A place we can discuss, bloviate and debate issues and topics of interest.
Todd J. Juvinall
I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
The face of a lamestream media type. No wonder the state of media is so far gone in America! We have the unfortunate reality that he is right here in river city. LOL!
Todd, I am going to call your lawyer. I am going to tell my friend Keith Royal that you are being mean to me, and I am going to write nasty things about you on my blog.
Now I am going to have my friend George Lucas sue you. You can't talk about Jabba without our permission. You just don't get it do you? I used to be SOMEBODY! Now I am stuck in this Podunk town where everyone hates me. I hate this town and all of you good old boys.
Oh yeah, now you are talking my language! Chili cheese fries wrapped in a light pastry crust! I think I have a pic of that in my food porn collection! I can get off on that!
Apparently he thinks you are a non person if you don't own property. If he was not a real person we would have to make him up. I always knew liberals were class snobs and culture pricks.
You are not my buddy anymore! My only friend (at least I keep saying it so it must be true she is my friend, right?) good old horse face Reanette and me hate that Lori O! She has too many of the good old hippies in her pocket, they are worse than you west county republican trolls. I love terrazzo lights Reanette! Screw you guys I am going to Truckee!
No wonder folks laugh at the FUE behind his back after he walks away. This guy is one sick, twisted child. He's clueless to how people feel about him and his endless ranting hate.
The wing nut blogs are comparing Reinette Senum to Paul Matson. What a hoot! Both have done a lot for the town (Reinette more of late), but if Paul wants to remain involved in the local politics, he should just run for office. So should Laurie O. This reminds me of the Freedle debacle now going on with Measure V. Or Pruett in the aftermath of getting shellacked in the clerk-recorder’s race. We have too few candidates but an abundance of self-appointed political puppet masters.
Pelline talking crap about Paul Matson not involved in NC efforts? Newsflash, Paul Matson has been and is driving the effort to keep the court house in NC and he is getting the remodel funds too. Paul Matson has done more for Nevada City than anyone person has, as the record clearly shows.
Lon Cooper and Paul Matson did a lot for the town. Paul used to live on East Broad Street I thought he still did. Pelline appears to me to be a wannabee but just can't get there.
"Paul Matson was in the crowd to support the pro-Jennifer Ray contingent at tonight’s meeting. I like Paul, but he needs to let it go. He is not a homeowner like the rest of us."
Here's a few simple questions for Mr. Pelline to answer on his blog of hate, my bet Pelline will not:
Mr. Pelline, where does Reinette Senum live and does she own her residence or is she a renter?
Seems Pelline won't answer the question about Reinette Senum's renter status. Mean time he bashes Paul Matson for being a renter saying "He is not a homeowner like the rest of us."
Well seems Reinette Senum is not a homeowner, but is a renter.
Pelline is the biggest hypocrite in Nevada County! Seems he has a double standard on renters.
While Reinette Senum was on the Nevada City council did se work on and vote for the NC Housing plan and second unit standards? Reinette Senum also setup and lead the NC Sustainability group that called for second units and more affordable housing units.
All of you po-dunk good old boy wannabes, you do know that I used to fetch coffee for Herb Caen don't you? Any of you done that? I also used to be the editor of a real newspaper! I am the real deal, and don't you forget it. Just because I am a morbidly obese, self righteous hypocrite, doesn't mean I don't have feelings. Don't make me call your lawyers, like I have threatened to do many times. And stop putting mean letters in my mailbox. I hate all of you! Especially if you are thinner or smarter than me. Guess that's everyone! Damn! I know Annie loves me. I'll bet she will post something on my blog telling me how great I am! I don't understand why only Annie knows? LOL!
Sniff, sniff, oh the pain, the pain, the pain of it all. I toil and try to educated and elevate you lower middle class morons and renters, so what happens! I end up abandoned by my right hand Annie Fox. Sniff, snort. Now even my favorite equine faced former mayor has failed to come to my defense under the left wing Olberholtzer onslaught I am receiving for telling the truth about the good old boy, po dunk hippies in Nevada City. I mean really they even let dust happen on my street. Lucky I am not only the biggest hunk of man around here I am independently wealthy due to my parents hard work and have a refuge in Truckee or may slip off to Tuscany for a little food porn. ROFLOL 9 or 10,000 calories in my next snack should sooth my frayed nerves. Quick pass me a can of gravy, I think my blood sugar is crashing...
Well he has certainly put himself in the position of obscurity here. No one likes him and he has now assured himself the liberals of Nevada City don't even care about him. Self made prick.
Todd personifies the “village idiot,” but that is not news. If Todd didn’t exist, we’d have to make him up. Still, it is amazing The Union chose to reprint that. On the other hand, look at the track record. Todd is “feeling his oats” this weekend, that’s for sure!
Better Todd "feeling his oats" than your non stop eating of them!
Apparently some left wingnut idiot named Chip Wilder (a name for a piece f wood? LOL!) has defamed me. Wah wah wah. These libs are just too funny. My guess is he is hot for the unhinged gal and is PO'd she has been "outed". What a hoot!
And lastly, someone stole the cutout of Hillary Clinton last night at the fair reports Yubanet. Could it be Chip? He needs a "partner" for a night? Probably so, the left has some odd proclivities.
I remember when a loon of the left stole our full sized George W. Bush cardboard cutout while he was President. The libnut appeared to have had relations with it as the story goes.
You stupid po dunkers make me know I am the man. That stupid blog the scooper dared to have more traffic than me and actually give joy to people. Shit. So now I am vomiting on my Stevie and other liberals in defense of the Fair. I am the protector of the peons who work the gate and have to explain that free tattoo Sunday does not happen on wed. Adult Disneyland fools you are! I am so pissed that this is how you troglodytes in Nevada City treat the Fair. I am sure the fair board thanks me, well other than those repeated trashings of the family of the year at the Fair. Screw them, screw you all, I already had all the funnel cakes and chili cheese fries they would let me. I love Truckee, at least they don't know me too well yet, uh well other than Stevie. *$@)*&)$#
Yeah it was a tragic event when three people showed up with tattoos and were told he Scooper is not a real place. Yep, world shaking event. My goodness is the FUE's life so empty? Apparently so.
No better example of "I'm always right, screw you if you don't agree with me" ranting mind set is his current "Scooper" ranting. He has been attacking Steve Frisch, Greg Zellar and others like a little child throwing a tantrum in the grocery store. His last few blog posters and "buddies" are now telling him to go screw himself! I sure do feel sorry for his family! No wonder this guy has no friends and he's the laughingstock of Nevada County. He's clueless that 99% of the folks think he's a big buffoon. He posts about talking with folks, but doesn't have a clue about what they say to others about him after he walks away.
True, the Scooper must have a "wire" in the big boys house. They have him pegged! Even that idiot from Truckee, you know, the tax cheat and non-profit manipulator, Steve Frisch is on to him. Both are Buffoons. What a pair! LOL!
You all wish you were me, I know it! I I have a boat on Lake Tahoe, and a tiki bar in my backyard, and a shiny truck with a custom license plate! And best of all, I have a magazine about food and booze and I get to eat and drink all day! I'll bet you didn't know that, you po-dunk hicks! LOL!
I thought $106.20 each to attend the NC dinner was a joke, but it's not! No way the average, normal people of Nevada County can afford that. I agree, this is some elitist bullshit so a few can feel good about themselves.
What a bunch of piss poor low class cheapskates. Walnut and plum pizza, nettles, edible flowers for a c note, what a deal. Go back to your microwave burrito you bunch of poor people. We ( I count as 3 now) consider this a pittance of pennies from my coin satchels. Sheesh you guys distract me so much I missed my 407pm snack. Screw you Todd! It sucks I have to come here for anyone to talk to me anymore. Talking to myself on my micro blog is tough since I know everything and of course I agree with me. ROFLOL
So a family of three attending the NC farm dinner would have cost $318.60. That's soooooooooooo out of reach for the VAST majority of people, hard working people, people trying to make ends meet. I agree it's clearly an elitist event, a feel good event for a select few that can afford it but not the average person or the average family in Nevada County.
The Nevada City farm dinner, a real example of "let them eat cake". Over $100.00 a person to attend and the FUE says "The food and service was exceptional and well worth the $90 per ticket plus 18 percent service tip ($16.20) or about $106." How out of touch from the average, real Nevada County families this guy must be.
My sort of last friend horsey face refused to take a picture with me at the yummy din din under the terrazzo lights. Said she did not want a laurel and hardy picture out there that those west county good old boys would make fun of.
The picture was only too small because you used a po-dunk camera. It has nothing to do with the size of the subject! What is wrong with you Todd? I teach you everything I know, and you still don't know anything! LOL!
Over $100 per person to attend the Nevada city farm dinner? It's an elitist even event for a select few, not the average person or the average family in Nevada County.
Nevada County Scooper gets it right on the elitist Nevada City feel good farm dinner.
"What did Farm to Table actually accomplish, other than sate a bunch of smug one-percenter-wannabes and provide them a bunch of golden-hour photos to fill their Facebook pages with pics of them filling their faces? Zip! Zilch! Nada!”
Looks like the FUE is supporting the commie Bernie Sanders. Bernie is much smarter than that Marin County cornpone though. But, when one is so obese they haven't seen their own peepee for years, anything goes. ROTFLMAO!!
Shit, you guys make me so mad I went and let some truth slip on my divine fount of literature blog. I screwed up and admitted I hate the unwashed masses. They need to stop being envious of my exalted position in society and my inherited funds that I keep in my coin satchels. So yes yes yes it is true I think the dumb ass slackers and po dunk poor people need to get off their ass and work. Too many Obama phones and freebies out there. Oh crap, I sound like you west county republicans. Oh, what does it matter I already repulse 90% of the county and now I pissed off the socialists in Nevada City so that means I am a real 1%er. 99% hate me and 1% cant read so they don't hate me until they meet me in person especially if they watch me eat! ROFLOL!
Agreed, an elitist event for sure. A family of three attending the farm dinner would have cost $318.60. Clearly way out of reach for the average, normal, hard working local families trying to make ends meet. It's was an elitist event for a select few that can afford it, not the average family in Nevada County. The average Nevada County family is scraping by, trying to buy back to school clothes and school supplies for their children.
The farm dinner was a true 1% elitist event that Nevada County 99% families could not afford to attend. Heck many local families were not able to attend the Fair due to the cost, much less attend a $100.00 plus a plate dinner. How long could the average family feed themselves on $318.60 vs. spending it on one dinner?
Nevada County Scooper gets it right on the elitist Nevada City feel good farm dinner. "What did Farm to Table actually accomplish, other than sate a bunch of smug one-percenter-wannabes and provide them a bunch of golden-hour photos to fill their Facebook pages with pics of them filling their faces? Zip! Zilch! Nada!”
"may have mentioned in past posts that Scoopy’s ego is even larger than his considerable girth, and when he saw me with a camera he assumed that I was going paparazzi on him. He writes, “…he pointed his camera at me while I was eating and I lifted up a napkin just in time to block him.”
The fue is losing it big time. In his scooper scuffles most recent post he outs his family as all being paranoid of cameras and they were all in mind sync at the farm to dumpster in their paranoia. Sad.
"Scoopy is always whining about “boundaries” but they don’t seem to matter when he makes up things that never happened. He seems to think everything is about him. Think about it. If I really wanted to take his picture I had the whole evening to do it. He’s a liar."
Oh no, time for the FUE to tell his good friend Sherriff Royal that Crabb is picking on him! Time for the FUE to send warning emails to Crabb that he will have his attorney set him straight. LOL, LOL!
Crabb banned me from his site months ago. No debate from me, but I still like him.
Anyway, Pelline actually used a napkin to hide his face?> Unlikely since they are not that large. And he was obsessing about those chili cheese fries making it to his plate to pay any attention to what was going on around him. Sort of like squirrels when they are trying to mate.
Alright, I have had enough of this. You can't keep talking crap about me without repercussions. The next person who posts something bad about me is going to hear from my lawyer. And Todd, you are already in so much trouble, you will be begging me to stop. You have no idea how powerful I am. Did I tell you I have a boat on Lake Tahoe?
Actually, I not only fetched coffee for Herb Caen, I parked next to his car sometimes also! How many of you po-dunk good old boys can say that? Did I tell you I have a tiki bar in my back yard? LOL!
Well, I don’t think it has to be a “battle.” Perhaps we could have my former colleague Michael Bauer of The Chronicle (who is the restaurant critic) come up and review the Eats’ joint. Michael already has given high praise to Jason’s culinary talents at his various restaurants. And Michael is not easy to please. http://library.fora.tv/2015/06/23/The_New_West_with_Will_Hearst_Michael_Bauer http://www.sfgate.com/magazine/article/Flora-paves-the-way-for-great-food-in-a-changing-2300256.php
Niel Locke says: August 23, 2015 at 9:22 am
We do not need a SF food critic to tell what is good or bad in food. Our residents of Nevada County are the the true judge of the food and have been since I moved here some 30 years ago. Having help start Posh Nosh, I really know who the critics are in this area and it is not some food critic from the Bay Area.
Who wants to bet the locally sourced loans (read begging) for horsey faces new 'business' will have the same inglorious end as the worm farm? At least this time it wont be taxpayers money that is pissed away by a socialist in pursuit of locally grown sustainable organic vegan collective wrkers wicken goddess blessed nettles and plum pizza. ROFLOL
Jaba lives!
ReplyDeleteThe hoot!
DeleteNo, this one is from Spaceballs...
DeletePizza the Hutt!
He ate himself to death before he could hunt down Lone Star (Bill Pullman).
John Candy played Woof, Lone Star's copilot, half man, half dog. He was his own best friend.
Todd, I am going to call your lawyer. I am going to tell my friend Keith Royal that you are being mean to me, and I am going to write nasty things about you on my blog.
ReplyDeleteMore like Jaba the Hater. ROFLMAO!
ReplyDeleteNow I am going to have my friend George Lucas sue you. You can't talk about Jabba without our permission. You just don't get it do you? I used to be SOMEBODY! Now I am stuck in this Podunk town where everyone hates me. I hate this town and all of you good old boys.
ReplyDeleteScrew you! I'm going home!
DeleteBack to Berkeley? Tonight? Bye!
ReplyDeleteNo, back to the bakery!
DeleteOh yeah, now you are talking my language! Chili cheese fries wrapped in a light pastry crust! I think I have a pic of that in my food porn collection! I can get off on that!
DeleteStep away from the chili cheese fries.
DeleteFUEY the NIMBY whines like a baby from his crib. Waaaa there is dust on MY road Waaaa a bad neighbor is doing something in his yard Waaaaaa!
ReplyDeleteThis covers it well. Jaba-Cartman!
Todd, couldn't you have used a more flattering picture of me? I thought you were my friend?
DeleteFair open soon! Double orders of deep fried chili cheese fries soon! RMFAOTF
ReplyDeleteA two roll nite in the johnnie! LOL!
DeleteCould I get that with a side of Nevada City Extra Special, Special Sauce? You know, the sauce for Special People!
ReplyDeleteScrew you! I'm going home!
DeleteSpoiled brat! LOL!
DeleteSure, is the one that tastes like Marin-nate OK?
DeleteBut you are home! Deep in the heart of Good Old Boy Land!
ReplyDeleteWith a grannie moving in next door!
DeleteBig boy sighting at the fair today. They hid the chili cheese fries. ROTFLMAO!
ReplyDeleteOMG, I saw it too! Blocked out the sun it did!
ReplyDeleteHe is bigger than before apparently. Hide the chili cheese fries! ROTFLMAO!
DeleteWhat a hate filled guy the FUE is!
ReplyDeleteHe and Linda Campbell make a great pair!
DeleteYou could slather Linda Campbell in chili and cheese sauce and hippo boy could solve that problem in a gobble and we would be done with lil' Linda.
DeleteApparently he thinks you are a non person if you don't own property. If he was not a real person we would have to make him up. I always knew liberals were class snobs and culture pricks.
ReplyDeleteYou are not my buddy anymore! My only friend (at least I keep saying it so it must be true she is my friend, right?) good old horse face Reanette and me hate that Lori O! She has too many of the good old hippies in her pocket, they are worse than you west county republican trolls. I love terrazzo lights Reanette! Screw you guys I am going to Truckee!
ReplyDeletePelline has been posting rants, insults and attacks on Paul Matson in Nevada City. Pelline is one hate filled, nasty guy!
ReplyDeleteMess with the blob and you get slimed on the blog baby! True Dat!
ReplyDeleteNo wonder folks laugh at the FUE behind his back after he walks away. This guy is one sick, twisted child. He's clueless to how people feel about him and his endless ranting hate.
ReplyDeleteNow he is attacking Nevada City people. And calling George Rebane less than smart. No wonder he is hated by everyone.
Deletejeffpelline says:
DeleteAugust 14, 2015 at 1:34 pm
The wing nut blogs are comparing Reinette Senum to Paul Matson. What a hoot!
Both have done a lot for the town (Reinette more of late), but if Paul wants to remain involved in the local politics, he should just run for office. So should Laurie O. This reminds me of the Freedle debacle now going on with Measure V. Or Pruett in the aftermath of getting shellacked in the clerk-recorder’s race. We have too few candidates but an abundance of self-appointed political puppet masters.
Politics.....show biz for ugly people!
Pelline talking crap about Paul Matson not involved in NC efforts? Newsflash, Paul Matson has been and is driving the effort to keep the court house in NC and he is getting the remodel funds too. Paul Matson has done more for Nevada City than anyone person has, as the record clearly shows.
DeleteLon Cooper and Paul Matson did a lot for the town. Paul used to live on East Broad Street I thought he still did. Pelline appears to me to be a wannabee but just can't get there.
Deletejeffpelline says:
ReplyDeleteAugust 12, 2015 at 7:50 pm
"Paul Matson was in the crowd to support the pro-Jennifer Ray contingent at tonight’s meeting. I like Paul, but he needs to let it go. He is not a homeowner like the rest of us."
Here's a few simple questions for Mr. Pelline to answer on his blog of hate, my bet Pelline will not:
Mr. Pelline, where does Reinette Senum live and does she own her residence or is she a renter?
Huston, we have a problem! LOL, LOL, LOL!
DeleteHe is attacking renters! The man is a loon!
DeleteSeems Pelline won't answer the question about Reinette Senum's renter status. Mean time he bashes Paul Matson for being a renter saying "He is not a homeowner like the rest of us."
DeleteWell seems Reinette Senum is not a homeowner, but is a renter.
Pelline is the biggest hypocrite in Nevada County! Seems he has a double standard on renters.
Hey, he has a boat and a Tahoe dig apparently. He is better than us.
DeleteHuston, we might have another problem!
ReplyDeleteWhile Reinette Senum was on the Nevada City council did se work on and vote for the NC Housing plan and second unit standards? Reinette Senum also setup and lead the NC Sustainability group that called for second units and more affordable housing units.
It just proves he does not know diddly about anything. Silver spooners are a boar.
DeleteI recall the great Patrick J. O'Rourke on his mother's lecture to him on the difference between Republicans and Democrats:
Delete"Democrats rent!"
All of you po-dunk good old boy wannabes, you do know that I used to fetch coffee for Herb Caen don't you? Any of you done that? I also used to be the editor of a real newspaper! I am the real deal, and don't you forget it. Just because I am a morbidly obese, self righteous hypocrite, doesn't mean I don't have feelings. Don't make me call your lawyers, like I have threatened to do many times. And stop putting mean letters in my mailbox. I hate all of you! Especially if you are thinner or smarter than me. Guess that's everyone! Damn! I know Annie loves me. I'll bet she will post something on my blog telling me how great I am! I don't understand why only Annie knows? LOL!
ReplyDeleteSniff, sniff, oh the pain, the pain, the pain of it all. I toil and try to educated and elevate you lower middle class morons and renters, so what happens! I end up abandoned by my right hand Annie Fox. Sniff, snort. Now even my favorite equine faced former mayor has failed to come to my defense under the left wing Olberholtzer onslaught I am receiving for telling the truth about the good old boy, po dunk hippies in Nevada City. I mean really they even let dust happen on my street. Lucky I am not only the biggest hunk of man around here I am independently wealthy due to my parents hard work and have a refuge in Truckee or may slip off to Tuscany for a little food porn. ROFLOL 9 or 10,000 calories in my next snack should sooth my frayed nerves. Quick pass me a can of gravy, I think my blood sugar is crashing...
ReplyDeleteHow would you like to live in the same neighborhood as this guy? Think about it.
ReplyDeleteWell, I live in the same town as he does and hate it. Our town has changed so much for the worse since he got here, I wish we could make him go away.
ReplyDeleteWell he has certainly put himself in the position of obscurity here. No one likes him and he has now assured himself the liberals of Nevada City don't even care about him. Self made prick.
Deletejeffpelline says:
ReplyDeleteAugust 15, 2015 at 11:35 am
Todd personifies the “village idiot,” but that is not news. If Todd didn’t exist, we’d have to make him up. Still, it is amazing The Union chose to reprint that. On the other hand, look at the track record. Todd is “feeling his oats” this weekend, that’s for sure!
Better Todd "feeling his oats" than your non stop eating of them!
Oats? Really would rather have Haagen Das. But not in the gallonsliked by Mr. Pelline, Nevada City "bigboy". LOL!
DeleteApparently some left wingnut idiot named Chip Wilder (a name for a piece f wood? LOL!) has defamed me. Wah wah wah. These libs are just too funny. My guess is he is hot for the unhinged gal and is PO'd she has been "outed". What a hoot!
DeleteAnd lastly, someone stole the cutout of Hillary Clinton last night at the fair reports Yubanet. Could it be Chip? He needs a "partner" for a night? Probably so, the left has some odd proclivities.
DeleteI remember when a loon of the left stole our full sized George W. Bush cardboard cutout while he was President. The libnut appeared to have had relations with it as the story goes.
What do you think that FUE-lish wacko does with his sock puppets Gloria, Annie and Windy when no one is watching? LOL!
ReplyDeletePeople are talking about a large ruminant chewing on a full color cardboard graphic last night. Did someone spill chili on Hillary?
ReplyDeleteA huge termite?
DeleteYou stupid po dunkers make me know I am the man. That stupid blog the scooper dared to have more traffic than me and actually give joy to people. Shit. So now I am vomiting on my Stevie and other liberals in defense of the Fair. I am the protector of the peons who work the gate and have to explain that free tattoo Sunday does not happen on wed. Adult Disneyland fools you are! I am so pissed that this is how you troglodytes in Nevada City treat the Fair. I am sure the fair board thanks me, well other than those repeated trashings of the family of the year at the Fair. Screw them, screw you all, I already had all the funnel cakes and chili cheese fries they would let me. I love Truckee, at least they don't know me too well yet, uh well other than Stevie. *$@)*&)$#
ReplyDeleteYeah it was a tragic event when three people showed up with tattoos and were told he Scooper is not a real place. Yep, world shaking event. My goodness is the FUE's life so empty? Apparently so.
DeleteNo better example of "I'm always right, screw you if you don't agree with me" ranting mind set is his current "Scooper" ranting. He has been attacking Steve Frisch, Greg Zellar and others like a little child throwing a tantrum in the grocery store. His last few blog posters and "buddies" are now telling him to go screw himself! I sure do feel sorry for his family! No wonder this guy has no friends and he's the laughingstock of Nevada County. He's clueless that 99% of the folks think he's a big buffoon. He posts about talking with folks, but doesn't have a clue about what they say to others about him after he walks away.
ReplyDeleteBABY FUEY cries about the scooper but the scooper was named in honer of BABY FUEY. where is the respect
DeleteTrue, the Scooper must have a "wire" in the big boys house. They have him pegged! Even that idiot from Truckee, you know, the tax cheat and non-profit manipulator, Steve Frisch is on to him. Both are Buffoons. What a pair! LOL!
DeleteYou all wish you were me, I know it! I I have a boat on Lake Tahoe, and a tiki bar in my backyard, and a shiny truck with a custom license plate! And best of all, I have a magazine about food and booze and I get to eat and drink all day! I'll bet you didn't know that, you po-dunk hicks! LOL!
ReplyDeleteCheck the body slab for mini-me. LOL!
DeleteThe Farm to Table dinner in Nevada City was $106.20 a ticket! Talk about an elitist event.
ReplyDeleteWell he is a silver spooner.
DeleteI thought $106.20 each to attend the NC dinner was a joke, but it's not! No way the average, normal people of Nevada County can afford that. I agree, this is some elitist bullshit so a few can feel good about themselves.
DeleteI wonder, did they accept EBT (food stamp) cards for the event so the druggie scum that hang out on the boardwalk could attend? LOL!
Delete"Accept EBT", now that's funny and sadly true too.
DeleteWhat a bunch of piss poor low class cheapskates. Walnut and plum pizza, nettles, edible flowers for a c note, what a deal. Go back to your microwave burrito you bunch of poor people. We ( I count as 3 now) consider this a pittance of pennies from my coin satchels. Sheesh you guys distract me so much I missed my 407pm snack. Screw you Todd! It sucks I have to come here for anyone to talk to me anymore. Talking to myself on my micro blog is tough since I know everything and of course I agree with me. ROFLOL
DeleteNo burgers?
DeletePelline posted "The food and service was exceptional and well worth the $90 per ticket plus 18 percent service tip ($16.20) or about $106."
ReplyDeleteSuch an elitist event!
Herb Caen tipped me really well when I fetched him coffee! How do you think I have all the stuff that makes me The Fue? LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnd his "bosom" buddy Steve Frisch washed Caen's car. LOL!
DeleteReally? Is this true? $106.20 per person to attend the Nevada City Farm to Fork dinner?
DeleteSomebody gotta get paid
ReplyDeleteThe overage is to cover the cost of the hydraulic lifts and reinforcing for the FUE's chairs.
ReplyDeleteNow that;s funny! But it could be true! LOL!
DeleteSo a family of three attending the NC farm dinner would have cost $318.60. That's soooooooooooo out of reach for the VAST majority of people, hard working people, people trying to make ends meet. I agree it's clearly an elitist event, a feel good event for a select few that can afford it but not the average person or the average family in Nevada County.
ReplyDeleteWell silver spooners always have these things. This one is on the streets so all the peons can see.
DeleteI am only heavy because of all the jingle in my pockets you po-dunk rednecks. My 60" waist is really just because of my money belt. LOL!
ReplyDelete60 inch? Naw, way too small. LOL!
DeleteSo the chin and man boobs are coin purses?
ReplyDeleteI am telling you there is a mini-me stuck in there somewhere. LOL!
DeleteI like to think of my chin and man boobs as "coin satchels"! Never leave home without them! LOL!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThe Nevada City farm dinner, a real example of "let them eat cake". Over $100.00 a person to attend and the FUE says "The food and service was exceptional and well worth the $90 per ticket plus 18 percent service tip ($16.20) or about $106." How out of touch from the average, real Nevada County families this guy must be.
ReplyDeleteSilver spooners?
DeleteMy sort of last friend horsey face refused to take a picture with me at the yummy din din under the terrazzo lights. Said she did not want a laurel and hardy picture out there that those west county good old boys would make fun of.
ReplyDeleteThe picture was too small.
DeleteThe picture was only too small because you used a po-dunk camera. It has nothing to do with the size of the subject! What is wrong with you Todd? I teach you everything I know, and you still don't know anything! LOL!
DeleteOver $100 per person to attend the Nevada city farm dinner? It's an elitist even event for a select few, not the average person or the average family in Nevada County.
ReplyDeleteI hate you good old boys and you will miss me when I'm gone! LOL!
ReplyDeletePlease like me, please! I'll pay those property taxes if you would just like me!
DeleteI am going to run for Nate Beason's seat and put you all out of business. LOL!
ReplyDeleteNate would clean your clock. LOL!
DeleteNate likes me. Everybody likes me. I am awesome! I have a boat on Lake Tahoe. Don't you wish you were me? LOL!
ReplyDeleteSee Todd, the only way you can get 100 comments is to write about ME! LOL!
ReplyDeleteNevada County Scooper gets it right on the elitist Nevada City feel good farm dinner.
ReplyDelete"What did Farm to Table actually accomplish, other than sate a bunch of smug one-percenter-wannabes and provide them a bunch of golden-hour photos to fill their Facebook pages with pics of them filling their faces? Zip! Zilch! Nada!”
LOL! All manure fed food!
DeleteLooks like the FUE is supporting the commie Bernie Sanders. Bernie is much smarter than that Marin County cornpone though. But, when one is so obese they haven't seen their own peepee for years, anything goes. ROTFLMAO!!
ReplyDeleteDa Scooper says,
You calling me a dumpster?
DeleteYeah, you ARE a dumpster! I, on the other hand, am a Sustainable Sanitation Service! There is never any mess or leftovers when I am done! LOL!
ReplyDeleteYou are both just a couple of old trash bins!
ReplyDeleteOne persons trash is another's plum pizza and nettles dinner.ROF LOL
ReplyDeletePlum pizza and nettles" Only $106.20 per person, a real bargain for a family of three, just $318.60 for dinner!
ReplyDeletePelline posted, "The food and service was exceptional and well worth the $90 per ticket plus 18 percent service tip ($16.20) or about $106."
Just elitist, feel good bullshit, LOL!
Such an elitist
How many homeless could be fed with that largess?
DeleteShit, you guys make me so mad I went and let some truth slip on my divine fount of literature blog. I screwed up and admitted I hate the unwashed masses. They need to stop being envious of my exalted position in society and my inherited funds that I keep in my coin satchels. So yes yes yes it is true I think the dumb ass slackers and po dunk poor people need to get off their ass and work. Too many Obama phones and freebies out there. Oh crap, I sound like you west county republicans. Oh, what does it matter I already repulse 90% of the county and now I pissed off the socialists in Nevada City so that means I am a real 1%er. 99% hate me and 1% cant read so they don't hate me until they meet me in person especially if they watch me eat! ROFLOL!
DeleteHey you offered your yacht parked in your driveway for the homeless once. What happened? No grey poupon?
DeleteAgreed, an elitist event for sure. A family of three attending the farm dinner would have cost $318.60. Clearly way out of reach for the average, normal, hard working local families trying to make ends meet. It's was an elitist event for a select few that can afford it, not the average family in Nevada County. The average Nevada County family is scraping by, trying to buy back to school clothes and school supplies for their children.
ReplyDeleteThe farm dinner was a true 1% elitist event that Nevada County 99% families could not afford to attend. Heck many local families were not able to attend the Fair due to the cost, much less attend a $100.00 plus a plate dinner. How long could the average family feed themselves on $318.60 vs. spending it on one dinner?
Nevada County Scooper gets it right on the elitist Nevada City feel good farm dinner. "What did Farm to Table actually accomplish, other than sate a bunch of smug one-percenter-wannabes and provide them a bunch of golden-hour photos to fill their Facebook pages with pics of them filling their faces? Zip! Zilch! Nada!”
Yep, an enlist, 1%er, feel good event for sure.
It fed the top 1% of obese County residents. LOL!
Delete"The food and service was exceptional and well worth the $90 per ticket plus 18 percent service tip ($16.20) or about $106."
ReplyDeleteSo very glad I was born with an extra large silver spoon in my mouth.
And plate!. LOL!
DeleteWhat a narcissistic clown the FUE is.
"may have mentioned in past posts that Scoopy’s ego is even larger than his considerable girth, and when he saw me with a camera he assumed that I was going paparazzi on him. He writes, “…he pointed his camera at me while I was eating and I lifted up a napkin just in time to block him.”
"A napkin? Are you kidding?"
Must have used digital wide angle!
DeleteWell Crabb is too nice too the bigboy. He needed a sheet!
DeleteThis about covers it:
The link is bad.
DeleteCopy and past the link into Google search. You will get "The Meaning of Life" clip. Don't pee your pants from laughing when you watch it.
DeleteThe fue is losing it big time. In his scooper scuffles most recent post he outs his family as all being paranoid of cameras and they were all in mind sync at the farm to dumpster in their paranoia. Sad.
ReplyDeleteIf I was that homely I would be too.
DeleteWhatchutalkinbout Todd? You makin funomeagin? Fugudolboi.
ReplyDeleterlcrabb says:
ReplyDeleteAugust 22, 2015 at 4:27 am
"Scoopy is always whining about “boundaries” but they don’t seem to matter when he makes up things that never happened. He seems to think everything is about him. Think about it. If I really wanted to take his picture I had the whole evening to do it. He’s a liar."
Oh no, time for the FUE to tell his good friend Sherriff Royal that Crabb is picking on him! Time for the FUE to send warning emails to Crabb that he will have his attorney set him straight. LOL, LOL!
Despised, friendless, self absorbed narcissist.
Crabb banned me from his site months ago. No debate from me, but I still like him.
DeleteAnyway, Pelline actually used a napkin to hide his face?> Unlikely since they are not that large. And he was obsessing about those chili cheese fries making it to his plate to pay any attention to what was going on around him. Sort of like squirrels when they are trying to mate.
Hey I resemble that remark!
DeleteAlright, I have had enough of this. You can't keep talking crap about me without repercussions. The next person who posts something bad about me is going to hear from my lawyer. And Todd, you are already in so much trouble, you will be begging me to stop. You have no idea how powerful I am. Did I tell you I have a boat on Lake Tahoe?
ReplyDeleteAnd you delivered coffee to Herb Caen!
DeleteActually, I not only fetched coffee for Herb Caen, I parked next to his car sometimes also! How many of you po-dunk good old boys can say that? Did I tell you I have a tiki bar in my back yard? LOL!
ReplyDeleteDidn't know chili cheese fries went with mai ties.
DeleteThey go with anything if you are hooked.
DeleteAnd Eskimo Pies!
ReplyDeleteToo funny!
ReplyDeletePelline gets a smack down:
jeffpelline says: August 23, 2015 at 8:55 am
Well, I don’t think it has to be a “battle.” Perhaps we could have my former colleague Michael Bauer of The Chronicle (who is the restaurant critic) come up and review the Eats’ joint. Michael already has given high praise to Jason’s culinary talents at his various restaurants. And Michael is not easy to please. http://library.fora.tv/2015/06/23/The_New_West_with_Will_Hearst_Michael_Bauer
Niel Locke says: August 23, 2015 at 9:22 am
We do not need a SF food critic to tell what is good or bad in food. Our residents of Nevada County are the the true judge of the food and have been since I moved here some 30 years ago. Having help start Posh Nosh, I really know who the critics are in this area and it is not some food critic from the Bay Area.
Niel Locks gave the bay area elitist a nice, local smack down!
Delete"We do not need a SF food critic to tell what is good or bad"
Looks like that SF cook has had many jobs. Not very dependable?
DeleteOr he didn't pay his help. Rules are for the little people. LOL!!!
ReplyDeleteWho wants to bet the locally sourced loans (read begging) for horsey faces new 'business' will have the same inglorious end as the worm farm? At least this time it wont be taxpayers money that is pissed away by a socialist in pursuit of locally grown sustainable organic vegan collective wrkers wicken goddess blessed nettles and plum pizza. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteMaybe a new recipe? Worms and chili cheese fries!
DeleteEwwwww! Worms are yucky!