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Wrong finger for the Bee Editors |
What is fascinating to me though is the Bee will kiss Hillary's arse and all the rest of the left. They will defend her and protect her by their omission of her story. Any Republican will be relentlessly bashed by the leftwing media, day after day until they run them out of tow. But has anyone seen a editorial like this one on a democrat? Heck no. Hillary deserted our Grass Valley native Chris Stevens and his help in Benghazi. They were murdered and their bodies desecrated by Muslims terrorists. There is blood on Hillary's hands. I never did hear her issue those "commander" orders at three AM. Did you? But that means nothing to the butt kissers on the Bee's editorial board. Trump to my knowledge never let people get murdered. And the Bee shows no interest where Hillary and Obama were on that fateful night. Isn't there any suspicions of the Bee?
The Bee also infers, well they actually say it, that Trump is so dangerous that America will take tears to recover from his Presidency. But not a word of concern about Obama or anyone from the left. Obama has trashed America. 94 million working people sitting on the sidelines unable to find work. 20 trillion in debt, bankrupting our economy. Obama can't even say Islamic Terrorist and Hillary is following suit. Then we see all the abuse by the Executive Branch departments on regular American people. IRS, EPA, EEOC on and on. My goodness, I am truly ashamed of the Bee for their narrow and biased views. What happened to the "smart people" that used to run our nations papers?
Reading the editorial sent me laughing actually. The Bee thinks Trump is Satan! They are afraid! Here is a man that does his best to wreck the PC world of these "journalist" and they can't hack it. Hell, the AP won't even allow its "journalists" to use "illegal aliens" in a story. What PC nonsense are these people trying to foist on us? Trump trips them up. They don't know how to deal with a man that is a confident man. They are used to politicians with no spine. Politician's when caught who march their little wives out to a press conference when caught. Apologizing for any and all things. Trump does not care about that. He has taken the POWER away from these phony PC "journalists".
I think Trump's appeal to many Americans is he refuses to be cowed by a PC world of apologists. He says he want to bring America back. Well, he certainly has struck a cord with many. I would certainly trust him with the "button" over a ideological liberal. Hell the liberals want us to all go away and return our "carbon footprint" back to Mama Earth. Trump wants to build things. Make lasting human achievements. A liberal with the button, the nuclear button, scare me a lot more than a man who wants to build things. How about you?
So read the editorial. I have a Sunday only subscription which keeps me in the loop of the loony left. Today the paper had a feel good Jerry Brown loves the environment history and some "gun control" articles by bleeding hearts. So hold your nose as you read the Editorial and many of the loony lib articles. Then have a Excedrin.
Good description of it Todd. Another friend who subscribes to the Bee sent it to me today and commented, "I've subscribed to the Bee for over 60+ years, but I'm beginning to reach the limits of my ability to read this tripe, especially the Editorial page. I wonder if the publisher realizes that there are still some conservative readers?" Because I've been watching and reading history from the past and in the process...something seems obvious. The Socialist labor unions that ran Russia and Germany did away with freedom of the media through fear of retribution. Years ago Musician friend Mr. Luschen told us that in Germany anyone who said anything bad about the communists disappeared. He and his wife moved to America on the last ship just as WWI broke out.
ReplyDeleteI am amazed the Bee has survived and not gone the way of the dodo too. They are so left they are now irrelevant. Their choice of news stories is as bad as well. If Genghis Khan was a liberal they would praise him.
DeleteBillionaire GOP donor Mike Fernandez says he'll vote Hillary over Trump, stoke the trump bandwagon, dude...and the 10% he gets in the general insures Hillary gets it.
ReplyDelete"....Imagine how the rants of Crabb and Boardman resonate to a newly minted engineer from a coastal college who might want to relocate here."
I can't imagine a "newly minted engineer" giving a crap jeffy! I know it's difficult for you, as a regular commentator for the flabby left to grasp, but engineers aren't usually philosophically inclined to be whiny "pearl clutches". Just sayin........
....and as always LOL.
I honestly think Pelline has lost his noggin. I went over there, held my nose and read his yellow journalism. If anyone is responsible for the lack of interest in our county for jobs it is him and his ilk.
DeleteIzzy Martin was a Planning Commissioner on the General Plan and Zoning Maps. She was also a Supervisor under false pretenses. She and her like minded pals made this General Plan so onerous that businesses don't relocate or build here in any numbers. Look at what happens to the proponents! Ostracized and namecalled at the meetings! We have current examples right now.
So Pelline used the word "mind" for mine too. What an idiot.
Dredging was a benign endeavor for all the years of this county. All those jobs and millions of dollars are gone because of the personal efforts of Izzy Martin and the Sierra Fund. It is all a ripoff of people who could be working. Pelline is personally responsible for keeping people with a business interest or a job from coming here. These libs are truly nuts.
The most hated man in the county is again sniveling because ruinits socialist taco venture is already failing. What a laugh. Give us way too much money for a pedestrian taco that's sustainable, earth friendly, politically correct and not worth a S*$(. Good luck socialist money grubbers. Go fund me, grant me anything but earn some money by working and then investing in a venture. OH NO, the ruinits of the world expect you to pay their way with your money. Its always other people money. This taco stand is just the latest worm farm debacle at the hands of good old socialist ruinit. Kind of what they have done to Nevada city's once thriving business district. Now its just a bunch of stoners and vagrants with bad attitudes. GO JIMBOYS!
Deletejeffpelline says: December 7, 2015 at 7:19 am
DeleteNeedless to say, Todd is up and at ’em this morning, whirling the insults and personal attacks. Let’s hope Todd runs for Supe in the spring! It’s time to send this “good old boy” a message — loud and clear. My hunch: He’ll back out, because he knows what we know. His views are as outdated as he is.
"Whirling" the insults? Whatever!
I hope you do run.....even if you're not serious about it....just to see jeffys pumpkin sized head asplode.
Honestly, Pelline has a tin ear, well both ears. No one likes him and yet in his mind he is a some sort of hero. It has to be he is off his meds, or maybe obesity affects the noggin.
DeleteI am a well liked fellow, the only ones that don't like me I don't care about anyway. March 2016 is coming.
Todd's a baby, he only likes comments that agree with him or are nice to's ok todd, maybe you're going soft in your old age
ReplyDeleteAs you can see I have left your comment even though you are wimp and don't use your real name and email. You are simply a a whiny little liberal. Thank goodness you are not allowed to join the armed forces.
DeleteI'm jealous that Jeffy gave Crabb way more ink than he gave me. Apparently a picture--or, in this case, a cartoon--is worth more than 885 words.
ReplyDeleteI noticed that too. I think Crabb is more on Pelline's mind than you are this week. But take it as a badge of courage that a libsucker like Pelline hates you even a little bit. The party I attended this last Saturday had hundreds of people and they came up to me to tell me how they really liked my bolg and how much they could not stand Pelline and his sock puppets. Look at what he attracts as posters. Bruce Levy? The man/woman is a total loser.
DeleteJust read you article today. Excellent!
DeleteOops, blog. LOL!
DeleteAfter Trump's last speech about banning all Muslims, I am a full trump supporter. It's this kind of leadership and action the country needs
ReplyDeleteThe USA had no immigration from 1924 to 1965. It was an attempt to assimilate those that had come at the turn of the last century. It actually worked. Trumps said just give it some time to see what we can do. And the PC crowd and the PC Republicans are apoplectic. Hell, the greatest democrat President put 120,000 Japanese into concentration camps and not one peep from the current PC nuts. All this gives Trump as much of the free press he wants. I think he knows this s causing the PC crowd to crap their pants and attack him thereby more press. I think his strategy is interesting and it seems to be working.
DeleteAlso, these PC folks say it does not "reflect" our values. Why is that? And who set those values into cement? Perhaps we should stop all immigration so we can assimilate the folks already here?
More fake "fish"!
DeleteAs I delve more deeply into my multiple personalities, and actually get to try out my new conservative personality, I realize what a fool I have been all these years by trying to live the shallow, phoney, hypocritical life of of a progressive. It is so empowering to embrace the real world and not look at life through rose colored glasses. I am voting for Donald Trump! LOL!
DeleteI just had lunch with a Union employee. I am amazed at the hate they have for you know who. He really cut a path through the place.
DeleteThe FUE still has his crazy cat lady crew to rely on. No longer any shred of journalistic professionalism just a giant man child who hates everyone who does not agree with him. His world view is I know everything and am the best at everything, why don't you follow me, I am a leader! For someone who hates everything about the region its no surprise that the feelings are mutual! ROFLOL
DeleteAong with his five or so sock puppets (all female) he has that loon Brice Levy. That fellow is unhinged. He ust be off his meds most of the time. I have yet to read anyone as negative about everything as that nut.
DeletePelline is now doing stories about pre teen girls. What the heck? Creepy!
DeleteTodd, you should get on the Trump bandwagon! He's going to take this and stick it to not only the LIBS, but also the GOP establishment!
DeleteWhy is Pelline doing stories about little girls on his blog. Is there a reason the community needs to about this? Jeeze what a creepy dude.
DeleteBecause big girls around here know to run when they see him. Nobody wants to listen to him tell you how perfect he is and everyone else is a podunk pos. ROFLOL
DeleteHey Todd, where is your boy Walt at? I've seen him on Rebane's, but not on here
ReplyDeleteDon't forget that "you know who" is a big supporter of Terry Lamphier. Maybe that answers your question.