Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Nevada City has a Village Idiot. And no dumpster is safe!

White shirt searching for food!


  1. Todd, I am going to so own you now! You have slandered me for the last time. And don't think you can hide from this one, just because you didn't use my name. EVERYONE knows there is only one person that looks like that from the backside, and you have poked fun at me for the last time. You have damaged me beyond repair by posting that picture of me waddling up to the bar to refill my wine glasses. Lucky for you that you missed the glasses in my left hand! What was the name of your lawyer again? I am going to call him and put the fear into him about all the scary things I will do to you! ROFLMFAO!

    1. Call my lawyers. Dewie, , Cheatem and Howe

    2. Is that Uhaul how he gets that tonnage around now?

  2. jeffpelline says:

    October 16, 2015 at 5:20 pm

    Seems I’m renting a lot of space inside Todd’s noggin’. What else would his “blog” have to write about? ROFLOL.

    That's've inadvertently become a one man PR firm for Monsieur Juvinall.

    You write about Todd so much I check your blog to find out what Todd is up to!

  3. Yes, everyone knows that you can keep tabs on Todd via the Fue! Pretty sure it is all about the TSA scans. I wonder what Dr. Phil would think?

    1. That's funny Todd gets into the putrid pus bags head for free and the purple hippo has to rent space. Obviously a trust fund brat who can not make a good business decision. He is ignoring the glaring error in claiming a Freedom Of Information play with the County. Lets hope the County points out the error of his stupidity and makes him ask correctly for whatever the heck hippo boy is sniveling for. ROFLOL

  4. Heck the unemployed journalist has no life, no friends, no purpose in life other than to show his penis envy in every way imaginable. No wonder he is stalking Todd. It should not be too long until the chili cheese clots every artery and vessel and he grinds to a fat congealed halt. ROFLOL

    1. He does seem obsessed with me. Man-crush? Literally and figuratively.

  5. Just don't stand too close in case he does a ROFLO , that could be a real man crush(er)!

  6. Is that a pony tail on the lump of lard?

  7. You need a newer picture Todd, jabba the pus has gained another ruinit since then. He was what 4 ruinits in the picture right?

  8. That is so funny, ruinits as a unit of measure. So that would mean 1 financial ruinit is worth a negative $ 60,000.00 dollars like the worm farm tax payer grant fiasco? A buck 10 for weight and a negative 60k as a financial unit = 1 ruinit. LOL Ruinit for the ECO nut anti business lawyer Heidi Halls campaign finance manager. ROFLOL squared.

    1. Union published my critique on the democrats today. They are such a bunch of lemmings!

    2. Frisch and Pelline are quite large. Could the lack of food affect their thinking? Or are they always thinking about food? Anyway, these two libnuts are really a determent to the peace and tranquility of the county. Maybe a large and constant package of food would keep them busy? LOL!!!

  9. I enjoy intelligent discussions but have never liked insulting bullies. Mr. Pelline brought it on himself by falsely labeling those who disagreed with his opinions, and even excluded them on his site while expressing himself on other blogs. Anyway, I hope he changes for the better. Meanwhile, please discontinue going down the Ignorant, insulting path here. What goes around continually comes around until there's a change of behavior. BMW

    1. Oh heck, I am insulted all the time by those butt buddies. So I decide to return the favor. LOL!

  10. Like clockwork the purple hippo of Nevada city trots out the same old same old links he thinks will silence his opposition. If someone starts a fight and gets scuffed up in the process they have nothing to complain about but we hear the porcine squeals of the purple hippo anyway. ROFLOL

    1. It is true. He checks your taxes, your ownership, you shoe size, anything to try ad gt an edge. What he fails to understand with his pea brain is I could care less. Besides, he was a "journalist" and we all know they make up half their stories and fail to get the facts anyway. I bet there are some real interesting things buried in his closet, just like I found with Frisch. I may use them later.

  11. jeffpelline says:

    October 18, 2015 at 9:35 am

    Doug LaMalfa is Todd Juvinall’s hero. Though Todd can’t pay off his county property tax bill, he shovels money at Doug LaMalfa for a “grip and grin” photo: Here’s Doug:
    Here’s Todd:

    This is the kind of person that Todd is: Bottom of the What a hoot!



    1. Fish, good pickup there. I feel the love from that bigboys man-crush on me. LOL!

  12. Hmmm...maybe the Fue has already got his copy of the TSA scans!

    1. At least its not kiddie porn like his buddy. When do they put that perv on trial for kiddie porn at the Rood Center?

  13. jeffpelline says:

    October 18, 2015 at 11:32 am

    I don’t think “fish” (AKA David Larsen of Carmichael) has friends. Just the ones on the local blogs, whom he’s never met like Todd, George, Don, etc. It’s “fish’s” version of online dating. As for his skills, it’s limited to “cutting and pasting.” What a moron.

    Oh jeffy why must you wound me so.....? :-(


    1. Projecting his own lack of friends . LOL!

    2. If It was not for Nevada city's crazy cat lady crew he would not even have people to talk to who have his same screech and screed psychopathy. The purple hippos rant against granny units in his neighborhood must be straining the ruinit cat crew relationship. How long till the eco nut lawyer Hidi Hall figures out the pus bag is toxic and is already splashing all over her already?
      I can see it now, Linda Campbell introducing the purple hippo to introduce ruinit to introduce Hall at a public event. Now that would be quite the caricature picture if you have a wide angle lens. ROFLOL

    3. That sure is a flattering picture of two tons of tantrums. He looks way worse from the other side. You're not going soft on the winner of the most love for self award in Nevada City are you Todd? Winning that award in Nevada city is really saying something with how many personality disordered narcissists they have per capita. That has to have something to do with Nevada city being one of the most violent cities in the State, top 10 wasn't it?

    4. Those granny units sure harbor some wild ass people. Those 85 year old women can really party. So I guess he has a point. LOL!

    5. Chunky is not real happy?

      I don't know Todd I'm chunky...and despite my appalling lack of friends I'm pretty happy!

    6. Big purple hippo boy is going to find out what having trimagrants in his neighborhood is like and not just destroying the Nevada city businesses downtown. Not cultural diversity just criminals. Well the ones that have survived ruinits tender mercies. Who thinks there are really little old ladies renting them? AirBnB, the internet is changing the world in lefty jeffys own block now@ ROFLOL

    7. Hey the internet is changing the way we communicate!

  14. I say we nominate fish to be Grand Marshall of the next 4th of July Parade! In honor of our most favorite non-resident. Awfully glad to have you among us in spirit fish!

    1. I agree. And the bigboy can be the Grand Marshall for the Gay Pride Parade in SF since he is a non resident.

    2. See jeffy.....making friends.....and enjoying how the internet is changing the way we communicate!

    3. Thunder thighs is saying that this is your way of internet dating Fish. That sounds like the king of cholesterol is projecting his idea of internet dating. Him his big bromancer big stevie. ROFLOL

    4. It is much better to be a Fish Supporter than a FUE Atheletic Supporter my mama always said.

  15. OMG, that would give the Fue a heart attack! Or at least a trip to the fainting couch!

  16. What is so funny about a little spell on the fainting couch Todd? Even an award winning journalist like me needs a little break now and then. It is hard work consuming 8,000 calories every day. LOL!

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. The purple hippo of Nevada city failed to start his Monday morning with the usual anti Union , George Boardman rants. He must be stuck on the throne with constipation from too many free range organic chili cheese fry's. ROFLOL

  19. jeffpelline says:

    October 19, 2015 at 10:38 am

    Apparently the bone heads on Todd’s blog missed this comment from last night. LOL.


    I'm guessing most saw it. As with most of your comments if it isn't "mock worthy" there really isn't any reason to respond to it.

    Sorry jeffy, there's no "there" there.

    ...and as always LOL!

  20. Either Jeffy had too much wine to drink Sunday night before he read my column online or he has truly gone off the deep end. Only a moron could read today's column and conclude I'm a gun nut.

    Mr. Fish, is it OK if I refer to you as AKA?

    1. I actually saw his post last night before I hit the hay. I was expecting a full support column on guns this morning. Well of course it is the opposite. Though I totally disagree with GeorgeB's postions on this, I would not mistake what he wrote so infaniley as Pelline did. My goodness, to what point? But as we have read here and there, truth is manipulated by the leftwingers like Pelline and Frisch to gain popularity with the dregs of liberal ideology.

    2. However you prefer sir.

    3. Sounds like Boardman is on the mark about pugslie, no full page separate rant, just a toss away one liner on another stream. Clearly impaired and off his usual pattern, could just be too much electric yellow nacho goo clogging his blood vessels! LOL

  21. So what is the proper wine paring for chili cheese frys?

  22. You treat it like courses, white for the cheese, red for the chili and beer for the frys! So for a gallon of cheese goo that would be at least a box of drug store white, chili a half gallon of thunderbird and topped off by a case of mickys big mouths. Only the finest for the unemployed journalist! ROFLOL

  23. Mickys big mouth malt liquor, wow a blast from the past but very apropos for the purple hippo aka the sierra food and whiner. With his mouth he could pop the whole bottle in like a tic tack. LOL Do they still sell that rot gut?

  24. Hey, don't be dissing the best brewski in Pittsburgh! Nothing better than a pint of Mickey's And nothing washes down a case of chili cheese fries than a case of Mickey's. Po-dunk rednecks. LOL!

  25. Ben Emery vs. Steve Frisch is getting fired up on the FUE blog. Ben Emery posted to Steve Frisch "Steve,
    You need to pull your head out of your ass".

    Oh my, the internet is changing the way liberal's attack each other. LOL!

    1. Both have their heads up their arse's so how do rach even know what the other is saing. It just goes to show that a liberal is so stupid they can't even recognize a "friend". LOL!

    2. The FUE is editing other peoples posts again. This time editing Ben's smack down of Frisch. I hear from others that FUE edits their posts too and doesn't divulge that he does. Censorship by editing on the FUE blog.

    3. That would not surprise me. The press is not respected because people believe things like that. The FUE cannot be trusted.

    4. Its the Nevada city way. If we don't like what you say we will 'amend' the record to politically correct words, our words, our thoughts, the only ones allowed. As the purple pus bag says its my blog I will be a thought Nazi if I want to. Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah.

    5. Oh Todd that's so sweet you called me press. That's music to my unemployed ears. Thank you big boy! Gotta run my post snack snack is ready, Ta Ta for now.

  26. If anyone could get the FUE on a reinforced couch in a shrinks office we could figure why he says hateful things about you but reads every word of your blog. Then he spends half his blog reposting from yours?? His narcissistic personality disorder is glaringly clear but what element causes his obsession with you and your posts?

  27. Looks like Emery is about to be moderated off the FUE's cesspool. You can bet the award winning unemployed self proclaimed journalist has a drawer full of sock puppets to talk to. ROFLOL

    1. Just a liberal lovers spat. Not quite. With the True FUE &Co, it's more of a lover's splat.

    2. That's so disturbing in so many real ways, yuck!

  28. Dude. Now, I know what happened to my tent.

  29. The FUE is going to use one to hold a fund raiser for Heidi Hall it should seat about 200. ROFLOL

  30. jeffpelline says:

    October 24, 2015 at 7:02 am

    “The politics are so nasty because the stakes are so small.”


    ...and of course this constantly repeated trope only prompts the reader to wonder why you obsess over it so?

    1. He said that again? Jeeze, you would think a "award winning journalist" could put some different words together. But fish you are correct, he chose to move to this little place with all these little people and when we said we could care less about your (Pelline's) yapping, he turned on everyone. He is so sad.

    2. Yeah.....he's really been "mailing it in" lately. I imagine we see very shortly his posting of the link to the letter I mailed to his former associate at the Chronicle.....the "ethnomusicologist"....wondering why a gun couldn't teach a child to read or help the elderly cross the street.

      These are the "intellects" to whom we are supposed to direct our attention.


    3. That is all true but the great part is you are talking about ME! I love it when you talk about ME! Nobody reads my blog, and no one posts there except for ME! But here, we are always talking about ME! Everything about you guys is po-dunk, except when you talk about ME!

  31. The unemployed journalist bashes Heidi Halls campaign and calls it small thus irrelevant and that's why she is going to be so nasty. Well if the prince of pus says so it must be true. We can bet the purple hippo of Nevada city is going to be wallowing in the cesspool of socialist attacks that is his blog all the way to June. ROFLOL

    1. Hey, let's drop the word "pus" since it really grosses me out. I had one on my toe once.

      Heidi Hall is a looker but unfortunately her politics are too extreme for our little center right county. Some person said she works for the EPA? Is that true? Anyway, let's be a bit more respectful from now on as the election season is progressing and I would like to get more dialog on the issues. Thanks!

    2. Very sorry to hear you had a purple hippo on your foot, must have been very painful. So lets get some nominations for what to call his blog, hmm socialist septic tank? Bucket of purple puke? The unemployed journalists vessel of verbal diarrhea? Lets hear them folks. ROFLOL

  32. I believe that Heidi Hall works for the state Water Quality Control Board, the water police.

    1. Yeah great. That is all we need. A water cop as our supe. Of course the private sector jobs are adios and all we have now are these bureaucrats.

    2. No its way worse than that, she works for the State Democrap Party's Environmental Caucus says her face book. That makes her the most extreme element in the left wing anti-business core of the state dem. party. With a little checking we should be able to quantify the level of damage she has inflicted on our rural areas already. No wonder that idiot Pelline is already blowing her horn. Someone needs to find an island to exile the FUE to, with no cell or internet! Very funny that he is sounding like the octogenarians yelling get off my lawn about his cabin in Nevada city. roflol

    3. Is anyone surprised that there are NO comments on the FUE's Wu arrest story? Thought surely your friend (lol) Frisch would be springing to her defense. Not even a crumb from the NC gang, no solidarity from ruint or the pot growers, not even the Bernie supporters are asking to wait for the trial. Usually the FUE can be relied to be the only post on his own ignored posts. LOL

  33. jeffpelline says:

    October 24, 2015 at 2:06 pm

    There seems to be a longtime “enabling” going on between The Union and a nasty hard-right political contingent that holds back the community. We’ve lived here a decade now and seen it continue (like a broken record). The good news is that there is a grassroots movement afoot that is bringing about measurable, constructive change in our community, thanks to social media and new media. People just walk around it.

    Why anyone would publish a letter like that in their newspaper is beyond me — or any serious journalist.

    BTW, we need to help this guy “fish” find a girlfriend or/boyfriend down in Carmichael, so he doesn’t spend so much time on the local hard-right blogs. It’s pretty pathetic.

    Reply's all good in that department jeffy! Thanks for thinking of me though.

    You do know that the internet is changing the way we communicate....and that since you, for a time, insisted on making my local paper worse by your presence (I see no reason why I should have to see your face in the Sacbee anywhere except the holiday food section and then only with an apple in your mouth) I thought I'd spend some time in your neck of the woods! You know...... just getting to know you.

    You're a difficult case jeffy but with a lot of hard work on your part we can help you work through these bitchy rage issues that you seem compelled to direct towards the innocent Nevada City townsfolk.

    1. Fish, he is obsessed with you because you are obviously much smarter than Pelline. He has no humor and cannot turn a phrase as good you can. That frustrates him. You point of having to see his tripe in your paper does not escape people either. He thinks you have no right to post in Nevada County while he is posting in the Bee. I think he must have a screw loose to think that.

      It is interesting that he is friends (I call he and Frisch butt buddies) with a man who had so much trouble with the local, state and federal tax collectors. Now I try not to be judgmental because something can always happen to anyone, but his tax trouble seemed pretty orchestrated to me. Actually watching ID on cable makes me think it could have been a conspiracy? After all he has many posting on the Recorders files as does his wife. What kind of man would do that to his wife? A dip sh** of course.

      So overall, if Frisch and Pelline were not such idiots, I would probably not pay attention to them. They are truly a sideshow in the county and both are the butt of many jokes.

    2. Aww jeffies used almost all the socialist buzz words in one post. Measureable, constructive change, new media, social media. What no Sustainable or organic, well grass roots might count for that but not sustainable? Oh jeffies you have failed your fav horse face ruinit and the crazy cat lady crew. Bad boy! No post dinner snack sanck for you young man. Now go yell at the neighbors kids mr curmudgeon wanna be union editor.

    3. I wonder what he calls the "granny house" next door. Maybe some real unfriendly people will rent it. LOL!

    4. If a butane honey oil gang moves in next door, screws up and blows up the neighborhood we could be relieved of the cancer the purple hippo is on our community.

    5. Now now. Be a little nicer. That is over the top.

    6. It will not be the honey oil gang that does him in, it will be his own addiction to chili fries and "pints" of brew by the truck load. LOL!

    7. Lets take up a collection and buy him a few truck loads more! ROFLOL

  34. I thought we were collection donations for tar and feathers! LOL!

  35. NEWS FLASH....... The unemployed fue admits that real people post on this blog..... film at eleven.

  36. He did? He must really like this blog. LOL!

  37. Now he said 10,000 visits to his site this week, that would about cover the regular visits of our sides designated readers! Sock puppets don't count. In his latest psychic break he is telling RL Crab Herb Caen does not know who he is. Bet the purple hippo did not have a seat for the event where Herb's oncologist played his horn in tribute. ROFLOL

  38. jeffpelline says:

    October 24, 2015 at 8:56 pm

    There goes RL Crabb. Knocking S.F. again. The man doesn’t know that Herb Caen never heard of him:
    Well past “Sacra Tomato” he would be described as “Po Dunk.” He also seems to suffer from Nevada City “envy,” constantly knocking that town too. LOL.


    Well maybe if RL had had the opportunity to fetch Herbs coffee on a daily basis Herb would know who he was.

    .....there you go jeffy..... flaunting your white privilege again!

    1. White privilege. Now that's funny. While Pelline was fetching coffee Crabb was an accomplished cartoonist. My guess is Caen knew about him.

    2. It's not that ol Herb knew or didn't's that why the F would anyone care?

  39. Please you guys. As I spiral down into total irrelevancy, please allow me the memories of when I really was someone. The days that I would park next to Herb Caen's car, (he would let me wash it on Fridays), and every day I would bring him coffee. Some days I would run errands for him after he would summon me with his fatherly "hey you". Those were the days! Now I am stuck in this po-dunk cul de sac, with a bunch of gun toting rednecks. I am just going to have to take Brutus and go live in the "cabin". I did tell you that I have a place in Tahoe didn't I? I bought it with money I got from Dad. Back when I was somebody. LOL!

  40. I like the idea of the collection to help him rent a Uhaul to speed up the moving out of town process. Truckee would be a much better fit for the FUE-L, and he seems to like it better than this little po-dunk town.

    1. Ha Ha, you said better fit, that's a constant unsatisfied goal for the unemployed FUE. ROFLOL

  41. ...and in the news that certain someone can use department.

    I'm sure your neighbor could use a little sumpin sumpin ...especially after another public tantrum directed at George Boardman.

  42. more FUE flagellation. so sweet

    1. Yes, much better than FUE flatulence! ROFLOL

  43. Is this the best you po-dunks can do? I am kicking your ass and all you can do is talk about my flatulence? C'mon dudes, give me some real insults! LOL!

    1. Your carbon footprint is so large they are considering bringing back hydraulic mining!

  44. WOW, the unemployed purple hippo is having a major meltdown trying to defend his lies. That Boardman and Rebane have gotten into that addled brain is a wonderful thing. Watching something that massive melt is disturbing, you never know what it may do in a psychic break. Did he get the gig as Heidi Halls Campaign manager? He is radical enough but maybe not eco nut enough. Its obvious he has no concerns about his carbon footprint. Blows more gas on his cesspool than a heard of black angus. ROFLOL

    1. With all these people occupying space in his noggin, I would expect him to start heavy drinking to keep up. LOL!

    2. With all the people occupying space in his noggin, he could pose for a family reunion all by himself. He would be the one rifling through the picnic baskets in the empty park. Food never lets him down. So comforting, so loving. so loyal.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Those kind of brittle narcissists can be very dangerous when their imagined world suddenly comes into conflict with the real world. You know like if he stood in front of a tailors multi sided mirror with no clothes on. Gag, yuck, a little bit of vomit in my mouth at that image.

    1. Some cope by eating or drinking or taking mind altering substances. Hopefully none of that is necessary since there would become a massive shortage of them. LOL!

  46. The purple hippo brittle? No its more like a big bag of gelatinous ooze that jiggileates. If you poke the staypufft marshmallow boy on one side it pokes out on the other side like a water balloon. ROFLOL

    1. You need a better description. "purl hippo"! Naw.

  47. Sorry, no disagreement there but it is his emotional mental state that is as brittle as a rice crispy.

  48. jeffpelline says:

    October 27, 2015 at 1:33 pm

    With a child in school here, and reading editorials like this in the local paper, it is not awesome. It is podunk.


    I thought "PO-Dunk" was the scream of pain that the pool water lets out when you cannon ball in?


    1. I think it is when people read his magazine. What a Podunk rag. LOL!

    2. Real people actually read that trashy food porn excuse for free meals for 2 tons of curmudgeon?

  49. Village idiots rule! Trump's dittohead idiot army is a perfect example

    1. Hey, where you been Michael? Are the hypocrite sock puppets on the Fue's "intellectual" blog getting boring for you?

    2. Ditto heads? Talk about dating yourself. ROFLOL

    3. Trump has dittoheads? I thought that was Rush?

  50. Typical socialist with rote talking points that have no connection with reality. Of course Trump does not have ditto heads. Ditto heads are so last century. ROFLOL Which Michael Mr. Fish?

  51. Now this explains much about jeffys self satisfaction......the ability to associate oneself with someone elses work.....

    Now Rebane has figured out that Haynes is a real achiever, writing on his blog: “Dr. Anna Haynes’ website NC Voices has been a useful compendium of links to local online information and media sources.”

    .....but then isn't that the very definition of "veteran editor".

    Using this as a metric Matt Drudge is jeffys god!

    (cross posted at Rebanes)

    1. She came knocking at CABPRO's door when Martin Light was running it. Pestered the crap out of him He said she was one can short of a six pack. Then inspired by her, Steve Frisch would stop by too! They were trying to see if the place was real. Of course the office was in Lowell Robinson's office building so ut was funny seeing them both waddling to the door. Gave everyone a laugh. Especially Frisch. A bit heavy in the jowls. LOL!

    2. I just thought it funny that the term "real achiever" would ever be applied to someone who collected a "compendium" of internet links.

      Link Hogthrob isn't dazzling me with with he considers "achievement".

    3. You are correct that with his thinking Drudge has to be his greatest hero! But when a person is as shallow and lazy as he appears to be, I can see why he thinks that way. LOL!

    4. The unemployed journalist FUE is starting to have a mental slippage. He is referring to himself in 3rd person now regarding his new location on NCVOICES in the usual braggart tone. If the FUE is being touted as the socialists main voice now they are in serious trouble. With friends like that Heidi Hall is going to have a rough election season. The crazy cat lady crew of course is cheering over their free range, sustainable, organic thistle salads! ROFLOL

  52. The purple hippo of Nevada city is 10 times the man Drudge is, literally! As far a being a journalist well that's why hippo boy is also known as the FUE sine he is a former journalist, sort of. Drudge provides a service and the FUE just wants to be serviced with regular snacks and lots of cheese goop on his chili cheese frys. That boy does not have a carbon foot print he has a freight car full of hot air in everything he does. He is a legend in his own mind, what's left of it! ROFLOL

  53. jeffpelline says:

    October 29, 2015 at 1:17 pm

    The biggest moron of all the internet trolls on Todd’s blog (who is easily identified) writes of me: …”regarding his new location on NCVOICES.” Dear Moron, The position is unchanged. LOL. I wonder where this guy went to school — if at all.


    Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebted to Gabby Johnson.....err... Jeffy Pelline for clearly stating what needed to be said. I'm particulary glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.

    [townspeople murmur and nod in approval]

  54. The unemployed journalist with the food porn rag has unwittingly accomplished something no one would have thought possible. The most hated man in the County has over achieved in managing to be hatted by so many on both sides of the political spectrum. RL Crabb, Boadman, Rebane and even an Emery. Wow now that's a real achievement in the real world unlike his sock puppet rantings claiming fame. A historic accomplishment really albeit one that the FUE will never blow his own horn about. Way to go scoopy. ROFLOL

    1. Watching the "debate" last night as the amateurish CNBC "journalists", one can see why no one likes these people in the press. He is out local CNBC guy and no one likes him!

  55. When you thought you had heard it all there is always that wtf moment. It seems its not just the purple hippo who is loosing it. Over on Rebane's Russ S. is saying he heard ruinit on the radio saying people should get their hair tested for chemtrail contamination. So those guys really are joining the foil hat brigade, will they make the foil hats look like cats?

    1. Well then we have a opportunity. We can make the tinfoil hats and adversitie them on bigboys magazine! Everyone wins!

  56. Well they are screwed because there is no organic sustainable aluminum foil to make their hats with. Will they grant themselves an exemption due the threat from the chemtrail chemicals the government is dumping on them? LOL

    1. I think the government is only dropping the chemtrails on Heidi.

  57. Poor little jeffy is whining that bad old Russ Steele is ridiculing ruinit. Repeating her crazy cat lady cemtrail idiocy is just reflecting the facts of the matter. Now if you want some ridiculing of ruinit call Laurie Olberholtzer jeffy. Crazy cat lady is as crazy cat lady does. Don't worry jeffy you absolutely qualify for crazy cat lady membership even with the wrong chromosome. ROFLOL

  58. The real context of that post is that ruinit is asking for OTHER PEOPLES MONEY to pay for chemtrail hair testing. That at least sounds more reasonable than $60,000 tax payer dollars for worm farming that went up in smoke. Ranting about chemtrails is at least harmless to the public purse so go for it ruinit. If someone is stupid enough to give her money for anything that's their fault. Will you have to wear foil protective head gear to get one of the commie tacos she is going to sell? Go fund me, go fund yourself lady!

    1. So it is Reinette Senum and not Heidi Hall on the chemtrails?

    2. Both, they both are part of the crazy cat lady crew!

  59. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Real name thank you.