Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Benjamin Netanyahu at AIPAC today, excellant speech!

AIPAC, (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is the Jewish  the organization that looks out for the State of Israel here in the USA.  HERE is his speech I listened to this morning on C-SPAN.  Netanyahu is the Prime Minister once again of the Jewish State and I have always liked him and his strong conservative views.  He leads a country surrounded by 1.5 billion people who don't \like him or his country.  But he does his best to bury the hatchet with his avowed enemies, the Arab states, who would like to see his country wiped from the map.

Netanyahu's brother as you may recall, was the only commando killed in the Israeli raid on the Entebbe Airport in Uganda  back in 1976.  It was a amazing rescue of a hijacked plane full of Israeli's.  The corpse eater, Idi Amin, President of Uganda gave the terrorists safe haven.  As we know the raid was a success and all the terrorists were killed with the loss of the one commando and  a couple of hostages.  This rescue shaped Benjamin Netanyahu's worldview and as Prime Minister, he is no Pollyanna about what Israel faces.

His speech was very good in that it exposed again the threats facing his country as well as the west.  The USA is not exempt in the hegemonic desires of the Arabs and Islamic fascists.  Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Queda, all were cited as threats to modern day life as we know it.  He spent a lot of time on Iran.  Though he praised Secretary of State John Kerry (kind of shameless though) he let everyone know his country would never let Iran get the bomb. Whatever it takes he said.  It was also a challenge to Obama's foreign policy that just lately lifted some sanctions on Iran saying it would better relations.  But as we have seen, Iran thumbed their nose at Obama and have gone about their quest for a nuke anyway.  Obama's foreign policy is in a shambles.  Almost as if naivete was an asset it appears.

But Israel knows that you cannot trust the Mullahs in charge of Iran.  He did reach out to the common people though, unlike Obama.  Remember  when they asked him "are you with us" all those years ago?  Of course Obama was silent and the Mullahs murdered many of the dissenters and threw the rest in their gulags.  Netanyahu is a realist.  Yet in his speech he reached out to the moderate leaders of the Arab countries to bridge the gap of hate.  He offered help in bringing them water solutions.  He spoke of the technology Israel uses to make water from other sources in the middle of the desert.  He offered help in technology, computers and telephones and the like.  But I believe he is not being heard.  The Arabs like keeping their countries in the 7th Century.

He spoke of women's rights and what a contrast Israel is to the Islamic ways of gender.  Free speech, the press and other rights we and Israel take for granted, unknown in most of the Islamic world.All in all, he did try and send out the message of "let us all live together in peace".  The Palestinians may not hear that but it would be a good thing if they did.  If they stop bombing and murdering the Jews, and sat down sincerely willing to discuss a Palestinian State, (Netanyahu said he would help create it) then peace could reign perhaps.  We will see.

Towards the end of the speech he discussed a organization  called BDS, (Boycott, Divest, Sanction), HERE is their Facebook page. This organization's intent and desire is too rid the planet of Israel and no one should be naive about that.  Netanyahu listed many things the BDS is trying to do to damage the State of Israel and then compared Israel to the pronouncements and actual "ways" of life practiced by the BDS acolytes.  Modern day Israel vs. 7th century BDS.  Anyone supporting the BDS appears to me to be mired in a "anti" all that is modern and progressive.  So anti West.  The comparisons were stark and to me very very scary.  Sharia Law anyone?

So if you listen to his speech, hopefully you will appreciate the reality of Israel's place in the modern era.  A guiding light of freedom and innovation surrounded by 7th century mentality and hate.  Murdering a whole country and it's inhabitants is spewed against his country on a daily basis.  I see his attempts to maintain a calmness and I hope rational Arabs were listening.  I am not optimistic though.  Even in Saudi Arabia, they teach little minds of mush in their schools that Jews and Americans are Satan's spawn and must be destroyed.  Until reasonable people control those kinds of thoughts, the Middle East will not be peaceful.


  1. He is war criminal that is met by the US government officials with open arms, disgusting.

    1. If he is criminal then you Ben Emery must be one as well.

  2. A United Nations investigation into Israel's campaign in the Gaza Strip earlier this year has concluded that there is evidence both sides committed war crimes.

    1. Sp let me see. The people of Gaza vote in terrorists as their leaders and then bomb the shit out of the surrounding country of Israel and the Palestinian are the victimizes? OK, got it. You have convinced me now Ben Emery that you are truly demented.

    2. Wow, Todd you have taken one of the most complex relationships on the planet and narrowed it down to a single sentence. Yep, you are one smart cookie who doesn't need to use critical thinking. War crimes are war crimes no matter who commits the atrocities. The difference between the two is a centralized government, which Netanyahu is the leader of and some groups of people who have decided to fight back. I am not sure if you noticed but both are said to have committed war crimes?

    3. Ben Emery, you have no thinking, critial or otherwise. You are simply a cog in the liberal liar mechanism. When you start to think on your own I will give you a standing ovation. And I thought you were for democracy.

    4. Do you know what White Phosphorus is and does? You should, the US used it in Fallujah when it was committing its own war crimes along with depleted uranium artillery.

      Educate yourself before you write a piece praising a war criminal.

      Israel’s Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Gaza

      Q&A: White phosphorus

    5. Ben Emery you need to get your head out of the sand and open your mind to the truth about life and death. Terrorists don't follow any rules do they? Sp, when you are dealing with a mad dog or animal what do you need to do to protect yourself an others? Anything you can. Terrorists are not people, they are mad animals and need extermination. So, there you have it. I bet you condemn the USA on the use of the A-Bomb on Japan don't you?

    6. Let me get this straight, you despise everything about "terrorists" and your solution is to engage in the very same actions and unlawful tactics as they do? You're one bright star Todd.

    7. I'll let you rehab them Ben Emery. I will be happy to see the earth rid of them. And yes, I am a very bright star. Not dim like others.

    8. Todd is of the eye-for-an-eye school of diplomacy. A far-right school where thought, reason, logic and moderation are absent. An old testament approach to our modern world. He starts with the silly assumption that jews are the "chosen people" and all reason goes downhill from there.

    9. How is your opinion on power working for you? I bet Putin loves wimps like you. You libs are too stupid to see the error of your ways on the world and how it works.

      I am a new Testament guy for your information. But even there you will see there are caveats on abusive people.

    10. So, as the New Testament highlights, you favor turning the other cheek, and oppose the pursuit of monetary gain? You OK with drones that kill people?

      ..still searching for the rambo-esque sections of the New Testament.

    11. Anonymous,
      With God On Our Side

    12. So you two think a person is required to be all in, no mind of their own when it comes to ethics and morality? Apparentley so. That is not me but appears to be you two. A total sheeple as you are or a man with a mind of his own, like me. I'll take me.

    13. So a war crime from somebody you approve is alright but a war crime from somebody you don't approve is the scum of the earth. Got it.

    14. It is about time. I was worried you were too dense.

      Regarding your claim of a war crime. Your source is biased too the opposition so it is not credible.

    15. Of course it isn't credible, what would a human rights group know about human rights? Do you know the US Constitution article VI states;

      "This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."

      White phosphorus, also known as WP, is classified as an incendiary weapon. The Geneva Convention on the use of conventional weapons defines "incendiary weapons" as “primarily designed to set fire to objects or to cause burn injury to persons through the action of flame, heat, or combination thereof, produced by a chemical reaction of a substance delivered on the target.”

      International Law (US is signatory)
      Article two, protocol III of the 1980 UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons states: "It is prohibited in all circumstances to make the civilian population as such, individual civilians or civilian objects, the object of attack by incendiary weapons."

    16. We used incendiary bombs on Germany and Japan to destroy their cities and end the wars. Those AXIS powers seemed to be causing genocide if I recall. You are too infatuated with the terrorist and have lost sight of who the bad guys are. You need to read some history.

    17. Yes we did do those things. But then don't wrap the acts of the US in WWII into some type of holy, divine nuclear and incendiary intervention by the US. Our killing of innocent people in Japan went against the tenets of Christianity.

    18. Todd,
      Seriously, you are comparing WWII Hitlers Nazi's, Mussolinis Italy, Tojo Japan, and the extermination of 6 million people with a bunch groups whose numbers have only grown since the US and UK made them into legitimate "enemies". We were in a mutual declared war against another nations during WWII. Get real.

    19. Ben Emery, are you serious? You see no similarities between those haed choppers, Jihad and the actions of their leaders and those we defeated in WW2? Get real. Thanks goodness cooler heads are nowhere near your idiotic theories.

    20. Todd,
      No I don't see the similarities. Please explain to all two other people who read this blog what those similarities between "WWII Hitlers Nazi's, Mussolinis Italy, Tojo Japan, and the extermination of 6 million people with a bunch groups whose numbers have only grown since the US and UK made them into legitimate "enemies".

    21. I will explain to the hundreds of people who read my blog every day. You attempts to slight them are too funny.

      A head chopper with a religion of death who has a billion and a half followers, who want to scrape Israel from the earth, is a great and spot on comparison. You sir are a a cherry picker of history. When you get better educated about history, then maybe you will be taken seriously.

      Why don't you tell all my readers what you mean by your defense of the head choppers.

    22. Where have I defended the actions of anybody? I have stated a multiple times that war crimes were committed by both sides of the conflict. One side is a centralized government that you have praised the leader in your post and the other side is not state sponsored but rather a private organized militia. I condemn the killing of innocent Israeli's as I do the killing of innocent Palestinians.

    23. Todd,
      March 11, 2014 at 9:05 PM
      "We used incendiary bombs on Germany and Japan to destroy their cities and end the wars."

      I gave the exact language from official documents that makes international treaties supreme law of the land and the use of white phosphorus illegal in international law, which we are signatories.

      What year was the Geneva Convention? What years was WWII?

      What makes a civilized society civilized?

    24. Ben Emery, please go on and defend your favorite terrorist "militia" of death in the world. I bet you condemn the militia under our own Constitution don't you? You just view history through your own personal Ben Emery lens and within your own lifetime and all other input is unacceptable to you. You are misguided and I feel sorry for you.

    25. Todd,
      You have dug yourself a pretty deep hole. It is obvious you have spent very little time contemplating morality and spirituality. Or even worse it, you have and you came to the conclusion you have expressed on this thread.

    26. One thing about you liberals Ben Emery, you are all judgmental about everything. I suggest you look in the mirror, do some self searching about your values (or lack thereof) and then come back. You support terrorists and their values, I don't. That says it all for me. You are a amoral person and are so self important that I bet you have no friends. Who would be your friend? Another terrorist? Or as you call them, militia. I am very happy with my positions on life, morality and ethics so there is no need to even accept your premise. Good luck with your psychoanalysis, you will need iy.

    27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    28. You want to bash me then put your name here chicken shit.

    29. Ben Emery, check out this link to your brethren today The Gaza militia eh?

    30. I have said on three comments that I don't condone the killing of innocent civilians no matter who is doing the killing. That means I agree with you 50% on this issue but I guess in your book if I don't agree with you 100% that means I disagree with you 100%. The support of killing people goes against the teachings of Jesus Christ. Can you give me a passage of the New Testament where Jesus says it is good strategy or moral to kill other people?

    31. You can't have it both ways Ben Emery. You claim the head choppers are just a "militia" and then claim our country is bad and our "militia" is bad. I suggest you go tun tthe other cheek with the head choppers right before they chop your off. Go read a Bible and and you may see GOD doesn't want his people to be slaughtered by those Islamic demons.

    32. Todd,
      Keep digging.

    33. Ben Emery, I don't have to dig deep to see what a shallow person you are.

    34. Looking forward to destroying your next post. It is like shooting fish in a barrel.

    35. Todd,
      Have a seat my brother and let me give you a lesson I try and teach all of my 7th grade players but in life terms not basketball terms.

      The process is more important than the results.

      If we are willing to abandon morality in trying to achieve our goals than what are we actually trying to achieve?

      What makes "terrorists", "terrorists"?

      Is it their the beliefs or is it their actions and motives?

      I believe a "terrorist" actions are what make them "terrorists". So when we endorse or support actions that are against what we as a civilized society agreed to be moral we then become the "terrorists".

    36. Ben Emery, please keep posting I have so much fun wiping the floor with you. Anyone that calls a terrorist a militiaman is too far gone. I think you are maybe just naive. But, since you claim a self appointed "mucho smarto" for yourself, I guess you must be. Too funny.

      My next post will be just fine. I do like that the hundreds of people treading my blog everyday get to see what a true lib wacko believes. Thanks.

    37. Todd,
      Hmmm, I wonder where I got the idea of militants or militia from? Possibly the link you gave me is a good start.

      I don't use the word "terrorist" except in quotation marks because I believe the thought that one persons "terrorist" is another persons freedom fighters. By the language of code of conduct in 18th century England, US Revolutionaries were most definitely "terrorists".

      Militia - A military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities, typically in opposition to a regular army. Oxford Dictionary

      Militant - Combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods. Oxford Dictionary

      "Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad earlier said a deal had been made to resume a 2012 ceasefire agreement. Israel did not confirm this."

    38. Ben Emery, you are outgunned here man, give it up. You look like a total fool. You are such a cut and paste guy and now you are a cliche' guy. Is there anything about you that is not phony?

    39. Todd,
      Tell me how I am looking like a fool?

      By giving actual definitions of words being used in the thread I don't think you understand? By giving sources of where my opinions are shaped? By actually having a consistent standard when it comes to innocent civilians being killed? By not using the term "terrorist" loosely?

      Is this what you mean by looking like a fool?

    40. Ben Emery, you decide on how foolish you look, I just point it out.

    41. you guys can't respond to Ben because he nails you on every point he makes, and you cannot admit defeat on every one of the intellectual arguments. There is no debate here when you get caught and pwned in your absurd, mindless propositions.

    42. you guys can't respond to Ben because he nails you on every point he makes, and you cannot admit defeat on every one of the intellectual arguments. There is no debate here when you get caught and pwned in your absurd, mindless propositions.

      We always respond to Ben....sometimes civilly and with decorum when his posts merit that (not all that often sadly) but frequently with ridicule and derision when he hurls labels posts others "homework" and morally preens for the audience.

      But by all means do go on.

    43. Yes please go on. Seems Ben Emery's post are usually so out in the stratosphere it is hard not to laugh. But he is serious so that makes his comments that much easier to destroy. You Agno, are just a clone to Ben Emery. Give us something we can chew on that is not liberal drivel.

    44. Todd,
      Fish's comment had nothing to do with this post or thread. Even after your plea for Fish to come over and set me straight on the authoritarian fascist/ corporatist blog. I think that is your friend telling you that you are wrong and lost this argument horribly.

      Don't worry to much about it, there are many issues I don't fully understand but understand enough not have my own blog and express them for everybody to dissect. I am a macro not a micro guy. I am about setting up symbiotic systems not individual gains.

    45. Fish,
      As I have replied before

      "When in Rome do as the Romans do"

      Civil responses reciprocate civil responses. Uncivil responses reciprocate uncivil responses. That is why if you look at that blog and this one the language becomes toxic quickly. It reflects the character and intent of the moderator.

    46. My post wasn't a plea for civil discourse. AoB stated guys can't respond to Ben because he nails you on every point he makes, and you cannot admit defeat on every one of the intellectual arguments.

      I've yet to be convinced by any of your arguments save the one regarding the Federal Reserve and have stated so on multiple occasions. That said, I don't believe that anyone here at Rebanes has ever failed to engage or attempt to refute your positions when offered.

      AoB is factually incorrect.

    47. I think that is your friend telling you that you are wrong and lost this argument horribly.

      Not at all Ben. I don't weigh in on the Israeli/Palestinian question because truth be told I don't really care one way or the other.

    48. Correction:

      That said, I don't believe that anyone here at or at Rebanes has ever failed to engage or attempt to refute your positions when offered.

    49. I think fish has adequately stated his position and his meanings here. I know it is hard for you Ben Emery to not put qords in to others minds and mouths but please control yourself better.

    50. Ben Emery is a simple ignorant name caller and I suppose in his miniscule world of self importance it makes him feel better. He is a man of the world, compassionate and ethical. All understanding of the ills of the planet and from his little piece of the earth he will rise above all and fix the wrongs. Yep, I think they call that some sort of delusional name. What is it? Hmmm.

    51. Very diplomatic answer by fish.
      Getting ready for a run for political office. There was a sign out that looked like it could have been a campaign slogan for a corporatist.
      "Fresh Fish For Sale"

      You know, government to the highest bidder.

    52. Very diplomatic answer by fish.
      Getting ready for a run for political office. There was a sign out that looked like it could have been a campaign slogan for a corporatist.
      "Fresh Fish For Sale"

      As I've mentioned previously Ben I have absolutely no interest in the sewer that is D.C. politics....and again give you the opportunity to back your accusation that I am a "corporatist".

  3. It's sad but predictable. These are Old Testament people who subscribe to "an eye for an eye" repayment for deeds done. When the United Nations gave Israel to the Jews declaring it their rightful home, while kicking the Residents off their land it was setting up endless war....unless there would be a change of heart. The Mosaic law of the Old Testament is the Law of the Prophets in the New Testament, Karma, and sciences Cause and effect.

    Again...the United Nations created this continuing abuse. BMW

    1. So when the Jews were taken by force from these very lands and scattered across the earth, they have up their rights to the lands comprising Israel? I think you need a review of history. The Palestinians are derived from the Philistines who were not residents of the area but were invaders. Yet you say they have a greater right? OK got it.

    2. Tell us exactly how they were taken by force from these very lands of modern day Israel, and scattered across the earth? This should be interesting.

    3. I will when you supply a real verifiable name and email.

  4. Can someone cite direct reference to a single passage of the New Testament which refers to righteous use of violence, getting even with "evil people"? How about a direct (or indirect) positive reference to the use of any type of violence? Further, how about a passage where does it promote the drive to attain wealth, pull up bootstraps, "everyone responsible for themselves" themes? If this is what conservative Christians believe, should be simple to find New Testament passages, ie. Jesus Approval. Please list em..

    1. As you can clearly see, there are none. You are not a Christian. The values you support are not Christian.

      Case closed.

    2. Oh my, an Agnostic determining who is a Christian. Typical hubris from a liberal.

    3. Todd,
      I would say the hypocrisy of your positions makes you a very confused Christian.

    4. My position is far from hypocritical Ben Emery, it is real and ethical. Your support for the head choppers is the one I am shaking my head over. Also tell us Ben Emery, soince you claim some superior position on what a Christian is, what are you religious beliefs?

    5. I believe faith/ spirituality are personal experiences with God and religion is a communal experience.

      Tell us how supporting the killing of other human beings holds to the tenets of the teachings of Christ in your interpretation of the New Testament.

    6. Tell us Ben Emery how you can support the rights of the head choppers?

      Your religion is a what? What a cop out explanation. As wishy washy a definition as the rest of the things you say and believe. I would be ashamed if I tried that onat on others.

    7. Are your "head choppers" born that way or they created?

      Lets say you were born in Palestine, who would you consider the "terrorist"?

      The fact you called my answer on faith and religion wishy washy shows that you have spent little time contemplating about what faith/ spirituality. Also not being able to see the difference between faith/ spirituality and religion. I don't question your faith I question your interpretation of the teachings of Christ.

    8. But Bren Emery, you say you are not a Christian so how is it you can determine who is one or not? It appears you are less familar with the Bible than my 2 year old grandson.

      Head choppers could care less about you and your kids. Their religion, the one you defend the most, Islam, has that "jihad" provision and so your pals can chop heads and go to their heavan without guilt. I would suggest you cannot say they are terrorists because you have allegiance to them and their cause.

    9. Todd,
      Where have I claimed you or anybody else are not Christians? I have challenged your interpretation of the teachings of Christ within the New Testament not your being a Christian here.

    10. Ben Emery, then why would you even ask those type of questions? What is your religion again Ben Emery? Is it just you, sitting by the creek, looking at the big rocks and praying to Gaia? The Bible has an Old and a New Testament Ben Emery. There are things to learn from both. Read it, then get back to me.

    11. Todd,
      Why do you care? You give that information as a credential. As I said before my relationship with God is a personal one, which means none of your business. My religion is that all religions are correct as a metaphor and all religions are wrong as an absolute. I have given this history to you before and it was a waste of time. Don't you remember when I ended the Great Christian Theological Debate 2014 in one question?


    12. Jews for Justice

    13. What is that supposed to mean? Are you Jewish?

  5. If I am Jewish?

    On this holiday of St Patrick's Day I celebrate my grandfathers clan of Cassidy. I don't celebrate the driving out of the Druids but rather the rich tradition of worker, civil, and human rights along with the fight to be sovereign nation. The influence of the Irish on the American Culture. I also toast and ask for forgiveness of those who were on the other side of these fights and may their souls rest in peace.

    1. Didn't know you were Irish....suspected as much until you told us you were Mexican. Ben Emery....Like the apostle Paul....all things to all people!

    2. I remember that. Ben Emery, a multicultural race. Too funny!

    3. Not Mexican but have many Mexican and Chicano friends. It is a funny thing when your experiences and friends have a broad range so does your world view.

    4. I have the same kinds of friends Ben Emery but I would not attempt to call myself what their race or ethnicity is. Why did you do so?

    5. One would assume Todd that you lack the same compulsion to demonstrate your "goodthinkfulness" that Mr. Emery has.

    6. Yes fish, I do lack the personality that seems to cmel Ben Emery to attach himself to all kinds of things to make him appear more than he is. Good observation!

    7. Todd,
      "I have the same kinds of friends Ben Emery but I would not attempt to call myself what their race or ethnicity is. Why did you do so?"

      What are you talking about?

      "Head choppers could care less about you and your kids. Their religion, the one you defend the most, Islam, has that "jihad" provision and so your pals can chop heads and go to their heavan without guilt."

      What do your "same kind of friends" think about your positions about immigration reform. Or maybe you have a Muslim friend that nobody has met, what do they think of your position on US military actions in Muslim nations? Does your Muslim friend appreciate the term head choppers?

    8. Fish,
      If Todd personality in real life matches his online persona I seriously doubt "goodthinkfulness" can fit into his daily bigotry.

    9. Not a bigot Ben Emery. I would say you are the bigot. You are misguided and don't really have a clue about real life and relationships. You are very immature in those things.

      The Hispanic folks I know support their folks coming to America as they did. Legally. They want to keep higher wages and a better standard of living than where they came from. Illegals undermine all of that. You want a higher minimum wage Ben Emery? I bet you do. But why would you undercut all the rest of the wage scales by allowing illegal people to come and work for less and for cash? See how illogical you are?

      Head choppers is really an accurate portrayal don't you think Ben Emery? Why would you care if the terrorists are called a accurate name? Remember that boy they cut the head off of and made a YouTube video for the world to see? Did you like that? Were they not chopping his head off? Of course.

      So all in all, it appears you are simply a politically correct putz with no real world experience who has a big impression of himself. I find your arguments silly.

    10. One last thing on this thread because it has grown old a few days ago.

      "Their religion, the one you defend the most, Islam, has that "jihad" provision and so your pals can chop heads and go to their heavan without guilt."

      Sorry Todd I support liberty, freedom, and equality for all people. You seem to only support such ideas for yourself and friends while trying to suppress it from those who you disagree.

      "When we speak of right we ought always to unite with it the idea of duties; rights become duties by reciprocity. The right which I enjoy becomes my duty to guarantee it to another, and he to me; and those who violate the duty justly incur a forfeiture of the right."
      -Thomas Paine, A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government (1795)

    11. No Ben Emery, wrong again. I support human freedom for all and would like all people to have the experience Americans have (I bet you opposed Bush and "nation building, right?). You always put words in others mouths and are usually always wrong. You and a few of your buds, Frisch etal, defend the head choppers over your own people and that is too bad. You take your freedom for granted and I feel sorry for you. I defend freedom many times in office and in my personal life. I have placed my personal life on the line as well as my money to put them where my mouth was. You are just a spoiled brat bloviator. You should do some introspection about who and where you are because it isn't pretty.

      Oh, and if this so bores you why do you come back so much to argue? You have a free will.

    12. Bingo! You nailed it Todd, freedom for all except those you disagree. Being the aggressors of war is the epitome of suppressing/ oppressing freedom and liberty a$$hole. I have seen you and Paul Emery (no relation) go at it for you sitting out on serving our country in the military during Vietnam while he served. Typical Chicken Hawk willing to advocate for wars for others to fight while you sit at home having a good time.

    13. And who am I denying freedom too? Tell me, I am all ears. Did you call me a human orifice Ben Emery? Yep it appears so. As I suspected your ilk is unable to discuss without childish namecalling. Too funny.

      I see you revert to the "chicken hawk" again Ben Emery. (I must tell you it means a homo Ben, I like woman) Don't you have anything better? Have you ever been in the military Ben Emery? Have you been subject to the draft? Or even the lottery for the draft? My guess is you have never experienced that. You are just a chicken Ben Emery. You sit on the sidelines and carp and protest your own countries military while you reap its benefits. I bet your pissed because they haven't renewed your unemployment insurance freebie, right? You crack me up.

    14. You are clueless on what freedom and liberty actually means. What is the ultimate violation of a persons natural rights? Do you truly believe since we were born in the US we are exceptional and have the right to violate the natural rights of others?

      One program that takes the lives of people without charges or trial, that is the ultimate slap in the face of those of us who truly believe in freedom and liberty. Bush started it and Obama has escalated it.

      Let me ask you do and did these people have natural rights or not?

      2004- 2013 One program One Nation- Is it worth it?

    15. Yes Ben Emery, I think the nation is exceptional. We are the top of the hill in freedom and the rule of law, not men. Sure, no one or no country is erfect but America and the people that make up this country are the best.

      All one needs to do is look and read the history of the planet's peoples and you have to agree with me. Putin is the latest example of why we are the best.

      Please tell us why you did not join the military here in America Ben Emery. I am curious as are the readers why you never volunteered for service.

      One of the things I agree with Obama about is the use of drones against foriegn terrorists. With the drones we no longer have to send our boys and girls in to harms way. Isn't that a good thing? Yes it is.

    16. Of course you agree with the policy of killing people, that is what you stand for. I am sure you couldn't hold back your tears of joy when the Occupy movement was and is being assaulted/ squashed by coordinated efforts by our federal government as well. You see Todd, you like the things you claim only for yourself and for those you agree with not for all people.

      On the military issue, I had to be talked out of joining the Marines 1990 by my dad and three uncles who all served in the military during war or conflict. One of them was awarded the silver star in WWII. To summarize what they told me- only volunteer your body and potentially your life for your country when it needs protection not just because they need bodies. Protecting Saudi Arabia oil rights didn't register on my scale as my country needing me.

      In 1991 our family had a major shake up and from that day forward I have been an advocate of peace, civil liberties, social justice, and human rights. At one time we agreed on many issues, then I matured and grew up.

    17. So Ben Emery, you are a coward" based on your statements about others and the military eh? Your daddy talked you out of your desire to join the Marines? What a crock of crap. You just decided not to volunteer and you let others your age liberate Kuwait. You are such a hypocrite. But thanks for letting the many readers here hear it from your lips.

      In your first paragraph I see you are once again putting words and deeds in me that I never said. But as long as you call and admire the head choppers as freedom fighters, there is no hope for you. You deplore violence you say? Yet you support others against your own country and they are murderers of your countrymen. Amazing.

    18. Todd,
      In 1991, how was the US threatened by Iraqi and Kuwaiti conflict? I chose not to give my body or life for oil rights. You on the other hand support war and even promote war at times. When your time to show your valor in Vietnam came you chose to sit out while others who didn't necessarily support the effort were being forced to serve. Big difference. But I don't suspect you will see the difference because it clearly paints your courage negatively.

      "You deplore violence you say? Yet you support others against your own country and they are murderers of your countrymen. Amazing."

      Can you name a country that has attacked our country on American soil in my lifetime? Also can you show me any statement where I support others (murderers) against the United States of America?

    19. 1991, Hmmm, I guess the whole world felt threatened Ben Emery. A huge coalition was put together and President Bush did that. I guess all those disparate countries must have thought it was perhaps "destabilizing" for the planet? Sheesh, you are so naive.

      Regarding Vietnam, I thought you libs called it a unnecessary and ridiculous war? Didn't your brethren riot all over America against it? Yep. Besides, I was 1-A but the lottery number was 326 so they didn't draft me that year. I would have gone if drafted unlike you who hid under his momma's skirts and cried to be passed by. Tell us all here too Ben Emery, how is Vietnam any different from the war in Kuwait you dodged? Oh, there isn't? Yep you are a hypocrite of the first order.

      I think our Embassies in Iran, Kenya and lately Libya are American territory Ben Emery. Also, American interests or personnel/citizens when attacked, murdered and kidnapped seem to be a reason to go and save them wouldn't you agree?

      All in all Ben Emery, you have nothing of value to give your country, in fact you and your ilk are like a "fifth column" here since all you have is derision and hate for your country. I feel bad for you and honestly, I hope you wake up and become a American Patriot.

    20. Yep Todd you have nothing but great things to say about our President. When Pelosi was speaker of the house nothing but support. Harry Reid, you got his back every time. If it weren't so tragic your hypocrisy would be funny.

      You oppose or support political parties where I support or oppose policies despite the political party.

    21. Oh please, you are pathetic man. Grow up.

  6. I have seen you and Paul Emery (no relation) go at it for you sitting out on serving our country in the military during Vietnam while he served.....

    Hmmm....I was just sure that you two were related....your silliness learned at his knee!

    1. may prove you right fish. Did Ben Emery sit out the Gulf War? He did not seve his country while my nephews did. I am ashamed of him. LOL!


Real name thank you.