seriously who else would ever want to talk to him? Keep doing what you are doing. Its hilarious because he is such a constant source a material for you all!!

    3. Yes he is a source of fun posts. But like Hillary Clinton, he does it to himself. I mean look, I did not shove those chili cheese fries down his throat! LOL!

    4. Uh Oh spaghetti O's! Now you did it Mr. Boardman the purple veined sniveling whiner of Nevada city says Hemmig and Hamilton should fire you. Boy with that kind of job security your going to be getting up puglies nose for a long time to come in the Union. ROFLOL.

    5. I think the FUE should fire himself for impersonating a human being. LOL!

    6. how can a person empersonate a humanbeing??!

    7. Only a non person can impersonate a human being.

  9. Todd you are a toad and if you think you bunch of Podunk old farts are going to generate traffic in this swamp by telling the truth about me your probably right. It doesn't bother me, much. What's an unemployed journalist want to do? Well reposting you on my blog is drawing traffic but we are still the core of the posts and no one talks to me. Now that's tough for someone like me who thrives on attention. Maintaining my manly girth is a full time job. I know you are saying I am the most hated man in the world but thank the gods for that Martin Shkreli who raised his drug price 5000%. Well coming second can be a good thing sometimes, I think? What's a pariah to do? I KNOW SNACKIES!!! Hmmmmm pizza, taco, burger, lasagna, spaghetti what to do? DO THEM ALL WITH EXTA CHEESE! ROF ow crap, that hurts ugh, Screw you guys!

    1. OH TODD you said Spartacus. I would offer you an oyster big boy if hadn't eaten them all with garlic chesses crumbles hmmmmmm what was I saying now? Wanna go to the buffet? Your treat.

    2. The purple hippo is so rattled by you he cant speak in proper sentences. This morning he posted that Rupert Murdoch in not a catholic but he donate large sums'... What's that ebonics? Yo, he donate large sums brudda. This on the same day he is bitching about the Union having a cut and past error. So what's worse, a cut and paste mess up or not being able to speak proper English? Award winning journalist. ROFLOL

    3. Honestly, I expect more from a self proclaimed "award winning journalist". But maybe he reached his "peter principle" while fetching coffee for Herb Cean. ROTFLMAO!

    4. The unemployed journalist still has not corrected his syntax -he donate large sums v. he donated large sums. Well that about sums up why he is the former union editor aka FUE. With friends like pugslie Heidi Hall and her socialist clown car gang are going to have an up hill fight. ROFLOL Oh by the way the purple hippo got scooped again by the union on the District 1 race.

    5. Well he is a hypocrite so nothing new there. Heidi will have some competition too!

    6. Scoopys excuse for being scooped is he had to stop for lunch! Well it is at least believable as an excuse from the Nevada city purple hippo. If you look at the pacing of his posts you can almost figure out his feeding schedule. ROFLOL

    7. Hey it only took the purple hippo 12 hours to fix his syntax problems. Way to go award winning journalist, so he claims. He could claim disability for bloated sausage fingers that are unable to hit one key at a time anymore. Then of course you got the arterial sclerosis and diabetic nerve damage. Crap we could be paying him on our dime for disability if he can prove he had a real job. Whew we ducked one that since the records show him as unemployed other than some food porn giveaway scheme to get free lunches. At this rate we wont have him to kick around much longer. Darn, he provides so much laughter (at him) and unintended laughs with his rants. GO SCOOPY GO! Get that bucket of chicken for your next snack, they are still open.

    8. STOP THAT ITS NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT to tell the truth about me! Cut it out! I know I am just a hack wannabe but if I act like anyone cares about what I say I feel like a big man, well in the sense that I have influence not like you scum bags say. Sure i can influence an election by playing games with some republican who thinks she can beat Heidi's posse of ruinit, fran, joey and pattie and me. Since I am only an unemployed journalist I can break with journalistic standards and openly support a candidate and trash the other side because you are all afraid I will make bad noises about you.
      Noises like I make when I get slopped 9 times a day! Screw you I am too full to roflol right now. Don't want to throw up, it never tastes as good as the first time when I have to chug the up chuck.

    9. Ewww Scoopy have your really burned through your dads money already? Come on now its not that bad. You don't have to eat your puke, you could send a homeless skinny guy to the food bank for you. We could do a go fund me campaign, no never mind on that it would require people who care about you for that to work. We know its only you who loves you, heard you bought a dog and it tried to bite you so you ate him. There you go an endless supply of stray cats and feral dogs. That should hold you over the winter since your so broke. LOL

    10. I am so glad the Pelline is supporting Heidi Hall. She is a sure loser. And look at all those trees chopped down for the magazine of booze and food no one buys. Hall should chastise that hypocrite. LOL!

  10. Yuba Net beat him to it too.

  11. Of course they are both real journalistic organizations unlike the sniveler in chief of Nevada city who just claims to be an award winning unemployed journalist.

  12. So what's his excuse for also being scooped by the union on the fraudulent 'spiritual healer' that got arrested by the feds in Nevada city? The arch bishop of shon-t-east-a John Michael DeChiara is charged with massive mortgage fraud. Claims he is relieving people spiritually by fraudulently getting them out of their mortgages. Sounds like some occupier crap from the write up. Scoopy probably wouldn't touch it since its some lefty Nevada city group that is PC protected. ROFLOL Go on scoopy show us you can actually get down roll and get back up without assistance. Go on big guy, prove you can do it or stop using it!

    1. Hey guys, lets remember he is just an unemployed journalist but if he wants to claim the mantle then I guess its ok to hold him to it. Either way he is a laughing stock and despised by people in his claimed profession like Boardman. I wonder what time he gets up Monday morning to read Boardman's column?

  13. Mr J, why do you let such a repulsive cretin blog on your site. I know tolerance is a virtue but this is getting to be too much. Some of us think its to let the world see the real POS jeffie is. If that's the case we understand you are doing the community a service by lancing the boil of pus that is jeffie and showing his true side. Its just hard not to throw up in your throat a little at the sight of him. So keep up the good work displaying the smartest Dem in the county in his true glory.


Real name thank you.