America has been adjusting to Trump since the election last year. We have never had a plain-speaking man with a business background. We have been accustomed to the slick talkers, the politicians like Obama and Bill Clinton. They sure spoke pretty but were skin deep people. Trump seems to be making his mark as he relates to the common people. A populist. Sure he is a billionaire but he is steeped in real property issues. And anyone in that business knows you have to be real. If you aren't you will become a pauper in no time. And he is kind of a rascal. But I think Americans like rascals. The left cites his polls numbers but to me, that is only one indicator of Trump's life.
People can dislike the person but if they are doing the job they will give that person a wide break. With the country starting to hum again after getting Obama off the palate, Americans are feeling much better about themselves, the economy and the country. The naysayers and Trump haters are screeching all the time and people have to filter their fake news out in order to even get a proper view of the reality.
If the US Senate can get some things done then I bet we will see some momentous growth and opportunity. The House has sent a lot of bills over to the Senate but for some reason, the archaic rules keep many things on a slow walk. This is not good. The people of America want action and if the Senate sits on its hands Trump will take it on. In some ways, it has already happened with his "Executive Orders" to rid the country of unwanted regulations and ridiculous rules. Trump's returning Utah's lands to the state are the latest thing. The minerals and other resources there will benefit the country and removing the abused "Antiquities Act" designation will do that.
But look at the economy. It is steaming ahead as people are now optimistic about things. Obama spent trillions of dollars and achieved very little. Trump won't even hire to fill vacancies in the White House as he wants to save the money. A way different approach. Even Melanie is down to six employees where Michelle Obama had 26!. These are the things that send signals to the people a man is concerned about them and their money.
If we can get the tax reform done Americans at all levels, especially the middle class will see more of their own money stay in their pockets. And now we see the disarray of the democrats in their "sex scandals". Al Franken of Minnesota says he will resign in a few weeks. His fellow democrats turned on him as a sexual predator. These same democrats are now trying to gain some creds with saying Bill Clinton should have resigned 20 years ago! Please, what a transparent look at the vacuous minds of a democrat.
Somehow the water in the democrat canteens must be tainted. Obama and the others are hysterical about Trump. Calling him akin to Hitler! What a terrible thing to say to the 62 million Americans that voted for him! Obama should shut his mouth and return to the streets of Chicago. America is moving forward in spite of the Luddites we know as democrats.
Last night I watched a panel of speakers on CSPAN. It was led by Tom Steyer, a billionaire Hedge Fund guy. He is the one that promised 100 million dollars to the democrats if they would support his"climate change" agenda. The panel was to announce their desire to impeach Trump. I listened to these loons and concluded they are all one can short of a six-pack. Steyer had the look of a mentally ill person in his eyes. I have seen that stare in sociopaths on ID TV! Anyway, there may have been five people in attendance and they were all media. And even they were skeptical. And rightly so. The panel looked like normal folks (except for Steyer) yet what came out of their mouths was pure drivel. These are the educated people? Anyway, their attempts will go nowhere as we saw yesterday when the loony democrat fringe in the House got their ass handed to them on their Impeachment Resolution. Something like 325 to 58 or so. Just more theater from the left. My goodness if they spent their energy trying to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN the country would be way better off.
Well said Todd, Obama in my mind and his first lady and he hated America.
ReplyDeleteObama is not don yet as he will continue.
He is an anti American and a socialist.
Thank God he is gone and Hillary lost the election.
I pray President will persevere.
God Bless America.
the troll "jon smith" is popping his cork on Rebanes tonight. I mention a million acre fire in Idaho from a hundred years ago and he starts dissing my education. You cannot make this stuff up. Leftwingnuts like him are desperate to make points with other trolls I guess.
DeleteJust read through Rebane's 12/07 and Jon Smith is in orbit Uranus with Jerry Brown, hope they are having fun in the sphere of zero gravity.
DeleteSorry but I must be a dumb shit as don't remember ever reading anything in grammer school or any where else up the educational ladder about the million acre fire. The Santana Winds in So. Cal are devastating and when a fire starts its out of control.
R. L. Crabbs Addams Family cartoon was way below good taste. I'm looking forward to the one depicting Obama on a prayer rug in the oval office while facing east.
There never was anything in the school books about that fire in Idaho. All made up by the troll jon smith. Funny how he attacks me personally for even bringing that up. The person is unhinged.
DeleteRL Crabb has always attacked the right and coddled the left. The leftwing tries to believe they are in the middle regarding journalism and it subsets. We all know why they are wrong. They were the fope smokers. LOL! But we know he never drew a picture against Obama or some other lefty the way he does a rightie. Hypocrites all on the left.
Jon Smith brains are fried as all liberals brains are fried but the question how did become fried?
Delete1. Born stupid?
2. Indoctrinated by liberal parents, socialist and liberal teachers in public schools, college or universities?
3. Drugs?
If I missed one or two, feel free to correct me.
R. L. Crabb's cartoon was repulsive to all normal thinking people. First we are approaching Christmas and his drawing of the First Family is an inditation that paragraphs 1, 2 & 3 all are applicable to him to the 5th power.
He is not a jackass as they are kind animals. Probably a rattle snake or a black widow spider.
Great speech by our President this evening. Truly brilliant and from his heart. He truly is a good and God fearing man and an excellent President and I am proud to be an American that supports him and voted for him.
What liberals think does not matter to me or President Trump.
Obama, Hillary and the rest, "Does it really matter now"?
Tim Gore
You make good points. Smith is a turd but maybe it is his DNA packing in human intelligence? RL has always trashed the right and then tries to lie he also does the left. Horse pooh. He is simply uncouth and baised and he should kiss the ground he lives in America.
DeleteTrimp did great and says it like it is. Liberals can't deal with the truth but we can.
What a difference a year makes since President Trump was inaugurated in January.
DeleteThe White House this December is the first Christian Christmas since 2008.
President Trump done so much this year it is amazing.
He has done it for America and the people Republicans or Democrats alike.
So much fake news and so much negative press, all lies.
He will turn this country around as he promised.
Tim Gore
America is coming back under Trump. The left is really apoplectic. He ruined their plans to go commie!
DeleteYes President Trump is moving forward. If the election tomorrow is won by Judge Moore and the congress adds seats in 2018 he should do well in 2020.
DeleteFake news, fake poles are simply fake and manufactured by the left.
California state government is out of control, diesel up to $3.50 a gallon from $3.00 a month ago and now Brown wants to add a mileage tax on top of that. That's penny ante stuff. The sanctuary state status is the big one. Hope the feds can quash that but California ignores federal law.
California law or the lack thereof is s loose cannon.
Tim Gore.
Interesting opinion in the Union a few days ago by Mr. Lamphier regarding gun control, the constitution, 2nd amendment and his personal feeling all were antiquated and in need of change.
ReplyDeleteWow in my estimation of his suggestions for change he is UN American seems he would be content doing away with the Constitution, all Amendments and especially the 2nd.
I can't imagine the wildest brainless liberal in Nevada County agreeing to that.
Well I was wrong but I'm glad Mr. Lamphier is not a supervisor.
It seems to me that there are many people that have no clue about the 2nd.
DeleteIf they are clueless relating to the 2nd they are uneducated and why?
DeleteOr do they do not agree with it or understand its implementation, or they are like Mr. Lamphier that it is not necessary today because armament today is not flint locks,or black powder cannons as weapons are more sophisticated today.
Mr. Lamphier is wrong as ground conflicts in Syria and Iraq were won by ground troops with small arms, The same ones we can by at the Range in Grass Valley except for AR-14 style weapons here in California but we can buy
M-1's and other semi-automatic .223,.308 types.
I'll lock my guns in a save when he locks up his computer.
The most hated former journalist FUE must have gotten a tin foil hat for Christmas from ruinit. How many cases of renolds wrap did it take to make a tin foil hat that big? ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteThat would take a lot of tinfoil. Maybe he has stock in Alcoa?
DeleteCost co in Roseville is sold out of tin foil, Velevta, Dennison Chili and box wine as a fat guy from Nevada City had them deliver 2 pallets each.
DeleteThe fat one does not do hats only but body wraps also
DeleteNever wrong. Pellinr is sick of science people lording over us?!
DeleteDiscuss below...😂😂
Hey, maybe Pelline and the False Flag Queen of Nevada City are working on a real documentary together? With real money this time. Not money stolen from a crowd sourcing campaign?
DeleteI haven't seen this much bull shit spread by the DOJ and the FBI since I planted my blue grass sod in Lake San Marcos in 1989.
ReplyDeleteMueller, Comey and the rest either are dirty cops and or liars or treasons or all three.
Yes there is a "Lota Shakin Goin On".
I do not think the FBI or DOJ is a match for Trump and when the dust settles the "Hot Shot Mueller" will wish he never headed this fray and a bunch of his underlings will be indited or fired.
Pat Buchanan hit the nail on the head with this one.
Trump is too smart for them. He is eight steps and four months ahead of these fools.
Pelline instructs his commenters to “disagree respectfully.” I shit you not. Freaking dying over here. 😂😂
ReplyDeleteHe is lonely and really has no commenters except for a few loons of the left.
DeleteLooks like he has some people bashing each ther. Hell, maybe Frisch is not that goofy!
DeleteSteve most certainly is not. He and Reinette are both completely intellectually honest hence the problem. Pelline is not. He just a shit stirrer. 😂
DeleteWow. The Bay Area. So boring. Light years away...yep. In Wijk aan Zee baby.
You are in Holland?
DeleteUntil Christmas. Fiancé is a new grandmother and we’ve all been here for a week to see the baby. He and Netherlands are beautiful. Amsterdam was awesome. The son-in-law works in Wijk aan Zee at a restaurant (professional chef). Check out the Facebook page.
ReplyDeleteHeaded to London on Monday so Maggie can fly home to Oakland. A little road trip. I’ll be back later.
As grandson is Dutch National, I are now learning language number three. 😂
Merry Christmas my man!🎄
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you Barry and to you and to Todd also.
DeleteTo the liberals that pollute our beautiful area you deserve Christmas Stockings filled with lumps of coal but you liberals do not celebrate Christmas but Happy Holiday Days only as it conforms to your progressive life styles.
Tim Gore
Merry Christmas to Barry and Tim. Have a safe trip over there Barry. My grandmother on my dad's side was a Van Horn. Her father is buried in the Colfax cemetery.
DeletePelline is turning on his pal Steve Frisch to protect his new pal Reinette Senum. What a hoot!
ReplyDeletePelline has a blowup doll. I thought he was married? Oh well some weirdness there.
DeleteInteresting, hope it is reinforced and has the load rating of F250 tires, D rating at 65 PSI and 2000 pounds load to support the 500 lb toad.
DeleteThat's not a picture I would not like to see.
A beached whale trying to penetrate I wish not to even imagine. Could be a WMD.
How can quainty town let ruinit walk onto the city counsel when she is so bat shit crazy? Of course the most hated unemployed journalist FUE jumps to her tinfoil hat defense. She is the only woman who will talk to him without backing away slowly before they run. No chili cheese fries in Steve Frisch's stocking this year! ROFLOL
ReplyDeleteEasy to understand as the quaintly town disappeared around 1996 with the influx of bay area liberals that started then.
DeleteIt's like a cancer that masticates and cannot be stopped.
There is no way to fix stupid liberals.
Yes. Nevada City (and California) used to be cool. Now it is simply nuts. our days here are numbered...
DeleteYuck.....! I guess it takes a Masters Degree from Northwestern to write this badly!
I wonder if jeff is really obese or just swollen from all the smarmy trapped within!
"Why does Todd blog attract so many losers"
ReplyDeleteHmmm......for the same reason that you are irresistibly attracted to "all you can cram down you gullet" buffets....just because!
Better than talking to myself in every post as we see the other guys do. LOL!
DeletePelline = Complete narcissist nutjob
DeleteWe conservatives will receive a Christmas Gift, perhaps a belated gift before 12/31/17 or after that date but by 1/31/2018 and that being the new director of the FBI will be gone and the DOJ will be given an enema and Sessions might remain.
ReplyDeleteWhy? Trey Gowdy is fired and President Trump is also.
About time to drain the swamp?
Too much collusion at the best and the Uranium deal and the rest of the Clinton crooked deals relating will be investigated and Goudy is hotter than a freshly fornicated fox in a forest fire.
Mueller / Comey are in deep trouble as well as the DOJ and it may reach down to Loretta Lynch to Eric Holder and perhaps Obama.
Add Correction to above, Why? Trey Gowdy is fired UP and President Trump is also.
DeleteTypo sorry.
Phew, I was worried. Thanks.
DeleteOmg. Pelline?! I am an intellectual because I went to Silicon Valley. You folks who disagree with me have empty lives. Lol. What a stroke.
Delete"jeffpelline says:
ReplyDeleteDecember 19, 2017 at 5:37 am
Talk about empty lives! A comment on Todd’s blog was posted at 3:30 a.m."
Yeah....thats pretty crazy......you should probably wait until 5:37 am.
Oh Okay. That is the time he is indulging in those chili cheese fries and mochas isn't?
Deletethe fue is showing how crazy he is on his blog. his insults and attacks on frisch and sierra business council are insane. fue is brown nosing senum like crazy and defending her factless tin foil hat claims. the fue has melted down.
ReplyDeleteProbably imploded rather than melted down like Rocket Man's H Bomb.
DeleteThose 200 pound chili cheese fries and 4 gallon mochas produce extremely high levels of Methane Gas.
One has to wonder if perhaps their wasn't a mix up after his arrival at the hospital and his mother ate the baby and the raised the placenta instead?
DeleteAmazing, I agree with Frisch!
DeleteFUE is in total melt down on his blog
ReplyDeleteI heard that. Is he having a midlife cisis or two?
DeleteWhich blogs is it the Pellinskie Mongolian Jug fornicator goes crazy on?
DeleteThe self imagined (unemployed) journalist FUE has a blog where he is the only one talking. Talking to your self and displaying disturbing psychological symptomology is not journalism no matter how fat you are. You guys in Nevada county have a threat to growth from his incessant spewed hate for your lovely county. Somehow I have to believe that he reacts that way to where ever he lives. He must be too poor to live an urban area. God Bless you in Nevada County.
ReplyDeleteI don't think he is that poor and don't care one way or the other as this is none of my business.
DeleteHe is a self centered dork and a super liberal with no social redeeming values.
Oh my word. Someone had a total and complete meltdown tonight. Fighting with Bishop and Frisch. Then later (apparently after a few cocktails) fighting with Fish and Gregory. Pelline shows a constant hate and rage to anyone that opposes is views. No wonder he is no longer employed by The Union.
ReplyDeletehe is like the little girl who posts selfies on facebook all the time to get likes to build her fragile selfesteem. selfiefoothillreport.com
ReplyDeleteAll true. He is unhinged. I bet th Marin County Chamber would pay to keep him from moving back there.
DeleteIt’s almost 8:00pm. A few cocktails deep and Pelline should get started again pretty soon. Lol
ReplyDeleteInteresting read. Traitors in the FBI
Pelline’s wife must have locked his phone and keyboard after last night’s psychotic break. lol.
ReplyDeleteAnd the loons that post on his blog as well!
DeleteWhere / what blog?
DeleteI find it hard be able to figure out why liberals bash the President?
ReplyDeletePresident Trump is on a roll and has done more for America than any president since Ronald Reagan. Are the liberals too stupid to understand that?
DeleteThey are all about getting the power and could care less about the country. At least our conservative side is about the Constitution and the country.
DeleteTrump moving America back to what America is supposed to be is exactly why liberals hate him.
DeleteHe is moving it ahead past the Obama, Bush and Clinton years and extending the Reagan years and policies that is not backward but a forward move.
DeletePresident Trump has moved the country forward at light speed.
The liberals in this county have optical rectumitis and old decrepit freeze dried hippies are a dying breed soon to vanish.
Of course the county and city fathers want to propagate additional revenue through legalization of marijuana sales and growing. Whats next poppy plantations? Sorry I don't agree? Why is called DOPE? Because the lawmakers in Nevada County, Nevada City and Grass Valley are users. Are there not federal laws prohibiting this?
Any of you locals have any bright comments?
Let's see if the representations play out as we have been told.
DeleteOn the federal level I feel they will but the California level it's up to Moonbeam. On the Nevada County level, City of Grass Valley and Nevada City level it's what is best for the bureaucrats and being a supervisor way back then you saw it coming but that was what 20 years ago?
DeleteI think now it's a "good old" boy conglomeration of do nothings other than the one that got caught using his county computer to view sights that disgraced and caused him to resign. Certainly not a good role model.