Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fly like an eagle. Amazing!

Haven't we all wanted to fly?  This video cam on an eagle gives us a view we never had.  It is beautiful!  Thanks Mike Sherman!


  1. The FUE should have one of these cams on his chest so he can videotape the chili chees fries he eats. My goodness he must sit at home alone now since his movements are so painful. Obesity is such a terrible thing. But curable. Michelle Obama, he needs you! LOL!

  2. In which Mr. Pelline scolds you on the value of hard work....

    Jeff Pelline says:

    August 21, 2015 at 9:05 am

    In our community, I noticed the “elitist” narrative often comes from those who wish they could provide more for their family. It’s a real sign of insecurity. They should just buckle down and work to achieve those goals rather than pointing fingers at others. I’m sure their family would appreciate it.

    Class envy is such an ugly thing.....

    1. Those dumb slob working men and women should learn that from a 600 pound silver spooner? Jeeze!

  3. Wow.....

    Jeff Pelline says:

    August 21, 2015 at 9:19 am

    Is the antithesis of being an “elitist” being “white trash”? I guess it cuts both ways. ROFLOL.


    10 minutes......good response time!

    1. I am proud to be white trash. My Dad was a Navy vet from WW2 and mom was a housewife. Pelline's upbringing was with a wet nurse who let him suckle 24/7. LOL!

  4. Giving those tired old knees a rest today are we.....I feel ya brother!

    Jeff Pelline says:

    August 21, 2015 at 9:45 am

    I like it when you type “David Larsen Carmichael” (AKA “fish”) on Google, and this idiot’s article comes up No. 1 in the search:

    Number 1? That kind of surprises me.... cuz there's another David Larsen who is some kind of pastor or minister who shows up like a rash on Google!

    You have a good'n J-man!

    1. OMG! Fish is David Larsen? The world is coming to an end!

    2. Yeah....that was my thought as well Todd

  5. Jeff Pelline says:

    August 21, 2015 at 11:00 am

    The commentators on Todd’s blog need to buckle down and get to work! This was the culture at our startup CNET and we all were well rewarded when it was sold to CBS for almost $2 billion. We all took risks, and it paid off. Same goes for local “go-getters” such as Reinette Senum, whose farm-to-table dinner benefitted the Nevada City Art Walk, which has brought vibrancy and money to town. A great NEW idea. Todd’s blog is chalk full of “Woulda Coulda Shoulda” types. Losers who hide behind “anonymous” and throw rocks. Todd’s name is on a list of delinquent taxpayers in our county! If the others identified themselves, you wouldn’t be surprised at their “loser” track records either. Step aside, so the rest of us can get some work done!

    Now Jeff I warned you about making me feel sorry for you!

    Just stop it.

    1. LOL! Yeah, that worm farm paid for by the taxpayers by Senum was quite a success, NOT! But a really obese person like the FUE probably ate his way through the place leaving nothing for others. Like the homless people who could have taken that money or food and lived for a year! CNET and the worm farm, good comparisons I say. Not good for anyone.

    2. Ahhhh......a regular Winston Smith he is! "Memory Holing" his screw ups while public complaining about the Unions!

      Jeff Pelline says:

      August 21, 2015 at 11:00 am

      The commentators on Todd’s blog need to buckle down and get to work! This was the culture at our startup CNET and we all were well rewarded when it was sold to CBS for almost $2 billion. We all took risks, and it paid off. Same goes for local “go-getters” such as Reinette Senum, whose farm-to-table dinner benefitted the Nevada City Art Walk, which has brought vibrancy and money to town. A great NEW idea. Todd’s blog is full of “Woulda Coulda Shoulda” types. Losers who hide behind “anonymous” and throw rocks. Todd’s name is on a list of delinquent taxpayers in our county! If the others identified themselves, you wouldn’t be surprised at their “loser” track records either. Step aside, so the rest of us can get some work done.


      Looks like somebody "got some work done"....altering the record.

    3. Honestly when a person weighs 600 pounds and can hardly walk, it has to affect their noggin. I wonder if the "first responders" will have to open the walls to get the carcass out for a hospital visit? LOL!

  6. PS: Dear boy it isn't chalk's "chock full"!

    Please see below:

    The Online Etymology Dictionary offers more detail:

    c.1400, chokkeful “crammed full,” possibly from choke “cheek” (see cheek (n.)). Or it may be from Old French choquier “collide, crash, hit” [similar to shock].
    Middle English chokkeful already had the same meaning as modern chock-full. Both this word and choke “to strangle” likely derive ultimately from Old English words meaning “jaw, cheek.” The end result is the same: a mouthful.

    Alternately, chokkeful may derive from a more violent word: forced full.

    (Wiktionary offers a false etymology based on the kind of chocks used in carpentry and shipbuilding: full up to the chocks, perhaps. However that sense of chock only dates to the 1670s, far too late to influence the Middle English word.)

    My "fishs helpful hint of the day gift to you!

    1. That undre eductaed fella who can't spell needs to be quiet. LOL! Good catch fish!

  7. I think the FUE's brain has been overwhelmed by too much sugar. He is definitely lost his noggin.

  8. Jeff Pelline says:

    August 21, 2015 at 11:47 am

    I like it when you type “David Larsen Carmichael” (AKA “fish”) on Google, and this idiot’s article comes up No. 1 in the search:


    Twice in a single morning? Poor form Jeff. Wouldn't you rather call me a Machiavellian sadist? That one always makes you feel better.

    1. Fish, he is unhinged. I have been doing a back and forth with the fellow called Mike Healy on the Linda Campbell loon. He wrote a support letter for her in the Union this morning. Anyway, Healy claims to be a "assistant" of some sort in city government here. You know anything about this guy?

    2. Not a local Todd.....wouldn't know him.

  9. Fantastic video Todd! A Birdseye view. Even more interesting is how sharp it's eyesight must be to see the guy below motioning to it. BMW

  10. I swear Jeff you must have taken a blow to the head as a child to be this obtuse.....

    jeffpelline says:

    August 23, 2015 at 8:07 am

    In an earlier iteration Nevada City Eats (a Lowell Robinson family creation) had been a burrito bar. I ate there once. When I went to school at Cal in the ’80s, there was a taqueria on each block, not to mention the Mission district. Bring it on! Bring on another S.F. chef. Tyler Florence? Gary Danko? … How about some authentic Nisenan tacos? I think Todd Juvinall would rather have a Dickey’s BBQ, however. He liked the brisket and free “swirl” ice cream machine. LOL.


    There's a problem with Dickeys?

    Oh sure it doesn't meet your high standards of urban hip authenticity, the desperate need to stand apart from the crowd by eating all the right things....and then blogposting, and instagramming, facebooking endlessly like some pathetic food fanboi!

    Why don't you just enjoy a nice Indian taco and shut your word hole.

    1. Golly I guess I am not "silver" enough? LOL! The guy has probably put numerous buffets out of business but I guess when they advertise "all you can eat" he took them at their word.

      I have been to Dickey's once and it was OK. You really have to slop on the sauce though. The local place is OK too.

  11. I sure hope these new business people don't spend anytime in town talking to people or read anything on line other than my award winning journalistic endeavors. If they do I am sunk since we know anyone associated with me meets with failure. Shhhhh don't tell em and they will advertise (until they find out the truth, lol) in my food porn giveaway rag that I print out of the county like the union does, oh s&%# I sound just like the union, or at least a hypocrite. Todd/Fish you guys make me so mad I spilled my ramos fizz on my 23rd eggs benedict and it splashed on my stack of printed Sunday newspapers, oh crap I did not mean to say that, really the net is the bet and print is po dunk. Does that make my give away food porn rag po dunk since its printed? OF COURSE NOT IT IS MINE! I AM THE FUE, you may bow on your way out of the room plebs.

  12. jeffpelline says:

    August 23, 2015 at 12:31 pm

    Oh, I forgot to mention: Todd’s friend, David Larsen of Carmichael AKA “fish” proclaims on Todd’s blog to be a Dickey’s “aficionado” too. Here’s David in action:
    I think of “fish” as more of just a “dickey” than a “Dickey BBQ” fan. LOL.

    An aficionado....hardly.

    I just thought it funny that somebody who looks like he mainlines chocolate swirl soft-serve into his carotid artery would denigrate Dickeys.

    Just sayin.....

  13. So that's what passes for wit on the purple hippo boys narcissistic little blog these days, huh?

  14. OK that will be enough of that po dunkers! You are talking about THE FUE, you owe fealty to your lord of lard! See how powerful I am in slamming the Lowell Robinson Enterprises Nevada City restaurant in the past and now telling everyone its new offerings will not meet my expectations (wont comp me food!) so don't go there. Those Robinsons are a bunch of good old boy blight on our soon to be San Francisco on the way to Truckee if I have my way, well other than the bay, the skyscrapers, the boats, Alcatraz, fresh crabs, filth, crime, money, oh never mind. Screw you I'm going home If I ever figure out where that is since you cant call a place that hates you home.


Real name thank you.