Even though I think the polling is way to early, I just have to pass along the polling of the Romney/Obama race today.
HERE is the RCP numbers. Once we see the summer end and the real campaigning begin then the polls may mean something real. But heck, I'll just gloat today OK?
The democrats and their propagandists like Axelrod and the Blabbermouth Debbie babe have tried to tarnish Paul Ryan since about 30 seconds of the announcement. They think Medicare will be the demise of the Romney campaign. I believe the Medicare issue will be the demise of the Obama campaign. Obama is the only one who has cut Medicare and as we see today, Romney/Ryan are now articulating that fact to the people. The democrats swiped 700 billion bucks from Medicare and sent it over to Obamacare. Even though Medicare is a tax people pay into for that express purpose, Obama has in my view, broken the law and diverted it illegally. So, the seniors have been screwed and they didn't even get a kiss from the O.
As we see the truth get out about the democrats stealing the Medicare money from the seniors, the mood to rid our political leadership of the democrats and Obama/Biden will be realized. I have never seen in my lifetime (other than LBJ lying about the Tonkin Gulf perhaps) such a bunch of liars occupying the White House. They tried a "War on women", they tried a war on Bain, they tried a war on capitalism, hell, all were flops. Now the lie that Romney will destroy Medicare is already losing steam.
Don't believe anything a democrat/liberal says because when their lips are moving they are lying. Simple as that.
Let the gloating continue Todd.It's well deserved. You called it,,, "don't count your chickens".
ReplyDeleteLIBS are in full panic mode. With all the bald faced lies they are using day in and day out is good proof. You gotta love VP Joe with his " going to put you back in chains". Where does he come up with that crap?
Now "O" is back on his overpriced green power kick, while Mitt is supporting the out of work coal miners who give us the goods on cheap power. LIBS want us to buy expensive wind power and solar from CHINA.( we can't build them here)
Yes Libbys,,, it's official. you can feel free to panic.
Don't forget. Glenn Beck has big plans for Ohio too. And just before the elections. You can kiss that swing state good bye.
Walt, you're foaming again. Why again would the Dems kiss Ohio goodbye? What would be the reason again for that inane observation there, Walt?
ReplyDeleteAlmost every veteran political operative understands this forced emasculation of Willard was forced by the Kochs and the Tea People- who came at Mittens with an offer he couldn't refuse. Oh yea, short term juicing of the base- for people like our own Jethro- but not a smart way to win over independents and undecideds in FL, Ohio and such. I like the Ryan pick- a lot. He and his destruction of our American safety net is just so easy to pick apart in the swing states.
LOL Rob,, I see the fear in your writing. Don't worry.. Relax,,, It's only going to get a lot worse for the Left. So kick back, buckle up, it's going to be a rough ride.
DeleteHave you even heard the failing's of "O" and Joe? You might want to hear the latest BS from them. That's sure going to score some points with the undecided.
More money is flowing for Mitt, while the tap is running dry for "O".
Ohio? Like I said. Beck has plans. You do know who he is,,, right?
You know,, the guy that packed cowboy's Stadium? got 40,000 volunteers to show up at their own expense? Just think what he can do in Ohio.
Fact checks have shown, and exposed the Lefty lies for what they are.
Joe says "we" are going to put people back in chains... From what I have seen, it's "O" and Co. that have re opened the Democrat plantations.( the govenment will take care of you. Here are your food stamps)
Ooh, looks like Walter has a man crush.
Delete"Crush"?? No,, that's a Libby school girl gig they are playing
Deletewith "O". ( All that new fake fainting in the dinky crowds)
It's called respect and admiration.
Your Repubs insist on playing the race card, they will lose. Versy simple. You'll lose anyway, but it will just expedite the process.
DeleteGive us the link to to the "race card". I would suggest your pal Biden is the one using it. His "chains" speech will go down in infamy.
DeleteThere are about 11.9 million google hits on right wingers playing the race card. Your party really doesn't want to go there, believe me.
DeleteSo Rob subscribes to " it's OK when WE do it". The end justifies the means.
DeleteHow long do you think that will fly Rob? The Black Panthers are out threatening violence as I speak. Do you have your fist in the air right along with them? It's fine and dandy for Lefty groups to advocate hate as long as it's in Obummers favor of re election?
Thanks for shedding some light on just how low your side is willing to gutter crawl to stay in power.
Ever watch " Atlas shrugs"? It should be mandatory viewing for you guys.
The Black Panthers are out there as we speak, threatening violence? Violence! Where did Beck say this was happening? And are these the New Black Panthers or the Old ones, circa 1968?
DeleteWalt, are you prepared?
Walt, where can I see the film you noted- Atlas Shrugs? I don't see it listed on Netflix. More importantly, why does Atlas Shrug?
DeleteHay,, Robb. I hear "O" is seriously considering accepting food stamps
ReplyDeleteas campaign donations real soon. The wedding gift scam went belly up,
The scrap gold idea was a flop, what does he have left?
I can see the begging already..
" Please... give me,,your extra food stamps...I need every dollar,,,I can get my hands on... We are being outspent,, and we can't allow the truth to be told about us without a fight. We need that money,,, to fight back the only way we know how...
Lie, make stuff up, continue the unfounded personal attacks. that's the only way we can win.... I haven't finished the screwing of the American dream yet...I need for more to ruin it beyond repair.."
Isn't Ohio the place where fracking waste water post injection is screwing up everyone wells?
ReplyDelete"State Representative Robert Hagan, a Democrat who represents Youngstown, doesn’t think that goes far enough. He’s called for an indefinite moratorium on injection wells until their impact can be studied more closely. “Some people have accused me of screaming, ‘The sky is falling,’” Hagan says. “But when the earth is moving, we have an obligation to find out why.”"
This is a test of no moderation here, as mentioned on George Rebane's blog.
Now let's see how long it stays up, with more to follow.
DeleteTurns out they went from no earthquakes ever to many, many, right after fracking started. Pennsylvania exports their waste water there. The citizens are not happy, other than the tax revenue.
DeleteTexas and OK recently had a serious of quakes never, ever before seen in recorded history. Never. And, it happened to be in one of the a major fracking zones- oil and gas. Just a matter of time until even Red state people wake up.
Most importantly- its just a matter of time until people wake up, take a look around at the BIZARRE and extreme weather patterns of recent years, and the devastating drought, and realize we've got to stop the oil and gas industry from further destroying our planet. Bill McKibben has it laid out in the most important piece of the last decade- Global Warming's new Terrifying Math. Rolling Stone magazine.
Well well well... Look who shows up. And back to the fracking BS no less. LOL... Whatever,, As they say "back there",,that dog don't hunt.
DeleteBut since you dragged fuel into this,,,see the news on corn? "O" would rather burn food and keep his ethanol subsidy recipients happy,
in turn, drive up the price of meat at the same time.
It's well known that ethanol is not eco friendly. It's not cost effective either.
This vary scenario was predicted. Drought, in combination with mandated burning food for fuel. ( some more of that "forward thinking" we keep hearing about)
So "O"'s answer is for the GOV to buy livestock and send it to slaughter? Liberal stupidity at it's finest.
DeleteEmphasis on Ethanol is not an initiative of the Obama Administration. Far from it. Democrats are attempting to help farmers with the horrifying drought, but Ryan, Cantor and their ilk are holding up relief? Why would that be? Not sure Ryan will be campaigning in the corn belt anytime soon after his disastrous performanc at the Iowa State Fair.
Instead of burning corn, how about feeding the livestock with it?
DeleteWhat a concept. But no. waste 60% of the corn crop for a pisspoor
fuel additive that actually hinders fuel mileage, lessens the life of engines, and is detrimental to the environment.( I thought you guys were BIG on helping the environment? When it fits the political narrative I guess.)
BTW,, keep up the "Jethro" dig. I happen to like it.
Since you want to try and stereotype the name with the Beverly Hillbillies, LOL dude,,( Jethro usually came out on the winning end of things) There are other TV characters that have that name.( and always loved by the ladies)
So have at it. Your little dig works in my favor.
I can always reference your name ( Robert) with the more common,
shorter version.. What do ya' say Dick? Two can play that game.
But Like I said. Jethro doesn't bother me one bit.
Your turn,, Dick..(lol)
Dick is a short version of Robert...??
No bounce. If not now- WHEN? LOL. Going to get tougher as we drill down into the nasty details of these budget plans. And Willard's tax situation is NOT going away.
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ReplyDeleteWhere is the bump in the polls from the handsome young Paul Ryan? Now August 17.
ReplyDeleteWhere is it?
I see it it all the polls.
ReplyDeleteYou are in total, 100% denial of reality. It ain't there.
ReplyDeleteLets recap.
First, last month Todd makes a topic and wastes several paragraphs raving about the significance of a single, lonely poll showing Romney up over Obama, in the face of 10 other showing the opposite.
Second, Todd makes several posts condemning the analysis of any and all polls in August- they are meaningless. Especially the 90% of them that show the President in strong position. OK, a cogent point at least.
Third, Todd again takes one or two lonely polls to prove that the Romney/Ryan ticket is just what all Good Americans want- immediately after the pick, without time for anyone to even consider the impact of the pick on the general electorate, or key swing states. All based on initial emotion, man-love and rabid foaming frenzy over a guy out to destroy the American social pact and safety net. Check, we get it.
Now, all objective poll watchers and all polls show absolutely -ZERO- net bump for Romney and Ryan. None, nada.
What say you Todd?
You are reading the wrong polls. But thanks for the liberal interpretation of my posts and the conclusion, we all see ow you people can be global warming believers with that logic.
DeleteI show and go to the polls and they are what I have said. You are just plain wrong.
The wrong polls? Fox News is a wrong poll? LOL.
DeleteThis is one of more interesting articles I've seen in relation to polls. I'm sure this is just mainstream media socialist propaganda to sway millions of illegal voters to go for Obama. lol. Looks like Willard is not very well liked!
Romney/Ryan by 7 points. You can count on it and all your lefty dreaming won't matter. LOL!
DeleteGotcha on record. Good one.
DeleteActually it will be a repeat of old McCain/Palin.
Todd, are you a masochist?
ReplyDeleteRassmussen Poll, Mr. Juvinall's favorite poll, and the only one which ever really shows Romney in the lead, TODAY, August 17, shows OBAMA in the lead. Where is your lead story on this one Todd? And where is that Romney/Ryan bump? Lets see the figures to show the bump in the polls. Or are you like Willard- we'll just have to "trust" you? Answer: there IS no bump. Ryan is turning into a total, 100% smelly albatross.
Talk about a smackdown!
I think you need your own blog and then you can have your own fun. There are many polls with my candidate in the lead. Keep trying.
DeleteName one other than Rasmussen. Talk is so very cheap.
DeleteTalk is cheap. You seem to be cheap, pony up.
DeleteDidn't you site the local poll as gospel and declared Nev. co. "purple"? And also said that Lefties would win local seats
Deletebecause the "local poll" said so? How did that work out?(LOL)
The polls in the last Wiss. race had the Progressives " WINNING",,,,
and big union had all the votes. So,, still going to yell from
the tallest dumpster you can find?
( GOD, you make it easy)
When pollsters go out of their way to load the "polls" with Dems,
they suck in the gullible like yourself. There id a old redneck saying,,, HHEEE HAWWWwww,,,,FISH ON!!!
I have no idea what you're babbling about Jethro. None.
DeleteReally,, Dick? I'm sure we have covered this before.
DeleteBut if you want to play dumb, that's fine with me.
Ya,, there was this guy/gal/it,,that went by "Anonomous"
that swore up and down that " Polls are never wrong"
especially when they slightly tipped in Lib. favor.( sound familiar?)
NNaaaaaa You gots no clue whats Iz takin bout.
( and your a pizz poor fibber)
LOL! Walt, these libs are too much.
DeleteYou two righties are apparently of the same IQ.
DeleteWhich is far higher than yours bobby. LOL!
DeleteOuch.... That's going to sting for a while....LOL!
DeleteWalt, which grade did you finish? Based on your written word and general cognitive ability, I'm thinking somewhere between 8th and 11th.
DeleteWalt has you bested here Bobby.
DeleteTodd. I got a nice taste of Ca.s gun laws yesterday.
ReplyDeleteI went to trade in one gun for another. I had my eye
on a model 1911 .45, made by the maker of the Desert Eagle.
Well... That is just one of MANY makers of the vary same gun
that can't sell in Ca. A top of the line weapon, and Ca. has outlawed
BTW see the new county crime statistics? I guess they want it safer
for thugs and goons to break into our homes.
Hay,, Rob.. It seems small businesses heard "O" loud and clear when he made that " you didn't build that" comment.( which has now been chiseled in stone for the history books)
ReplyDeleteshop after shop is beginning to put signs up
to the effect that ""O" can kiss their azz.
It's just a matter of time before one shows up
here in town. ( the city or county will surely find an ordinance to site him with)
Walt, can you make a single post with less than 43 spelling errors? Is it possible? Its embarrassing and irritating trying to communicate with someone at a 2nd grade English level.
ReplyDeleteWalt, the libs have spell check, that is all they have. Too funny!
DeleteSome people just can't handle a little humor. Especially when that humor is at their expense.
DeleteI pittys da' fool. Never mind the fact, that union school teachers
would give that kind of spelln' a passing grade these days.
Come on ,,Dick,, is that the best ya' gots? Sniveling and trying to
show just how Superior you are? You do realize, that every time you try and prove that " forward stink.... I mean thinking" the worse ya' look?
Your beginning to sound a lot like Joe Biteme, and Obummer without his two square pieces of glass he can't make a full sentence without.
I have to admit. you sure make it fun. Don't ever change.
Todd. We may have to help this poor dude out in the vary near future.
With the election just around the corner, and all the bad information the Lefty news has fed him, we may need to keep a close eye on him, and keep him away from the Forest hill bridge.
I think he is too far gone Walt.
DeleteWell, I have been hearing helicopters being sent to the Forest Hill aria today, and Rob hasn't been heard from lately. I fear he may have tried to harm himself, after learning his political beliefs have been proven to be more harmful to nation than good. Maybe one of those "well intended" laws our Progressive lawmakers passed, has come back to bite one of their own. Who knows....
DeleteBTW Rob,,,, if you haven't figured it out, all those "errors" were for your personal benefit. If that's all it takes to make your skin crawl, you got some issues buddy...
Walt, do you happen to know who composed the Forest Hill Aria, and which country was he from? Bet you have no idea.
DeleteThis link if for the anonymous Robert. Gallup has Romney up today.
Romney campaign is good. i had read this article so many times. some spelling errors are there. it can be corrected. web design bangalore
ReplyDeleteObama +2 - Rasmussen August 18.
ReplyDeleteObama +4 - RCP Average August 18
Romney up 2 today in Gallup.
DeleteAgain, you pick the ONE outlier. Outliers don't cut it Todd. You also posted last month that you don't like Gallup poll because its not likely voters..so which is it? Make up your damn mind. Rasmussen and Fox are your favorites.
DeleteBobby, I have lng ago decided liberals are never able to grasp their own ignorance. I am correct you are simply wrong.
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ReplyDeleteMore of that "superior intellect" we keep hearing about.
ReplyDeleteObviously someones parent has left them unattended.
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DeleteWell well.... Some of Obummer's "civilian army" has committed treason
ReplyDeleteA few occupy Oakland idiots took over his campaign offices there.
It's gotta be tough to take when the mongrels you feed,take chunks
out of your hand.
By next week, Obummer may need a whip and a chair to keep the in line.
Looks like Truckee is at it again. What a hoot.
ReplyDeleteFunny how Rob is missing in action, and then the one fresh out of grade school
ReplyDeletepipes up with nothing but garbage.
He's probably over on the "other" Progressive site whining about just how mean I am
by countering the BS with facts again.
Those " higher intelectuals" hate it when they can't win the argument against
a common ditch digger. ( ya,,, that would kind of tough to take.)
BTW Todd, when should I drop the bomb on them about my PHD?
Hey Jethro, I think its called the weekend. I was out enjoying the good life.
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ReplyDeleteWalt, now the Truckee fellow is using my name to confuse others. I have to delete thoe comments.
ReplyDeleteScrew you TODD---can't you stop lying? I have NEVER posted under ANY pseudonym. EVER. Stop blaming me for the point that other people want to spam your damn site.
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DeleteFrisch, you are too chubby so I would not let you "screw" me. Besides, I like girls. It is interesting though that you would claim to be who I am intimating here since I know Truckee has 15,000 people.
DeleteSteve.. Since your a Truckee eco guy, I have info on
Deletefuel contamination that I believe was never properly
re mediated. Up to the task? When I brought it to the attention
of certain "officials" they seemed to care less.
I sure would like to see the offending party held accountable.
How about you? This is inside the city limits.
I would love to see the "eco police" step up to the task on this.
But then again once you find out who the culprit really is, I think
that sleeping dog will be left right where it is.
So if your up to it, let me know. ( lets just say it was some of your own that let this happen)
Walt--I'm not really in the business of taking on your battles, nor am I a regulatory agency. If you want to report a fuel spill or leakage I suggest you take it to the appropriate authorities, which would be Nevada County environmental health.
It's not "my" battle. Actually it's yours if your actually an environmentalist. Because a "real" enviro would actually be concerned, and would want the problem corrected.
DeleteThe funny thing is,, I have reported it. Let's say the fox is guarding the hen house.
Tell you what. I'm sure you have a "real enviro" that actually cares
about the environment, and not out just to make a buck under the banner of envirosim. Send that person my way and I will give them the goods on who and where. Like I said.. This is IN Truckee.
I care a lot more than you apparently about the environment.
One more thing Steve,, If you don't care, why the hell should I?
DeleteBut keep taking that ECO grant money. I Was actually hoping you
would actually use some of it to help the environment.
Like I thought... that would be just tooo much to ask.
Walt you make some ambiguous claim of a fuel spill and then expect a Truckee resident to make some type of effort to mitigate a spill that may or may not exist? Please. If you really care then you need to take the lead. Accusing someone of not caring about an incident that may or may not be an issue is disingenuous. If you want to do something instead of making ridiculous accusations call Wesley Nicks Director Nevada County Environmental Health at 265-1222, or call the Truckee satellite office at 582-7884.
DeleteKen Jones
With all due respect Ken, if your read what I said, you will see that I did report it.
DeleteA lot of good it will do, since it's Nevada County that's the offending party. Think THEY are going to "fess up"?
They had a leaker of a fuel tank that I personally removed.
The site was NEVER remediated. I know. I just drove past
that old job. NO cleanup was ever done.
So that's why I am taking an "environmentalist" to task to put actions where their mouth is. I guess that's just too much to ask.
Do you think the County is going to admit to a possible cover up? LOL!
Walt I did reread your post, and how would Steve Frisch have anything to do with a fuel spill from NEVCO? If you are sincere you can contact CAL EPA. Just because someone supports the environment and the laws that protect our environment doesn't require a person to respond to every claim of a spill or discharge. There are many ways in which one can be an environmentalist. You didn't take anyone to task, you made an ambiguous statement then claimed Steve should take on the job because "some of his own" are responsible? Dubious claim at best. Looked more as an attack on an individual then any concern about a spill.
DeleteKen Jones
If he's as big as an enviro as he claims,( and takes gov. grant money in the name of "enviro") he would be interested in actually doing something with that money in the name of true envirosim. ( like sticking it to a polluter. what a grand idea)
DeleteYes... "some of his own" The County is infested with environmentalists
on it's pay role. I'm sure he knows a few.
So excuse me all to Hell if I ask an "environmentalist" to take on an environmental issue in his own back yard.(so to speak)
Just maybe he could get a little farther than I could, and in turn, give their cause a little sunshine for a change.
The reason I know about this leak, is the fact that I dug up the tank in the first place. We filled the hole with pea gravel at the county's request, and was to finish the job come Spring. Well.. We never went back... ( the county was short of funds all of a sudden)
That clean up wasn't going to be cheap. And it sure won't be any cheaper today. Not to mention the state and FED fines that are sure to follow.( maybe some jail time for the ones that cooked the books)
Like I said, I tried to hold the county accountable in more ways than one.
LOL,,The delinquents are back at it. As usual, when they can't back up their
ReplyDeletepositions with any facts, the smear and attack game gets into overdrive.
HAY Frisch,,, That's some real " forward thinking" coming out of the Bay.
Tear down a water source all for the sake of "pretty". Today, right now,
that dam is making power, and money. But instead the ecoidiots want to remove that
and turn it into a money PIT. Ya,, tear it down so billions can be pissed away
for "pretty", and become a liability instead of a asset.
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DeletePoor Lefties... This is the best they can do. Make asinine posts under someone else's name.... Quite pathetic. It will be fun to watch the tantrums when "O" gets shown the door. Even Carter didn't stoop to these levels.
ReplyDeleteYes,, "O" is the worst Prez. in history. And Joe has been sent to his room for a major "time out".
OK Coward,, lets see what you can do with your crayons now.