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OK is fine with me. |
Now those were something to behold. Now we see some neo-Nazis doing battle with some communist/socialist in Charlottesville, Virginia and that becomes the frame of reference for those that were not around in the 60’s. But the damage to people and things does not compare at all. Yet, the media blames the “right” and Trump while I know there is enough blame to go around. I attended two “free speech” rallies in Berkeley this year. I got so see firsthand the lefty thugs at work. They call themselves “Antifa” short for anti-fascist. Yet the people I was there listening to were simply making speeches for free expression and speech as these Antifa thugs were pepper spraying them. And the Antifa/democrat lefty thugs sliced and diced some free speechers with knives! I did not see the outrage against the left from the media and I did not read all the personal stories of these black hooded thugs. Maybe the present day “journalists” are in sympathy?
So now we see the never-ending attack on Trump and his voters from these same leftwing media types and their democrat politicians. Sure there are some weak kneed Republicans who mouth off against Trump and we who voted for him. We call them RINO’s. Republicans in name only. And they will be primaried for their views. I have never seen such hate by the leftwing media against anyone in politics or even personal life. My goodness, the left’s attempts to shame the 65 million people who voted for Trump is amazing! Rather than let him try to govern he is attacked daily. Today’s Sacramento Bee is a perfect example. Many stories about how Trump is a rat. And the local paper, Grass Valley Union has a opinion piece attacking Trump and the Republicans using vile name calling. Why is this?
I think Trump is simply used to running a company and employees are doing what he says. Afterall that is business. But n politics all these politicians have egos. And they want to be heard. Especially if they are trying to gain the front page above the fold. Poor President Trump cannot say anything without all these “smart” people parsing every word. His speech on Saturday last on Charlottesville was to me quite succinct and understandable. But the critics of every word he says screamed it was not enough!
You must do what we say or we will destroy you. So they are trying their best. And those chicken’s in politics and even some business leaders are crying Trump was not be specific enough in his criticism. He must specifically denounce Nazis. Of course, he did in his own way, yet that was not good enough. I knew what he meant as did millions of other common sense people. We know he hates Nazis and violence. But because he lumped the communist/.antifa’s darlings into the mix he became toxic to the press. I support Trump because he is not a politician and he is a disruptor. Try getting a building permit and see how long it is before you become a fan of a “disrupter”. But all this leftwing parsing and their attacks on the man are not good for America. Trump was duly elected under the rules and these people are trying to accomplish what I call a “soft coup” to remove him. Sure he is far from perfect but so am I and so are you. His vision was put into office and 65 million Americans did that. If the leftwing media/democrat complex tries to usurp the American people’s decision there will be consequences and none are good. Think before you tear down American history and its people.
So let the man govern and stop this carping every day. There are lots of things to fix and most were caused by democrats. Just like they did in the 60’s.
Here we see Trump squinting at the sun during the eclipse, because we all know if you don't have the proper lenses, just squint.
Obviously you were protected as from birth you have practiced optical
Flip-flopping and explanations similar to 'I was for it before I was against it' are now de rigueur in the conservotron mind.
ReplyDeleteIt was 'so bad' when John Kerry uttered the above phrase and conservo crows cackled on and on about it. Now it is fine.
It was 'so bad' when Obama went golfing or left the White House grounds on the public's dime. Now the Secret Service is broke because of Trump's many golf junkets and ego massaging rallies.
Yesterday's conservo crows are today's conservo crickets.
No, It is like you telling your husband you will cook his dinner after the wedding and then find out the food costs money.
DeletePresident Trump has done more from his inauguration to date than Obama did in eight years. Yesterdays Liberals are today's Liberals and only the day is different.
DeleteTrump's rally last night was great. I liked his taking the fake news to task for lying to the people about Charlottsville and what he said. Of course we who have common sense knew what he said and meant. Only the fake news people could screw that up and they did. And because they did they have fomented hate. Shame on them.
About what?
ReplyDeleteLove this girl...
Here is a little ditty in response to a kudo from Bonnie on my article.
ReplyDelete"Thanks Bonnie McGuire. You are always in the fore with common sense as well. I do think there is a "plan" to wreck our country by the left. They have taken the media over, the colleges and schools and Hollywood. All to brainwash the people. And we know that it works. One needs only to see the hundred million murdered by them in communist countries. Still in Cuba and Venezuela today. But we who speak out must take the slings and arrows of those lefty thugs and keep the faith.
Today the SacBee called the Patriot Prayer Group "white Supremacists" in their attempt for a rally on SF. The antifa showed up to commit violence on these people. And way down in the article the authors said "OH"! There are Latinos speakers, a Samoan and other minorities that are there to support free speech and TRUMP! White? Jeeze the press is so biased they call a Samoan a white supremacist! You cannot make this stuff up!"
Patriot prayer might be trying to become less white trash but in the past, like Trump, they have turned a blind eye to alt-right antilib groups.
ReplyDeleteAll eyes are now on Patriot Prayer, the Oregon-based right-wing outfit led by founder Joey Gibson. His group in the past has organized other events that have attracted white supremacists and ended up in violent confrontations among demonstrators on both sides.
Oh please, I do not take the media's view of these people seriously. They had many minority people attending and yet the media called them "white". Does that not register in your head?
Delete"in the past, like Trump, they have turned a blind ey to alt-right antilib groups." Tell that to Rosa Parks who presented Trump with a civil rights award, Jesse Jackson and Al 'rip off' Sharpton who all hung tight in NY before the President ran for office. Typical rewriting of history by a left wing apologist. ROFLOL
DeleteIt is all about liberals on the outs with America and trying to get back in. I hope they keep up their ridiculous strategies as Americans are further rejecting them.,
DeleteJaye Smith:
DeleteWhat does the movement want, AFTIA?
The primary goal is to stop neo-Nazis and white supremacists from gaining a platform rather than to promote a specific antifa agenda. The antifa groups are decidedly anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia, but also by and large socially leftist and anti-capitalist. Socially leftist and and anti-capitalist would lead me to believe they follow the Alinsky teachings and their goal is to defeat our American Democracy and the Constitution of the United States. No doubt financially backed by Soros and condoned by Obama's new political arm. Anti Trump no doubt. 10 times more dangerous than the David Duke group. Aftia is a cancer that must be treated as all cancers are by radiation treatments or surgical removal. If not they will metastasize at a rapid rate.
"Tell that to Rosa Parks who presented Trump with a civil rights award" Try to keep up. Trump and Patriot Prayer have nothing to with Rosa Parks. Idiot!
ReplyDeleteDid he not get those awards? Maybe you need to keep up idiot.
DeleteYo sock puppet jaye, ignorance is bliss they say. So you must be the most blissful ignoramus in the region. Too much time on your I phone playing games and not enough reading perhaps?
DeleteYo, Rosa Parks expert, she died in 2005 and never gave Trump an award. The year the picture was taken Trump was a Democrat. Fool!
DeleteHere are some more photos of Trump. Try not to wet yourself.
Trump was given a award by the Black s of New York. Along with Rosa Parks. So it is true. Don't wet yourself Jaye.
DeleteJaye Smith, you are as nasty as the person with his hand up your butt.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering Todd, who are the "Blacks of New York?"
ReplyDeleteIs there such an organization?
Or are they a family, you know like the Vanderbilts of New York?
Here is more background on the Ellis Island Award ...https://www.good.is/articles/trump-naacp-award-inner-cities-debunked
Are they related to the Jeffersons?
DeleteHere is the link to the award he received. He is no racist. And thanks for taking the bait. Testing your "dog whistle" capabilities. You passed..
Trump is just a whore for award ceremonies.
DeleteIsn't it a little funny that the NECO, the organization who gave the award was started in 1986, the same year Trump got his award. The organization's mission is to preserve Ellis Island. What better way to get money from a rich egotistical guy than give him a shiny medal.
"The National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations - NECO- was created on the conviction of its founders that the diversity of the American people is what makes this nation great. Its mission is to honor and preserve this diversity and to foster tolerance, respect and understanding among religious and ethnic groups. Additionally, NECO continues its commitment to the restoration and maintenance of Ellis Island, a living tribute to the courage and hope of all immigrants."
Trump isn't living up to his award if he is anti Muslim and anti Mexican.
Sure he is. He is a American. We are diverse in where we come from but come together in the uniquer American world. That is our strength, not the diversity but our commonality. And he is not a a racist. You libs call all of us on the center-right racists and it no longer means squat.
DeleteStill trying to figure out how the Ellis Island award came from "the Blacks of New York."
DeleteOh boy, Trump's book club is recommending a book by another wannabe Nazi.
Sheriff Clarke, the Black Sheriff of Milwaukee County? You really are a nutcase Jaye. I met him this year in Sacramento. He is a self made man and quite a story. I 'll buy the book not because of Trump but because of the Sheriff.
ReplyDeleteIt's sexual Todd..…as it almost always turns out to be…..the preoccupation with Nazis I mean.
DeleteFrom noted sage P.J. O'Rourke….
I have often been called a Nazi, and, although it is unfair, I don’t let it bother me. I don’t let it bother me for one simple reason. No one has ever had a fantasy about being tied to a bed and sexually ravished by someone dressed as a liberal.
– P. J. O’Rourke
I have been called a nazi as well and though it is just a way for a liberal to try and shut me up it obviously has not worked. I suggest that if someone calls a person that slur they should be prepared for a smack in the mouth. Of course liberals own the porn business and the strip clubs and are the ones pushing Hollywood sexual movies. They really are the porn nazis. LOL!