You would think the election was over today after seeing the latest polls arrive on the scene. Obama is now a sure thing, Republicans should just give up and stay home and just don't vote. What is the use? Amazing! The fascinating part to me is the lack of long term memory by the lamestream media, those cheerleaders for Obama and company.
Hell, even their short term memories are gone as well. Didn't the largest wipe-out of democrats just happen two years ago? Yep and the people who did all that voting are going to finish the job of booting the democrats out from their hiding places. It is just the wishful thinking and desire for a Obamagasm that keeps the lamestreams excited I guess. Polls are simply a snapshot in time and though even I can get a bit over optimistic or sometimes pessimistic about polls, I still have history and practical experience in them so I keep it all in perspective.
The democrat convention had about the same number of viewers as it did in 2008. NBC's America's Got Talent had more viewers the first hour of the first night. . It followed, for only the second time in 40 plus years, the Republican Convention from a week earlier. Any "bounce" for Romney was muted by the rush to Charlotte by the lamestreams and the "changing" of the subject to boost their pal Obama. So, no time for a "bounce" for Romney and all the time in the world for the lames to massage the democrats for the few onlookers. We all got sick of the "abortion" mantra, even Cokie Roberts!
I just tell everyone the real numbers are in the polls but down the pages a ways. It is the "enthusiasm" confirmation of the polled voter. Of course the polling folks never tell us how many calls they were hung up on or never answered and if they were cell phones or landlines (generally). But when I read the questions in the polls, (I suggest everyone do that to keep a better handle on the analysis), I look for the enthusiasm question. What I find is a 8 point edge for the R's over the D's. This proved out in 2010 and we saw a huge enthusiasm gap in the actual turnout. This is the game changer again and all this national polling is really not accurate anyway since California and New York are weighted heavily by population and hugely democrat.
So don't get sucked into the democrat voter suppression vortex. Don't let them discourage you. They tried to do this in 2010 and we kicked their butts so badly they cried uncle. Now their tactic is a bit different but the desired outcome is the same. Discourage Republicans from voting by trying to convince them it is hopeless and Obama has already won. I say to the democrats and their dictation sycophants in the lamestream media, we are too smart to fall for the ruse. Hell, Michael (helmet-head) Dukakis was ahead of George H.W. Bush by 17 points coming out of the conventions and we all know what happened there.
Keep your chin up Republicans, don't let the liberal media and their propaganda dissuade you in any way. It will be Romney/Ryan by seven. Take it too the bank.
UPDATE 9-11-2012
This was a article found about the Mondale Gallup lead back in 1984 over Reagan/Bush. This is why there should be no worries. GO HERE. As we all remember, Reagan took 49 states.
Interesting news about polls is out. One of "O"s goons has been arm twisting Gallup since some polls just didn't go in Obummer's favor. Even threats of lawsuits. Another "first"
ReplyDeletefor "O" and Co. Don't like the numbers? Bring the full weight of the justice dept. down upon you till your poll says what we think it should.
Now I read how CNN has monkeyed with their own polls. " over sampling" to show "O" 6+ ahead,
From blackmail to fixing the numbers. The Democrats just can't play fair.
Speaking of votes, hear about the DEM running for Congress?
ReplyDelete"Wendy Rosen, the Democratic challenger to Republican Rep. Andy Harris in the 1st Congressional District, withdrew from the race Monday amid allegations that she voted in elections in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008."
So we are told by Lefties there is no voter fraud. But low and behold, not only did she vote in two places she decides to run for office.
I will give credit where it is due.
The DNC is the one who dropped the dime on her, and came clean when they found out. Maybe there is a scrap of decency left in that organization.
Another case of " A LIB too far"
ReplyDeleteNow a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is somehow racist.
It has "white" connotations. And of course, it comes from the Left coast.
If Romney loses, it will be due to his advisers, and not due the candidate. Love him or hate him, he is a very descent person. So, in the end, those who consider him will be ok with him.
ReplyDeleteHis problems lie with his handlers, and if he loses, it will be his handler's fault not Mitt's.