Your telephone is allowing us to chat, text or view pictures taken anywhere and anytime. Of course the phone may be changing your cells in your noggin with radiation some say, but we all die don't we? In America we can get in our vehicle of choice (except a Hummer now) and drive to the thousands, maybe millions, of businesses in our country. We can buy things with cash or credit. We all have flat screens and refrigerators. Well, except for some homeless folks.
We have a country that has pretty much defeated poverty. Thousands of programs, funded by taxpayers, for every conceivable want of people. Even if you don't want them they are there. Food banks, methadone clinics, Section 8 Housing vouchers, food stamps, shelters for those without a house. We are quite the country. We do our best to take care of those that can't or won't take care of themselves. Mentally ill people have the same rights as those with a normal noggin!
And yet, another year passes and the planet's people say it is not enough. Or you don't believe in the same GOD as others so you deserve death. Or those in a country of their brethren impose laws and rules and enslave them so they want to travel to a country of freedom. That is America in their minds. People are on the move. It has always been that way. It usually destabilizes a country and eventually ruins it for all. We in America have been generous over the years with immigration. But now we need to stop it for a while. We need to ensure those here are Americans. Not some hyphenated American.
California is a great example of a liberal's wet dream. 2016 looks like the State Legislature and Governor, all liberal democrats are unsatisfied with the level of destruction they have foisted on the people. They want more and more of the people's hard earned money. Even as these liberals cry about poverty and jobs these liberals steal more and more through taxes and fees to fund their favorite dream. They put thousands of dollars on creating a home and then cry there are no affordable houses. Seems they are out of touch with the results of their laws and regulations. Ya think?
The State gets billions to maintain our infrastructure yet complain there is not enough money (review the waste in the State Architects office as an example). They pay for the Bay Bridge three times over and hope we are not paying attention. I remember when the state spent a billion for a mile of road in Century City 30 years ago. A billion! Every single road In Northern California could have been paved for that money. But they have the votes.
California has been in a drought for four years. The citizens are trying to do their best to help yet when they do they get punished. The money going into the coffers of water districts shrinks and so they raise the fees! I and many other have done our best to get the forces in charge to build more storage facilities so we have water in hard times. Nothing new done. (NID is a exception) All these years we have watched as the state gives billions of our tax dollars to the eco non profits that have the politic ans in their pockets. We pay for these non profits to screw us yet if you say that you are just a "denier".
Today's Sacramento Bee Forum Section has a column from a taxpayer eco numskull named Stephen Green. He is the President of the American River Association. See how your hard earned dollars get spent? This fool comes out against the Sikes Reservoir in Colusa County. It is a off river storage concept of a possible million acre feet and this nut, paid for by the taxpayers is against it! I say remove his tax exempt status and send him on his way. These eco scams sap the treasury and do a double whammy on the poor taxpayers. They oppose everything they think will affect their favorite treasures. They belong in a cave. Same for the local non profit eco screamers. They forced the closure of mines, timber and grazing with their unholy connections to liberal government.
Is it any wonder that a goofy guy like Donald Trump is getting all the traction? He is the anti-politician. Not PC or afraid of the liberal media attacks on his every word. People are fed up with the standard political class of leaders (the passage of the Federal Budget as the latest example of tomfoolery). Mealy mouths and liars. A transparent man like Trump is fun and refreshing. He forces the status quo to think deeper. The national press of course is doing their best to elect the most mealy mouth lias in history, Hillary Clinton. She has the audacity to talk about Trump as anti-woman while she attacked and destroyed the women her husband attacked. He is a white Bill Cosby! How can Hillary say with a straight face that we must believe any woman who claims a attack and then have her out destroying those women that her hubby abused and raped!
So 2016 will be quite a year in my view. We will be inundated with many AP stories about how "climate change" guns and other issues are so important. Even though the latest polls say they are not more than 3% on the list of concerns. President Obama will shove more anti-constitutional Executive Orders down our throats with the full support of the sell out press. No wonder there are protesters in Oregon this week. Millions of rules make us all lawbreakers. Get out of the sack and you have broken something. And if they put their sights on you you can expect a anal exam made public before the prosecution. Unless you are a liberal of course.
But this is America. I am a optimistic person so I believe the people will take back America from the usurpers and make it great again.
Todd, I love how your writing style reminds me of child's. Hence, why I never read your trash.
ReplyDeleteWell you are sure dickless. Not even a name. But hey I get a lot of hits, am very famous and well liked, you are a troll who no one one cares exists.
DeleteI think Michaels back....
DeleteI deleted it. He is obsessed with my genitals though. Creepy.
DeleteFamous TODD you need to run! Show those RINOS they have no horns! When it comes to horns, you got 'em. Where do these usurpers live? Can we make them leave? Like the Muslins? We need strong leadership. People who are not afraid to name the reproductivly handicapped even if they are anonymous.
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DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteAnother unemployed journalist fue hysteria fit today, this time he is getting the vapors over .22 bullets. What no list of how many mass murderers who used .22 rim fire oh repugnant one? Some one call him out from under the couch and explain what a .22 is, on second thought leave him there, he will be out for his post snack, pre-dinner snack anyway. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteI think the FUE is just truly ignorant about guns. But as a liberal it is more important that he call someone a sexist than a Islamic jihadist. The man is a loon.
DeleteIgnorance is the only thing the purple hippo of Nevada city is good at! Ok Ok, ingesting mass quantities by the ton counts too I guess. Hi is so happy sucking up to generation p**sy that he fails to recognize that when he slams groups or people he raises them up in the minds of the vast majority of the County. Have fun with the sock puppets and keep talking to yourself your lardship. ROFLOL
DeleteOnly wimps and cheapskates fire 22's. Although you have too be good to bag a loon with a 22. We have hippos in NC? Can you get a permit to take them?
Delete.22s are great for practice and local varmints. Recommend a chili cheese fries trap for the Nevada city purple hippo. Then a halal draining.
DeleteTodd I can't really picture you ROFLOL you are too cool to do that. You must just laugh really loud.
DeleteYes I am too cool. High fives only. The Fue can roll around on the floor all he wants.
DeleteNo he can not! ROFLOL
DeleteNo wonder the most hated unemployed journalist fue is displaying more signs than ever of his ongoing psychic break. There is already a TV show called Food Porn. Poor thing. ROFLOL
DeleteGreat article Todd. Once again you pretty much nailed it. BMW
ReplyDeleteHey lets go get some Yuba County pit bulls from Linda and send a bunch of them by messenger to the purple hippo of Nevada county. The worst that could happen is some canine indigestion. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteI'll deliver them. I don't think FedEx will. We talking 2-3 or like 15? I have a trailer.
DeleteLets see, one 90 pound pit can eat say 10 pounds of fat at a sitting so, carry the 9, ummm 400 pits should do the job. But only if you get the ones from dog fights and drug dealers.
ReplyDeleteGood article. If Bill Clinton was just a womanizer, it would be a non-issue. But Bill Clinton is a predator which is fair game once he starts stumping for Granny. Not my grandma. Ever notice that Hillary is married to a sexual predator and her closest aid and co-chairman of her campaign is married to Anthony Weiner. They sure know how to pick them.
ReplyDeleteAnd Hillary worked hard to protect Bill and attack the woman he victimized. Let's not forget how President Bill announced and lied on TV to the world that he had no sex with Monika.
DeleteObama is clueless, his actions sure do help gun sales!
ReplyDelete"Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. rose to its highest value since 1999 after raising its forecast for gun sales as President Barack Obama is set to announce new restrictions on arms sales."
Full story link:
I always buy stock after a shooting. The reaction sends the stock up. Independent's with out guns go a splurg! Win-win bang-bang!
DeleteGun makers stocks don't go up after a shooting they go up after pandering politicians say they're "going to make it all better" Keach.
DeleteSurely a bright guy like you can connect the dots!
Most gun company stocks have risen in the 900 percent range since the man of peace was elected in 2008.
DeleteWell that follows about 2.3 hours after the big ones. More predictable than gas going up after Memorial Day
DeleteWell that follows about 2.3 hours after the big ones. More predictable than gas going up after Memorial Day
DeleteYeah.....2.3 hours after is usually when democrat politicians mount the dais and pontificate that "Bitter Clingers" are responsible for the epidemic of gun violence in the country!
And about a half hour after that it usually turns out to be a progressive off his meds or someone named Tashfeen.
Who are Bitter clingers?
DeleteWho are Bitter clingers?
DeleteYou should ask Mr. Obama Doug....he coined the term.
Got it! Google. This was said in like 2008. I don't follow him so guess missed it then.
Deletejeffpelline says:
ReplyDeleteJanuary 5, 2016 at 3:19 pm
Even George “Raghead” Rebane can’t stand “fish’s” ridiculous remarks, so he scolded him. They deserve each other! ROFLOL.
Now jeffy we can't have you "rolling on the floor laughing out loud" anymore....not with the likely intersection of those two earthquake faults in the bay area.
It could cause a real tragedy!
We should not worry about the most hated man in the county doing any ROFLOL's and upsetting the natural balance of the tectonic plates. He can barely waddle anymore. He may fall and have to push his first alert for the crane but that's the only threat! ROFLOL
Deletefish, I am surprised that you are still resorting to fat jokes about me when there is SO MUCH fertile ground to plow on every subject you can imagine! I know you touch on these from time to time but I feel like there are big parts of my personality that don't get enough attention from you and are feeling a little neglected.
DeleteMy stunning hypocrisy and self absorbed narcissism are such a LARGE part of me yet you hardly mention those important traits anymore. Who else do you know that can claim to be an "award winning journalist", and prattle on about the First Amendment, yet still have a fainting spell every time he reads something in The Union that he does not like? That would be ME! Me, Me, Me, Me, Me! Why is it so easy for you to forget about ME?
And while we are talking about The Union, you know, the po-dunk outfit that fired me from the best job I ever had? Why are you not making fun of my incessant, childish, obsession with finding typos and other petty errors? I mean, how can you let that pass so easily? Or is it that I have just worn you down on that one? I know it is tiresome but SOMEONE has to edit our newspaper, and that would be ME!
Do you think you could give that twisted part of my fragile little psyche a little love from time to time? You have no idea how lonely it is up here at the top looking down on all you little people! LOL!
My stunning hypocrisy and self absorbed narcissism are such a LARGE part of me yet you hardly mention those important traits anymore. Who else do you know that can claim to be an "award winning journalist", and prattle on about the First Amendment, yet still have a fainting spell every time he reads something in The Union that he does not like? That would be ME! Me, Me, Me, Me, Me! Why is it so easy for you to forget about ME?
DeleteAh TRUE....good to see you again in 2016.....hypocrisy and narcissism just aren't as funny as the fat jokes. Especially since your namesake insists on ROFLOLing and triggering USGS seismographs.
Now I should mention that my making fat jokes is completely acceptable as I too occupy the upper end of the BMI scale! Sure the FUE is "first among equals" but I in no way would ever be mistaken for svelte! It's like the "N-word" fat guys are allowed to call each other fat!
You guys are just too funny!
DeleteYou know what's really funny todd? That tiny little hot dog between your legs LOL!
DeleteFrisch, stop projecting your own limitations on others.
DeleteYou know what's really funny todd? That tiny little hot dog between your legs LOL!
DeleteWow Todd....you do have a wide circle of "admirers"!
tiny? Wrong. MA is projecting again.
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DeleteSomeone in Nevada city said MA is Louis LaPlante.
DeleteWell fish, that is very gracious of you to try to make me feel less fat, but let me clue you in. I have a BMI of 82, a 68" waist, weigh 432 lbs, wear 5XL Hawaiian shirts, and I am not fat. How is that you may ask? Simple, because I say so. Just like I am a political moderate, and an award winning journalist. Yeah, fat jokes are easy, but lots of people are fat. But not everyone is fat and nasty, short and dishonest, hypocritical and petty, all embedded in an insecure, thin skinned bully. So now that I have self diagnosed, can you give some really good humor? Remember, you are dealing with a guy who writes entire articles about typographical errors in a newspaper with a circulation of 15,000, several times a week. I am a mile wide target fish, give me a real shot! LOL!
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DeleteSorry to the real fish but some troll calling himself fish has been posting some drool her and I deleted both as It was not clear.
DeleteTony Lorio is now saying he will use lawyers to attack me apparently. What a little bitty baby. Can't compete in the arena of debate. What a hoot. He is a lying dirtbag I am told.
DeleteI haven't seen "fake fish" for a couple weeks Todd.
DeleteWhy does Tony Lorio have his undies in a bunch?
I don't know him at all. He posted some libel on the FUE's blog and it was truly sueable. But he is a wimpass just like the FUE and really mot important.
DeleteDid you delete the comments because the poster was not Clear? Are you into Scientology? They go clear.
DeleteSay What?
DeleteI delete comments that are anonymous and attack me. My rule.
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DeleteAs you will learn, Todd is quite a baby
DeleteHey.....fake fish is back........
DeleteWhat....no link to "gay.com"! You're slipping!
I'm confused there ones that mention your little, you know. Those comments are still here. How come there some attacks and they are not deleted. We should only see your friends here.
DeleteYes E5Pro, censoring people you don't agree with is a great idea...If you are a complete baby and thin skinned...
DeleteSince you bring up the most hated unemployed journalist fue's butt hole of a site, you have to marvel at how low he has fallen. He can only get one actual person to post on the Sheriffs outdoor pot ban. You would have expected a gaggle of pot growers. Has he banned them all too? ROFLOL
DeleteMust be snowing around Pioneer Park. My flyover revealed a huge snow angel in the vicinity. Did the FUE slip and fall down? Heard that new tractor-tailor tow truck is heading that way. Hope the hydraulics hold up on the rig's maiden voyage.
ReplyDeleteThe FUE and his clueless ranters are screaming about gun control and conservatives. But not one word from them about their patron saint of gun control laws from San Francisco, Leland Yee the gun runner!
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of hypocrites!
I bet they have their own weapons. Limp spaghetti does not keep a jihadist from chopping off one's head. They are truly idiots over there.
DeleteTony Lorio is a ACLU fan. Here is his FB
What a fool.
Ah.....I won't see if it's on Facebook......Facebook is for wankers!
DeleteTony Lorio is now whining that he may have committed libel and slander and is going into hiding. What a hoot!
Deletejeffpelline says:
ReplyDeleteJanuary 7, 2016 at 9:13 am
The trolls on Todd’s blog are becoming unglued. Of course Todd shelled out $2,500 for a “grip and grin” with Doug LaMalfa.
Your neighbor.....the worlds fattest howler monkey!
The FUE posts that campaign donation all the time. For some reason he thinks people care. But as we have seen, he holds on to the smallest thing to criticize. I truly think he has a mental illness.
DeleteThe failed union editor is such a pathetic joke that all he can do is repost an old irrelevant link. We know all he donates to is his gaping maw.
DeleteThe man is buried in the past. What a bore! The community hates him and he caused it all himself. He scares people that want to move here away.
DeleteMr Lamalfq deserves your money! He works really hard. Or did it go to the other guy?
DeleteI have talked to Lamellas people. they are young and smart. The people Mcclintock had were old ladies that didn't know squat. I called in complaining about ATT slow roll out of the fiber and she wondered what kind of fiber they were using? Like rope? OMG.
I wonder if his neighbors can sue him for his toxic waste hurting their property values! ROFLOL!!!
ReplyDeleteStinks the place up just like MJ! LOL!
DeleteSpeaking of the evil weed has anyone heard what the environmental extremist Heidi Hall, who works for the most wacko environmental extremists in the capitol had to say about the Sheriffs weed proposal? With them killing all the endangered species you would think she would have some compassion for the critters and support our Sheriff.
DeleteWell those growers do wipe out the critters in competition. I would like to hear what she says on the issue.
DeleteWhy is there Anonymous posters that sound like they like you and Anonymous that are hurtful?
DeleteBad day for the local commie party boss Furth. The fist shoe has dropped in his dear friend Leland Yee's path to the big house. Lee's co-conspirator gangster boss Shrimp boy just got convicted of 162 counts by a federal jury. OUCH! Has Furth ever commented on his mentors gun running and terror connections?
ReplyDeleteYes Firth has said he was proud to work for Yee. He has said that a few times.
DeleteWhy do we keep getting such shinning stars of slime from SF like Furth and the FUE in our little slice of heaven?
DeleteThey want to come take over what we created. Some sort of power trip from these city boys. LOL!
DeleteOK Michael, looks like it is time for you to come out of the closet.
DeleteDeleted it of course.
DeleteTar and Feathers time!
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ReplyDeleteFrom above, time to come out of the closet Michael. Sounds like it is getting lonely in there.
DeleteWow.....a little more homoerotic than I'm accustomed to here!
DeleteMaybe you want to try grinder.com.....better target audience for your preference!
Is Michael an aficionado of NAMBLA?
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DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteFake fish and now fake Todd......!
DeleteIt's what you do when you are just all out of ideas.
Or out of prison. Deleted them.
DeleteSince you brought up the most hated sock puppet master, the carbuncle on society aka the fue, its not even midnight and he has his Monday morning Boardman screed up already. Way to go grubby scoopy. This week he is getting the vapors because Boardman told the truth about organic veggies. The truth is most of the pc crowd totally do not know what the government considers 'organic' for labeling purposes. Its all a big marketing scam to charge 5 times as much and give the pc crowd warm fuzzies for being so socially responsible. Too bad the moms who get conned could be buying more for their kids with that money if they only understood the truth. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteLooks like the FUE misspelled the headline. "helps keeps" Say what? The guy is a fool. He is dissing the Union again and GeorgeB for exposing the ripoffs? And does not tell his readers he was responsible for thew Union as the UE? What a dopey man.
DeleteGeorge Boardman's piece today was spot on. The organic food craze is really all about snootiness and only the wealthy can buy it anyway. We will see more Chipolte problems in my opinion since "organs" might be called "natural" meaning real fertilizers with e coli and other critters in them. Hell a piund of ground beef from the Big Agra people is 8 bucks now. Organic beef, (whatever that is) is way more. My Hamburger Helper just got really expensive. LOL!