Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama fundraising in foreign countries, what the heck? The new outsourcing of America?

I ran across this today and was shocked, shocked I tell you.  Obama raising money from socialist's outside the borders of the country?  Appears to be.  HERE is the  link.

I find this fascinating since all the Obama campaign has spewed this last week was a allegation Romney "outsourced" jobs to foreign countries and complained about the SCOTUS "Citizen's United" decision..  Obama's lackeys are traveling the planet squeezing money wherever they can get it.  I would suggest this behavior is unethical and possibly illegal.  Where is the lamestream press on this?  I recall when Al Gore was holding a lucrative fundraiser at a Buddhist temple in 2000.  Trouble was, the monks and sisters had a vow of poverty!  But, as usual, the press was kissing Gore's fat posterior and the outrage was sent into the ether vapor.  The money eventually was traced to foreign donors.

Clinton did the same thing back in 1996 in his reelection campaign.  Some say he sold our rocket science for cash from a Chinese General.  Now the technology is supposedly in rockets pointed at our country.  That is the problem.  What is the old saying? "Lie down with the dogs, and get up with fleas?"  Something like that.  I also thought it was illegal to accept money from outside our borders but maybe the democrats have circumvented the rules? 

Fundraising totals show Obama way ahead of Romney yet the polls are neck and neck.  Obama/Biden have outsourced American tax dollars to the tune of many millions and yet they get a yawn from the lamestreams.  If it wasn't for the "super PACS",  the American people would never hear about the Obama/Biden scams.  Where is the outrage about Obama sending our money to his pals in the unions and private business who then launder it and send it back in the form of a contribution?  Hell, Romney's money is private and the lamestreams are acting like barnyard dogs in pursuing their expenditure!

Now America is really hurting.  Millions are looking for work and millions are losing their homes and businesses.  What is the response from the lamestreams?  That's right, Romney was CEO on paper in 1999!  Obama is getting funds from foreign donors and the American people's money is used as a cash cow to his favorite enterprises and not much said by the New York Times and the Washington Post.  If it wasn't for the alternate medias the "stenographers" for Obama in the lamestream media could get away with their purposeful negligence.  Shame on them.


  1. Not many people like Mitt Romney. Which explains why he cannot get past 44% approval, and won't. Now he is in a box, with even Repubs calling for him to release 13 years of tax returns, back to 1999. If he doesn't, he will go down like McCain (who knew all about the Romney tax returns and deployed the 10 ft. pole).

    1. Actually Romney is well liked by all except you liberals. He is complying with the law and releasing his returns so as far as that he is fine.

    2. As I said, he is DESPISED by his fellow Repub Pols- Arrogant, cold, DESPISED.

      "The fact is, no one likes the guy or believes in him," said the campaign manager for a former Romney rival, who declined to be quoted by name because his former boss is on record supporting Romney's campaign against incumbent President Barack Obama.

      "Look back at our 2008 primaries," he said. "Who did all the other candidates dislike? Romney. Look at this year. Who did all the other candidates dislike? Romney. No one wants Obama to win, but no one likes the guy who is running against him."

    3. No Romney is ell liked and a good man. He donates a lot of money to charity (Your pal Biden donated $36?). Even Santorum is now n board so everything has come full circle. I would suggest your ignorance about the primary system is now evident. Even Obama hired Hillary after she called him a bald-faced liar in their primary.

      So perhaps you are reading the DailyKos and Media Matters too much.

    4. and the Earth is square too, right? Popularity and Mitt Romney have zero correlation, and you know it. The Party got what they thought money could buy, and now they have to live with the consequences of the Mittster's Tax Return and Bain problems.

    5. Obama and coke. Hmmm. Ate a dog! No Robert, Mitt is a great person and a nice man. The earth is not square but Uranus is,LOL! You and Barry can commiserate after the defeat, have a brewski. On Mitt!

  2. Fine, then it will dog him until he loses in November. Thats fine with me. After all, if he released back to 1999, we'd see all sorts of Bain income and investments in Swiss banks and Caribbean tax havens. He would go down like the Titanic. Its going to be more like a slow, slow dripping leak apparently.

    1. Tempest in a teapot. It will be nothing more than a distant memory after Labor Day. But keep yapping about it. I think it is Obama desperation! Oh, could you forward Obama's school records to me please? I would like his medical records as well. You can use this blog to deposit them. Also, would you supply me the link to the Obama escrow when he purchased that million dollar home for 350K from that felon Tony Resco? I just can't seem to find it. I was curious too about Obama doing cocaine, a felony, as he described in his book. Is there an arrest record for that? If so, please send me a copy. Thanks.

    2. Getting off topic there. Romney's credibility gap ain't going away. George Will discussed it in length on Sunday. Gotta release at least 10-15 years of returns or Mitt's candidacy will die a slow death. The country is suspicious, to say the least, of a Wall Street Patrician, in this day and age of OWS.

    3. Nope, not off topic. You libs try and turn people's opinions with BS and with your compliant media just keep driving. But Americans are fed up with socialism and Obama is well under 50% favorable President. Mot good for him. Romney will win and no one will remember 15 years of tax returns. We do remember the Obama snort-fests as he did coke, a felony, and we will drive that home.

      Now we see Obama's support for GE and their outsourcing of jobs. GE's boss Immenlt is Obama's pal and GE paid no taxes last year while 1/2 of its 300,000 employees are outside America. People in glass houses should not throw stones. What a hoot!

    4. Yes, Obama slightly under 50%, and Mittster cannot get to 45%. Mittster has never gotten there, and now has no chance with the Bain and Tax Return scandal. So, I'm sure everything in those tax returns is clean as a whistle, right? LOL. Mittster would release them in a second if they were! His candidacy continues to drip, drip, drip.

      I'll take the guy slightly less than 50%.

    5. Obama is the man in a scandal (Resco, coke snorting), a series of scandals. You seem to never answer any questions but demand others answer yours. Why is that? Obama and GE outsourced hundreds of thousands of jobs (GE no taxes too) and yet you complain Romney has. You liberals are too funny. Oh, and there is no "scandal" on his tax returns, just a fantasy dream in the minds of liberals.

      Obama at under 50% and Romney under 50% is a good historic sign for Romney. The people in the middle are now moving towards Romney in big numbers as are married women. I think your guy is on a losing flightpath.

    6. Oh yeah, that coke snorting scandal that EVERYONE is talking about Sure. A winner for sure!

      Unfortunately, everyone IS talking about the Mittster and his lack of honesty and transparency about his investments, taxes and time at Bain.

      The topic is and will remain the defensiveness and obfiscation of the Mittster. A mega-wealthy patrician Wall Street WASP is not who the country wants, post-financial crisis in the age of OWS and populist sentiment on Main Street. He's in a box with no way out. The questions will never, ever stop until he puts out the tax returns and levels with the American people about his involvement at Bain.

    7. Oh, and please how the evidence of "people in the middle going to Romney in big numbers". First I've heard about it! Documentation please.

    8. Obama's book, both written and voice (by him no less) is now taking off since the lamestreams began to read it. It will be repeated many times to show the differnce between Romney, a nice man and Obama, not so nice. So mock Romney all you want, the right always has to deal with tha anyway but your ilk will be steamrolled in November. We will pick up more Senate, House and state seats.

      Here are some links on the indies and Romney.

      Here is the latest where Romney holds a 43-37 ober your guy and it is the Washington Post Poll! What a hoot. I love smacking down ignorance.

  3. Of course neither President Obama nor Mr. Romney have released their transcripts. Preident Obama attended Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard law, and graduated magna cum laude. Mr Romney attended Brigham Young and Harvrad law and business schools, also graduating magna cum laude.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I see no liberal is ready to respond to my list of the missing items, or should I say withheld items in secret by Obama.

  6. Outsourcing? And Lefties want to point fingers at Mitt?
    Then explain why our own astronauts have to thumb a ride
    from the Russians? Our own space program has been outsourced.
    Many a space shuttle engineer is still unemployed.
    "O" and Co. have taken outsourcing to a whole new level.

  7. I'm pretty sure our LIB posters have never heard of Rube Goldberg, but may have seen some of his contraptions that bear his name.
    Well, you can add "O" to the list of accomplished (uh) engineers of said devices.
    "O" has turned America into the largest Rube Goldberg machine ever created, and Washington is the starting point.

    Maximum (if not more) effort, for the least(possible) results.

    Note to Mr. Crabb. This is one that would test your skills like never before.
    As much as I would love to see your rendition of the "O"traption", It might drive you over the edge, and would probably run out of ink and drawing paper before you are done.( nope,, not issuing a challenge. We need you sane)

  8. Oh my, the Conservative Bible tells Romney to release the tax returns! Hiding them is unsustainable!

  9. From New York Magazine today- speculating on why in the world the Mittster does not want to release the full set of tax returns:

    *After incurring heavy losses in 2008, Romney may have paid zero income taxes in 2009, according to Joshua Green at Bloomberg Businessweek. (The Obama campaign hinted at this possibility in a new TV ad.)

    *At the Plum Line, tax experts tell Greg Sargent that, while the zero-tax scenario isn't impossible, it's more likely that Romney just paid "significantly lower rates in previous years." Still not a good look for a guy worth $250 million.

    *At Slate, Matthew Yglesias wonders whether Romney took advantage of a one-time 2009 IRS amnesty program for Americans who had previously failed to disclose their Swiss bank accounts to Uncle Sam.

    1. Ooga booga. Tax returns. Ummm. The democrats need to get a life. What a hoot!

    2. Number One issue, and will stay that way. I predict Mittster will release about 3 years- the bare minimum asked for by Will, Kristol, Barbour and several others. Pressure too great and he will cave. Cannot go into the Convention with this massive Elephant in the room.

    3. I predict Obama will be arrested for cocaine use and possession with intent to sell.

    4. Feeling in a silly mood tonight?

      I lay 70% odds on Mittster releasing more returns.


Real name thank you.