Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Free Speech and Free Association only for homosexuals in Boston?

A was reading a Michelle Malkin article on the loud mouth Mayor of Boston.  Thomas Menino, who doesn't like Chick-fil-A.  The restaurant chain is family owned and operated and employees about 50,000 people nationwide.  It advertises family and biblical values and does not apologize for any of that.  That means to them a position on traditional marriage which is one man marrying one woman.  This has riled the homosexual community and the Mayor of Boston.

HERE is her article.

So the restaurant wants to open a store in a downtrodden area of the Mayor's city and hire local folks, many out of work for a long time.  The Mayor says he will persecute the store and try to deny them a permit.  He calls them names and is denying the chain their free speech and free association it appears.  All this in the city that started the country on the road to freedom!  Mayor Menino is a perfect example of what is wrong with political correctness and the homosexual agenda.  When a elected official, who swears to uphold the Constitution, uses his office to defame and deny a legitimate endeavor by a fellow American he needs to immediately resign his office.  He is unfit to represent the people.

The fact a group of people, the homosexual community, can somehow foist their agenda on the 99% who are not of their ilk is simply amazing to me.  I have nothing against people of any stripe but when I am forced to acknowledge some behavior I disagree with as "normal", I just have to speak to it.  Proposition 8 in California and the attempts nationwide to try and make into law homosexual marriage as "marriage" has divided the people as we have all seen.  Marriage is a traditional union of one man and one woman in our country.  Utah was denied admittance into the United States until they denounced plural marriage.  The form of marriage was non traditional.  Two men or two women "marrying" each other is not traditional as well.

So, this Mayor in Boston has decided to use the power of government to shove down the throats of a private business his opinion and views on issues anathema to the business.  If America elects people like Mayor Menino and then supports his persecution of a person or business he does not like for a "value" he disagrees with, then how is he any different than a fascist dictator?  He isn't in my view.  That is why I believe his comments demand his immediate resignation as he is  unworthy of the public trust.

HERE is how the homosexual community attacks.  A GASP! Kiss IN protest of the permit.  What a hoot!


  1. You appear quite hung up about homosexuals recently. Why is that?

    1. Nope, why do you ask?

    2. You seem concerned.

    3. I'm curious about your continued obsession with homosexuals.

    4. I think you are the one with an obsession Robert, You must be a homosexual? I simply post news stories even you can read from the major news sources. Are you saying those news sources, CBS etal. are obsessed? I think you just have a "problem". Try to be a little more open minded.

    5. What if I was a homosexual? What would be your next response? You keep digging yourself deeper and deeper, and your continued obsession with the topic is striking. And telling.

    6. Digging what deeper? If you are a homosexual you are not in my crosshairs for criticism. If you lke fellows instead of females that is your business Robert (and since you are really anonymous you secret is safe). You would be in my crosshairs if you were using your sexual life to gain advantage over others. Just as the race baiters, the homosexual lobby is looking for special privilege. So, you are the one who appears to be digging a hole and jumping n since it appears you are unable to even think critically.

    7. No Todd, the Mayor of Boston is standing up for civil rights, and the values of his constitutents. Not sure why you brought up the issue, or why it really bothers you so much. Chik-Fil-A and its values needs to stay down with the bible thumpers, who get stone drunk on Saturday night and then cannot imagine purchasing their booze refill before 12PM on Sunday.

    8. No he isn't, he is a fascist. You need to get some education Roberto, you don't know diddly about your country. For a fellow so concerned about the rights of the fascist Mayors of Boston and Chicago, you trash people of the Christian faith without taking a a breath. You are simply a hypocrite fascist Robert. No wonder you are a chicken to place your real name and email.

    9. Seen my share of self-delusional christian hypocrites over the years, mostly in my time in the South. Fortunately, the type of people running Chik-Fil-A are a dying breed. Next generation isn't going to tolerate the hate.

    10. No hate from them, they simply believe different than liberals who think anything goes. They have morals and some ethic, liberals don;t.

    11. It appears one of the Chikee-Filee mouthpieces up and, was plucked...into the afterworld. Perhaps Jeesus actually supports gay marriage and was making a powerful statement.

    12. One thing about you liberals is always the same. You complain and whine about people who disagree and you belittle them (even now making fun of their religious beliefs) to somehow make a point those people are bigots! Please, keep posting the inner thoughts of a liberal it allows people to see how off balance your thoughts and beliefs are.

    13. So what the does Jesus say about gay marriage? I can't locate the passage where he opposes gays, much less gay marriage. Or is the opposition to gays and gay marriage an invention of fearful evangelicals?

    14. Well read the book and find it yourself and maybe you'll get educated. Since you appear through your words to be a atheist/secularist. I certainly understand your ignorance. But start reading something of value and then get back to the thread.

    15. I did read it. Studied it for a while, spent way too many years in sunday school. Jesus seems to have a very nice message.

      Can you cite the passage where Jesus objects to gay people, gay marriage, or even discusses the topic?

      Can you cite the passage where Jesus supports the attainment of wealth?

      Can you cite the passage where Jesus asks his less fortunate people to pull up their bootstraps and take personal responsibility for their misfortune?

      Can you tell me where Jesus references the "job creators" his highest priority? Where do they discuss keeping taxes as low as possible on those of the highest wealth and income? And there surely must be some early mention of trickle down economics concepts, and certainly the need for government austerity programs.

      Jesus certainly had good things to say about those with money and wealth- right? Has to be.

    16. It is in the Old Testament and you know it. What is your point?

    17. Ah the ONE line in the Old Testament..about men sleeping with men. Gotcha! The OLD, old testament!

    18. Mock the Bible and God at your own risk.

    19. The old testament, written, and re-written, edited, and re-edited, translated into Hebrew from a dead language Aramaic and then into Greek, not once but about 3 times by different people, and then cleansed at the Council of Nicea of the books that the leaders thought difficult to agree with because they contradicted other portions, and then translated into Latin, and re-tranlated several times in Latin, and then into English and cleansed, and re-tranlated---and then interpreted by Todd. You know--that is the Old testament you are supposed to rely on Robert!

      And still, no direct quote regarding homosexuality by Jesus--lots about love, forgiveness, charity, not judging the sinner, and acceptance of others--but no direct quote coming from big-mouth here from Jesus.


    20. You atheists are a crackup. You believe in nothing yet condemn those that believe is God. What a hoot!

    21. Oh Boy, Steve Frisch is spot on. We can get into fun discussions and literal interpretations of the old testament all day if you want Todd. Lots of fun to be had! Wanna to play that game? You know, cutting off various body parts as punishment, descriptions of war, flames, destruction, generally nastiness, all in the name of god. Such a nice book, that old testament. Eminently mockable.

    22. I don't condemn those that believe in God, I respect them...... I condemn those that use their belief in God, and what they interpret to be God's word, to restrict the rights, actions or behavior of others.


    23. You mean liberals like you right? What cracks we on the right up is liberals telling us how to live, what to eat,, what not to say and who to listen too and then tell us we are the one's restricting those things. It is a delusional life choice to be a liberal. Thank GOD we have you hypocrites figured out as does the bilk of the country.

  2. Well,, speaking of free speach, I got a second chance at winning one for the LIBS.
    Flag burning. In a 5-0 desition, They saw it lawful, no matter how distatstful it may be. Yes, this was even a Concervitive "court".
    My winning argument (with the help of a few others)may be on youtube within the week. After the stage fright wore off, I settled down to my good old self and turned into a Progressive for 5 minutes. ( is there a full moon?)
    Our little group lost the battle for more gun restrictions.( maybe we just took a dive, and through the fight) The person that did the arguing for that, sure sounded like any one of our local LIBS who hate gun ownership. We lost that one 5 to zip.( can't win them all,,LOL)

    When I hear where the video is posted I will let you all know.

    That's all for now from TX. and one T shirt for Todd in the bag.
    Stay tuned. More news as it breaks.

  3. Way to go Walt. I bet you had to resist upchucking when you played a liberal. Just reading Robert and Ken Jones here makes me queasy. LOL!

  4. Seems Todd has some major issues with homosexual Americans. I can only imagine why.

    1. Steve, why would you say that?

    2. Hey Todd, in case you have not noticed, I am perfectly happy calling you an ignorant, homophobic, racist, sexist, xenophobic, ill-educated, sloppy thinking, bloated, emotionally driven, self-important, know-nothing bully to your face.


    3. Hey Frisch, thanks for compliments. We on the right know you are simply a coward and would never say these things to someones face. But, like all cowards you sure can tell us off from afar. What a hoot!

  5. So the Mayor of Boston is a loudmouth, but the Governor of New Jersey is simply a great fellow. Todd's World. cannot make this type of thinking up...

    1. True, you libs never live in the real world. Good call.

    2. Todd, some employees of TSA are homosexual. When you go through the airport scanner, they might be checking your junk in ways that could displease you. Just sayin'.
      Michael A.

    3. Why MA, you seem obsessed with my "junk". Why is that?

  6. ...because it amuses me endlessly.

    1. It does cross party lines regarding my celebrity at airports.

  7. On another topic-

    Bob Beckel: Mitt Romney Is 'A Punk' With Personality Of 'A Ken Doll'

    could not have said it better myself!

    1. Beckel is the resident liberal on FOX. He says a lot of stupid things. Glad you relate so well to him.

  8. Hey Frisch, thanks for compliments. We on the right know you are simply a coward and would never say these things to someones face. But, like all cowards you sure can tell us off from afar. What a hoot!

  9. All the owner of the Chick-fil-A did was express his opinion, the same opinion Obama had until a year ago. Every one is welcome in his restaurants and being employed. You'd think the news media would jump on that. So much hypocrisy for those who moan, "Can't we all just get along?" Aren't they are the ones (along with the college professors) who are always touting freedom of speech and academic freedom They should practice what they preach, and allow others the freedom they enjoy. We all have freedom, but some want more at the expense of others. Rush Limbaugh poked fun at the gal who was complaining that college girls should get free contraceptives. That was an excuse for the local "free speech advocates" to get a petition to remove Limbaugh off our local radio station. Very little regard for anyone else. It reminded me how terrible Sarah Palin has been treated. Are these are the same people who claim to support women's rights, but never complain about how Muslim women are treated? They appear to be very dishonest.

    1. By the way...I agree completely with Bonnie here--all Dab Cathy did was express and opinion and it should have no bearing on any of his activities in the private sector. Free speech is free speech, and must be protected for all or it ceases to have meaning.


    2. By the way, the public telling a private entity like a radio station that they are offended by their offerings and will cease listening and thus diminish value to their advertisers, is also protected free speech.


    3. Rush beat the liberals and showed they are a little ineffective bunch of whiners. The OWS and the rest of their pals are no where to be found now. The babe who wanted me to pay for her IUD is gone. She had her 15 minutes of in-fame in the leftwing press. Isn't America and conservatism great? Yep, they trump pilberals at ebery attempt to shut them up.

    4. Bonnie, obviously the way most Muslim nations treat women is horrific, inhumane and destructive. There is some hope in more secular nations like Turkey, but even there, women are still not afforded equal rights. I don't know any educated, progressive minded people who think the treatment of women in Muslim nations is hunky dory. But am sure you can find some accusation of such from Glen Beck. But, as opposed to a War Hawk like Romney, I would prefer forming friendships and goodwill with the young future leaders of those nations in question.

    5. OK JeffP. You have given yourself away. Better get another name.

    6. Jeff P? Incorrect.

      Sorry to burst your bubble.

  10. Robert... the Bible (both history and prophecy) talks about being able to detect the decay and demise of civilization similar to a weather forecast. The demise is described "as in the days of Noah and Lot." We know that the people poked fun at good people, and that the cities of (Lot's) Sodom and Gomorrah were violent, politically corrupt and homosexuality was the popular culture. Archeologists say this condition existed prior to the demise of past civilizations according to the artifacts they've studied.


Real name thank you.