Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Jeff Pelline the hypocrite donor!

The designated reader said I was the subject of a Pelline post on a donation I made to Hank Weston.  He called me "macho", which in truth is quite accurate.  I am 6-4 and 220 pounds and proportional.  This is not apparently a good description of Mr. Pelline.  He also fails to tell readers (as he says I should), that he donated $500 to Gregory Diaz campaign for Clerk a few years ago.  But as with all liberals, they are hypocrites and they pick and choose their facts.  Too funny!


  1. Who's this "Pelline" fellow you keep talking about?

    1. Some self important former Union newspaper editor. What a hoot!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sorry MichaelA, I know you want them but I prefer women.

    4. Yes Todd, who is this pelline fellow that Mike Sherman is asking about? I Googled "people who are worth knowing in Nevada County", and there is no mention of any pelline. Could it be that he is just a figment of his imagination? I Googled "aholes in Nevada County", and am still sorting that page. LOL!

  2. If I have learned one thing about late middle aged men it is that the more they profess heterosexuality and virility the less likely it is.

    1. Are you a homosexual or are you just curios Steve Frisch? I am surprosed you would admit here on this page!

    2. Steve. I don't even want to know how you learned whatever you think you know about "middle aged" men and their sexuality. My guess is that you came to the wrong share that knowledge. I'll bet you know as much about the sexuality of men as you know about the diet of fat, middle-aged award winning journalists who can't see their own peckers.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Completely outrageous...

  3. Ah, finally! A post about me! It is about time! Enough of these discussions about current events, let's talk about me! Me, me, me, me me! And of course my BFF apologists, Michael and Steve! They love me! I can say and do anything and they will defend me! Oh, it's going to be a glorious week! We are going to talk about ME! LOL!

  4. And maybe a small bit of talk about Todd. You know my friend Greg is very well connected, and he says that he can get me some screen shots of Todd at the TSA screening! Steve and I are very excited about that! Talk about macho! Oh yeah! LOL!

    1. I know TF but I like women and I refuse to allow MichaelA and SteveF a copy for their fantasys. LOL!

    2. Don't blame you. You might be stalked, and have to get a restraining order! LOL!

  5. For the record, what I do with my own money is my business. If you follow my award winning blog, you will note that I love talking about how I spend my money. I also spend quite a bit of time reminding Steve and my other three friends that I am changing the complexion of this once-narrow-minded town. Nevada City may still be 99.9 percent Caucasian, but it's not by choice. We love diversity, but prefer to love it from a distance. During dinner my three friends and I talk a lot about diversity and how cool we are to be so...diverse and...well...hip. Then we go home to our 99.9-percent Caucasian neighborhoods and lock the doors.

    The Really Real FUE

  6. Well...that sounds kind of racist to me. You should know that it is not what we do that matters, but only what we say. And I say that I have friends that are minorities, and that makes me way more tolerant than all of you good old boys. And I even have friends that have minorities take care of their landscaping. And I even have some old R&B records that I still listen to! So there. I do have some pretty good deadbolts on the back door though. LOL!

  7. I think there is serious situations going on here..

    1. Dear ONCC, in order to be taken seriously about your allegations of serious situations, you need to be specific about the source of your outrage. I am personally outraged that you are posting here without talking about me. After all, this is really just about me, so get with it. If, on the other hand, you are outraged about the fact that Todd won't let Steve and Michael have a copy of his TSA screening files, that is an outrageous thing for you to be outraged by. I sense a real lack of tolerance and acceptance of diversity in your comments, and as a former Outraged Nevada County Citizen, I can tell you that there is peace in acceptance of those who are different. Get a degree in Rhetoric and you will be fine. Just like the rest of us! LOL! The TRUE FUE

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Are their peoples lives at stake? Yes. Where do you have compassion? Please, think about this dearly.

    1. I am outraged at your implication. Clearly time for some refresher courses in rhetoric. They have those at Berkeley. Where I got my BS. Before I fetched coffee for Herb Caen. I was really something. Can we continue talking about me? It is my favorite subject. I don't care about you. Unless you want to talk about me. LOL!

    2. Hey, Outraged. Put the pipe down before you hurt yourself. Brain freeze is nothing to screw with.

      Really Real FUE

    3. I did dearly think about this and I have come to the conclusion there is no compassion with these people.

    4. It's ok, Outraged. They have this thing called "Google." You should check it out. Just type in "Jeff Pelline" and it will take you where you want to go. Lots of compassion there. Lots of hot air, too. Steve will welcome you and so will three of his friends who sound just like you.

      Good luck.

      Really Real FUE

    5. Hey RRONCC, don't you know that "these people" is a totally racist stereotype? I am shocked and outraged that you would use that insensitive term. You should be ashamed, not outraged.

  10. Photoshop Michael. No one can stop you. LOL!

  11. I think George Saunders said it best: "As you get older your self will diminish and you will grow in love. YOU will be replaced by LOVE."

    Todd, I think this is the direction all the commenters here need to go on this thread. Let us all strive to not regret our failures of kindness.

    1. Where is the kindness and love? What kind of blog would Jesus have?

    2. He would say "Todd, you have a blog after my own heart, now go distribute the wine and fish".

    3. This RRONCC has same outrage? I think she is mocking here. Block her.

    4. Outraged. You are still here. Listen to your doctor. The real doctor. Not the one who gave you a script for 5 pounds of weed and sent you home. You need counseling and there is nobody on this site who can treat what you have. There must be a Help Line? Shock therapy is an option as well. I've seen it work with mice and rabbits. In terms of group therapy, check out Sierra Foothills Regurgitate...I think that's the name of the blog that flows out of Nevada City like a sewage's filled with people just like you.

      The Really Real FUE

    5. I do not take kindly to this misogyny. Talk about outrage in this sausage fest. What's so funny about Peace, Love and Understanding?

    6. Outraged.
      If you are looking for peace, love and understanding you came to the wrong place.
      The pussy farm is down the street.

      The Really Real FUE

    7. A SAUSAGE FEST! Now we are talking! Come on all you kielbasa and braunschwegers, party at RRONCC's place! Todd, Steve and Jeff need your TSA scans! LOL!

    8. Yes! Outraged just invited us to a Sausage Fest! Do we have an address? Is there beer, or just peace, love and happiness? I can bring my own beer, if the love and peace can provide the weed? What day, Outraged?

      The Really Real FUE

    9. BTW, Outraged...what is this "misogyny" that you don't take kindly to? Is it meat? Fish? Women?
      Oh...I know...isn't a misogyny one of those two-headed goats?

      The Really Real FUE

    10. Why do effeminate men get so upset about misogyny? LOL! The Truckee guy cracks me up! LOL!

  12. There is a new blog called Sierra Foothills Retort. Pretty clever response to the FUE.

  13. Oh, I tried to have a sausage fest with Bruiser but all we could find was Vienna Sausage. Probably because I was bullied as a child and all you good old boys are still being mean to me. I need Steve to make me feel good. LOL!

  14. I do like the idea of a blog dedicated to "the most despised man in Nevada County". I mean, since he does choose to slime everybody and everything that was here and prospering when he decided to show up to our little cul de sac, it is only fair that we tell him what we really think. "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet"! LOL!

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Someone asked me why I use the term "hard right" and "right wingers" to describe Republicans, but never use "Left Wing" or "Far Left" to describe Democrats. I suppose you could make an argument that a "moderate" like myself would apply those terms equally. Especially since I am an award winning journalist and supposed to be impartial in such matters. Let me say this about that: It's my blog and I'll do what I want. Most of you aren't smart enough to notice and the four people who visit my blog don't care because they are part of the Far Left like me. Moderate, Far Left, that is. Somewhere in the middle of Left and Far Left. We prefer the term "Progressives." It sounds so...I don't

    The Really Real FUE


  18. Todd. You're right...of course. Hard Core right. You and all your Good 'Ol Boy pals who still think they run this now-purple county.
    Keep your greasy, fat fingers off my blog!

    The Really Real FUE

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. The FUE's site is enhanced by the frequent comments from Bruce L., who could be the most miserable human being on the planet. I thought I'd read his obit not too long ago, but...he apparently lives on. Good thing that collection of Sad Sacks on FUE's daily puke fest don't meet in person. Who would want to clean up after that?

    1. Yes that Bruce character is a true "sad sack" and appears to be a miserable person. I don't think I have ever read one positive thing from him. Maybe the neds need adjusting? LOL!

      I did a post on hoim once after he attacked me. He is just a loudmouth wimp. Too funny!

    2. I think he was, by profession, a union organizer. So he's a retired shit disturber who is still, apparently, full of shit.

  21. As I've reported the last several days, I'm in Tahoe at my vacation home (did I tell you I also had a sailboat?). But I'm keeping an eye on the election for you because if I didn't how would you know anything? So it appears most of favorites got their asses kicked yesterday, but this county is still purple, just not as purple as Terry Lamphier's ass is this morning. I did my best to make Miller look bad, but my four friends don't live in Grass Valley and coudn't vote and two of them are convicted felons anyway and aren't allowed to vote. Looks like we'll be "Rosevilled" now, so get used to it. Never mind that the population of the county hasn't grown in 5 years. You can fool some of the people some of the time...

    The Really Real FUE (Reporting from Tahoe).

  22. Looks like Peter Van Zant ought to stay away from the campaign trail. He can't seem to get his candidates elected to anything, his latest contestant was Terry Lamphier. Van Zant's always fancied himself as a political power broker, but that would require him to actually be a political factor. He thought he could orchestrate the election of his replacement several years ago, handling the Olivia Diaz campaign, but she got her ass kicked by Nate Beason. Time for Peter to ride off into the sunset...

    1. Elections can be fun though. I do a lot of helping behind the scenes since my ego is now under control. LOL! I would say the county voters like a conservative candidate who may be able to get us jobs and businesses before we as a county evaporate into a full blown tourist trap. I have noshing against Lamphier or others I just want to see some kick ass push for business and jobs. No more rhetoric, I want action. Get the Planning Department out of the way and approve the San Juan Mine for one thing. Rezone some lands to allow more commercial in other areas and industrial with infrastructure. Toss the Soviet General Plan out the window and replace it with a Ten page document. More to come.

    2. The 20-year population projections used to map planning are WAY off the mark. The "Roseville" hysteria is a myth. Nevada County really hasn't grown in 10 years and could be described as stagnant. Nice try by Terry and his gang to fool the people into thinking we are paving the county, but the Census figures tell another story.

    3. Actually the p[population (npt enough copulation, LOL!) has not changed much since 1992. I recall the General Plan wars when the RQC held up the Plan for a long time over the debate on a population cap (155,000 by 2015 I think) and the "New Town". They were as accurate at fortune telling as they are about "global warming".

      Also, now we see the results of the election and we see the Pelline trying to be a "nice guy" which cracks me up. He is even threatening to expose someone's "tax delinquency " which is a public document regardless. What a hoot!

    4. Pelline is irrelevant, as the election results demonstrate. He did his best to influence the election, but most of his "fan base" doesn't live in Nevada County and those who do appear to be heavily medicated.
      All he can do now is pretend not to care. "Look...over there...a wolf!"
      He should stick to what he knows

    5. This election decided many things. The interests were diverse and dedicated. I wish there were more like them.

    6. Isn't it interesting that der FUEherer is silent on the election. You know that if "HIS PURPLE PEOPLE" had won anything, that would be the only topic of discussion. Now we are talking about wolves and nonsense. Get a grip you FUEl! You have absolutely no following and no influence on anyone or anything! Even Bruiser and Boy are sick of the crap that spews from you. Get a job, get a life, do something positive for once in your pathetic existence. Or, better yet, go back to Berkeley, or Tahoe. Just go away and let the good, productive people of Nevada County live in peace and harmony without having to be exposed to your nastiness. LOL!

  23. Yes, there are several noteworthy results from yesterday's election. 1) The purple people got their ass kicked, proving again that the voters in Nevada County are not as stupid as some would like to think. 2) Terry Lamphier got his ass kicked. Proving again that you can't be a complete idiot and fool the voters into electing you twice. 3) The "political operatives" noted above were rebuffed again. Proving again that Berkeley bloggers and Silicon Valley slicksters don't know jack about what resonates in Nevada County. 4) The gang based in Nevada City that wants to tell Grass Valley how to be, can't compete in GV because the voters are too smart to be fooled by their tactics. LOL!

    1. I actually like Terry so I disassociate myself from the above comments about him. I do though agree with all the rest of your comment. I once represented Nevada City as a District One Supe and I found them truly Schizophrenic voters and representatives. I beat two people from the city limits and they were helped by some unscrupulous liars. But as they say, "winning is the best elixir" for those kinds of people.

      Izzy Martin ran a write in campaign which she then went on to beat Jeff Ingram for District Four. She was a planning commissioner during the General Plan and zoning years in the 90's and I attended all those meetings. She was a true socialist on land ownership and I got to hear that crap for years. When she ran for Supe she portrayed herself as a moderate, even conservative! Well she did fool the voters that one time. When Robyn Cayton/Sutherland ran against her, by then the voters knew she was a liar about her political beliefs and she became a one termer too. Gur like all liberals/socialists, they get a cushy government or non profit job and the rest is history. O must say this about Izzy though, she went from a "hippie" looking woman to one quite attractive when she dressed up for election. LOL!

    2. I like it when they dress up too. Makes me dream of younger days.

  24. I heard that Izzy Martin is going to run in November for NID.

    1. I have been urged to do the same for the District One. Hmmm. The possibilities.

    2. I have been to NID meetings before and everyone dresses very well. They set a good example.

  25. Tuesday reminded us that it's time the Dems quit being so pleasant and start playing hard-core the hard right. We...I mean the Dems...lost because too many of us...I mean you...stayed home, or forgot what day it was, and the hard right got up earlier and got the jump on us...I mean the Dems. This county is split (my pants split just yesterday) politically and it doesn't make sense why people like Hank and Dan won on Tuesday. So come on, guys. Next time we have an election set your alarm clocks and put the rolling papers away. I can't do it by myself. I'm only one man...with split pants.

    The Really Real (and always pleasant) FUE

    1. RRFUE, you are correct. I know you tried to cast a few ballots for some dead people ay Hooper Weaver but since we are a small community, the poll (not pole as you spe;;ed it) watchers caught you. You are lucky you were not prosecuted! LOL!

      I know a seamstress who can repair your panties, errr, pants.

      Since Nevada County turned out way above other state averages, I would say your thinking is not very critical. Locals were ten percent more motivated apparently and other than a few counties and districts in California, they went hard left, and that is what you are, hard left. I would have thought you would be pleased that your minions have a "super majority" in the legislature and all the statewide offices! But no, you want it all! Little Nevada County is a conservative bastion and try as you might derFUEHRER, it is not going to change much.

      So go have some pie and even have a piece for me, I am celebrating the real "middle" victories of our community. LOL!

  26. My polling place had pole dancers. Go figure.

  27. What happened in every race on Tuesday was that the voters demonstrated that they do want proven leaders. And they soundly rejected the nastiness and lies in the DA and District III races. Lamphier thought he could get away with telling blatant lies about the Dorsey Drive Interchange while ignoring his own record of nothingness and abstentions from important votes. The voters saw through his BS. When he runs again he will still have to face the reality of who he is. The voters are paying attention and are tired of being lied to. Simple as that!


Real name thank you.