Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Don't be fooled by the fake news media polls I am a political activist and have been since the mid 1970s.  At first I got active when the left in my county wanted to put me and anyone dealing with new homes and real estate out of business.  The left came to Nevada County from the big cities.  They wrecked those places to such a degree they decided to move here and gain our ambiance of peace and tranquility.  But they also brought their left wing ideology and tried to take over the county and city governments. I was part of the large group of people that fought them and we won the election in 1978 to remain a free county.  

But they never give up.  That is one thing I admire about the left.  If they get defeated they go lick their wounds and come back again and again.  That is one major reason we who love freedom must stay involved and forever diligent.  We have to meet them every single time they rear their ugly heads.  They do win office here now and the reason is there are more of them then us due to immigration from the cities they wrecked on the coast.  And now we see this sickness of the left trying to take over America.  We cannot let this happen.

President Trump was elected fair and square in 2016 yet the "deep state" politicians and corporations and lobbyists decided to get rid of him through what I call a "coup".  They have tried numerous times through subterfuge and lies to gain control os the country.  We must not let them win.  After the China pandemic began we saw democrat governors and Mayors and City Councils and other elected officials flex their illegal muscles of power to control the people.  These people have tossed the Constitution into the trash.  Using a health scare they have decided they can override our rights in our best interests of health safety.  They decided it is fine to keep abortion clinics open but not churches.  You can go to a liquor store but not a school class.  It is crazy.

We just saw this week the arrest and the tasering of a woman at her middle school son's football game.  I saw that and was shocked.  She was outdoors without a mask and that triggered the idiots with the "power" to take her down.  Even though we have been relentlessly told by the authorities to maintain "social distancing" or wear  mask if we can't.  This woman was attacked even though it appeared she was maintaining six feet.  So the rules mean squat when the POWER wants to be flexed.  We also saw three church attendees singing out doors in a church parking lot get arrested in, of all places, Moscow, Idaho.  Really?  I was so mad I found the idiot Mayor of the town's email and chewed him out.  We must stand up to the bullies.

Then of course we saw the George Floyd incident which set off the riots across the land.  I do not support the knee on the neck of anyone so that may make some mad.  However we have learned that Mr. Floyd had fentynol in him to kill many people.  That drug is fatal in small amounts.  Now there is a debate on his death whether he died from the knee or the drug.  Let the truth be told.  So the protests of his death got hijacked by the Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA groups.  They have been characterized as domestic terrorist groups.  The BLM are self proclaimed MARXISTS. Wimpy and chicken corporations and liberal movie stars sent these people millions of dollars fueling their riots.  And we find out the national and local media have withheld stories and videos on the riots.  Burning down American cities is off limits at the networks apparently.  Except for FOX NEWS.  Don't those who support the terrorists know they will be the first to be put up against the wall if they prevail?  That is what always happens with these kinds of revolutions.

Now we are bombarded by the fake news polls in such numbers it makes one's head spin.  Except for a couple of reliable organizations, the polls pushed by the media are bogus.  We call them push polls with loaded questions that afford the respondent little choice in a answer.  I always look at the underlying polls breakdown.  If you can easily find the partisan breakdown then you will see how unbalanced they are.  They under represent Republicans by seven to nine percent over the final results of the 2016  election..  This makes the poll biased and false.  But they are doing that to discourage you and others from voting the way we want.  Turnout is the most important thing I learned in elections.  And the fake media knows this.  So they want to dampen you enthusiasm and keep you home.  Don't fall for that.  In fact get out and get your friends out and make them eat their polls.

The democrat party has gone so far left the have become a favorite of Raul Castro and the ghost of Hugo Chavez. I am still very encouraged the people of America do not want to change course into socialism and communism.  I cannot accept the people of our county would want tyrants in charge of every part of theeir life.  So please don't fret about the fake polls.  Stay energized and make sure you and all those you know vote for freedom and the Constitution.  That means a vote for President Trump and all the Congressmen and Senators.  All down the line to dog catcher.

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Real name thank you.