Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

National Socialism. Sent to me so those libnuts might understand the Second Amendment


  1. Frisch reminds me of someone. Hmmm!
    Here are my comments to the tripe Steve Frisch wrote in the Union Newspaper for SBC. You must understand he bankrupted a restaurant and did not pay a lot of taxes owed the IRS and was liened by local, state and federal agencies.. He has no science degrees yet claims he knows something. He likes taxes on the poor and higher gasoline and diesel prices apparently. He is as convoluted as a slimy politician.

    "Yeah, taxing the poor and taking the food out of the mouths of children is a real plus for Frisch and his ilk. Watch your electric rates rise faster than your paychecks. All that money pouring into the "carbon credit" banks from the pockets of poor and middle class Californians will make people like Frisch happy. The State will be sending your money to non-profits who will be trying to figure out more ways to scam your paychecks. California is governed by idiots and I truly feel sorry for those millions they are taxing into poverty. So all you poor that can't get the tax credits to buy that Tesla $70,000 car, send SBC your thanks for their aiding in this travesty on the people of the state. Keep repairing that little Honda car. Oh and I bet SBC will be right there with Governor Brown to raise the license fees on that Honda. It is coming soon!"

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Use your real name and email if you want to call me names. You libs, (Steve, Jon, etal) are such cowards. You think I'll come unch you in the nose? Well, maybe. So, yeah you are a pussy.

    1. Oh and Steve Frisch, prove that Hitler did not say the above. What a idiot.

  4. A reader sent this to me; I’m just passing it on with no comment:
    (Sung to the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies)

    Come and listen to a story about a man named Pelline.
    A poor mountaineer that most thought was rather a slime.
    He finally put down his keyboard and went to take a pooh.
    Then he sat down for dinner and ate some chili cheese fries stew!

  5. Pelline does look like this guy doesn't he? A reader thinks there is a familiarity about the Pelline connection here. Adolph was thin though. Pelline is huge. So I would have to say no on the physical, yes on the mental/policy parts.

  6. Now Todd I expect you to restrain yourself for what I'm about to say.

    Apparently jeffy is having trouble feeding himself....wants to know if you'll be a good neighbor, drive a piece of industrial equipment over and help feed him!

    jeffpelline says:

    October 8, 2015 at 1:54 pm

    Noting on Todd’s blog that he doesn’t know how to rhyme words either. Maybe he can drive a backhoe or something. LOL.


    Now this sounds like a cry for help! I know you two have had your differences but it looks like he's dropped his silver eatin shovel and he's hungry!

    How can you be so heartless as not to help him?

    1. Because I am a heartless bastard fish. I like to watch grass grow and obese people shrink. But if he wants me drive a backhoe over to feed him his chili cheese fries I will do it. Damn, you are making me feel guilty!

  7. For a person who seems to dislike you and criticizes you on a regular basis, he sure seems to pay close attention to everything you say and do Todd. Maybe he is jealous of the amount of traffic on your blog? Maybe he is jealous of your standing in the community? Maybe he has a man crush? He seems obsessed.

    1. He does doesn't he? Well, not to brag but I am better looking and have a very nice life. It does not hurt to walk and take a dump. I weigh three hundred pouns less and I can still see my willie when peeing. Maybe that is why he is jealous? LOL!!

  8. It must be the TSA scans.

    1. Probably. The TSA gals fainted and the whole airport came to a stop.

  9. Todd, are you being investigated by TSA for smuggling missiles?

  10. Replies
    1. So what if I have not seen or been able to find my willie without a big mirror and hydraulic flab roll adjustments. I am still the only award winning journalist well, former journalist now unemployed who will pimp for the crazy cat crew like ruinit and that cutie Campbell? You all think because you have done something that matters in the real world or have been elected to office you matter, HA. I am the biggest consumer of organic grass fed sustainable chili frys in the State! Match that you po dunks. ROFLOL

    2. Aw crap, I thought that plane that crashed into a house took out the FUE. Can you imagine how long that fat fueled fire would have burnt! Come on jaba bring your new bff Heidi Hall out to stand up for the most hated pile of pus in Nevada county and perhaps the region. Has anyone ever said anything nice about you other than good job on getting my coffee? Well that does not count because Herb was just being nice to a nothing. Did you ever get a table that mattered? Naw, just the usual buffet and feeding stations for the proletariat. That's why you are such a screaming a.. h... who thinks his food reviews matter? Mass quantities are not the same as quality. Hey, now we know the purple hippo is from Remulac and had a head bob so he did not look like primat and veldar! His only problem is no one is coming to save him. LOL

  11. I vote Chip Wilder on the FUE's blog as their biggest crazy, clueless, fact less clown.

  12. That would bypass the very biggest, craziest, most clueless and most fact less clown, the head clown, MR. FUE himself!

  13. The boys on the FUE blog of hate are a hoot. Ben Emery and Steve Frisch are going at it like children about exit polling and voter fraud. Emery to Frisch "Good luck with everything and I hope you will learn how to deal with people better some day". Then we have the FUE throwing a tantrum because a neighbor is building a legal granny unit near him. From the photo it's clear FUE needs to clean his gutters.

    1. They are all nutty people over there. Good catch to show it is true. Unhinged is mainstream on that blog. LOL!

    2. You bunch of po dunks better shut your traps! So what if I suck up to the crazy cat lady crew, at least they pretend to like me. So what if I am sounding like one of those west county right wing nut property rights wackos. I am THE FUE fools! I can scale a step on a good day. I can gobble more free range chili than anyone! I am hated by all the jealous losers in this berg because I am the all powerful FUE.
      I can make or break anyone I want to, just see how Heidi Hall and her campaign are going to dance as I pull the puppets strings. So what if she is an environmental lawyer working for the California Democratic Central Committee? That she sues poor little businessmen out of business as a job is perfect. She can help the rest of the crazy cat lady crew ruin what's left of Nevada city. Right after they keep those unwashed ucky renters away from my castle.
      There is no more powerful purple bag of pus in the STATE! Screw Herb Caen I am an award winning unemployed journalist lovingly calling THE FUE!

    3. Can someone please lance the purple pus bag so it drains and we do not have to listen to its rantings. Be careful where you do it because its got to be toxic and you will likely be sued by some wacko environmental lawyer like that Heidi Hall person.

    4. Her Facebook says lawyer for the Democratic Environmental caucus. 6 of one, half dozen of the other wacko environmental luddites. So obviously business unfriendly. Expect a lot of money from the tree huggers to flow into her war chest. Lawyers, environmental radicals, socialists you know all the democommie central committee types are going to fawn over her. Will she have that loony Linda Campbell as her campaign manager?

    5. If you guys do not know it Heidi Hall is a carpetbagger, she just moved into district one to be eligible to run. The district was not good enough for her to live in before but the chance to get elected to something after getting her but whipped last year shows her situational ethics.

    6. She is a political. Carpetbagger is what they do even here at the local level. I recall a democrat babe from Colorado challenging Wally Herger. Of course the dems were silent.

      Yes, all those loony tune groups will be helping her. I hope the other gal has a good ground game.

    7. Does that mean she is in favor of taking away our guns? LOL

    8. Don't know Ms. West other than she is a long time local but if she works for Brian Dahle she has to be ok. Do you know her Mr Todd?

    9. Cheri West also worked for Dr. Sam A. for lots of years too.

    10. Don't know West. But she has to be better than a libnut dem.

  14. I've experienced and read many things during my lifetime. It's been a blast. The most obvious cause of most human problems is their ignorant immoral mentality that dictates behavior. Historians agree that civilized people couldn't exist without religion that restricts behavior. Self discipline and recognition of a natural law what goes around according to our choice, or seed we plant. Mein Gott! We hated Hitler, but are following his National Socialist party ideals....BMW

    1. I thought maybe the mass media would do a continual education of their readers and listeners about socialism. On;y Rush Limbaugh seems to be doing that. Anyway, "National Socialism" AKA Nazi, was a socialist ideology. Bernie Sanders, a Jewish man, is pushing socialism. What is wrong with that picture? And why has there been no national discussion about it and the others?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Probably an in depth study would reveal that German Jews supported the progressive National Socialist party not realizing that things might change from what they believed was good. Remember Germany had its back to the earth green movement too. I remember some Jews talking about Germany having a Constitution too, but Hitler did away with it. Without the help of those who voted for him? Not likely. Some Jewish friends visiting here shocked their former friends from Germany who wondered how they survived the holocaust. They replied, "we had a factory that produced armaments, and he needed us." Velly intellesting...BMW

    1. Mein Kamf was early 20's and he complained about the Jews in it. I never read it so if he did and did not mention murdering them I can see why they may not have left at that time. Of course, FDR did not allow many to come here for whatever reason in the 30'2. Those that did come have been a boon to America.

    2. Something stinks about the closing on the anon 559pm. The Nazis had no qualms about confiscating everything they wanted. Have to call BS on that tall tale.

    3. To each his own according to personal experiences. The German neighbors who came to America just prior to WWI were shocked when their former friends from Germany showed up to visit. Most people know very little about our world. Bet you don't know that the tribes of ancient Israel were to become nations. Those who looked into it identify them. Germany became Juda. Not only is Judaism the Jewish religion, but I was surprise that their dialect was Germany's protected special language. I suspect that was because the German Jews were excellent scientists. If you want to learn more you'll have to make the effort yourself instead of following the goat. BMW

  17. Brother Ben Emery talking shi*t to Steve Frisch on the blob hate blog. Priceless!

    "Steve, This will be most likely my last comment to you. Over the years I have learned a few things about you via our social media exchanges. I guess you need everything to fit into a nice little neat box otherwise you cannot deal with it"

    "It seems you are not able to handle someone disagreeing with you, it is kind of sad and very obvious to most people who witness or experience it"

    "you to argue this point shows you just want to disagree with me and call me a conspiracy nut"

    "We do live in relatively small county and region, especially when it comes environmental advocacy and the people who work within the field. I have asked around about you, not a very good report card"

    "Good luck with everything and I hope you will learn how to deal with people better some day"

    Pot meet kettle! LOL

    1. What an absolute delight to watch comrade Ben slash and burn that grant whore Frisch on his pompous ass act. Big stevie in the best lefty style attacks the person when he knows the party line has lost the audience. Comrade Ben Emery is putting a spotlight on what everyone knows about these self righteous socialists. All of that gang like Frisch, Ruint, the purple hippo, Ben, JJ etc. and now Hall is that they all know how they are so right about everything. Watching a couple of them going at it telling the truth is a great show. High narcissists like them seek other narcissists because they can all agree how wonderful they are until they really disagree on their perfection. ROFLOL

    2. Sort of a Trotsky versus Stalin exchange!

  18. So the grant whore Stalin who wants to kill the commie Trotskyite. Good one! You should give them some mountain climbing picks to have fun with. ROFLOL


Real name thank you.