A place we can discuss, bloviate and debate issues and topics of interest.
Todd J. Juvinall
I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Democrat Party Convention Banner a redo from the past!
The fact that you think the Democratic Party resembles Communist Russia shows how far to the right the Republican Party has become. The current Democratic Party is the most conservative Democratic Party since pre-FDR. The Republican Party is so far right there is not an American era to compare. Republican Party first, bash the Democrats second, and country third. Nice priority list Todd. Maybe I should remind you of what a President once said when we were as a nation in the middle of reaping the benefits of the New Deal. Back in the day when we had a strong unionized work force and top marginal tax rate of 91%. The economy didn't falter but rather it flourished.
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country." http://www.bartleby.com/124/pres56.html
It sure looks like the good ol' Rusky symbol to me Ben,, There is no "thinking" about it. Why? never seen one before? I can tell you my wife's Aunt sure has, she still has the scare from a Russian bullet that hit her in the leg as she and a few others made the run across "no mans land" from East Germany. And Progressives have the nerve to fly that banner on U.S. soil? And worse yet,, your defending it? Man... A visit from homeland security is in order.
Well JQP, you have hit it on the head. I have many friends who escaped from the USSR and Eastern Europe they tell me the democrat party is looking more and more like what they escaped. That is, the ideas and policies. I guess BenE is quite comfy with that.
Regarding Republicans. BenE says if one person he disagrees with is a R then that is the whole darn party! Now BenE, you seem to be espousing far left propaganda on the blogs most of the time, so using your logic, I am therefore correct in my heading here.
Oh and BenE, if you want some proof as to what JohnQ and I have said, venture down to Citrus Heights and interview the Russians there. There are a whole bunch of those escapees.
John Q Public is definitely Walt. He is the only person on here who uses multiple comas for no reason...."BTW,,,Are you...". Why are you using a different name?
John Q, Do you actually think that the hammer and sickle is the Democratic Party banner? The not so subtle implication by Todd is the Democratic Party is Communist. I simply pointed out the absurdity in such an association. No, I don't belong to the Democratic Party.
Todd, I have asked you for some time to give your definition of Communism and you refuse to answer it. Either it is because you have no idea or you know the claims such as this post are false. One more time, please tell us your definition of Communism?
Typical dodging of the answer. Since neither Steve F or myself are communist it shows how little you comprehend different political philosophies. You might want to understand the content of your post before putting it out there for public consumption.
No dodging from me BenE but you certainly do. Why don't you list the top ten policies of governance for the readers and let them decide if you are a commie or not?
Todd, Please give us your definition of Communism.
I find it ironic that you and many from the other right wing blogs make the claim I am the pro government type. I have spent my entire adult life questioning, protesting, and practicing civil disobedience against the policies of our government. I believe in a democratic republic, which means citizens must become direct participants in government if it is to work for the benefit of the majority of people. You on the other hand are very quick giving up your liberty and rights to the corrupt institution of the Republican Party. It is you my friend that loves big government and it is you my friend who sits by and only questions and criticizes one half of the problem. Until you realize that the Republican Party is at least responsible for half of our nations problems we will never live up to the potential of what the framers and founders envisioned. It's very sad to see intelligent people be so blinded by pure partisanship when the whole of our country is suffering.
Leftists maintaining that "The current Democratic Party is the most conservative Democratic Party since pre-FDR." have forgotten most of their history. In the main they've forgotten that their embrace of the socialist ideal has been so effective that the Socialist Party of America has yet to re-open its doors since declaring after WW2 that the Democratic Party has adopted and is in a better position to pursue the socialist ideals than even the openly socialists could. Recall Upton Sinclair observing that America can be made to adopt socialist principles but not the socialist name.
The Democrats since Lyndon Johnson have held that truth close to their heart as they systematically co-opted the country's public education system and turned it into a leftwing propaganda outlet that no longer educates students for the workforce.
George, Since LBJ the Democratic Party has systematically shifted their effective economic, defense, and financial platform to mirror the Republican Party and in rhetoric only for their opposition. We just need to look at the funding of the Republican and Democratic party's. Look at those who created the financial crisis in Summers, Rubin, Bernanke, and Geithner and their appointments and adviser positions in the Obama, Bush, and Clinton administrations. How the defense budget has tripled in 12 years. How our civil liberties have been stripped by both party's while the party outside of the executive branch cries foul. USDA is owned by Monsanto despite which party is in charge. FDA is owned by the pharmaceutical industry no matter what party holds power. This rant can go on and on but the one thing it cannot do is agree with your assessment of the current Democratic Party. Both the Democratic and Republican Party's are bought and paid for by big transnational interests, period. The losers are the vast majority of Americans who believed that our government were representatives of their interests not a small few at the top of the heap.
Ben. I challenge you to read the book Atlas Shrugs. ( the movie is even out) When you do,( more like IF) please describe how the meat of that book isn't happening today? Don't forget to take into account that the book was written decades ago. The author saw where the United States was headed even back then.
Yes, the Democrat ( Progressive) ideal of " for the greater good" is shown for what it is, and just to what extent the "Left" will go to achieve that goal.( and have in real life)
Speaking of " bought and paid for" Ever hear of GM and the auto workers union? Isn't it nice how Obama and his crew stole money from the bond holders and gave the money to "other" people? All nice and legal... Right? Now we hear of non union pensions being raided, just to be given to union workers. Is this the Progressive idea of "fair"? I won't get into the other government "take from one to give to another" games. There are so many under this administration to even list. ( think Solyndra) So,, after all that, do show or tell,, how non of that has no ties to Socialistic ideals. Just like " public" land. Well,,, it's not so public anymore. need a little proof? take a drive up HY20. notice all the shut gates that lead to that "public" land.
John Q, I have read the book "Atlas Shrugged" and I have read "The Fountainhead". In a perfect world these ideas might work but in an imperfect world these policies are absolutely destructive.
How is it becoming reality? It is becoming reality due to more and more people entering into the public sector who believe the best way to prove how horrible government can be is by implementing dysfunctional policies, you know a self fulfilling prophecy. Huge government spending on investments that create very little return or benefit to our society and nation.
Unions should not have the ability to buy our political parties either.
Let's see Ben,, Taking from one, to give to another for "the collective good". Remember that part of the book? Care to say that hasn't happened under this administration? Stifling one part of the economy, in favor of propping up another. Sound familiar? Creating laws in back rooms to favor political donors, taking one persons hard work, and handing it over to "friends" who just couldn't manage to do the same? ( also in the book) Tell us how "this" administration hasn't done that in any way, shape or form. ( good luck) Spreading fear through the power of government about a particular commodity, and how it's produced. ( fracking in real life) (A new form of metal in the movie) The EPA attacked fracking, did it not? It also lost that battle when it was shown the EPA was full of BS. Funny how in the movie, the GOV was shown to be in the same situation.
BTW,, just how many years ago was the book written? It wasn't written as fiction, but as what was to come if the American people didn't wake up. So far the book as been more than accurate.
The MODERN Republican Party was born out of the earliest days of the Southern Strategy, carried to where we are today most forcibly by Atwater, and now his protege Rove. Thats a pretty evil and anti-American heritage I'd say.
LOL Rob. Even the Lefty adds can't hold water for more than a day. Take the latest add. Supposed " republican women voters" are shown to be supporting "O", when in fact they are proven to be long standing LIBS. So much for truth in advertising when DEMS are concerned.
What next will you come up with? Lincoln was a closet Dem.? and only freed the slaves for political gain? Or maybe he Lincoln had a white hood stashed in the bottom drawer of his desk. Here is a little history lesson for ya'. Back in the day, if you were found to be a republican in a " Southern" state, consider yourself lucky if your property didn't get burned to the ground. But you were sure to get a visit in the dead of night from the dudes with pillow cases over their heads.
It took a while Walt, but you finally hit on the point, even if inadvertently- the Party back in the day! We can certainly compare and contrast today's wild and extreme Repub Party to the Repub Party of reasonable conservatives, even as recently as the 1990s. Seems so ironic to many of us, as the US demographics are shifting (fairly rapidly I may add) to that of a more inclusive, balanced politic, coinciding with the steady and sure racial and cultural changes.
I saw this Southern Stretgy stuff on Rebane's and went back to look and lo and behold here is what I found,
I believed that I stated above that I do not believe that all conservatives are racists, and in line with that I do not believe that conservatism is inherently racist. I do think that many people who are racists gravitated to the conservative wing of the Republican party after they adopted the southern strategy in the late 1960's, many of them emigrating from the democratic party from both the Dixiecrats and the conservative northern urban base that opposed integration. Because of that there is a greater concentration of racists in the republican party today than the democratic party, which I believe is evidenced here by posters tolerance of tongue in cheek race baiting jokes like "moving on up".
Posted by: Steve Frisch | 18 November 2011 at 12:28 PM
Not correct Todd. But I did read that same post from Mr. Frisch. Definitely some inspiration I guess. But any objective human, progressive or otherwise, following the history of the Republcan Party, knows all about the Southern Strategy. Unless one wears historical blinders.
Really want to go there Rob? Want your backside handed to you once again? McCarthy has been proven right in the history books. No ammount of Lefty revisionism can cover that up.
Also, if we were to see who the members of the KKK voted for in the last election I can assure you they voted for the republican candidate...seeing as how Obummerrummer is black and all.
I have always wondered this: why is walt so angry? Every post I see with Walt it seems like he is at the highest anger level right away. Todd at least starts out at a normal level and then gets angrier as the other posters get more and more aggressive. Walt on the other hand requires no provocation to get incredibly mad/aggresive
Sorry Todd, you have 'unmasked' no one. I always post under my real name. On occasion I have abbreviated it as "SF" Just because more than one person knows about the Southern Strategy proves nothing.
Prove it. I post using one and only one ISP....if you can find any post I have ever provided using another ISP (which may have happened while I was using my I-pad and my gmail account) I can source my ISP.
I am really tired of you claiming I am posting under a false name or spamming....it is not only disrespectful to me, it is disrespectful to all posters , who post in good faith counting on you to not to attack them without proof.
Finally, I submitted a post in which I criticized the use of spamming as a means of shutting down your site. Why have you not posted it?
It will be interesting to see if either the Dems or Repubs will have any real substance in their conventions. It seems that the conventions have become more of a cheer-leading rally these days. Remember back in the day of Nixon-McGovern. The parties would hammer out clear policy planks. Rival candidates, based on how they did in the primaries, would have varying say and clout with regard to the substance of "the planks." It seems that the Obama and Mitt camps have digressed into meaningless and sometimes false attacks on each other. I wish that they would not muddle their messages and just focus on the planks and what they will do to go forward.
The fact that you think the Democratic Party resembles Communist Russia shows how far to the right the Republican Party has become. The current Democratic Party is the most conservative Democratic Party since pre-FDR. The Republican Party is so far right there is not an American era to compare. Republican Party first, bash the Democrats second, and country third. Nice priority list Todd. Maybe I should remind you of what a President once said when we were as a nation in the middle of reaping the benefits of the New Deal. Back in the day when we had a strong unionized work force and top marginal tax rate of 91%. The economy didn't falter but rather it flourished.
ReplyDelete"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country."
It sure looks like the good ol' Rusky symbol to me Ben,,
DeleteThere is no "thinking" about it. Why? never seen one before?
I can tell you my wife's Aunt sure has, she still has the scare
from a Russian bullet that hit her in the leg as she and a few others made the run across "no mans land" from East Germany.
And Progressives have the nerve to fly that banner on U.S. soil?
And worse yet,, your defending it?
Man... A visit from homeland security is in order.
BTW,,, Are you a member of the local Communist Democrat Party?
DeleteAnd what pray tell there BenE are you doing for your country? My goodness, you must be a total sourpuss.
DeleteWell JQP, you have hit it on the head. I have many friends who escaped from the USSR and Eastern Europe they tell me the democrat party is looking more and more like what they escaped. That is, the ideas and policies. I guess BenE is quite comfy with that.
DeleteRegarding Republicans. BenE says if one person he disagrees with is a R then that is the whole darn party! Now BenE, you seem to be espousing far left propaganda on the blogs most of the time, so using your logic, I am therefore correct in my heading here.
Oh and BenE, if you want some proof as to what JohnQ and I have said, venture down to Citrus Heights and interview the Russians there. There are a whole bunch of those escapees.
John Q Public is definitely Walt. He is the only person on here who uses multiple comas for no reason...."BTW,,,Are you...". Why are you using a different name?
DeleteJohn Q,
ReplyDeleteDo you actually think that the hammer and sickle is the Democratic Party banner? The not so subtle implication by Todd is the Democratic Party is Communist. I simply pointed out the absurdity in such an association. No, I don't belong to the Democratic Party.
I have asked you for some time to give your definition of Communism and you refuse to answer it. Either it is because you have no idea or you know the claims such as this post are false. One more time, please tell us your definition of Communism?
Your political philosophy will suffice and probably Frisch. There you have it. Sign sealed and delivered.
DeleteTypical dodging of the answer. Since neither Steve F or myself are communist it shows how little you comprehend different political philosophies. You might want to understand the content of your post before putting it out there for public consumption.
ReplyDeleteNo dodging from me BenE but you certainly do. Why don't you list the top ten policies of governance for the readers and let them decide if you are a commie or not?
ReplyDeletePlease give us your definition of Communism.
I find it ironic that you and many from the other right wing blogs make the claim I am the pro government type. I have spent my entire adult life questioning, protesting, and practicing civil disobedience against the policies of our government. I believe in a democratic republic, which means citizens must become direct participants in government if it is to work for the benefit of the majority of people. You on the other hand are very quick giving up your liberty and rights to the corrupt institution of the Republican Party. It is you my friend that loves big government and it is you my friend who sits by and only questions and criticizes one half of the problem. Until you realize that the Republican Party is at least responsible for half of our nations problems we will never live up to the potential of what the framers and founders envisioned. It's very sad to see intelligent people be so blinded by pure partisanship when the whole of our country is suffering.
So let me get this straight. I am a big government less freedom fellow and you are small government more freedom fellow. Is that right?
DeleteLeftists maintaining that "The current Democratic Party is the most conservative Democratic Party since pre-FDR." have forgotten most of their history. In the main they've forgotten that their embrace of the socialist ideal has been so effective that the Socialist Party of America has yet to re-open its doors since declaring after WW2 that the Democratic Party has adopted and is in a better position to pursue the socialist ideals than even the openly socialists could. Recall Upton Sinclair observing that America can be made to adopt socialist principles but not the socialist name.
ReplyDeleteThe Democrats since Lyndon Johnson have held that truth close to their heart as they systematically co-opted the country's public education system and turned it into a leftwing propaganda outlet that no longer educates students for the workforce.
BenE truly represents that and it is too bad. He is an excellent gardener I have heard.
DeleteSince LBJ the Democratic Party has systematically shifted their effective economic, defense, and financial platform to mirror the Republican Party and in rhetoric only for their opposition. We just need to look at the funding of the Republican and Democratic party's. Look at those who created the financial crisis in Summers, Rubin, Bernanke, and Geithner and their appointments and adviser positions in the Obama, Bush, and Clinton administrations. How the defense budget has tripled in 12 years. How our civil liberties have been stripped by both party's while the party outside of the executive branch cries foul. USDA is owned by Monsanto despite which party is in charge. FDA is owned by the pharmaceutical industry no matter what party holds power. This rant can go on and on but the one thing it cannot do is agree with your assessment of the current Democratic Party. Both the Democratic and Republican Party's are bought and paid for by big transnational interests, period. The losers are the vast majority of Americans who believed that our government were representatives of their interests not a small few at the top of the heap.
Ben. I challenge you to read the book Atlas Shrugs. ( the movie is even out) When you do,( more like IF) please describe how the meat
Deleteof that book isn't happening today? Don't forget to take into account
that the book was written decades ago. The author saw where the United States was headed even back then.
Yes, the Democrat ( Progressive) ideal of " for the greater good"
is shown for what it is, and just to what extent the "Left" will
go to achieve that goal.( and have in real life)
Speaking of " bought and paid for" Ever hear of GM and the auto workers union? Isn't it nice how Obama and his crew stole money from the bond holders and gave the money to "other" people? All nice and legal... Right? Now we hear of non union pensions being raided, just to be given to union workers. Is this the Progressive idea of "fair"?
I won't get into the other government "take from one to give to another" games. There are so many under this administration to even list. ( think Solyndra)
So,, after all that, do show or tell,, how non of that has no ties to Socialistic ideals.
Just like " public" land. Well,,, it's not so public anymore. need a little proof? take a drive up HY20. notice all the shut gates that lead to that "public" land.
John Q,
DeleteI have read the book "Atlas Shrugged" and I have read "The Fountainhead". In a perfect world these ideas might work but in an imperfect world these policies are absolutely destructive.
How is it becoming reality? It is becoming reality due to more and more people entering into the public sector who believe the best way to prove how horrible government can be is by implementing dysfunctional policies, you know a self fulfilling prophecy. Huge government spending on investments that create very little return or benefit to our society and nation.
Unions should not have the ability to buy our political parties either.
DeleteMaybe its because Walt was watching Atlas Shrugs, the new Jim Carrey comedy.
Let's see Ben,, Taking from one, to give to another for "the collective good". Remember that part of the book? Care to say that hasn't happened under this administration? Stifling one part of the economy, in favor of propping up another. Sound familiar?
DeleteCreating laws in back rooms to favor political donors, taking one persons hard work, and handing it over to "friends" who just couldn't manage to do the same? ( also in the book) Tell us how "this" administration hasn't done that in any way, shape or form. ( good luck)
Spreading fear through the power of government about a particular commodity, and how it's produced. ( fracking in real life) (A new form of metal in the movie)
The EPA attacked fracking, did it not? It also lost that battle when it was shown the EPA was full of BS. Funny how in the movie, the GOV was shown to be in the same situation.
BTW,, just how many years ago was the book written? It wasn't written as fiction, but as what was to come if the American people didn't wake up. So far the book as been more than accurate.
JQP, we know you are really Walt. You are fooling now one. You use commas incorrectly and it gives you away.
DeleteNot Waly, but keep guessing.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThe MODERN Republican Party was born out of the earliest days of the Southern Strategy, carried to where we are today most forcibly by Atwater, and now his protege Rove. Thats a pretty evil and anti-American heritage I'd say.
ReplyDeleteLOL Rob. Even the Lefty adds can't hold water for more than a day.
DeleteTake the latest add. Supposed " republican women voters" are shown to be supporting "O", when in fact they are proven to be long standing LIBS. So much for truth in advertising when DEMS are concerned.
What next will you come up with? Lincoln was a closet Dem.? and only freed the slaves for political gain? Or maybe he Lincoln had a white hood stashed in the bottom drawer of his desk.
Here is a little history lesson for ya'. Back in the day, if you were found to be a republican in a " Southern" state, consider yourself lucky if your property didn't get burned to the ground. But you were sure to get a visit in the dead of night from the dudes with pillow cases over their heads.
It took a while Walt, but you finally hit on the point, even if inadvertently- the Party back in the day! We can certainly compare and contrast today's wild and extreme Repub Party to the Repub Party of reasonable conservatives, even as recently as the 1990s. Seems so ironic to many of us, as the US demographics are shifting (fairly rapidly I may add) to that of a more inclusive, balanced politic, coinciding with the steady and sure racial and cultural changes.
DeleteI saw this Southern Stretgy stuff on Rebane's and went back to look and lo and behold here is what I found,
DeleteI believed that I stated above that I do not believe that all conservatives are racists, and in line with that I do not believe that conservatism is inherently racist. I do think that many people who are racists gravitated to the conservative wing of the Republican party after they adopted the southern strategy in the late 1960's, many of them emigrating from the democratic party from both the Dixiecrats and the conservative northern urban base that opposed integration. Because of that there is a greater concentration of racists in the republican party today than the democratic party, which I believe is evidenced here by posters tolerance of tongue in cheek race baiting jokes like "moving on up".
Posted by: Steve Frisch | 18 November 2011 at 12:28 PM
I think we jave unmasked the "Robert".
Not correct Todd. But I did read that same post from Mr. Frisch. Definitely some inspiration I guess. But any objective human, progressive or otherwise, following the history of the Republcan Party, knows all about the Southern Strategy. Unless one wears historical blinders.
DeleteSorry Robert, you are a phony, I am deleting you from now on. When you decide to give me a real name and email (verifiable) I will let you back in.
DeleteToo bad. But yup, its your blog. I've always been issue oriented, and except for having a little fun with Walt, have always kept it on topic.
DeleteTodd, do you consider Joe McCarthy a hero? It certainly sounds that way.
ReplyDeleteWatched too many episodes of " Newsroom" Rob? It sure sounds like it.
DeleteMany concider that program "Lib. porn."
Do you think McCarthy was a hero Walt? Do you know who he was?
DeleteReally want to go there Rob? Want your backside handed to you once again?
DeleteMcCarthy has been proven right in the history books.
No ammount of Lefty revisionism can cover that up.
Not a hero but it appears he was proved correct when the KGB records were published. Who are your hero's Steve?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteNice try "stubby"... The dudes in hoods are DEMOCRATS and always will be. You sure have a lot of hate,, to stoop this low. ( coward)
DeleteThat is the same way that the people that Bachman wrongfully accuses feel.
DeleteAlso, if we were to see who the members of the KKK voted for in the last election I can assure you they voted for the republican candidate...seeing as how Obummerrummer is black and all.
DeleteI have always wondered this: why is walt so angry? Every post I see with Walt it seems like he is at the highest anger level right away. Todd at least starts out at a normal level and then gets angrier as the other posters get more and more aggressive. Walt on the other hand requires no provocation to get incredibly mad/aggresive
DeleteSorry Todd, you have 'unmasked' no one. I always post under my real name. On occasion I have abbreviated it as "SF" Just because more than one person knows about the Southern Strategy proves nothing.
Don't believe you.
DeleteProve it. I post using one and only one ISP....if you can find any post I have ever provided using another ISP (which may have happened while I was using my I-pad and my gmail account) I can source my ISP.
DeleteI am really tired of you claiming I am posting under a false name or spamming....it is not only disrespectful to me, it is disrespectful to all posters , who post in good faith counting on you to not to attack them without proof.
Finally, I submitted a post in which I criticized the use of spamming as a means of shutting down your site. Why have you not posted it?
Nice non-response big boy.
It will be interesting to see if either the Dems or Repubs will have any real substance in their conventions. It seems that the conventions have become more of a cheer-leading rally these days. Remember back in the day of Nixon-McGovern. The parties would hammer out clear policy planks. Rival candidates, based on how they did in the primaries, would have varying say and clout with regard to the substance of "the planks." It seems that the Obama and Mitt camps have digressed into meaningless and sometimes false attacks on each other. I wish that they would not muddle their messages and just focus on the planks and what they will do to go forward.
ReplyDeleteNeither will have any real substance, which is one of the reasons I am a decline to state:)