Fifty percent reduction in fossil fuels by 2030? I mean the pushers of this nutty idea must be making enough money to pay their bills but are leaving millions of those they supposedly represent on the literal paths to work or shopping. Anyone seen a solar power jet aircraft lately? How about a cheap commuter car powered by bacon grease? Maybe a bus powered by pig crap? How about a few thousand more bird killing machines on the Altamount Pass? Oh, now that the tax credits are over the construction has pretty well stopped. Only those "rich" investors in the building of those eagle killing towers are affected. Well at least it was the evil rich and not Morrie the gardener.
The Sacramento Bee had a few lament articles including their own Editorial about this defeat for the econut left. Oh the gnashing of teeth by the likes of Dan Morain. His dismay about the "win" by oil companies made him a living on legislation. For goodness sakes Dan, your guys have passed thousand of bills implementing you rzombie desire to see government running . Can't the people of California get to savor at least one break from you socialists?
The Bee Editorial was also a mixed bag about how "big oil" still runs the state. Yeah right. I say it was the pressure from the poor and business that caused the demise of this stupid bill. How in the hell will people get to work? How will the food and other goods get to the local Walmart and Save-on's in LA? The politicians in charge of our state have to be brain-dead to even think this was a good idea. Not only did they want us cut the use of our wonderful gasoline and diesel by 50%, they wanted to force people to buy a vehicle that would cause the construction of more plants to supply the electricity! You just can't make this stuff up. The Bee Editorial staff appears to me to also be schizo. They want their business to survive but want donkey's to deliver the goods.
So we can't seem to build a timely reservoir or a dam to provide clean cheap hydro power, but we can have billions in "carbon credits" in some state bank that no one can use! Courts have said no to Brown's attempt to pay for the train to nowhere with that money too. Even the Assembly democrat Perea from Fresno tried to get some of that money in the carbon bank to build some water storage. But of course, DeLeon said nope. Not germane. What? So the beat goes on. Our state is burning down, smoke is filling the air yet these democrat on the left at least have their gas masks. Screw the rest of us.
jeffpelline says:
ReplyDeleteSeptember 13, 2015 at 5:20 pm
I’m beginning to wonder if Mike Sherman, of all people, is a regular on Todd Juvinall’s blog, along with “fish,” etc. Without signing his name.
Might be jeffy! You seem to have spawned a cottage industry in FUES, TRUE FUES, SUPER DUPER TRUE FUES, SCHMUES, REALLY TRUE FUES, ETC FUE. etc.
Sounds like an excellent topic for a future edition of Sierra Food, Whine, Art magazine!
Mike Sherman, a man of GOD and a retired policeman, and welfare fraud investigator would not post anything except praise. So he will never post on Pelline.
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DeleteDang it. I removed the F bomb comment and accidentally mine too!
DeleteI must say that slime ball troll "jon" on the other blog is quite a hoot. He did a bunch of research on all of us so he can be the "best the he can be". Of course he is "unfindable". What a hoot.
ReplyDeleteWord is Heidi Hall just moved to Nate Beason's district so she could run for his seat. Maybe the FUE can cover this story. The libs scream when a candidate moves into another district to run for office, but it's OK if it's a lib. LOL!
ReplyDeleteWill she be a homeowner? Pelline says renters are scum.
DeleteNow Pelline dislikes Greg Zaller. Greg just questions the bigboy's motives for reporting bogus "homeless" stories. Greg is a truly good person with good intentions. He also cares and tries to elp the homeless. Pelline though did offer his boat once. No takers.
DeleteNow we see the Pelline sits in front of jis computer all day eating chili cheese fries. If he did not exist we would have to make him. Did I tell you the internet is changing how we communicate? ROTFLMAO
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DeleteNo profanity.
DeleteAt least a smidgen of quasi common sense has returned to the State Capitol, although I won't hold my breath. Neither will any dams be built, Ironically, in DC there is actually a Department of Dams which has not overseen the building of one single dam in decades. Fully staffed year after year. Not to be confused with the scores of other department overseeing water and waterways and wTer storage. We must keep the Department of Dams around to fight unemployment. Besides, surfing porn all day is a thankless job but somebody has to do it.
ReplyDeleteSame for the Feds Mine safety here in our county. One mine left! They spend a gazillion bucks to monitor one mine!
DeleteI could do that job. The must do someting withe the dams still running so the job could be ok. it shoud be revenue nuetral.
DeleteThe latest debate was very entertaining.The Ronny/Nancy wannabe bobble-heads were doing their best to invoke Reaganism and align themselves with The Rawhide. Funny thing though, with all the chest beating and posturing about how pro-Israel, pro-defense, pro-nuclear, pro-massive military buildup they all were, not one of these "best and brightest" of the Conservatives mentioned how they would pay for all this crap given the small government, less taxes, etc. mantra constantly chanted by the Right.
ReplyDeleteBooBman's take -
Trump- a breath of fresh air but needs a reality check
Bush- just another Bush
Carson- low energy, not a big talker, won't commit to anything
Cruz - weird, chasing the bible toter vote
Huckabee - weird, chasing the bible toter vote
Rubio - macho little rooster, likes to talk tough
Paul - constitutionalist, state rights advocate
Walker - not sure yet, only got two questions
Kasich - not sure yet, only got two questions
Christie - man boobs, made sense, could be effective at foreign policy
Fiorina - intelligent, well organized, former business leader
Don't you know the politicians can always find the money for the things they want? I learned that a long time ago.
DeleteI think national security is at the top of women's concerns right now. With all the invasions of people moving north they are very concerned about who is best suited. All the other issues pale when personal sefety is at risk.
I don't disagree right now with your list.
I want to know where Hillary will get the 350 billion for a "free" college education and where Bernie and his gang get all thier money for his freebies.