Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A liberal woman's view of a conservative, fascinating!

This comment from a woman on my blog is, in a nutshell, why they are from another planet and we conservatives are from earth.  Her comment is as follows"

"Susan CunninghamSeptember 7, 2012 10:24 PM
I really disagree with Todd's posts. I have nothing in common with him or Walt. We simply think and live differently. It's problematic when it comes to our government and taking care of the less fortunate. We will never agree on religion and government where there is supposed to be a separation. We will never agree on education - it should be for everyone, free, and supported by government. My values are in direct opposition to Todd's and Walt's. I believe in and value people, my neighbors, old acquaintances, new friends, family and community. I love intellectual pursuits, education, books, workshops, and study. I care about my body. I am a vegetarian. I participate in yoga and exercise. I take my vitamins. I care about myself and I care about you. I care that you find peace, have people that love you. I support the notion that you thrive.
Given all that - can you allow me to be me with respect? Can you share, in a personal way, who you are in this world?"

From a personal level it appears to me that she thinks we do not share some issues she cares about and from reading it a couple of times I would say she thinks she has some sort of superior "humanity" over conservatives for her beliefs.  That to me is how a liberal justifies their divide with us.   I will place her comments in red and my responses to each one in italics.

1. "We simply think and live differently. It's problematic when it comes to our government and taking care of the less fortunate"  

After ten trillion dollars since the mid 60's, the poverty levels are unchanged in America.  This transfer of tax money to the less fortunate has not worked.  I am a supporter of helping those that cannot help themselves, (sick, mentally ill, disabled, etc.) but for those that can work the safety net of government should be limited in time and money.  Work is important for many reasons and too many Americans have made a government check a way of life rather than a temporary hand-up.

 2.  "We will never agree on religion and government where there is supposed to be a separation."

 I assume you have no religion which would be a major difference but I do agree the government should not be creating a state religion nor prohibiting the free exercise of religion.  I am not interested in removing religion from the public square to the degree the atheists desire.  I think a Valedictorian at a high school graduation should be able to say Jesus or God in her address without the state denying her that under penalty.  If a moment of silence is desired for a child to pray in a school, what is the problem?  Not a problem to me.  If the Alabama Supreme Court wants a copy of the Ten Commandments in their lobby, I have no problem with that.  But I do agree with the First Amendment about a state religion being disallowed.

3.  " We will never agree on education - it should be for everyone, free, and supported by government."

 And exactly where do my property taxes go?  The education system in California receives a minimum of 40% of the 100 billion dollar budget.  The students in our state rank somewhere down in the high 40's for the worst in the chart of states.  All the billions we pay give them a free education and this is every year.  What is the problem?  The problem is unions.  The problem is professors who make $100,000 a year and benefits and teach one day a week.  There needs to be a alternative for government schools and vouchers are the answer.  Why shouldn't a mother in South Central LA have the right to send her son or daughter to a school of her choice and use the money she already pays in taxes to do so? The Teachers unions and the liberals won't let that poor mother struggling for a better life for her kids to have the option.  It is not conservatives on the wrong side of eduction CHOICE,  we want the kids to succeed, not become  dropouts of a proven failed government run system.

4.  " I believe in and value people, my neighbors, old acquaintances, new friends, family and community. I love intellectual pursuits, education, books, workshops, and study. I care about my body. I am a vegetarian. I participate in yoga and exercise. I take my vitamins. I care about myself and I care about you. I care that you find peace, have people that love you. I support the notion that you thrive."

This is the most telling part of a liberal's thinking.  This comment to me shows the true misunderstanding or ignorance of their view of conservatives.  It really highlights why I think a liberal is delusional about their own self importance.  How is it possible for a person to actually think conservatives don't value others?  For goodness sakes, we all have kids and friends an acquaintances.  We value all of that.  How could a liberal think we don't?  It has to be hubris.  They have a  view of others in an almost bigoted way.   No, Susan shows how she has no idea about the conservative.  We are family oriented, we are involved with all kinds of things like Rotary, Lions and Elks.  We supply donations to all kinds of worthy causes.  We actually DO while the liberal just FEELS.  We take care of ourselves and many others from our own pockets while a liberal gets laws and government force to take from others and give to their favorite cause.  We want the freedom to live our lives with less interference from government while liberals want more government.   

Susan talks about her eating and supplements as if conservatives don't?  No we too are concerned about those things but we are not obsessed to the degree a liberal appears to be.  I eat meat and vegetables.  A good steak is high on my list favorites.  I exercise but no Yoga.  I am a walker.  Get out into the air and look at the trees and critters.  Sitting on a mat in a closed in room stretching my hamstring just doesn't do it for me.

Siusan then concludes that she "cares" about you.  Meaning I suppose all humans.  Yet, she really doesn't.  She only cares about those that think and act like her.  Her words give that impression and that is how I take her.  As long as you don't disagree with a liberal you are their pals but as soon as there is a difference, you become, wait for it, here it is, a Neanderthal, a Conservative, a right wing extremist!

It has been my experience in private and public life that a liberal always has a bigger view of themselves than the surrounding populace.  That is why only about 20% of the populace call themselves liberals.  I think it is because of the public attitudes they exhibit.  Regular folks can only take so much self importance from others and usually dodge interactions with a liberal.

I for one appreciate Susan's post and all my thousands of readers can now better understand why we have  ideological divide in America.





  1. An extremely typical and much discussed worldview of the liberal mind. Their concept of a dissertation on our existential differences is to produce a patently false strawmen characterizations of conservative values, and then attack them as if they were real. Rebane

  2. Spot on Todd. I do believe she comes from a Conservative household. Heck,, I bet I went to school with her. rode the same bus as a kid, and even knew her Dad. ( a fine Conservative)
    only one or two clues give me this idea.
    First off, her sudden dropping of the use of her last name. Then utter silence when I mention the name Cleave.
    Maybe she forgets it was a Conservative that gave their family a great deal on some property.

    I did make a small mistake. It wasn't Sue that was sending Christmas cards. I do believe it's her Mother that still sends them after all these years. ( and always a note of thanks about the sale of said property and how my Mama is doing.)
    What went wrong Sue? Which collage did you go to to get all messed up in the head? Berkeley?
    U of S.F.?

    NOTHING is "free". Someone will always be handed the bill.

    OK,, so your a "Veggie". That's your own call.
    Myself, like Todd, love some form of dead animal on my plate, that way I don't need vitamin supplements to pick up the shortfall.
    But what ever floats your boat.
    Now let me try and save you some money. Organic doesn't mean better. Just more expensive.
    So if you insist on paying double for the same celary stick, that's your call.

  3. Susan does disagree with some conservative opinions, but she does seem very kind, not wanting to offend.

    Her general point is good, that is, let's debate the issues without demonizing those with opposing views.

    So, Todd, I say post to initiate a new set of opinions and debate; let the debates continue.

    One question I have is about the "Affordable health care act." How does it effect those who are starting new businesses are are in start-ups? At the DNC, it was claimed that small business got multiple tax breaks.

    1. ScottJ, I think you may need to reread her comment again. She attacks conservatives quite vociferously. I am fascinated by a liberal like her who can trash you with a smile. I bet you know some.

      She doesn't like conservatives and I don't much care for liberals. Fortunately, there are more of me than there are of her.

    2. Her point of view is just that, a point of view. In general, it seems ok to let her sound off; it shows a contrast and fuels response.

  4. Not only is the Romney Campaign trying to convince America that we are worse off than when Obama took office, but Republicans at all levels of office, particularly Congress, have been working hard at trying to sabotage the economic recovery for the US with the publicly stated intent of making Obama a one term president. The Republicans purposefully worked to hurt the United States precisely so the Republicans can be campaigning on "America in Decline" today as they planned all along since the night of Obama's inauguration.

    How petty, short sighted, and unPatriotic the Congressional Republicans must be to deliberately block everything they can that could help the American People and the economy. These are real lives at stake when the Republicans are just playing obstructionist numbers to hurt the President of the United States.

    If Congressional Republicans get elected, and especially if a Republican President gets elected, then the American People will be rewarding and encouraging these shameful deliberate attacks against the American People done with Malice by the Republicans.

    America may not be in decline at the moment, so Barrack Hussein Obama may be correct about that. But the prospects for America look very bad indeed when Republicans hold so many elected positions with the mighty wind of Big Secret Money at the Republicans' backs. Obama needs to use the Bully Pulpit more to call out the Obstructionism by Republicans that most Americans at the moment don't even know happened.

    1. Susan, your comment contains no truth. Congress is two parts. The House and the Senate. The House, run by Republicans, has passed budgets and many other things necessary to run America and the Senate, run by democrats, has refused to even vote on those things. Your Senator Reid, democrat of Nevada and the Senate capo, has not allowed a budget to be voted on for three years!

      Obama is experiencing what all Presidents do and that is a dedicated opposition. Remember when your ilk was burning George Bush in effigy and trashing him in the media on a daily basis? I do, and George was so classy he did not respond to those attacks like Obama does. Obama has accomplished nothing of substance for America. His policies have put our kids and great great gandkids in debt. Stop and smell the rses and read some differing views.

    2. Yea, George Bush did go through a lot of criticism. Michael Moore even made movies to cast Bush in a negative light. A lot happened during Bush's 2nd term: 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan and the banking crisis & emergency funding, that could be subject to various interpretations.

      He went through lots of opposition, common to all Presidents.

      O did end the official Iraqi war, but he's still mired-down with Afghanistan and the bail-out funding, i.e., dept.

      We'll see what happens in the election, but I agree all Presidents get tooth and nail opposition from the opposing party.

  5. Todd being Todd. There is no further point to this. You and your side-kick keep telling yourselves your complete fantasies. I will return to this blog on election day to tell you how wrong you have been. That is if you're around and posting. I seem to remember another time when you went missing ...... when Obama won.

    See ya!

    1. Is that right? So tell me more Suzie Q, wharere was I?

    2. Suzie, I don't think you should sign-off. Your opinion is valid. Yes you disagree with some of the views posted here, but your view is valuable and adds important content to the conversation.

    3. Many of us understand why Suzie feels that way. And I think I may do the same, and will come back when Obama wins to gloat. Most Polls are moving in his favor again nicely. Just a matter of time now.

      Time for the boys to show their insecurities and anxieties between now and Nov.6. :)

    4. What insecurities Jen? I am as secure as a person can be. I believe in a higher power and that is a great place to lay down any insecurities. You might want to try it.

  6. Far Left Libs are not much differant than Alzheimer's patients.
    No matter how much evidence you provide to show they are wrong,
    they will just not believe it to be so.

    Libs also have another similarity, in a real medical condition.
    It's called the "LIB Gene" ( fact,, look it up,) So We do need to
    have a little "compassion" for the genetically challenged.

    1. Walt, you may be on to soemthing. I did rear somewhere about the lack of certain "common sense" genes in a liberal. Perhaps they really have a earlier case of dementia or some other malady. LOL!

    2. It's fun to hear them kick and fuss, and use the term "unfunded war".
      But don't bat an eye at the "unfunded stimulus" Unfunded QE1,2 and soon to be 3. How bout the unfunded budget they have been spending for the past 3 1/2 years. That's OK for some reason. And speaking of spending, by taking off my boots and socks to help me count, debt by "O" alone is another "first" for any President in history.

      The Statute of limitations on blaming Bush has LONG run out.
      He owns this problem, and four more, is more than this Country can take.

  7. Something that crossed the news wires got my attention.
    Remember that little "more flexibility after I'm re elected" that was made
    some time back? Russia is getting hit in the wallet with the Iranian sanctions,
    and their not one bit happy. That still leaves the question what we get, or get screwed out of if "O" drops the sanctions in some way or form.

    It's just a guess. But that's not out of the question.

  8. Things just keep getting better and better. (your gonna love this) The Southern poverty law center is saying the OWS is "The radical right". Now that's out in the twilight zone. And these people are to be taken seriously?

    1. Send me a link, I never have liked that organization because they never hold lefty nuts to the same as they do the "right".

    2. Just search "Southern poverty law center is saying the OWS is "The radical right"." and you will find plenty..

  9. On a side note, the Sac Bee is backing the repealing of our state death penalty.
    Of course I added my two (or three) cents. And right on cue, some bleeding heart LIB
    had to pipe up. I had mentioned that Charles Manson was on death row before the first repeal of the death penalty, and is now up for parole every few years.
    But this genius pipes up that "Manson is in for life without parole", and sets of like any usual LIB with personal attacks when shown to be OH so wrong.

  10. We know how some LIBS love those "studies".
    What I just read should throw some fear into our local
    dope smokers.
    Someone, somewhere, has found a link with dope smoking and cancer
    of "the family jewels".
    Now it's time for them to see where their priorities are.
    Keep their,, uh, err,, manhood, or keep the bong full.
    This has been a public service announcement

  11. Good discussion Todd. You pretty much hit the nail on the head showing your experience. I've always thought it was strange that some individuals can't stand other opinions than their own. Not exactly liberal, and certainly not wise.

  12. Thanks Bonnie. As you can see she did the usual "hit and run" liberal strategy. She blasts us as whatever then boogies out never to return. It is to bad that a liberal is so shallow since they have been running California fo examle. But we won't see her again.


Real name thank you.