Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Purple? Naw! Smoking tax defeated statewide and in Nevada County

Okay, okay, we have some nutty political analysis by people who don't know diddly or even diddly's cousin who think Nevada County is a "purple" county.  Meaning a equal mix of "red" for Republican and "blue" for democrat.  I am still trying to find the color of an independent (decline to state), but my guess is it is yellow.

I was taught by a very smart fellow about which results one should look at in an election to determine other things for smart analysis.  He said look at Propositions, and especially tax increase requests to see the political direction of an electorate.  Here in our little county, when all get to vote and there is no "special" election, we see a large victory for NO tax increases.  The state results are within 1/2 point with the no up by 37,000 votes as of today.  In Nevada County the margin is 3,300 vots and a 57 to 43 percentage loss for Prop 29.  Placer County mirrored Nevada County.

It seems the people of our county are a lot more conservative than the "purple" pushers allege.  When you look at the San Jose and San Diego votes regarding pensions you also see a lefty defeat of monumental proportion (even in lefty San Jose!).  Could these votes be a trend?  Maybe when it comes to taxes and pensions, maybe not for people.  For some reason Dianne Feinstein keeps getting elected and she is as useless a politician as they come.  After bankrupting San Francisco, the voters sent here to the US Senate to do the same thing.  But she is viewed so favorably by the electorate she will probably be sent back to do further damage.  Some things cannot be explained.  Same for Barbara Boxer another useless politician who somehow keeps winning.

Now with redistricting by a "peoples" commission, we see nothing has changed.  When I saw the State Controller named as the oversight person I knew it would turn out to be a fiasco.  The results are plain as day, the democrats hijacked the system and all incumbents are in the November runoffs.  Wasn't the idea of the Citizens Commission to get the "partisanship" watered down?  Well, it didn't work and we will see the return of the same people who have made the place a mess, mostly democrats.  So the great attempt by the voters of California to "take back" the Capitol from the kids has failed.  But still the tax measure was defeated.

There are other indications in the results from last Tuesday that make Nevada County a "red" county still.  Sure, every once in a while you get a "non-partisan" office filled buy a "partisan" but here they are mostly Republicans.  I think the "purple" man made some fallacious comment about the election of the Fifth District Supervisory being a democrat while not telling his readers the opponent was also a democrat.  No Republican ran in that district for Supervisor.  Also, the defeated candidate who got a sizable vote had withdrawn months ago and endorsed the remaining lone candidate.  Typical lamestream media crappy reporting and bias.

Nevada County and the legislative districts it is part of will be "red" for a long tome.  Hell, even the Assembly race has two Republicans in the November runoff. I actually think that is a bad idea but it does show the overwhelming "redness" of our districts.  California does surprise me sometimes but when democrats and Republicans have economic problems they do get a bit testy and sometimes vote against the norm.  The Tobacco Tax was the last time we can vote in June for any Propositions since the esteemed legislature voted to only do them in November elections.  They want to make sure those pesky "anti-tax, anti big gobmint types who usually turnout on June will never again have their way. 


  1. Todd
    Your "yellow" comment brings to mind a quote from Lyndon Johnson
    "The only things in the middle of the road are a broad yellow stripe and dead armadillos"
    Ray Shine

  2. I kinda swiped the comment Ray. Thanks.

  3. You can bloviate all you want about independents who vote on issues rather than ideology or party loyalty, but the fact is that more people are dropping the party labels like a hot potato. That says a lot about the failure of Democrats and Republicans. As for your color-coded analogy, how about "better dead than red?"

  4. Hey bloviating is my job man! The Pay suck though, you know, like, FREE) So tell us all RL what the percentage of Independents is and the two major parties. How do you conclude they vote the issues and not the party ideology? Do you have some proof of that? My guess is the present day politics is no different than 1776 when about 20% favored the Revolution, 20% loved the King and all the rest were busy doing something else.


Real name thank you.