Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Morticians looked better then NanChuck did last night!

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing


  1. Pelline is spreading the fake news again. He is bashing teen boys for being targeted by a old Indian dude activist and some black men at a march last weekend. And now the truth is out that any responsibility rests with the Indian dude and others, Pelline still won't repair his fake news propaganda. No wonder he was booted from the Uniuon. What a fool.

  2. If you have noticed and since Pelline moved to Nevada County from the liberal wasteland of San Francisco, he has sought to divide this local rural community. He is acted through intimidation to attempt to thwart free speech. He has written about boycotts of local businesses due to political positions. He even tried to intimidate a local park based upon the folks that sought to use the venue for a fee based upon the users' political beliefs. Pelline represents all that is wrong with media and America. We can't have a public discussion that does not devolve into personal destruction, and Pelline is a part of that personal destruction locally. Thankfully, Jeff Ackerman removed Pelline from The Union Newspaper leaving Pelline a little blog that thankfully few respect or read.

  3. On this holiday celebrating the birth of one of our most transformative figures, Martin Luther King, Jr., who lectured America about his dream to not judge people by the color of their skin but by the content of their character, Pelline and the MSM are doing exactly what King fought against in connection with the kids from Covington Catholic. It is sad, but Pelline and the MSM will continue to harm America with fake news and the politics of personal destruction.

  4. I ahree that Pelline and his pals in the lamestream media are wrecking America. They are all about divide and we are all about together. Yet for some reason he projects all his weakness onto others. That is truly a mental illness.


    Pelline is probably too podunk to worry about being sued. Lol

    1. Sue him for what? 2,000 lbs. velveta, 40 cases of Dennison, 40 liters of cow piss white wine?
      Great idea, might as well throw all that rat food in the dumpster, if you prevaled in court?

  6. It is so amazing the lefty skunks like Pelline won't admit they were wrong and ask for forgiveness. They always do if it is one of their fellow skunks.

  7. No. The fake news purveyors like Pelline double down. And this story about which Pelline gleefully posted is blowing up. Perhaps Pelline is a little too quick and should stop and check his facts before he shoots from the hip.

  8. What if it was his kid wearing a MAGA hat? LOL!

  9. Does a gelatinous orb have hips?

  10. The most hated unemployed never was journalist the disgusting FUE has no journalistic standards. If he did he might act like it and delete his rush to judgement.

  11. Poor widdile ruinit needs that pus bag Peeline to run and defend her laughing stock status from mean old Gorge Boardman who actually works for a newspaper. She is just a leach on other peoples money. Can you say worm farm rip off? What happened to the mover about herself money? Then you have that whole kill the cops thing that cost her the commie taco stand and now embarrassing the city with her goat fund me idiocy.

    Nevada City could pay for the goats if they put a $5 tax on tin foil hats.

    Jeff Pelline
    "Reinette's goat idea" has raised awareness in other cities as well, not to mention clearing some hazardous brush. No one is pretending it is the panacea to fire prevention. Too bad Boardman didn't mention that it generated a $1,000 donation from the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. A lot of people in our town stand on the sidelines and throw rocks. It's boring and unproductive.

    1. Each post of this self proclaimed "journalist" is utterly ridiculous. But he a fake. Maybe he ould donate some goats to NC?

    2. If the FUE went vegan he could clear the 450 acres in a week or two.

  12. Pelline won't say anything about the black kids harassing the white kids and using vile profanity as well on the Lincoln steps in DC. He represents the most vile kind of "journalist" in our country. Now we see he an his pals have lower approval ratings than Trump. Poetic justice. And my MAGA hat is a sign against racism and bigotry as shown by Pelline and trhe media.


    Integrity. Admitting when you are wrong. Note to Pelline. 😉


    And another...

    1. Pelline's ego is as big as he is so he will never be half the woman Jamie Lee Curtis is. LOL!

  15. Pelline is the ultimate chicken shit. Whines about people in office, white males and cries about Pruett losing a election. Well Pelline to my knowledge has never tossed his hat in the ring which makes him a true Monday morning Qback chicken. But when you weigh 550 pounds you may not want to stand on the dias. LOL!

    1. How dare you talk about someone's weight when you look 6 months pregnant yourself! Jenny Craig my friend!

    2. No I am in great shape. You look pretty obese though.

    3. Great Blog Todd! You are in shape but that Belly isn't!

  16. Pelline is still pushing the phony story on those 15 year old Kentucky boys. Fake newsman. That is why he was bootd. The white coats are coming for him.


    Still waiting on Jeff Pelline (the disgraced former editor of The Union) to walk back his blog post defaming these young children. The right and honest thing to do would be to admit that he, in haste to make Trump supporters look badly, shot from the hip without doing enough research. He participated in defaming these children. The public deserves better from “journalists.”

    1. Won't happen. Would it not be rich if his own kid wore a MAGA cap? I wonder how long it would be before he changed his tune.

      Looks to me though like he is all about estrogn. I bett he wanted to be in the Women's March of a couple gals in town. Get a whiff of that female hormone. LOL!

  18. Northwestern should ask Pelline to give his degree back. He’s a stain on their reputation.

    1. SNL has a babe that will give a BJ to anyone punching the kid in the face. Pelline should apply. LOL!

  19. Replies
    1. “Soft” meaning he ain’t going to punch anyone. Another word for wimp. Again with the fake news. 😂😂

  20. “He said that ‘anyone who doesn't correct and retract’ their false smears would be subject to a lawsuit and that updated stories merely indicating ‘a more complex picture has emerged’ would not necessarily be enough.”

    I’ll definitely be calling Mr. Barnes regarding a potential local doe defendant. 😉

  21. Pelline can't even watch the 2 hours of video on the boys and relys on SLATE for his input. Of course SLATE says our lying eyes are wrong and the boys had some guilt. No they don't. But racists and self hating white liberals can't give up their positions. Now we hear the Indian dude is no Marine and never served in Vietnam. But Pelline won't say that either.


    Pelline is doubling down with another lie.

    1. That what he does. And why he has no cred here except with Annie Fannie his sock puppet.

    2. Don't expect that fat fool to do the right thing, they would take away his pink pussy hat.

  23. You see that Pelline does not want to argue substance. He wants to attack people. Such attacks expose the weakness of his “logic.” He is a purveyor of fake news and today that fact has become crystal clear.

  24. And this

  25. So someone allegedly post false facts about Pelline on their blog and Pelline goes to their employer to intimidate them. Pelline posts fake news about the Covington Catholic boys yet he doubles down on the fake news. Got it.

  26. That is what he does. I bet he is Corna too,

  27. Pelline is whining that the BAR should discipline Barry for exercising his free speech. I always knew Pelline was a fascist.

  28. Its worse than that Todd, the fat fool thinks Barry should be disciplined not for what he said but the mere fact he posted here. No actual journalist would censor free speech. Producing a bird cage liner and his grossly, morbidly fat life style that has the carbon footprint of Chicago when you throw his gas guzzler truck. How does he get a pass from the loons in Nevada City. You would think that the tree huggers would be picketing in front of his house. Well eco nuts are you going to walk the walk and protest and boycott the FUE?

  29. He is a hyippocrite as we know so nothing he does surprises me. I am simply disappointed.

  30. No worries Todd. We are working on something right now that’s going to make his freaking head explode. You haven’t seen anything out of him yet. When he gets wind of what’s going on he’s going to go 18 types of ballistic

    1. I don't care if it's 18 or not.
      Just one 2.3 mega ton implode would work.

    2. Not even ruinit is rushing to the FUE's defense, you can bet the peeps and closed pages are all lit up. Did you hear the internet is changing the way we communicate?

  31. The FUE is talking to himself again 11 of 15.

  32. This is rich one from that fat fool. 'I sighed when I read the latest hatchet job on the personal blog of George Boardman' No he didn't he gorged on generic box whine and frozen fries in a gallon of off brand chili and velveta. Then he wrote that crap as if the Union gave a shit about anything erupting from the FUE. In fact if he gave it a thought he would realize he is just giving Boardman job security! Never mind, that would require the FUE to be self aware and even without mirrors that guy is the farthest thing from self aware, just doing the backstroke in denial. ROFLOL


    This is what integrity and journalistic ethics looks like. Note to the stalker.

  34. 12 of 15, come on mommy's big boned boy you can do it!

  35. George Boardman seems to be quasi informed chap. I am a Goldwater Conservative but once in a while George seems to leave his liberal opinions.
    I consider George a gentleman and feel the FUE should treat him with respect.
    NUF said?
    Tim Gore

  36. Jeff Pelline can be included with these mongrels.

  37. Also no word from Pelline about real racism.

  38. Boardman is just a tad better than Pelline about judging us here in the woods. I don't care for either one.

    1. You may be correct but neither one is not qualified to judge me or anyone else on this planet.
      I am not qualified either as I will defer that to a higher authority

  39. 13 of 15 for the FUE.

  40. He and his sock puppet Annie Fannie are making love. LOL!

  41. I think that it has been shown by a substantial standard that Annie Fox = Gloria Zane = The Jeff Pelline.

  42. Boardman’s article must have hit the big boy a little too close to home hence the personal attacks equivalent to neener neener. 😂😂

  43. It sdoesn't take much to get under the flabby skin of the FUE. LOL!

  44. And Jeff Pelline now quietly corrects the record related to the Covington Catholic boys posting articles which clearly demonstrate that his initial posts were incorrect fake news.

  45. Pelline gonna get a south side lesson one of these days. Lol


    And the hits keep coming. Nevada city is way worse than in the 90s. Didn’t Pelline get here in the 90s. Coincidence that Pellline arrived and Nevada City started its downturn? I think not. Lol

  47. You might have hit on it! He arrives and within a short period of time the city go doen the crapper. Anyting goes. Worm farms, anti cop screeds and no cell towers. You might be right! LOL!

  48. The anti Trump screed by Joan Peter Merriam in the Union today simply shows how people can see and read the same thing and be 180 degrees different in what it means.

  49. made me smile this morning brother. Miss you Todd. RIP.


Real name thank you.