Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

America, are you sick of being called names by the ingrates that take your money?

America, the last best hope for mankind.  Oh really?  In my lifetime, and right before) America sent out trillions of dollars and many of our finest boys and girls to help other countries move towards a civilized form of life.  Civilized meaning simple things like clean water, sewage disposal and fighting infectious disease.  We had a Peace Corps to help in those endeavors.  We have "foreign aid" and hundreds of other programs that make life more comfortable and certain for people of the planet.  We Americans through our federal government have sent troops into war zones to help people.  My first recognition of that was the Congo in the early 60's.  Those black tribes were murdering all the priests and nuns.  Raping the nuns.  We sent in troops the save people.  Before that I vaguely recall the Mau Mau in Kenya. 

Yes after that we had Santa Domingo, and some other smaller countries that we sent in troops to keep the USSR commies from taking over.  Vietnam where we stopped the spread of communism with the sacrifice of 55,000 of our men and women.  And every year we send billions out to mollify countries to not go warlike.  Of course we have not "vetted" those countries leaders very well as they seemed to steal the money meant for the common folks.  But we kept sending it.  All because we have "compassion" for those less off.  And we do it here in our own country too.

We try to help others.  We spent 20 trillion here for those in need.  We transferred money from those that work hard to those that say they need it.  Thousands of programs to help others.  We place those in need at the head of the line, we pay their schooling costs, we pay for their shelter and their food.  We even pay many for their gasoline and child care.  We as a country of "compassion" have spent trillions to overcome our "guilt" from activities of the past.

And what does all that "compassion" get us?  Derision and more accusations of guilt and uncaring.  Well folks, I am compassioned out right now.  I have decided we people who have exhibited the most compassion and paid the bills need a breather.  I am personally sick and tired of being told I am a "bad" person if I don't jump on the bandwagon to help the latest cause.  I have compassion but we have reached "overload" in my view.  All these people and countries that have been the recipients of the money swiped from the hard workers of America need to at least say THANKS for the free stuff!

But they don't.  We are expected to look the other way as twenty million illegal aliens invade our country.  They take the jobs of Americans, especially the blacks, and we are called xenophobes for saying "hey wait a minute"!  It is about the economy.  Hell, Obama let over a hundred thousand little kids into the country and then spread them out all over America!  We don't know where they are.  Of course they are on welfare and the taxpayers are getting the bills.  The middle class can't even buy food and gasoline and yet they are being forced to pay for people that are not even citizens!

Compassion fatigue.  When do the taxpayers and hardworking middle class and those below them get a break?  I see these college riots by the "takers" and it frosts me so much to see these ingrates whining.  We give them all they need to make a life, even free college education and what do they say?  You white people are crackers.  Give me more.  Insatiable.  Well get a frigging job.  Put something back into the pot of America.  Stop taking and start giving.  Most of all stop whining and complaining.  Are you all co dependent or are you self made and a individual with cajones?  Why are you always begging?

And all this talk from Obama and the democrats on these Syrians coming here in mass.  For goodness sakes, America needs a break.  We already have 93 million people sitting on the sidelines without a job.  Why are the democrats bringing in more people at the bottom of the economic scale?  More democrat voters?  And this accusation ato Americans who want a moratorium of immigrants.  Where do you get it that not allowing these people to came here "is not who we are"?  Of course it is.  Why would we risk bringing in people who want to enforce a warlike religion on us?  Are the leaders that insane?  Apparently.  So what if we say wait a while before allowing more people into America.  So what?  They can stay in their own country.  Arm them and tell them to fight for their own country and way of life.  People have done it for thousands of years.  The Syrians are apparently men of fighting age.  They should be sacrificing in their own lands.  Women and children sure, we can take care of them.  But these men need to take back their countries.

I would not be as upset with this stuff if these people were not such ingrates.  They call us UN-compassionate when we are truly the most compassionate that have ever existed.  They just want more free stuff.  This lack of thankfulness by these people that except our money and our help forces me to say adios to them.   American taxpayers and have tried to make life better for them.  If they showed compassion for us and said nice things, I may look at them differently.  But as far as I am concerned, I want a stop to giving our hard earned money to a bunch of ingrates who can't even say thanks.  Enough is enough.


  1. Very true Todd. During my lifetime America has always been number one helping people all over the world. Disasters...whatever. It was nice to hear Britains Margaret Thatcher thank us. I don't know if many people notice, but there's a good reason why our government officials tell us not to feed wild animals. The animals become dependent on us feeding them, and forget how to feed themselves. Even worse some become aggressive and attack people who don't feed them. And....those who grow their own food in gardens know that if they don't protect their garden with some kind of fence, the animals will eat everything....leaving no food for the one who created it. Perfect example of what's going on in the human realm today. BMW

    1. I really have no guilt about helping others or even countries. I call them ingrates. We have many here in America. Freeloaders off the sweat of hardworking people. These college scofflaws are the latest. Cut off their Starbucks and there will be blood in the streets. Spoiled little shits.

  2. I too hate the wild animal who eat the garden, that si why theres a fence. BNW is right enough is enough, so lets stop and help ouir own. all good ideas

    1. Woody you should go to Pelline's blog and comment. He will understand your points better than me.

    2. Wonder who posts under multiple pseudonyms round your local blogosphere might actually be "Dick Grabber"?

      Mmmmmm? Not Porkline....he can't even pull off trolling of this "quality".

      ....wonder who the internet tuffgai might be?

    3. No I think it is Phil Whole and maybe Dick Grabber. Who knows. But I bet they are fat.

    4. Todd, I have tried Pelline. He blocks me.

    5. In this world being banned by the unemployed journalist is considered an achievement of merit! LOL

    6. Yes it is. I am also banned from the tax cheats site.

  3. The purple veined hippo of Nevada city claims 10 thousand individual hits a month on his pool of vomitus slime. So why are there only a couple of odd balls and sock puppets? The hippo foot posts more than anything. ROFLOL


Real name thank you.