Todd Juvinall, Chairman, Nevada County Republican Central Committee
December 1998
I want to wish everyone well
in the upcoming year, I know it will be an exciting time. A trial looms in the Senate for Clinton. Will we see our Constitution work as it was supposed
to? Will Clinton keep gutting the common meaning of everyday words? Will the press stop giving us their
conflict of interest polls as news?
retrospect I think we did a pretty good job of keeping the lights of freedom
and common sense alive in Nevada
County and beyond. We have been pretty well mashed by the
liberals with their compliant press buddies. It has
not been easy for me or for many
of the other Republicans we respect. It
is quite a job to stand up for what is right even when you are being vehemently
attacked from every direction. I have great respect for all those Republicans
who voted
for impeachment. They were being pursued relentlessly by the demoncrats and the press.
They didn't disappoint us with their profoundly
heroic stance on the indictment of Clinton. Even though the other side tried to
make black into white and up into down, we saw
through it all.
On a personal note, I want
to thank all who helped me in my run for the Assessor's post in Nevada
County. It was quite an honor to be
the only candidate that the Union Newspaper broke its own rules
regarding hit pieces just a few days before the
election. I was rather
disappointed that the union didn't interview me before printing their hit piece
on slate mailers the day before the election.
I was the only person mentioned). I had no knowledge of the mailer, nor
did I give my permission to use my name.
We now have four no-growth
County Supervisors on the Board. They
will dazzle us with their ability to
know what is best for us and for
our land. You see, they and their
friends in the RQC believe they have
every right to tell each and every one
of us landowners what to do. Amazing,
and we thought this was a free country.
While extoling the virtues of jobs and planned growth, these RQC minions will be ramming study after study down the throats of anyone with an idea about creating something on their land. They will call
this “protecting the environment” (as if we
don't want to do the same). The effect
is to delay, discourage and defeat every project.
Holding costs are tough. You see I come from the old school (even though
I'm only 48) regarding property. I thought
that the person who owned and paid the taxes on a piece of property had first call
on the dream. The dream is what that
person envisioned for his or her own land. Shouldn't it be the right of the owner
to fulfill their vision for that
which they possess? I'm sure an RQCer would
not want us to tell them what to do on their property. Oh, I
forgot, these people never create anything
that must go through the process they
set up for the rest of us. Kind of elitist
I imagine,
Many now
believe that you must go hat in hand to the Godfathers,
the Don Corleones, for their vision of your land. If you don't, they will appeal, sue and then collect money for their lawyers from you.
Money perhaps better spent on your
vision. That leads me to zoning. Zoning is where the government overlays your land
with imaginary designations for what they say your land should contain. Commercial, residential,
open space, etc. Trouble is, even if
you have the zoning, the unelected government
or their friends on the elected body won't let you build your dream because they really don't believe in the concept they invented!
So who do you trust? Seems kind of glum doesn't it? Well the proof is in the results. Voter participation is way down, people are opting
out of the debate ( except a few of us activists ), and malaise has swept the countryside.
Out of sight out of mind. Here are a few recommendations from me to you
in the spirit of getting us all back on track:
Be courteous to everyone. It is very difficult to stay cordial when
someone is shouting in your ear, but you must do it.
Do not
lie. We cannot expect to have the moral
high ground if we cannot tell the
truth. Contrary to some ethicists in
America today, we common people know the difference between a lie and the
Help others sincerely. Many liberals think they are helping people
with that new government program. We
know the best help is to teach those people to fish not just give out free
Don't be
afraid. The liberals and the press don't
like us. Stop trying to please them and
speak you mind with the truths and common sense you possess. We may never get through to our critics but at
least you stood your ground and were not intimidated.
Help your friends. Many of us say, "Oh, the other person
will take care of that". I don't think so. We must stand up for those who put themselves
out there in the public world of ideas and opinions. Those we agree with must be secure in the
knowledge they have your support. You
could show your support by making a simple phone call, write a letter to the editor,
and buy a public advertisement or any of the other myriad of ways you can
say thanks.
Be true to yourself. In this day and age, it is sometimes difficult
to know who in the heck you are. The media and our political opponents are
constantly trying to label and pigeonhole each of us. Well I've got news for them, each and every
one of us are INDIVIDUALS. As long as you are confident, within yourself
about who and what you are and what you
stand for, the opposition cannot harm you.
Family is the most
important thing. For
those who have made it their life's work to minimize and virtually destroy the
family unit in America I say to them, shame on you. What greater triumph can one accomplish in
life than the creation of a marriage and children. Those little ones, so helpless in your arms
for the first few years, are the most joyous experience of all. The creation of life is a monumental wonderment
Without the strong love of the people for each other in the family unit, the family
will fail. Without strong families, the country
cannot endure.
"Do unto others
as you :would have them
do unto you". The golden rule Let's all try to do our best to live by that
age-old credo. It is my sincerest hope
that our next few years will reinforce the Republican Party and this great
country we live in.
Thank you, it has been a great pleasure to serve the
28,000 Republicans of Nevada County for the last four years.
The people who strong country and famly, they will be held tigtly. If not we fail. Thnk you Todd.
ReplyDeleteYou should be embarrassed about this farewell letter. The few decent bits of advice are the ones you ignore daily. I have asked around about you and everybody says the same thing "Todd is as big of a jackass in person as he is online". The NC Supervisors most have been scraping the bottom of the barrel to have you elected to office.
ReplyDeleteAw come on Ben Emery. You know I am loved and adored throughout the land. You are just jealous because you are such a loser. I get that. But keep trying, you may become as important as I am if you just try harder. Also, I have asked around about you and nobody knows who you are. Too funny.
Delete"Also, I have asked around about you and nobody knows who you are"
DeleteYou're asking the wrong people. I am a person who rolls up his sleeves and lends a hand to the youth of our community, the environment (SYRCL Wolf Creek Alliance, Nevada County Land Trust, CLAIM, so on) , the homeless, and advocate for peace. While you on the other hand need to feel important by the positions you hold and the names you want to be able to drop and the way to get to those position is kissing lots of a$$. We both make a difference in our community but the divide happens when I do it for others and you do it for yourself.
Q: What's the difference between a brown-noser and a sh*thead?
A: Depth perception.
" I have asked around about you and everybody says the same thing" Ben Emery+-
DeleteThat's right up there with the famous "Nixon couldn't have won! No one I know voted for him!"
Ben Emery, truly man, no one knows who you are and I feel bad that your ego cannot accept that fact. I don't need to namedrop here and elsewhere because many folks remember my involvement in activist activities. They name drop mine! LOL! So, please, get off the couch and go help yur fellow man. Get a job and make some money then give it to say, People for the ethical treatment of people. You are just a sad sack.
DeleteYou were a very honest supervisor who really cared about people. I remember it well and wished there were more like you. BMW
ReplyDeleteThanks BMW. I still have people to this day tell me that when I am out and about. I really appreciate it.
DeleteBen is the perfect progressive foil, passionate yet clueless. What you overlook Ben in your zealous disdain for corporate America, is the fact that every last bit of your "champion of the people" life is built, managed, and maintained by the entities you claim to hate. From your 18 year old auto, to the gas you put in it yesterday to drive to your latest protest event. Your pants and t shirt, and your knock off Nike shoes were made in China and cost a total of $60. Had they been made in the USA, they would cost $200, so that your brethren in the factories can have the "living wage and benefits" you demand for them. But you don't spend the $200 to support them, you spend $60 to support the Chinese because you are a selfish clueless hypocrite. Even the "non profits" you claim to support don't do jack shit to help the people of Nevada County. If you really cared about anything but trying to look like our own version of Che, you would kiss of SYRCL, and volunteer at the NC Food Bank, or Interfaith Food Ministry who are actually helping to feed people not tear down a dam so you can feel good about helping fish. You, Ben, are what is wrong with this country. You and your friends who are champions of nothing except hypocrisy. LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnd thus we hear the screeching cries of another dinosaur at death's door. Enjoy your final moments, dear Tyrannosaurus!
DeleteWhat is wrong with dinosaurs? My grandchildren love them.
DeleteDinosaur is a term our "progressive" friends like to stick on everyone who won't buy their view of the world. They use it when they don't have a coherent response. Watch for it, you'll see it a lot. LOL!
DeleteAh yes, the enlightened Michael! A little too smart to buy Ben's "champion of the people" schtick, but not honest enough to acknowledge reality. No wonder GG slaps you around at every opportunity! I see a deleted comment coming. LOL!
ReplyDeleteWhat is GG?
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the type in your post?
ReplyDeleteI did a scan of the "Republican" and converted it and that is how it came out.