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John Boehner, Moi, Doug LaMalfa at LaMalfa Farms 2013 |
Of course when one is successful there are always detractors. But hey, that comes with the territory. What fascinates me though is over the last few years, the libnut Jeff Pelline, his rump pal Steve Frisch, along with a few other local yappers like Paul Emery and his buddy Ben, have really done their best to insult me and my legacy here. Now why would that be? I think they are simply jealous of my good looks, success and fame here in the local pond. They are all pretty muttley people if you know what I mean.
When I was elected a long time ago, I defeated a eco woman from Nevada City. Starting on my election night victory the nastiness started in earnest. Of course the race then was full of nastiness against me and my family. The libnuts could not fathom that a building contractor could beat their candidate. They attacked me relentlessly. I also had a hostile press. I learned that if you don't fit into the mold of what those people thought was a good, compliant Supervisor, you must be destroyed and run out of town. I developed a thick skin though. I read so many lies about me and my family. I did my best to stay above the fray and be a statesman. Overall I did, and I served two terms as Chairman. I think I was a very fair person even when the speaker at the rostrum was screaming and name calling.
My philosophy is truly incompatible with the libnuts. I am for progress. I like that people have decent good paying jobs and can take care of themselves and their families without handouts. I fought for all that. And being a builder I was happy to head up the construction of the Rood Center (I named it) and other edifices for the people. The widening of the overpass over the freeway was my deal, along with the great work of Wes Zachary. Old Tunnel Road, the extent ion of Sutton Way, the paving of McCourtney Road, Gracie Road and numerous other streets \makes me proud. Saving the bridge over the Bear River was a good thing.
But of course progress runs head long into the "do nothings" of the community. They did their best to defeat everything. A fight was required for even the smallest piece of progress. And those people are still around today. When I retired from the Board the County population was about 92 thousand. It is only 99 thousand today. So 25 years of stagnation has proven out. All those great paying jobs of the past have morphed into "service jobs" paying minimum wage. I predicted all this back in the 80's. Heck, the libnuts screamed GROWTH INDUCING! with every road built or repaired. Or a water or sewer line installed. They certainly kept the community on edge and in fear of something new and they stifled progress at every step. Boulder Street would have been done in 1992 except for Laurie O's defeat of the funding.
No new housing except a few Habitat structures. So young families left. Rents are sky high and welfare programs are everywhere since people can't find decent paying jobs. Well they can, but they commute to them in the valley. Even getting safety project on our highways was turned into a fight over "growth" by the libnuts. Highway 174 was the first. Save those trees. Yellow ribbons on them. Of course people were getting killed all the time running into those trees but the libnuts could care less. Drive the route now and the trees are thicker than ever. I think trees are growing!
Sure I think dissent is valuable and I do it a lot myself. But for good reasons not for political expediency and trying to get a leg up in local politics. Now many of those dissenters about private economic growth are all CEO's of local eco non-profits drawing huge taxpayer funded salaries in the six figures. What a great scam ripoff eh? These ecolibs want to tear down the dams, stop all tree harvests and keep our nations valuable minerals locked away forever. You can't mine, graze cattle or get the wood to build the nations homes. But these people draw their millions in salaries and use their positions to ratchet down progress into failure everyday.
When my great uncle was Chief Building Inspector back in the 60's, a building permit and septic permit were $25 and only two inspections were necessary. Now it is five figures for a building permit, add more for site plans, septic plans, energy plans and encroachment permits and you have many thousands spent prior to turning one shovel full of earth! Oh, and now "carbon taxes" charged for your very life as you are a carbon based life-form. Amazing! But out of all this is a full time workforce of what I call "takers". They don't produce anything. They regulate everything. And for a price. Just look at the extortion developers paid the Truckee area ecolib non profits.A double whammy on the "makers" of America. Any wonder the national debt is approaching 20 trillion dollars?
I sometimes wonder how our country has become the greatest ever. I think it is because people over our history have tried to circumvent all those "good intentions" foisted on them by the politicians the self proclaimed "do-gooders". People got very successful by following the law but exploiting the loopholes. Then the loopholes get closed and people have to get even more creative to make it and survive. As we see, the do-gooders have passed millions of laws over time. At all levels of government these people have decided you are unable to make your life your own. So these millions of laws ratchet down your freedoms and you must comply or be jailed or fined.
When someone comes along like a Todd, the libnuts and the PC police do their best to mock and destroy them. Saul Alinsky wrote "Rules for Radicals" way back when. And it was not for people like me but for the libnuts and econuts. People like me were a danger to their ripoff lifestyle of all you hardworking suckers out there. They easily swayed you with talk of apocalypse. Whether it was the fantasy of Rachael Carson or the phony "hockey stick" of the Hansen scam, they convinced enough weak kneed politicians and phony academics to agree or else. You want you grant money? Then get on board and scare the children just like the Grinch. One only needs to read the local and national papers to see the constant scare tactics. Hey does that little old woman in western Kenya care? She walks miles a day to gather firewood to cook dinner. I wonder if she knows these libnuts hate her guts. Well, her "carbon footprint".
Over the last 30 years I have been honored to see the libnuts of our community as well as some econut authors cry the blues that I am still a thorn in their keisters. They have done their best to shut me up and run me out of town. But I am still here. Maybe all I do to alert the community to the dangers these "takers" foist on them are for nothing. Maybe. But I think the people at least get to hear another side. Each phony website and post about me and my intentions are a badge of courage in my my view. Years ago the libnuts actually did a play at the Nevada Theater attacking me for CABPRO. As Frank Sinatra used to sing,
"You got me under your skin". Or something like that.
(Now the creep is writing about my daughter and also claiming to be talking to Pastor Ron, I mean the man is a creepy loon-stalker dude) we know if a "Pastor Ron" actually exists.....?
I mean peculiar as The Scold of the Sierras has become he may have finally descended to chatting up inanimate objects....."Pastor Ron" might in actuality be a box of Pasta-Roni sitting in jeffys kitchen.
Fish, Pastor Ron runs Twin Cities Church. For some reason Pelline says he keeps talking to him and that Ron is as PO'd about me as he is. Well, how does he know where I go to church? I mean, the Pelline creep must be stalking me. Are little children alerted he is out and about? The Grinch of Nevada City proves his creepiness with every post.
DeleteI thought you died! Here you are coming back like a Steam Loco! I welcome you to the fray of local mudpit politics. What this race needs is a true power broker that can cut through the fog of eco-nut induced laws. Where can we throw our money at you? Good luck mowing down the local RINOS (I'll sharpen the blade). I'm sure everyone has forgotten that stuff with the Quakers.
DeleteI heard the DUE and his minions invaded a Quaker meeting and made complete asses of themselves. Those fascist pigs. Where do these nuts come from? And some dude sock puppet loon called LORO was there too. Was he arrested? Anyone have the details?
DeleteFUE, oops!
DeleteHmmm, DUE. Dumbest Union Editor. ROFLOL
DeleteIn one of scoopys rants today he links to RL Crabb. Last time I checked RL Crabb is a FUE hater like the rest of the County. Must really burn the FUE that he needs help from real journalists! ROFLOL
DeleteHe hates Crabby. What gives?
DeleteGood local history lesson Todd. The phony Facebook site shows the lengths corrupt mentalities will resort to. I have a feeling it could have the opposite effect of how its intended. It's pretty extreme. BMW
ReplyDeleteActually the website is backfiring on the author. I am getting inundated with support!
DeleteLooks like a site by committee. You can tell what cabal of leftisits is doing it. Of course the FUE and ruint would never post in their own names. Even though in the FUE's case it would mean more than designated readers and sock puppets see his blatherings. LOL
ReplyDeleteThe bulky bromance boys are all a twitter with glee in their gluttony. What's really funny is that their focus on their needs continues to damage the real people. Exploit workers and attack poor folks is a too constant refrain from them. Don't build by me, don't improve anything unless its my pocket too.
ReplyDeleteGo buy some tacos from ruinit and give them to the underemployed in Truckee/Tahoe that the SBC is supposed to be doing something for.
Nice to see you tonight Todd. Glad this are gong well. Barry.
ReplyDeleteHow did you like Star Wars? It was OK. Princess Leia has not aged well though. You all look great! You daughters are all growing p. I recall that with my kids. Pretty quick and they are on their own.
DeleteIt was a great movie. Lilly is likely going to run track at Purdue (civil engineering major). Maggie is growing up too. Good stuff as adulthood approaches.
DeletePretty soon they will be gone and you will look around and all you have is those great memories of being DAD! Life goes on.
DeleteVery true Todd. I must say that I have been enjoying watching the back and forth here and on the FUE's blog. Scoopy has been on quite a roll of late. Some things will never change. Happy New Year!
DeleteHave a great New Year's yourself. Glad you are a part of the community. You are truly an asset.
DeleteLooks like the Pelline is doubling down bringing my daughter's name into this parody. And I respected his request not to allow his son's name and age and location to be printed. Just show liberals are hypocrites. I guess he forces me to change my rules since he is such a creepy dude.
ReplyDeleteIt is disgusting but not surprising that the Purple Hippocrite would pull the "do as I say, not as I do" stunt on you Todd. That is typical of the "man" and his "morals". I would ask him to apologize, and reaffirm that children are off limits. If he refuses, which is to be expected, he can own the decision.
ReplyDeleteMaybe a TRO would discouraged his creepy behavior. I hear he is not invited to any parties now since it is well known he has no class in gatherings.
DeleteWell lets keep this affair in the proper context.....his kid is still a kid....I'm pretty sure that your daughter (correct me if I'm wrong) is an adult.
DeleteI also heard he has to use a bib as he drips the cheese down his front lapel. Disgusting.
DeleteWho could possibly afford to cater an event the most hated person in the county attended? The look of a pig slop in the room is a turn off so no one invites him anymore, makes perfect sense. ROFLOL
DeleteHe set the rules and age was never mentioned.
DeleteI nominate Paul Emery, Frisch, Ruinit and of course the unemployed journalist scathingly known as the FUE as the page managers. Look at the language, seen it all before from them.
Deletejeffpelline says:
DeleteDecember 29, 2015 at 8:56 am
No I am not alone. Even the longtime locals are embarrassed about him. Todd is a whiner. He kicks this whole thing off with a comment that he might run for Supe, inviting scrutiny, allows internet trolls to attack people on his site with “fat jokes,” lies and innuendo, his grown daughter comments on the Facebook page (a public site), he wrote an article about her in 2011, and he whines like this is writing about a minor. I think the problem is that no one has stood up to Todd in the past. Run Todd run for Supe! Show us all the endorsements! Show us the $$$. ROFLOL.
Yeah....Todds a whiner but you have the sheriff on speed dial and waddle down to the office every time somebody in town looks at you cross eyed.
You're such a fabulous example of proglodyte projection syndrome you make me want to go back to school for a degree in abnormal psych.....
Never change jeffy.....never change!
Fish, he won't change, he is comfortable in the scaly itchy skin and loves it. The man is truly demented and creepy as well. He is probably trying to contact my former wife for first hand dirt. LOL! Goodness, if Pelline did not exist we would have to make him up. No wonder the county population is retreating. After reading his scary stuff, people skin crawls at the thought of being here with him.
DeleteScoopy batting .800. ROFLOL
DeleteI believe that fish diagnosed the problem correctly in a recent post. We are witnessing acute DDD. Diabetes Driven Dementia. The only known treatment is a long stint in a rehab facility in Penn Valley. Or maybe one in West Texas.
ReplyDeleteYou mat be on to something. But how do you explain his creepiness?
DeleteBorn that way, for sure! LOL
DeleteNo, not PV. The pan handle of TX deep in the heart of tornado country. With that never-ending flow of hot air the fue will generate his own tornado. So would that be suicide if his hot air caused his own fatal tornado?
DeleteThe purple hippo of Nevada county is talking about people being repulsed by blog posts. He is the regional expert at being the one who repulses people so that must make him an expert right? I mean he does scare small children and make people vomit a little in their throat at the sight of him. Lets not even talk about what its like to be stuck in an eating establishment with him, gag, choke, projectile vomit are the normal reactions and that's just the wait staff! ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteHey I am eating dinner here. Please! LOL!
DeleteThe most hated unemployed former journalist now claims to speak for the Nevada County Republican Party Leadership! What an ego that two tons of twit has. We are to believe that he corresponds with and knows the thoughts of the elected Republican committee. What a bunch of bovine scatology he is selling and no one is buying that's for sure. In this case not even the sock puppets. ROFLOL big boy, if you can. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteHe is a full blown narcissist as we all know. But how someone whose physical body is so huge thinks he is attractive I will never know. The man is in some alternate universe. Little childre flee at his arrival! LOL
DeleteThose kids saw Austin Powers movies and remember the fat dirty bastards eating habits. LOL
DeleteThat was "Fat Bastard". And you may be right! LOL!
DeleteThe joke page is too cute with that Emery guy, it has to be a Heidi Hall production with the crazy cat lady election crew. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteI can't just sit here like some big lump of blubber and listen to you good old boys say mean things about me. So hear me now, or feel my wrath. I will call my friend the Sheriff, and have you all arrested if you say any more mean things about me. And after I have you arrested, I will not only sue you for everything you have, I will have my friend Steve write mean things about you on my award winning blog. So there, you po-dunk rednecks.
ReplyDeleteWhiner. LOL!
DeleteTodd I think someone is fooling you. the TRUE FUE's writing does not seem to match the guy I think you are pissed at. I think TRUE FUE is just feeding you stuff to see if you bite him.
DeleteThe fue and crews little fun on face book seems to be collapsing from its own weight. Just a story about scoopy getting another scoop that's not a scoop. Crickets in the puddle of puke that is the fue's blog. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteTheir crapola has no legs. Thus it is old lettuce. LOL!
DeleteSpeaking of old lettuce I noticed that ruinits taco stand's (los mineros) facebook page has been dormant since Dec 11th and no recent likes. Did it go the way of the worm farm already, now that was fast even for a ruinit socialist venture!
ReplyDeleteI wish her a success but maybe the FUE cleaned out the inventory? LOL!
DeleteGood guess Mr. Todd, who knows how many tons of complementary goodies he needs to do a favorable review! ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteHope you don't mind my saying this, but beating up on and insulting those you don't like for doing the same thing reminds me of bullying teenagers. It certainly isn't following the golden rule, and only begets more of the same. You guys are capable of much better behavior. BMW
ReplyDeleteThere is a place for the old Testament in our modern world, an eye for an eye can be both defensive and offensive. What the philistines do to us may require us to do the same in return to prevent them from feeling empowered and without consequences for their sins.
DeleteThe unemployed journalist known as the FUE should pay the Tea Party for the traffic and posts they generated for him. LOL
ReplyDeleteBMW, I accidentally deleted you. Sorry!
DeleteYou all need to pat yourself on the back, scoopy world is devoid of participants. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteHe does talk to himself a lot. It is his feminine side.
DeleteNo one isolated the fue except his own nasty behavior. He has no friends because of his own actions.
DeleteScoopy spent his new years sniveling about Jim H. at the Union. Talk about a one note band! If the FUE was not so repulsive you could almost pity his miserable existence. Emphasis on almost. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteHe is pretty pathetic. At least Hemig produces value for the county. All the FUE does is chase off potential residents. The man is a joke.
DeleteAnd he has now proven he is the creator of the parody site. Just could not control himself. He is also creating a website. He can't get enough. LOL!
ReplyDeleteHe still thinks we don;t know he is the creator and mentor of this. Jeeze. The whole county hates him and loves me. If I run the first thing I do is have EH check his place for sanitation offenses. They say there is a stinky cheesy order coming fom the area. LOL!
DeleteAs always I detoured around Clay Street to keep from ruining my day by inadvertently laying eyes on the elephant seal waddling to his tube to get the latest Union. Then I had the bad luck of getting behind Ruint at the stop sign. Her left blinker was on and she turned right. Why did that not surprise me?
ReplyDeleteStay away from that area. There is a chili cheese fries odor that is driving the people there crazy! LOL!
DeleteThe purple hippo of Nevada city is putting his envy on full display today complaining about all the Boards of Directors the Unions employees sit on. The fue is so caught up in his jealousy that he does not even realize people see his petty envy of everything Union for what it is. A symbol of his psychosis. The FUE will never be invited to sit on Boards of Directors and he knows it. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteNo one likes him. He is running off people that may want to move here and that is not good for business. He would take up all the Boards time with his bloviating and nothing would get done. The only thing coming out of the meetings would be disgust from the odor of fries. LOL!
DeleteThe year is but 37 hours old and Jeffy found himself a spelling error in the Union already! Made his day for sure. Probably celebrating with an afternoon carton of ice cream. What a pathetic mound of pus. Probably uses a straight edge and magnifying glass to study every line to make sure he doesn't miss a beat. He obviously misses his old job.
ReplyDeleteThe guy has some mental issues. Who cares what he cares about., He is a nobody anyway.
Deletejeffpelline says:
DeleteJanuary 2, 2016 at 5:37 pm
Todd Juvinall and his Yocals continue to revel in ignorance, calling this a “spelling error.” This is an embarrassing word choice error. Some in our community continue to revel in ignorance and a lack of education.
Yocals? Yocals? Really!
Try yokels you bloated nitwit!
an uneducated and unsophisticated person from the countryside.
synonyms: bumpkin, peasant, provincial, rustic, country cousin, countryman, countrywoman;
I'm surprised autocorrect let that one through you fat retard! You can't even insult someone without winding up face down in a cowslip!
Hey jeffy.....Northwestern called they want their masters back....they say you're embarrassing them!
They need to have a gun confiscation hearing for the fue's threat to the public.
DeleteSo he actually misspelled that easy word? Goodness that man is a buffoon! No wonder no one likes him.
DeleteSend the Union Staff a screen shot. I wont go in that swamp of a blog, probably has tracking malware.
Deletejeffpelline says:
DeleteJanuary 2, 2016 at 5:37 pm
Todd Juvinall and his yokels continue to revel in ignorance, calling this a “spelling error.” This is an embarrassing word choice error. Some in our community continue to revel in ignorance and a lack of education.
Oh jeffy......the "Memory Hole" truly is the journalists best friend!
He is really odd. He misspells and then denies. That is truly a mental disorder.
DeleteScoopy must have eaten a puppy or something, he is batting .800 in his pathetic (fill in your own giggle) site.
ReplyDeletePoor scoopy is going all linda campbel with a new screed about the Tea Party raffle that had a sweet .223 as the grand prize. Lets grind some salt in the hippos lesions. Eddie Garcia won the grand prize. Congratulations Eddie! ROFLOL
DeleteIf a Islamic terrorist was about to remove his head I bet he would want Eddie there with that rifle. What do you think?
DeleteTar and feathers time!
ReplyDeletejeffpelline says:
ReplyDeleteJanuary 4, 2016 at 5:11 am
Don Bessee is also a sexist. On Rebane’s blog he keeps referring to Hilary Clinton as ” madam pantsuit.”
You clearly have no idea what a "Yocal" is.....why should anyone think you have a clue as to who or what is sexist?
He was up for the eighth time last night apparently. Prostate issues? LOL
DeleteSexist? My goodness the fellow is simply trying to please the leftwing with his faux outrage. And he has no sense of humor. Look what he calls us. podunk, yokels, etc. He is truly a mental case.
FYI for the clueless posting on the FUE blog about the Tea Party, firearm raffle fundraiser. Get a clue you clueless clowns, the winners were required to use a licensed FFL, DOJ gun dealer to take possession of their prizes. In addition all background check and wait period laws are being followed. But you go and boycott Gold n Green Rentals all you want for selling the raffle tickets, I'm sure they won't miss you business!
ReplyDeleteYou have to remember the FUE is one of the lazy media types. No research just bombast. That is why he is persona non Grata almost everywhere.