Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Why the China Virus should be Judged on Science



  1. Well done. A fine example of a potentially fatal application of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Lol

    1. The truth is the truth but lefty types cannot recognize their lack od intelligence and lash out. I am perfectly happy in life are you?

    2. Putting up a small subset of data on you blog with no context isnt truth, it isnt a lie either. It is meaningless. It's just data. You did it because the last column shows no deaths. It is well know young people are pretty much safe from this virus. It is there parents, grand parents, friends family and carers who are at risk. So where is the full data. Where is the intelligent interpretation of the data. That is an apolitical requirement of using data. Only a moron would paste a page of data onto a blog without interpreting it sensibly. Are you that kind of person that wants to mislead people who maybe dont understand how data should be interpreted?

    3. I see you did not understand what a poll or st of representative data means. Maybe no deaths means no feaths?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ok, so how do you analyse a selective subset of data. You sing down and find the right perspective. Students generally are young people. Young people are less susceptible to fatality from coronavirus than older people, this data reflects that. The data shows nothing about the long term health impacts on any of those students. It shows nothing about death rates in the vast majority of cases affecting different age groups. It tells us nothing about the unacceptable risks taken by healthcare workers who pay the price for the idiotically irresponsible 'members of society' ignoring the advice given them and spreading this disease by refusing to socially distance and wear a simple face mask. They instead choose to put others at risk as well as themselves and care nothing about those they help kill!

    1. Why don't you analyze the data then? Seems pretty logical to me. Let's have your opinion of the graph. Seems like people tell us how a 700 person poll rcan tell us who will win a election out of 320 million people.


  5. Thousands of new coronavirus cases continue to emerge on college campuses. A New York Times survey of more than 1,700 American colleges and universities — including every four-year public institution and every private college that competes in N.C.A.A. sports — has revealed more than 214,000 cases and at least 75 deaths since the pandemic began.

  6. Todd, young people are dying. For all that have died many more are left with long term health problems. Are you going to update your data?

  7. Younger folks are certainly less likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID. That’s just an undeniable fact.


Real name thank you.