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Is this her? Pulled from her Facebook Page |
Here is a list of the Bard's "Community Relations Rules".
Now I appreciate "free speech" as much as anyone and defend it as hard as I defend the full US Constitution. However, when you read her remarks/attacks on me and others I have to ask "is this good for the kids"? What would one learn from what she says in those comments and how she says things? Apparently, she is at a level of maturity that my six-year-old granddaughter has moved past.
All of my comments were in response to hers and I have not brought this woman up since I did a blog post three years ago.
That was on her screaming at the Townhall of Congressman Doug LaMalfa and after her threats to the Tea Party. I think the Board censured her as well for "unbecoming a member". I might be a bit rusty on that. I attended the Townhall and was shocked at her screaming rants from the back of the City Council chambers. When I later learned it was a teacher and member of the Board I was disgusted. I have compiled her comments on the two articles she commented on. I can send them to anyone who emails me.
So I would suggest this woman resign from her position on the Board. She is a disgrace and a bad apple. She might fit in the Oakland City Council where the Mayor and her minions are all in for snubbing their noses at the arrest of illegal alien felons. A lot better fit for this woman.
GUNS and LIes by the left. Are we all sick of the people lying about the Second Amendment yet? After the murders in Florida, we got to see a concerted effort by the anti-Second liberals of the country spew their lies. They even organized students from the Parkland High School to spew their talking points. What I find interesting though is the lies about the weapons of choice for mass killings. Mainly handguns. But the left says AR-15's in spite of the facts. And I find them all disingenuous about the murders as they say nothing about the murders in Chicago that happen every weekend. Over the last few years, the totals are in the thousands. Could their silence mean they are racists? Afterall, the killing in Chicago is black on black, mainly. The Florida kids are almost all white. Do they have the same compassion for the young black kids as they have for their fellow students? Looks to me they don't. And almost 100% of the murders in Chicago are by handguns. Same for Baltimore and other major cities. So all this tells me it is all orchestrated outrage by the left and they have no shame conscripting these kids who are angry.
Local Lies about growth and Jobs. Reading the comments and watching the public hearings on the Dollar General (DG) stores attempts to build three here in the county, I get deja vu all over again. I sat through many hearings when I was in office and got to listen to some of the most ridiculous statements by people trying to defeat a project. No lie is to far-fetched to not be told in a Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors Hearing. Since no one is required to be sworn, these anti folks tell the most amazing whoppers. Anything to defeat the project. Sadly zoning and even the underlying General Plan of the community is trashed when people want to defeat something. And in my opinion, all three are zoned properly and compliant with our General Plan and should be approved. If we are expected to follow the laws then should not these projects that follow the laws get the same treatment and benefit? Of course. But what happens to the community is they take two steps back every time the naysayers attack a compliant project. Word gets out, don't try Nevada County. You cannot follow the laws and get a fair shake. Don't waste your money. And we see it works. Hundreds of millions of dollars head to surrounding counties as business avoids us and our people.
Marijuana is now subject to competition. Looks like the indicators are no different for marijuana as they are for Cheerios. Market forces at work. And since California produces so much ganja the price is really depressed. The savior of rural counties may be more trouble that people thought it would be as legalized. And big corporations and their farms will soon drive the little guts out. After the monster tax is added to the product might not be the money maker people thought it would be. In Washington State, there seems to be a "dispensary" on every corner. It is legal there and the prices have hit rock bottom. Too much supply, not enough demand. Now in my opinion, if you want to suck in that smoke, eat those brownies or do whatever you do with the plant, that is your gig. But I warn people about the use of these things as a crutch to mask real life. When the haze lightens up your job or family is hopefully still there. But are you all you can be while stoned? I doubt it.
Trump has the left all knotted up. The man has a great sense of humor. Kind of dry but t me I get him. The left and their lackey media don't. They take everything he says as if he means ot seriously. I take it as humor and tongue in cheek. And he does it to drive them nuts. Ever since he joked that if th Russians ever fund Hillary Clinton's email they should tun them over the the media. The media then twisted what he sai into some serios thing. They said he wanted them to hack her server! That was the first time I saw the disconnect of the media with Trump's humor. Now today the media is aghast at Trump making a joke about the Presdent of China going for a "liftime". I heard it and it was a JOKE! But the media, panties in a wad again, think he was serious. And even if he wasn't they say he should never say such a thing. Jeeze, you people are already on stress meds bit they don't appear to be workiong.
Well that could be the infamous, bat shit crazy Linda Campbell but I can not be sure Her face is not contorted into a devils mask, her arteries are not distended and there is not spit flying. That's what most of the County's personal experience with that scum looks like. To think she is supposed to be leadership in our school system, no wonder they are turning out a bunch of pink pussy hat wearing guys in skinny leg pants.
ReplyDeleteWhy would any parent wish to put their child into the Nevada Joint Union High School District?
DeleteHow can the district put up with this bat shit crazy Linda Campbell?
Well just another very good reason to home school or put your children in a private school. Parents have a huge investment in their children in all areas that are too long to list. Why as parents should we throw or children into the "Septic Tank" of inferior public education.
We pay taxes to these institutions of inadequate learning as long as we own property and additionally pump more money in when we pull a building permit but have no say as to how the public education system functions in Nevada County.
I just suck it up and pay the money but I ask where in the hell is the "Quid Pro Que".
There is none and the frigging school districts are loose cannons.
I would never and have never sent a child of ours to these institutions of "Lower Learning".
Our daughter does attend Sierra College and that is a different ball game.
Tim Gore
"Local Lies about growth and Jobs"
DeleteTotally Correct Todd, if the project conforms then approve it and it is simple as that. I have done residential and commercial projects and including parcel maps and tentative maps and final maps all over California and all were approved as I knew what I WAS DOING.
Tim Gore
GUNS and Lies by the left:
DeleteRight on Todd
Tim Gore
"Marijuana is now subject to competition"
DeleteRight again Todd, you're batting 1000!
Tim Gore
George Boardman resident of the "Luck of The Pines"
DeleteI like Old Auburn Road. Three acres and a 6' high cedar fence 400' fronting Auburn Road and 12' double electric gates and post lights.
No associations with dorks like Boardmam telling my 95 English Bulldog or we can't fart or whiz outside?
How can free people live in places like Luck of the Pines?
Thank God Mr. Boardman is not my neighbor.
Tim Gore
In addendum Todd it is too bad in my conservative opinion you are not a Nevada County Supervisor.
DeleteTim Gore
Thanks Mr. Gore. I did that gig for 8 years though.
DeleteThanks for the thanks Todd.
DeleteTim Gore
Jeff Sessions was in Sacramento today and gave a kick-ass speech on this issue. Looks like there may be some officials in jail as they thumb their noses at the law. We Californians cannot accept our leaders breaking the law. They should be held to the same laws as we are. Especially the Mayor of Oakland. She needs some jail time for alerting the illegal criminals they were under the scrutiny of ICE.
ReplyDeleteI especially liked Brown's and his Calif state attorney general's press conference.
DeleteThese two don't even know federal law trumps state law.
Hope this helps Travis.
California voters need to wake up.
Tim Gore
Are there any residents, legal ones in California with a mind left? With the KCRA report this evening irritates me "The Dart Man" is a liberal.
DeleteFake News other than weather. More Liberal news, why can't they just report without the liberal slant? Because the new's team is leftist liberals and are talking liberal heads.
Perhaps Californians will wake up as this state is a "Liberal Soup Sandwich and welcomes illegal aliens in droves.
March 7, 2018 at 7:21 pm
“Since Franklin Roosevelt’s first term, when presidents still traveled by rail, no chief executive has gone so long in office without visiting the state.” – L.A. Times
There are 4 million communist voter reasons that California has become irrelevant.
Trump is going to visit the wall prototypes after WINNING in court.
It looks like the left is making California into a "slave state" like those before 1861.
DeleteSo Todd......are you pretty sure that “Linda” started life as “Larry”?
ReplyDeleteNever sure about "looks" as they can be altered by surgery.
ReplyDeleteNevada city fats is having food porn orgasms all over his puke puddle of a psych study blog.
ReplyDeleteWho is that?
DeleteThe most hated unemployed journalist fue.
DeleteNope, George Boardman, bad attitude, old freeze dried hippy, false grin in his picture and bad false teeth and I love his liberal comments bashing President Trump. Perhaps George since you cleaned up after Obama's dog BO, President Trump if he ever gets a dog and based on the rash assumption you are qualified and pass the security clearance you may be the Presidential "Popper Scooper"?
DeleteWell there seems to be two, as George Boardman's current President Trump's bashing revealed to me he and Pelinskie are in a contest to become the biggest freeze dried hippies in Nevada County and Mr. Boardman seems to in my opinion the worst of the two.
ReplyDeleteHis picture with a scowling face, a 1960 blue shirt and a K-Mart tie says it all.
You bore me Mr. Boardman!
Now now, we must not name call Mr. B.
DeleteI Stand corrected and you are correct but the current "Road Kill" posted today bashes President Trump big time and many unsustainable statements and all included name calling.
ReplyDeleteWho wrote it? Mr. Boardman?
Is not good for the goose or good for the gander have no relevancy here?
Or is this a good old boy area as the good old boys are always correct regardless of their opinions or statements? Is that horse puckey or not?
Oh I disagree with the General all the time. He is a lib and I am not. But even he, like a broken clock, is right once in a while. Though not today.
DeleteWell said Todd!
DeleteTim Gore
Well said Todd, Tim Gore
Deleteby George Boardman
ReplyDeletePresident Donald Trump is scheduled to make his first trip to California Tuesday since he was elected president, and nobody expects him to get a friendly welcome.
The divider-in-chief
Just to make sure, the divider-in-chief threw more red meat to the hungry dogs during his weekly address over the weekend:
"The State of California is sheltering dangerous criminals in a brazen and lawless attack on our Constitutional system of government. (California leaders) don't care about crime. They don't care about death and killings. They don't care about robberies."
Trump will be inspecting prototypes of the border wall Mexico isn't going to pay for, and is also scheduled to attend a fund-raiser in Beverly Hills, where I'm sure the steel and aluminum boys will be writing some big checks. The more protesters he encounters, the more he will like it.
Trump knows he's very unpopular in the Golden State and that he has no chance of winning California in the 202o election. But the state is still useful to him.
California is very unpopular in states that back Trump, and he knows he can keep his base engaged if the protests that greet him here are big and hostile. Overturn cars? Set fires? Break windows? Scuffle with police? Bring it on.
There are more than a few progressives in the state who are willing to help him realize his fondest dreams. With any luck, the antifa people will be out in force.
WHO'S AFRAID OF THE NRA?: Well, it turns out Trump is.
During the phony meeting he staged in the White House to discuss gun issues, Trump accused Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and others of being afraid of the NRA, and boasted he could handle the political heat when it comes to raising the age for purchasing an assault weapon from 18 to 21.
That lasted until Sunday, when Trump announced he is appointing a commission to study that and other gun-related issues. In other words, he wants this stuff to die a quiet death while he focuses on an issue the NRA loves, arming school employees.
What a whimp.
George Boardman | March 12, 2018 at 2:38 pm | Categories: Donald Trump, Politics
Trump makes Mr. B look pretty silly. I think he said he would divest his stocks if Trump won as the market would tank. Well too bad for Mr. B. Anyway Boardman rarely gets it right as he is blinded by his partisanship and hatred. I feel bad for him and his ilk. I truly think they are all mentally ill.
DeleteAbove is Mr.B's comments loaded with name calling relating to president Trump but "What a whimp." was the last straw.
ReplyDeleteDo you feel this not name calling?
Mr. B is out of line and typical for a freeze dried hippy, is it not?
Tim Gore
Oh I think he is not that bright about things and I think if I had a pooch I think it would be smarter about politics and people than he. But why get down in the crud with these liberals? They are not too bright. Hell they all thought Trump was never gonna win! I laugh my ass off every time I read Mr. B's rants against Trump. All jealousy.
DeleteIt is starting to sound like the bored man is trying to take the lead form that Nevada City slime ball FUE. When did lake of the crimes become so militant? You can tell what a waste of space he is. Crying about his service as draftee. Dude get a clue we have had a professional military for generations. Get over it, go cry with the Nevada city fools like the Emery boys, they would agree with his anti military screed. I hope all the former military at the lake of the crimes club house give him a piece of their mind. Especially since he seems to have lost his. You know what is really funny is that is the best picture he can find for the Union! ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteThere are many like minded lemming liberals out there. They hate each other as they hate themselves. They wish they had the interesting lives we on the right live.
DeleteAnde looks at his headline. The man hates the NRA but then says bring on the iolence against Trump in his visit to our state. You cannot make up the amount of brainless hypocrisy a lefty is capable of.
DeleteWell as the rain was rather fierce today 2.79 inches before 5:00 PM I feed the fire place. Watched the news after getting up at 5:30 AM and WASH EXAM / FOX on my iPhone was blasting news that Trump had nuked T Rex, who is a class act that I really like. Bottom line Trump is the head Kahuna and calls the shots but even as a Trump supporter from day I feel axing T Rex was unprofessional at best.
DeleteTrump at Otay Mesa at the new border wall mock ups was of interest as we used to go through the border crossing there in the mid eighties to the airport to catch a flight to Puerto Vallarta.
Then on to Miramar Navy Airfield the old "Top Gun" training base prior to it's Fallon, Nevada location in the early 1990's.
Trump gave a good speech at Miramar to the military there this afternoon.
A long day for Trump today then to his fund raiser in Beverly Hills which is still going on now I would suspect now.
I doubt that 1% of Trump defectors could keep up with his schedule and is seventy years old or so?
My point here is whether you like Trump or not you cant find fault with his work ethic that is 24 hours a day.
Tim Gore
Today Trump placed more sanctions on Russia along with Great Britain and others. Russia used that poisn gas against people in Britain. The press and the democrats are now saying Trump is doing this because Mueller is after him. I am so ashamed of the democrats and the media for this unAmerican crap I can hardly contain my anger.
DeleteTrump consulted his many advisers prior to placing the sanctions in place.
DeleteAdditionally reports obtained and Mueller's indictments against the Russian firms, three or so of them and thirteen or so individuals triggered the sanctions. Additionally the Russian cyber attacks. Also the interference into the 2016 elections caused by the DNC, FBI, and others as you well know.
Trump I believe is not worried by the democrats as he whipped Hillary like a rented mule.
I don't give a hoot about the democrats like Boardman, Pelinskie or the rest of the sanctuary city freeze dried hippies that have invaded this county.
Our conservative base will prevail as it has since the 1700's.
I have been dealing with liberals since 1964 as a Goldwater supporter and a member of the John Birch Society way back then in Orange County.
I consider the dumb ass liberals up here no more than a duck would a light rainfall running off his back.
Don't get angry just keep the faith as California will be great again in a few more years.
Tim Gore
I hope you are right. Looks like we may have a possible win if we get in to the top two for Governor. But who knows.
DeleteWe presume and I hope correctly 99.9% of California conservatives are fed up with the brain dead liberals in Sacramento including Brown, Lt. Gov., Atty. General and the number of fools in the Assembly & Senate in California.
DeleteBrown's Snail Train, Sanctuary Cites, etc.
What I do not know is how many Democrats and moderate Republicans that voted for Brown and his ship of fools in the past will vote for a Republican for governor this year but I think the numbers may be much larger than we now know. I will be voting for Travis and of them all he is the best choice to do it.
We presume and I hope correctly 99.9% of California conservatives are fed up with the brain dead liberals in Sacramento including Brown, Lt. Gov., Atty. General and the number of fools in the Assembly & Senate in California.
DeleteBrown's Snail Train, Sanctuary Cites, etc.
What I do not know is how many Democrats and moderate Republicans that voted for Brown and his ship of fools in the past will vote for a Republican for governor this year but I think the numbers may be much larger than we now know. I will be voting for Travis and of them all he is the best choice to do it.
Tim Gore
Added my name
If Travis cab't attract sufficient democrats he can't make it. First though he must finish in the top two.
DeleteGreat news Sessions fired "Slimey McCabe" The lying little bastard needs to be put in irons and "Keel Hauled" Believe me, they had lots of negative back up before he was fired.
ReplyDeleteTim Gore
And I saw McCabe's response and I must say he really is a slime.
DeleteTodd, you have run off the most hated commie blob in the county from his own bucket of Nevada city vomit. Now him and his sock puppets are infecting Rebanes. With all that claimed experience and education you would have thought they could come up with better sock puppets. ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteWould this post be from none other than Polanski?
DeleteRoman Polanski?
DeleteA commie blob? Super descriptive. Are you from the 1950s?
ReplyDeleteNo a Polish pedophile.
DeleteI also noticed the probably bored trouble-makers moving from their "former blog" to Rebane's stirring the petty entertainment pot. I should say stupid and boring, but they do provide a comparison. BMW