It shows me that she and her clan have no common sense. They think we will not check out her information sources I guess. Common sense tells me that a law that claimed it would drop policy amounts $2,500 a year cover those 40 million people (the democrat's number and currently 7.5 million claimed covered) and take 700 billion dollars from Medicare would be a cost savings! (and 83% are subsidized by taxpayers!) My goodness we did not just fall off the turnip trick Ms. Slaughter. Besides were you not the only party that voted in the "law"? Were not the democrats in the Senate bribed to gain the 60th vote? Yes, not one Republican vote to pass the monstrosity. All the input to fix the flaws of our health care system were not allowed if presented by the Republicans. In my view, the government should butt out of requiring any "free market" company from having to cover anything. That would lower the costs tremendously.
But if you listen toi these liberal hacks running our government they are now for things they have always been against regarding the economy and spending of tax money. When she started talking about how she and her pals are against over spending I can only laugh. If the country was concern ed, well mainly the democrats, we would not spend more than is received from all those hardworking people of any income level in America. But I know the truth since I pay attention. Most Americans don't anymore. Hell they don't even vote! So, this inaction by the voters is transferred into lawlessness by government agencies all the way up to the President. Obama said he will act if Congress doesn't. He has a "pen and a phone" and will use Executive Orders to get his way. Well, even the stupidest person who knows a little bit about our Constitution knows we have three "co-equal" branches with equal power. The President is the Executive who takes the oath (I took it too), to faithfully administer the laws.
But Obama has decided he does not have to live by his oath. The news today is that he may use that "pen" to grant amnesty to millions of illegals. How are the other two co-equal branches supposed to deal with that? Obama and his pals think that could force Republicans to impeach him, thereby inflaming the democrat voters to turn out in November. If he is contemplating that move does that not show everyone his disregard to the oath? All those unions who lemmingly do as they are told will be on the unemployment lines if their President accomplishes his dirty work. Flooding the country with low wage earners, off the book earners, and entitlement seekers is going to result in the destruction of jobs and the democrat party.
When we see the results of a out of control, stupid EPA, EEOC, Department of Labor and IRS (among all of them) we see a massive shift to a Executive branch of utter corruption. We see them spend billions to favored companies of scam like Solyndra and others, we have a huge problem. When we see Elijah Cummings of Maryland defend viciously, Obama's lawlessness on the House Committee on Oversight, (Darrell Issa the Chairman is a hero!) we see the utter corruption of the system. Why would a Congressman give up his Constitutional power to the other branch? I am astonished but there are some reasons. I have listened to him as he went after Tea Party organizations and defended the IRS in their persecution of them. But to me he is ineligible to serve because he gave his co-equal status over to the Executive. That is a breech of his oath and the true meaning of the American system. He needs to resign.
Unfortunately for the rest of the country there are few people that will speak out against this "power grab" because they have fear. Fear the liberal press will claim they are racist. (this fear does not exist with minority slander) So they allow this usurpation of power to continue. There are a few who speak out, like Senator Jeff Sessions from Alabama and Congressman Trey Gowdy form South Carolina. I am proud of Congressmen Tom McClintock and Doug LaMalfa for also speaking up. But now we see the only alternative to "impeachment" is a lawsuit. Speaker John Boehner is asking the courts to restore the co-equal government and reign in the President's power grab. I support the lawsuit since I can't seem to come up with anything that will force a lawless man back into the fold. Of course the press, those lame streamers, say the Republicans want to impeach Obama even though there is not one saying so. More lousy and lying from those who are supposed to oversee the truth.
All in all, America will survive all this and I think the liberal/democrats are overreaching to the point they will become a asterisk in the politics of America. They are doing great damage and I hope enough people turn out to boot them from office. We need common sense returned to the governance of our country.
Good article Todd. Amazing how they get away with breaking the laws and blame those who refuse to go along. Now we see very clearly how a dictatorship rides on the shoulders of majority rule. Your writing on the editorial page in the Union was good too. Wasn't long ago that the same people were chastising a Republican wannabe for being pictured with school kids. The way the Democrat President and party are using illegal kids is shocking. Like race..anyone who objects is cruel. Oh yeah....what happened to homeland security? Just a big joke and waste of money? BMW
ReplyDeletehomeland security? Oh yeah. Poor Honduran kids escaping unspeakable violence pose a substantial security risk...
DeleteSide with humanity and compassion. Very much like Jesus and very much Christian.
Well Anon, you are exactly who I wrote about. A lousy liberal asking everyone else to "compassionate" and "humane" like we aren't and you are. You see, we have your number. We pay for youe compassion and we pay dearly. I bet you gave nothing in the form of a compassionate donation of your time or money, you are just a big mouth. Plus you are all mostly atheists and then use Jesus, who you don't believe in, as some sort of guilt index marker. I think you should adopt a few of these kids and take care of them Then you will be "compassionate". What a joot.
DeleteOK, so you're not Christian with your lack of compassion. You'd send troops to the border instead of a helping hand. That's fine. Got your right wing MO. But yes, it is time for us to pay up for the sins of creating the drug wars in Central America. US as in you, me and all of the US.
DeleteNo I am a Christian and you are an atheist. I can spot you hypocrites a mile away. Obviously you did not read my post. I say "compassion" is returning these young people to their families. You, like all liberals, think the government should be their parents. Yes, I think you and your ilk should go cold turkey and stop taking drugs. That would cause a massive drop off in crime and murder. How come you can't see that your addictions are the reason so many people are murdered every year?
DeleteWWJD? Sure would not be sending troops to the border. You may call yourself whatever you want, but your values are not those of Christianity.
DeleteAll of this because some of the immigrants may just become Democrats in some far flung future year and generation. Oh my god, how terrible!
That will be your last comment here since you are a chicken to identify yourself. I take criticism from real people but not anonymous nuts on my blog.
DeleteYou are an atheist with no core beliefs but like all liberal fools you complain and advise others you are the polar opposites on issues with. Adios.
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DeleteNo more from you you nut anon!
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DeleteNo more from you anon. Grow some balls and post as a real person. Chicken!
DeleteI will have you know I think highly of chickens, as we have several on the property that are special birds. Much nicer than angry right wingers.
DeleteYour blog is funny and a great example of uneducated America.
LOL! So your chicken has no right wing eh? I would say you are the uneducated dolt infecting the country. You can't even spell your name truthflly. So go pluck yourself.
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DeleteSaw a funny bumper sticker in Los Angeles today. "YOUR WALLET. The only place Democrats want to drill."
ReplyDeleteTodd…..?!? What did you do to yourself?
ReplyDeleteWhile taking a disabled friend to church I was helping him transefer to his wheelchair when he collapsed. I instinctively grabbed him and when I did my back popped. I now have a comtrssion fracture at T-12 and lots of pain. I'll heal. Thanks for asking.
DeleteOww! Rest up my friend........
Deletegotta love the inconsistency of the House Repubs. Suing the President, ripping into him for ongoing Executive Actions without working with Congress. Then today, pulling their border bill, the last vestige of Congressional help for border protection, now asking the Imperial President to take unilateral Executive Actions to deal with the current immigration problem at the border! Without any additional monies. Such fine, principled people those House Repubs.
ReplyDeleteThought you only posted under your real name jeffy….or was it "Bruiser"….or "Windy"….or "Gerry Fedor"….crap you have so many personalities…you must never be lonely.
DeleteSeems you have it all bass-ackwards here CS-anon. The Prez and Harry Reid, you know, the two most powerful democrats said it was a non-starter. Reid has bottled three hundred House bills which would have helped our country over the six years of Obama. Why is that? Also, you complain about the House Republicans like they could do anything without the democrat Senate and democrat Prez. It shows your total lack of knowledge on how the country works.
DeletePretty funny spin job there. Meanwhile every serious journalist and media outlet has nailed the latest Boehner fiasco for what it is- a total, unqualified embarrassement for the Repubs.
DeleteHey they are coming back tomorrow. My reading of this says there are about 200 R's in favor and they need 218. How come your lemming democrats don't put one vote towards the fis? I thought you lovelies were always crying PARTISAN! Just a lot of BS since your dolts have a chance to move the bill to the Senate. You have been exposed for the hypoctites you democrats are. The people will toss you out in November, thank goodness.
DeletePretty funny spin job there. Meanwhile every serious journalist and media outlet has nailed the latest Boehner fiasco for what it is- a total, unqualified embarrassement for the Repubs.
DeleteIt is...it really is! Boehner is an embarrassment. Funny though...the contrast. The contrast between the Affirmative Action Figure currently occupying the White House and the hapless spray on tan guy from Ohio. Oh well....I guess we'll just have to chock this up under "white peoples problems"...desperately contorting yourself into pretzel like poses to justify anything President Empty Suit cooks up! Did your chubby ham hock tingle like Chris Matthews when you posted?
Yeah...I thought it did.
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DeleteOh Todd...if I'm away from the computer for a while I miss jeffys clever retorts. You need to leave them up longer....it's just like when Michael was working on his art project.
DeleteHe is namecalling me as anonymous so I boot his sorry ass.
DeleteAh...jeffy can't play nice in other peoples yards. Fine example there!
DeleteThanks for the link. Two handsome tough men protecting our border while the effeminate democrat President can't act on the Republican fix for the problem.
ReplyDeleteThe intellectually challenged dolt from suburban Long Island? And Rick "Oops" Perry, he of the PR makeover glasses? Real tough guys :).
ReplyDeleteMost of us see strong resemblence to the photo of Dukakis in jeep.
Article is one of the best reads all year.
Article is one of the best reads all year.
ReplyDeleteOh my god jeffy...err I mean "Bruiser"...er...anonymous....I totally owe you one! I had no idea where "BO" Bob Cesca landed after his stint as an intern on the Don and Mike Show™.....He used to call Larry King after his show and ask him what he was enjoying for lunch at Duke Ziebert's!
Good times...good times....and totally where you want to go for contemporary political reporting...an unwashed intern slumming with shock jocks!
Well played sir! Well played indeed.
Hey .....uh who are you going to be today.....well I'll stick with jeffy for now.
ReplyDeleteHey jeffy....here is your HuffPo investigative reporter....doing the lords work with Larry King!
Meritocracy indeed.