Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Obama and the local lefty lib bootlickers crack me up.

Obama is being defended by the likes of the local "purple people" as the VICTIM of George W. Bush.  They ride the O bandwagon and do the ventriloquist dummy part for all the Axelrod and Obama statements.  It is too funny!  Of course we on the right at least have a brain so we don't allow ourselves to become a ventriloquist dummy.  The left, filled with all those "smarter than the average bear folks" are simply unable to believe they made a mistake voting for Obama and are doubling down on their support.   Heck, aren't the libs constantly telling us how intelligent they are?  Aren't they flouting their PHD's and Masters Degrees in our faces?

Yep.  See some of their comments on this blog where they diss people like Walt who I know is a caterpillar and backhoe operator.  When the libs don't like what he says they always resort to a personal snipe about his education.  Of course when the lib needs a ditch dug, who is he gonna call?  A psychiatrist?  No, the libs are never self analysing, but they do like to do that to others on the right.  Obama is now on a jag blaming, GASP! Bush!  He just can't tout anything positive about himself so he trashes Bush, or Romney, or Republicans, or, Hmmm, Germans!   Never his fault.  The local purple people think Obama should blame others and the ropa-dope goes on. 

As I recall from the endless primary and election season in 2008, Obama was the hopey-changey fellow making speeches all over the planet to adoring audiences.  He would stop the rising oceans and fix all those problems Bush created.  He was adored by the press and they still lick his boots today.  The local left was in the tank for the man then and still is today.  Millions are out of work and the debt and deficit are trashing the countries future but the O could care less apparently.  It is Bush's fault!

No President Obama, the office you hold is not yours personally.  It is simply occupied by your physical body until the next man or woman occupies it.  The country is asking you too keep things in order and more or less, babysit.  The policies of the past become yours to implement just as you ask future Presidents to do the same with your policies.  How can you trash those that came before you without the risk those in the future will not trash you?  You have a trust we gave you and you are failing the test.  It is childish to blame others for the problems that you said you would fix if we elected you.  Well, you got elected and you have fixed nothing, you have made things worse.

The local left could care less about your failure to fix the mess because they are true believers of your style and rhetoric.  Most of the limousine liberals have no respect for the fellow who digs the ditch or the woman who watches their chillin at the day care.  Those libs are just too good for the regular folks.  Ironically, the middle class in America is made of people like Walt or Mona Lee's type folks.  It has been my experience with these "purple people" that in a work setting, they do their best to screw the ditch digger and the day care lady out of their money.  I guess economics hasn't escaped them altogether.

So, Obama, stop with the blame game.  America has millions of people out of work and the economy needs to fire up.  You and your regulations and policies, along with a do-nothing democrat US Senate, have brought our country to a standstill.  Actually we are going backwards.  Wages a returning to 1976 levels for goodness sakes.  So, get out of the way, shut up, and let the grownups start running things,Please.


  1. Don't think you really don't want to go there on a platform that Mitt Romney and Repubs..cough.. are going to lead a crusade, pass legislation that would increase wages for the working class. Cannot locate a reference anwhere-where Repubs support higher wages for the working class. Romney did everything in his power at Bain to REDUCE personnel costs. Big Business, supported by Repubs, has done everything in its power to chop, cut, outsource and reduce wages of labor in the last 30 years.

  2. President cannot fix things without the cooperation and compromise of Congress. The House will not cooperate or compromise. The President's Jobs bill continues to sit dormant in John Boehner's pig pen.

    1. Pig Pen? Boehner and the House R's have sent 28 bills over to your pal Harry Reid in the Senate and guess what? All those bills are in the round file, Harry won't even allow a vote. So you are factually wrong. Obama's jobs bill is trash and won't work. Hell, Obama's budget was defeated unanimously in the House and the Senate! Perhaps your partisanship is too strong to admit the R's are not the problem, it is you guys.

      Also, the President is one third of the government. He is the Executive. He implements the laws passed by Congress and signed by him. He then apparently signs executive orders to boot. He has the power, Congress has the purse strings. Well, they used to until Obama started telling his departments to tap into his stimuli slush funds.

    2. No, here is the situation. Obama's jobs bill that would build schools, highways and bridges has not been taken up by the House. President took the lead, put a real jobs bill that would create 2M NEEDED jobs before the House, and Crying John sits, very afraid of Tea People. 2 MILLION jobs estimated by most economists. Held up by the far right.

    3. You are a koolaid drinker for goodness sakes. It is not a jobs bill it is a third stimuli and will go to the unions for more money laundering. Fool me once, your fault, fool me twice my fault. Sorry, you are simply misguided.

  3. Thanks for covering my back Todd. The one or two gutter snipes
    resort to making this personal, when they can't hold their own
    against a common ditch digger. There is one in particular that thinks
    just because he has a year or two of "experience" in his own tractor seat
    he knows all there is to know. He also had a "friend" who help him out
    in the know it all dept.
    Just a note to Mr. Knowitall, I have been in this business for nearly 30 years, and I don't know it all or even dare claim getting close to that horizon.
    I guess that's that superior, critical, Liberal thinking we keep hearing about.
    In my world, people that act and think like they know it all, wind up dead from stupidity.

  4. Who's out of a job and refusing to re-train to a more sustainable career?
    Not me Walt.


Real name thank you.