Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Are the local purple people funded by George Soros?

Does the web of anti-democratic nut and billionaire George Soros reach down to the local levels of our country?  When one reads lefty blogs from across America they all have the same theme.  Conservative bad, liberal good.  Support freedom, you are nutty, support sustainability and socialism you are good.  The left is constantly alleging the Koch Brothers and the John Birch Society are giving local their marching orders. What a hoot! In my opinion, George Soros uses his money to infiltrate and make ideological clones of even our local liberals.  When a man is motivated and has the money, in Soros case made from betting against his wn countries currency (and other countries as well) how can he or his intentions be trusted? But money talks and BS walks they say.

Locally we have many debates on the conservative side about the anti-democratic ideology of Soros clones here and it is apparent these lefty nuts are "true believers".  Soros taps into their desire for "equal outcomes" in life and demonizes all who disagree.  Reading some of the leftwing nuts here in Nevada County, I am struck by the dismissal of facts and the overwhelming emotions of ignorance shown by them.  The basic facts of almost any issue are disregarded by the left if those facts don't fit their emotional opinion.  I see this on many of the news programs where the left and the right sit on panels to discuss issues.  The left reminds me of the person who says "whatever" when they are shown the error of their ways.  Very childish people.

The election of June 5, 2012 is the latest example of the left's delusional behavior.  They were beaten like a couple of eggs all over the country and yet they somehow try and spin those losses as victories.  I think they are smoking the ganga too much.  Even here in little Nevada County the local lefty nuts try and spin their losses to conservatives and Republicans as a victory of some sorts.  Now, I have nothing against Terry Lamphier on the Board of Supervisors.  He is a registered Independent I think yet the local lefty blogger says he is nonetheless a democrat.  I think Mr. Lamphier would register as a democrat if he thought he was one.  Then we have the Fifth District contest for Supervisor where a democrat, Mr. Anderson has secured the post.  Though the post is non-partisan (which the lefty bloggers are always saying they desire) and a opposition candidate, also a democrat (who withdrew early on and endorsed Anderson) the libs crow about the registration of the party.  The libs a;ways want it both ways.  We see why they are on the run because the regular folks don't trust them anymore.

Nevada County is lucky to have people of a conservative bent, democrats and Republicans, running the place.  It seems to me Mr. Anderson of Truckee will be in the same ideological vein as Ted Owens, the present Supervisor.  They are and were executives running a town and the experience and practicality of their jobs fits well in a 100 million dollar budget.  So the left will crow about party at the non partisan level while we on the right are simply happy to have experienced people in charge of our money.

Overall the voters of the state stayed home and California had a 28% turnout.  Nevada County had a 41% and Los Angeles had 18%.  Most of the mountain counties and many in the Inland Empire had better turnouts, but overall, we get the government we deserve.  In Nevada County it is a conservative set regardless of registration.  It seems the ideas of the conservatives are rubbing off on everyone else.

So if the left is somehow receiving money from Soros and/or his affiliated groups, that would explain the rabid beliefs of the nutty left here in Nevada County.  If they are not receiving money, then they must simply be "true believers" of socialism/communism.  Either way the left is becoming irrelevant in the real world. Thank goodness!


  1. No more Koch Bros. or Soros.

    Public Financing of Campaigns. $10 is worth having campaigns free of special interest money from any direction.

    "Until we control our elections for public office we have no control over the people who are supposed to be representing our best interests. Who controls the purse strings controls the government. Right now big business and wealthy businessmen and women control the purse strings of our elections, Republican and Democratic Party leadership, and the elected legislators through lobbying efforts and campaign donations.

    I support the Fair Elections Now Act sponsored by Change Congress, a non-partisan advocacy organization whose sole purpose is to protect the independence of Congress by fighting the influence of money in politics. Learn more online at"

  2. BenE, why do you people never talk about the money your people spend? In Wisconsin you spent over 40 million in a little state! Also, why do you forgive the individual voter in your equation? Is it not they who cast the votes? My guess is your side has dumbed down the people through the education assembly line to be unable to think for themselves. Thank goodness the Tea Party and conservatives are carrying the load of freedom now. It used to be your side but you all sold your souls to George Soros.

  3. Todd,
    What do you mean by "you people"? I call out special interest money no matter what form it takes. No Corporate, Union, PAC's, Bundler's, 527's, Individual Expenditures, just small $100 or less donations and public financing. The size and scope of the state and federal government shrinks dramatically due to elimination of return favors on special interest investment. As for Wisconsin Scott Walker outspent his opponent 7 to 1 with a majority of the money coming from out of the state of Wisconsin. When the numbers come in from non-official campaign spending I bet you that gap becomes even wider.

    1. You fail to admit the spending from out of state to the democrats during the first phases of the Senate recalls and the Supreme Court Chief Justice. Why do you do that?

    2. Todd,
      You fail to accept that I say all special interests and mention the democratic party being part of the problem but you only see your precious republican party being attacked. First, the republican party leadership is 100% in bed with big business. Second, a majority of the leadership in the democratic party are in bed with big business.

      Here is what I said and always say. I capitalized your blind spot so it will be more visible.

      "Right now big business and wealthy businessmen and women control the purse strings of our elections, Republican and DEMOCRATIC PARTY leadership, and the elected legislators through lobbying efforts and campaign donations."

      "No more Koch Bros. or Soros.

      Public Financing of Campaigns. $10 is worth having campaigns free of special interest money from any direction'

      Please open your eyes

    3. BenE, I firmly believe that money is speech so I guess we depart any modicum of agreement. I have supported no spending caps but instant disclosure. This should satisfy both sides. What I am curious about from your view how is the voter, the individual voter, let off the hook for their personal responsibility of their vote? You need to tell us how that voter is "bought" by campaign donations to do the bidding of the candidate, the donor or party. Please explain how the Koch brothers money to a Super Pac causes a educated American voter to do their bidding in the booth.

      My position has always been BenE, and I will put it in caps so you pay attention, VOTERS are personally responsible for the election of candidates. You want a nanny state to limit people in their desires to elect someone and I don't (except for instant disclosure). So, I want more speech and I place the blame (if that is the right word) on the voter for the mess we are in. California is the best example of the mess of the VOTER. Look at the returns from the cities and you will see a bunch of people getting elected by the VOTERS of their district (in some places a 10% turnout).

    4. Todd,
      To prove that Koch or Soros money influences voters would take a very long post, which I don't have time to do at the moment.

      Corporations are not human beings and money is not speech. They are both property. This is the inverted idea of Dred Scott being property not a human being.

    5. BenE, money used for disseminating information is speech. The SCOTUS agrees with me and they have said a corporation (made up of people) is a person in regards to its place in the society. You are simply wrong and I am correct about this.

      Regarding Koch money. All you have to do is tell me and the readers how their campaign contributions cause a educated American voter to vote their way. How is it possible the graduates of our educational system could be so stupid as to become a "yes man" to the Koch's? I am perplexed that you would say the American people are that stupid as a voter.

    6. Todd,
      Those who are given the power to make laws agree with me and have been passing laws to reduce the influence of corporate money in politics for over a century. Have you ever heard of the Tillman Act?

      I will give you an example though it is a overused and an exception but the person who held a sign saying "Get Your Government Hands Off My Medicare" is an example of how an echo chamber of misinformation can lead innocent voters astray from the truth. Most people don't follow politics close enough to decipher the propaganda from the truth. Then they are bombarded with information in 30 second ads that has some good information in them but mostly bad information. So they obediently follow the direction of the Hannity's and Rush's who are the mouthpieces of the oligarchs to average Americans and in return those mouthpieces are rewarded with $200 - $400 million dollar contracts.

    7. BenE, you certainly have your POV. You give the individual voter a pass in all your comments and in my view, in a free country and a government run education system, I don't. My goodness, now the nanny state has come full circle. Pretty soon there will be so many excuses for not voting we may just have to turn that over to the government too.

      The turnout n California was something like 25%. If you are trying to convince me and others it is Hannity or Rush and 30 second commercials that are so important then why did 75% of the voters stay home on their couch? Hell, we have made it so easy to vote a third grader could do it. No BenE, money is speech and the more speech the better. Your dislike of corporations cracks me up. They are simply a bunch of people who get together, they are not Dart Vader.

      Regarding the medicare point of yours. The politicians said through the law that all people will join and pay the medicare. If you want to be truthful you should state that in your comment. So, if you break the law by NOT paying your government mandated medicare don't you think those people have a point? Doesn't the government confiscate their money to fund the program? Yep. We simply have a 180 degree difference here but maybe if you open your mind up you could probably then see how wrong you are and how right I am.

    8. The main reason the turnout is so low is due to the fact that average voter feels like they have no choice and no representation. This is where the media conglomerates are doing their jobs very well. The best way to get polices in place in the interests of the very wealthiest individuals and mega corporations is to get the average voter so disenfranchised they stay home on election day. Another way to disenfranchise voters is to purge them from the rolls or create voter ID laws that target specific voting blocks or suppress get out the vote registration drives. Here is a video of the founder of the Heritage Foundation and ALEC talking about how to get republicans elected. Suppress the vote and republican chances of winning goes up.

    9. BenE you said this "The main reason the turnout is so low is due to the fact that average voter feels like they have no choice and no representation.". Could you please cite your proof on that?

      Regarding turnout. Since 80% of the voters are either D's or R's, what is the advantage to whom by them both staying home? I just can't see it but apparently you have information backed by facts on this?

    10. Most voters are turned off by the onslaught of obnoxious, nasty, huge money negative ads, and by the absolute unwillingness of many politicians to work together with each other as Americans, for the common good. They want COMPROMISE and teamwork to solve problems. They don't see that and are cynical.

    11. The voters want something? Heck they don't get off the couch to vote! The idea of politics is to gain a majority to implement your ideas and policies. If you doubt that look at the US Senate. The democrats have 53 and R's 47. Look at the votes and you will see little if any crossovers because they both feel they are right. 50% plus one is the goal to gain the power to implement. That is life. democrats lie too so there is that problem with them standing for their word.

    12. Todd,
      I am not sure when you are going to figure out that I will not defend the democratic party. The reason I am not registered with the democratic party because I don't want to defend the hypocrisy. I am not registered republican because of their absolute loyalty of the private sector/big business and there active suppression of democracy. 80% are registered R's or D's but in 2010 there was a 42% voter turnout. Why? They don't have a choice or representation so they stay home.

      Voter Turnout

    13. Reading you for some time now BenE you have to agree you are a liberal. I think that makes your loyalty to the eft pretty apparent. You call the D's hypocrites, why? You seem to defend them most of the time. I also read some comment you made that Osama had nothing to do with 9/11. When a person says something that outrageous they lose credibility with rational people.

      Regarding turnout and campaign contributions. Since it costs a lot of money to pay for TV, radio, mailers and all the other stuff, how would you pay for all that? Also, why does the 75% who stay home on their asses in front of the TV instead of taking the 1/2 hour to go vote twice a year get any sympathy from anyone. Stay home, don't vote, bend over and take it, don't complain couch potatoes, you didn't bother to exercise the greatest thing protecting freedom. I have no sympathy for the lazy asses.

  4. WHO spent 40 million in Wisco? Answer: out of state RNC, Koch and various right-wing groups hellbent on supporting the destruction of Unions. Don't think Ben is a member or supporter of those groups. Ben is correct- it was 7 or 8 to 1 against Barrett. Not a fair contest, due to the insane concept of Corporations are People.

    1. The totals arer very close as I have said when you add the first recall becasue the goal was the same to beat the R's and return the state to deficit. Remember that? It was only less than a year ago. Using your logic LT, you are as outraged at Obama for spending 800 million? I bet yuou donated through your PAC to him, right?

  5. By the way, how in the world would anyone know how Mr. Anderson is going to operate as a Supervisor? How in the world would anyone assume he would mimic the voting record of Ted Owens? He seems to be a huge advocate of our precious natural beauty-the environment- in Nevada County. Truckee as a community is Center-Left.

    1. I don't think I said that, in fact it is you and your pals at Pelline's blog that have said they know the way the fellow will vote since they have pigeon-holed him in a political bent. I say he is already an executive since he is a mayor and in charge of things in Truckee. Besides, all of us love the environment so what is your point?

    2. "It seems to me Mr. Anderson of Truckee will be in the same ideological vein as Ted Owens" TJ

      All everyone is saying is that the BOS is now PURPLE. One moderate Repub, one progressive, 2 conservative Repubs, 1 Democrat. A shade of PURPLE. Just like the great melting pot that is Nevada County. Why so difficult to admit?

    3. I think my perspective is correct.

  6. A correspondent sent me a copy of BenE's recent comments on the local lefty blog post regarding Agenda21. It is a remarkable screed that reveals a man who dons a more reasonable mantle when going visiting on more conservative blogs. My take is that BenE's shows his true colors when in friendly waters.

    1. The liberal mind can parse his life down to a gnats ass so he probably has no clue he is two faced.

    2. George,
      Please give the link to where I am expressing an opinion of Agenda 21. I know the term but haven't a clue what is associated with it. I looked up any comments I might have made under the umbrella of Agenda 21 and found that I made a comment when I lived in CO there were signs saying "Get US out of the UN" and I replaced UN with WTO. You got me stating a fact from my own life, good job.

    3. George,
      Waiting for that link big guy.

  7. Reasonable is someone who isn't caught up in the insane conspiracy theory of this magical Agenda 21.

  8. So you don't know anything about it then?

  9. LOL. Liberals complaining about "outside money". HELL!! How many reports
    of outside money, not to mention out of country money flowing to their own candidates. Then there is the special interest groups that hide behind " non profit",, that get GOV (uh) grants, then recycle those funds into campaign contributions. Nope,,, Never hear the Left denounce those practices when it comes to their election games.

  10. I think there is a DNA link missing in a liberal. To deny a fact so readily on just about any issue has to be congenital. Even the FUE seems to be missing a link. And my goodness, he was actually a editor of our local newspaper for a short while. What a mess he brought to out tranquil little county. (I still can't believe the FUE was hired).

  11. I would love Agenda 21 to become a part of the Presidential debate. Love, love, love it. Gee, I wonder why Mitt Romney will not touch it with a 100 foot pole?


  12. It is obvious LT that you don't know what Agenda21 is so try and help us here, what is it you like and what is it supposed to do?

  13. You should ask Willard. He apparently utilized elements of it in Massachusetts, according to many conservative websites...LOL.

  14. No, I would like you to discuss it and tell us your opinions on Agenda21. What is the problem?

  15. This should make LT happy.,, Todd, remember the Sackett VS EPA story?
    I guess the EPA didn't take losing so well. From what I hear, the property has been seized by the EPA. I haven't heard all the details yet, but this reeks of pure retaliation.

  16. I haven't heard that Walt. The EPA will be the recipient of total demolishment if they did that act of fascism.

  17. This is from Lou Dobbs shown tonight. I can't find another source on it yet either.It might take a day or two to be picked up by the usual outlets.

  18. I will give you this link again.

  19. The libs a;ways want it both ways. We see why they are on the run because the regular folks don't trust them anymore.

  20. Now that is just plain weird. I cut and paste the link, and the guy
    who killed the perv starts playing....Well the guy got what was coming to him.....
    I will try and track it down again.


Real name thank you.