When George Floyd died with a knee on his neck by a police officer, we as Americans were outraged and united in our position this should not happen in America. We now see the results of the autopsy of Mr. Floyd and it appears he had enough Meth and Fentynol in his body to kill him. And his criminal record has been released and he was not seen as a very nice man. Still, his death was an outrage and we all shouted NO! But shortly after his death, the thugs decided they had a way to riot and loot by infiltrating any peaceful protests of the Floyd death. And they sure have.
Many of America's great and beautiful cities are under attack and the democrat city councils, Mayors and the State Governors let them run wild. The citizens of those cities who elected those fools may need to rethink who they want in charge of their policing and safety. The weak-kneed Mayors told their police to let the thugs burn and loot the very businesses that they were supposed to protect. A "summer of love" was announced by the loony Mayor of Seattle! While the thugs took over six blocks of the downtown, murders and looting took off. The police abandoned their Precinct in the area as the Mayor allowed the thugs to take ver. And these thugs created an "autonomous" zone and became the de facto officials. All the while the Mayor and her council members were protected by armed security while leaving the citizens and taxpayers to the wolves. Well, until the thugs came to the mayor's home and things changed. Seems the MOB eats whoever stands in their way. Even a sympathetic Mayor. Shortly after, the Mayor called out the police. Hmmm.
Even in Portland, Oregon the thugs have been allowed to trash that once beautiful city. It's Mayor and Governor stood aside while the thugs took over. And they are still at it today! When the thugs attacked the Federal Courthouse and the Mayor told the police not to intervene, President Trump was forced to send help to protect the building and it occupants. And what did the Mayor do? Called the Federal police "SS" and Storm Troopers! You cannot make this stuff up. The same scenario is being played out across America and it is now in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
We see the same problems in that city of 100,000 people as we see in the others. Instead of waiting for the investigation and facts, the thugs riot and loot. The Mayor and the Governor did not act quickly enough to keep the city from burning. All because the mistakenly though it would harm President Trump. Sorry charlie, but is is harming Joe Biden and the democrat party. Even the 17-year-old young man now under arrest for killing two men that were attacking him has now been clarified somewhat. Chris Wallace of FOX has become one of the fake news spewers today. He claimed the young man was a vigilante! One kid who went to Kenosha to assist in medical care for injured people at the riot armed for self-protection is a vigilante! And a militia wannabee? The news folks are nuts. But that is today's fake news take on the kid. He was chased and attacked and hit on the head with a skateboard and replied with deadly force. Maybe that is self-defense?
President Trump and the Republican Party are all in for peaceful protests. That is the American way. But when the thugs take control and start the violence, it must be met with force. The police have to do their job unrestrained by dumbass democrat politicians running their states and cities. If thugs are allowed to do their deeds unfettered, then they will multiply like the rats they are. The Republican Party and President Trump have gauged American sentiment correctly on these riots. And if people want to see these rioters come to their "suburbs", then, by all means, vote for Biden/Harris. God help us.
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