Todd J. Juvinall

I Miss my Husband very much! Todd was simply all about loving God, County, Family and People. My love , My husband is with Jesus in Heaven. He enjoyed communicating with each of you on Sierra Dragon's Breath. Todd was a Great, Loving, Kind man and will be Missed. Love you honey! Till wee meet again.

Friday, April 7, 2017

SANDBOX is opened.

I have to get caught up with Google Blogger to make sure I can make this Sandbox happen.  So feel free to comment.  I will try and keep it a happening place.


  1. Replies
    1. I think they will not come here. But we will see.

  2. So where is the beer and dancing girls?

    1. Coming to a saloon near you. LOL!

    2. I think we should comprise a list of pro conservative Saloons, aka Red Neck Saloons and my first pick would be the Tack Room in Penn Valley but not a good idea to drive the 20 back to Grass Valley "Who after a few whiskies and beers" the 20 is a "Gauntlet" and those little CHP Ford SUV's with hidden "Bubble Machine Flashing Red and Blue Lights" are hard to spot in the rear view mirror of a F350 Ford.
      Well add to my list but "My Red Neck Bar" at home is a safe bet.

    3. But where are the dancing girls?

    4. Back at the Tack Room.

  3. Calling Out A PervertApril 7, 2017 at 8:03 PM

    Is it OK to discuss the ridiculous Terry Lamphier who refused to defend himself on child porn charges, and now wants to proclaim his innocence?

    1. Sure but keep it civil as possible.

    2. LOLOLOL Civil? You don't have a civil tongue in your head. You sir, are a complete idiot.

    3. But you are anonymous so it shows everyone you are the chicken. Still in your momma's basement in your PJ's. Post your name from now on or I will bleep you.

  4. Calling Out A PervertApril 7, 2017 at 10:16 PM

    It is tough to know where the civil line is when discussing a guy who appears to have supported the child porn industry. It seems like the term pervert is being kind. Even the left don't want to defend him any more. How about "Scumbag Pervert"? Maybe Terry will come back here to defend himself? Or maybe he will threaten to sue for calling him what he is. "The guy who wouldn't defend himself".

    1. He certainly can post here his defense.

    2. Guess that the porn king forgot his own defense attorney Munkelt went on KNCO talking about his porno client Lamphier after the pleas deal was announced. Guess Lamphier forgot that his own attorney said this publically and that the audio of the interview was saved.

      Munkelt stated on KNCO that Lamphier "took some responsibility for something he knew he shouldn't have done" and that porno loving Lamphier "looked up something that he shouldn't have been using a county computer to do". LOL!

      Then county supervisor Lamphier even billed the taxpayers for millage to go from Grass Valley to the Rood Center. Lamphier submitted travel claims for days he went to the Rood Center to view porn on holidays and weekends when the Rood Center was closed. LOL!

      You can't make this stuff up. LOL!

    3. I for one would love to read Lamphier's defense of his deeds. Since we know he reads this blog, let's hear it, what do you say Terry? Why did you need to look at child porn on your computer? If you want people to believe you didn't do it, why didn't you plead not guilty and have a trial? Anyone not guilty of disgusting behavior like yours would have done anything to prove their innocence. It appears that you have neither the courage nor the integrity to face the charges. You have no respect because you deserve none. The poster above calls you a pervert and I would agree.

    4. I would love to see the all the documents posted for the public to read. Does the Rood Center have gremlins that were using his personal computer just when he was in the building on a holiday. We should not hold our breath for that.

    5. Hey Lamphier tell us the truth what really happened?

    6. The perv is too busy stoking the keyboard and mouse.

    7. I certainly don't agree with his actions and do believe the court case is closed but he will never rid himself of this burden.

    8. I believe the court case is closed as well but Terry is now proclaiming his innocence and trying to have the records deleted. He is trying to dodge the whole issue and pretend it never happened. That is not OK in my book.

    9. Does he really think the video of him scurrying away from news cameras will go away?

    10. I don't think Lamphier can post here because he doesn't have a computer. Wasn't that part of his sentence to keep him away from the kiddie porn?

  5. Does this mean that Trump is no longer Putin's Puppet? Does this mean the entire Trump-Putin Bromance was just a story spun out of thin air from the Democrat smoked filled backrooms? Does this mean that Hillary's best girl friend Susan Rice will be going to the slammer and Hillary skates? When will we know who rifled through Hillary's private server after Hillary refused to use the free and limitless US Government Secured Network? What countries were snooping about in her private server? Why don't we know? Why did the Clinton Campaign refuse to let the FBI look that their server for forensic evidence? Why did John Podesta and Hillary open the barn door wide to hackers and then cry they were hacked and blamed it on the hackers? Why did they not take responsibility for letting hackers in? Is my password still PASSWORD? Why is the whole Russiagate red meat looking more and more like breadcrumbs? Why are the liberals so stupid? Why, why, why?

    1. The world is a dangerous place and the American liberal is concerned with bathroom rights. We have allowed the inmates to be in charge.

    2. Well Ralph, it sure shoots the idea full of holes.
      Those DEMS plot and scheme, so they all come out with the same talking points.
      Even LIB news, no matter which network use the exact same verbiage.
      As for LIBS,, it just fine when one of their own sucks up to Russia and takes millions in brib.... uh,, donations. Speaking of which, ever since the election those "donations" have dried up, and the local Left refuse to give their explanation of why.(nope,, not going there) Could it be the prospects of buying that influence, and special treatment is dead in the water?
      What pisses me off, is that anyone else getting caught in such a pay for play scam like that would be in jail by now.

    3. Survey says 25% of Libbies are under medication. That's a scary thought when you consider that 75% of them are running about untreated.

    4. Now that's one of the better ones I've heard.

    5. Well we sure have too many liberals in Nevada County.
      WTF is Clarke Pest Control when you need them.
      Raid works on pests and liberals are pests.

  6. I call BS on this story.
    Any excuse to try and make a buck before getting shipped South.
    There was no way these women would have been deported under the "O" administration.

  7. The SacBee had a Bill O'Reilly slam on Page 1D on Sunday. The author was a retired "journalist" and h did his best to trash O'Reilly. Well he had a email address and I had some back and forth. The Mr. Bellman is your typical gossip monger. I read the New York Times article and there is not one whiff of proof that O'Reilly did anything. Not even that he apid any money. But the left wants to take him out. The following is the email thread so far. Scum libs as always.


  8. Sorry but we don't believe you or the Times. I reread the NYT article and I see why no one believes them either. O=Reilly denies these things happened and of course the liberals don't believe him. The Times has not a shred of proof, not one legal written page of proof and supposedly all these "settlements" are secret. And the women were paid to be quiet according to the Times. Yet there it is. Allegations without any proof. There is not one canceled check either. So once again were is your proof to make these allegations? None exist. So you are a gossiper. Here is a excerpt from the Times.


    “21st Century Fox takes matters of workplace behavior very seriously,” the statement said. “Notwithstanding the fact that no current or former Fox News employee ever took advantage of the 21st Century Fox hotline to raise a concern about Bill O’Reilly, even anonymously, we have looked into these matters over the last few months and discussed them with Mr. O’Reilly. While he denies the merits of these claims, Mr. O’Reilly has resolved those he regarded as his personal responsibility. Mr. O’Reilly is fully committed to supporting our efforts to improve the environment for all our employees at Fox News.”

    According to legal experts, companies occasionally settle disputes that they believe have little merit because it is less risky than taking the matters to trial, which can be costly and create a string of embarrassing headlines."

    It would seem to me that you liberals take innuendo without proof and try to make it true. We have your number. And every time you try this you lose any credibility for any story.

    My point on sexual issues and liberals is simple. They are fans of "anything goes" in sex. And they promote those that are caught who are lefties. Like Spitzer and Bill Clinton. But when a conservative is accused, they all become Victorians. Laughable.

    So your story is crap, no proof at all, and you are no better than a old woman yapping across the fence to another. Shame on you. However, if you can supply proof, documents canceled checks etc., you can salvage your tattered reputation and that of the NYT.

    On 4/10/2017 10:33 AM, Joel Bellman wrote:
    > Todd, you entirely missed the point if you think I was endorsing efforts to stifle O'Reilly's speech. I reject his politics, yes, but I support his right to vent his opinions on Fox without getting pressured off the air by a Left-led advertiser boycott.
    > I thought I made that very clear. Apparently I didn't.
    > But I don't know what you're talking about with your accusations against liberal "anything goes" sexual attitudes. O'Reilly demonstrably engaged in inappropriate workplace conduct that's got nothing in common with the "old school" morality he's hypocritically preaching in his new book. That's not anything goes; that's being a sexual predator. He and his employer had to pay off these women he bothered or face massive lawsuits they knew they would lose. That's purely a problem for his conservative political defenders, not his liberal critics.
    > Cheers,
    > Joel Bellman
    >> On Apr 10, 2017, at 9:45 AM, Todd Juvinall wrote:
    >> Honestly you show us all what a lack of understanding you and liberals have to reality. For one thing you all are telling us everyday "anything goes" in sex, drugs an whatever. Then you act outraged when a conservative might think the same way. Hypocrites are what we see in you and your ilk. You tried this on Rush when Fluke wanted us to pay for her condoms. What you don't understand is we don't believe anything you people say or write. So when I read your screed I laughed as you admit he has higher ratings after you all try and take him out. Keep it up, the left is becoming irrelevant in America.

    1. The true bottom line is O'Reilly is not what I would consider a handsome guy as he probably was thirty or more years.
      The women making these claims could have been "Gold Diggers" trying to egg O'Reilly on and in fact the predators not interested in his "Ying Yang" but his bank account and totally a trumped up deal to illegally steal money as they did not have money, too fat to get through a bank door and too liberal and stupid to be an honorable crook.
      They probably looked like Pelosi, Feinstein and Boxer, who even Bill Clinton would not jump.
      He did not bother them, he rejected their advances.
      Fox and O'Reilly paid them off and kicked their fat asses down the stairs and out the front door.
      Guys and large corporations will pay them off to get the foque out as way less expensive to settle and I am surprised you don't have the mental capacity to figure that out Mr. Bellman. You prove the point you can always tell a liberal but you can't tell them much.
      Ruminate on this for a while and sorry for no cheers.

  9. Uh,,, Todd. NOT the Bill O story.
    Illegals sueing for sex harrasment.

  10. Southwest Airlines has a new slogan. 'We beat our competitors, not you.'

    1. I read where the State Department hired United to remove Assad!

    2. The media dug up more dirt on the United passenger in 24 hours than they dug up on Obama in 8 years.

      United is now serving Chinese takeout.

  11. True we still have never seen Obama's dissertation and school records.

    1. Bullshit. You haven't seen them because you are illiterate.

    2. Oh my another moron posting from mom's basement.

  12. Did you know that Gov. Brown visited the Oreville Dam last Wednesday? The Sheriff did not know either. When a reporter enter the building where Brown was at Oreville, she was told by the public relations liaison office that she sees nobody here and was escorted out. Yes, they apologized later.
    Did you know what the leak at the base of the dam just above the powerhouse which had been there for years is growing bigger and bigger.
    Did you know that photographers are restricted from taking pictures of the base of the dam and aerial drone photography had been restricted as well as dam access to reporters.
    Did you know the dam maintance monies have been diverted because of the strong belief that Global Warming will result in less rainfall and moisture in the air and diminished snowpack for the foreseeable future?
    Did you know that the public is being lied to by the very people entrusted to protect public safety. The Sheriff is the only one with a conscious and he is being lied to daily on the condition of the dam. They say all is well when all is on the verge of massive disaster.
    Did you know that former Intetior Department head Bruce Babbitt now works for Jerry Brown and is leading the agenda to get rid of four dams on the Klamath. Did you know that Gov. Brown thinks dams are unnessary due to his proposed multi billion water tunnels.
    Do you know that the worse case scenario calls for wholesale destruction of untold businesses, homes, property, and cities from Oreville to Sacramento to Merced.
    Did you know that the dam did not receive its 5 year clean bill of health recertification due to troubling structural problems, probably including the size of the leak.
    Did you know that 2 or the 3 spillways have failed.
    Did you know that Lake Oroville had risen six feet in the past 24 hours?
    Did you know that there is nothing to see here?

  13. Do you that Governor Brown's first failure thirty or forty years was a space program to explore Uranus?

  14. Jon Smith the sock puppet and old crazy white guy is bloviating again. You cannot make up this stuff.

  15. Pelline is headed to chili cheese fries heaven. He is going to Mexico City. Careful now, they may not let you back in.

    1. Aw come on, no self respecting high end Mexican Restaurant would serve chili cheese fries, not even a street taco stand in Tijuana would serve that dreck.
      My English Bulldogs would never eat that crap as they are too smart and I would not even slop pigs with that disgusting crap that is worse then the 20 year old sludge scraped from the bottom of a septic tank.
      The fat one writes about gourmet food and eats that slop?

    2. I got a kick out of this posted at the FUE's blog. says:
      April 14, 2017 at 9:16 pm

      I hope you have big wheels for that extra baggage. You’re going to need ’em.

    3. Even ruinit is making fat jokes about the most hated former journalist FUe thought Nazi. Kicked to the curb by the biggest failure in Nevada city history, at least they have wal marts for the fat fool to get his chili velveta fix. Boxed chardonnay, now that's another question.
      Did everyone hear, he is a moderate now, so much for purple, a moderate what? ROFLOL

  16. What do you think Trump should do with Noerth Korea? We have seen past Presidents of both parties kind of brush off the loons that run that asylum and America bought them off with food and other goods for their promises. But they keep breaking their promises. And now Kim Jong-Un a fat little twerp has theatened to nuke America!

    We know he has been trying to make a ICBM that can reach our shores and he is making nukes which he will use if he can. Tomorrow is the North Korean 70th anniversary of its founding by the first loon Kim. And he actually did invade the South and drew the UN ad America into it. We lost 55,000 dead young Americans there in 1950-53. So perhaps they have a death wish as America could make their country a nuclear wasteland if they did fire on us.

    So what do you think we should do? Trump has sent a fleet there and posted it 300 miles off shore. I imagine it has some ABM's and other protective devices bu would that be enough?

    1. The GUB-43 MOAB 21,000 lb doped this week was meant to destroy ISIS tunnels but also determine the weapons capabilities.
      it was delivered by a slow flying M-130 aircraft.
      The B-2A Stealth bomber can deliver one as well.
      The MOAB can penetrate 60 ft of reinforced concrete and penetrate 200 feet.
      The higher the releasing aircraft flies increases the depth of penetration.

      If North Korea does an underground nuke test and or an ICBM missile test we will send however many B2A Stealth aircraft necessary with a payload of one each of one GUB-43 MOAB's and North Korea's underground facility will implode.

    2. Truman fired MacArthur when he wanted to march to North Korea and conquer the north and it would have been a slam dunk. Same thing with Ike and Patton, same thing with H W Bush who called off Storming Norman during Desert Storm.
      Let Fo Man Chu Donglimp fire off his nuke or ICBM. Then send in the B2A's
      to bomb North Korea's under ground facilities.
      If they have enough nukes down there it may be a fine fire works show if the nukes are armed. No Mo Obama limp wrist action.

    3. Maddog dropped 59 Tomahawk missles and one MOAD bomb. In a week. Just wait until you see what he has planned for Fat Boy's birthday.

    4. This is getting confusing. First we had local our gestapo control freak Fat Boy and know we have that crazy Fat Boy named Kim. I must remember to clarify which nutcase Fat Boy I am referencing. For the record, Kim looks skinny when standing along side the Fat Boy of the County of Nevada. Both have that middle aged woman look, with Kim slightly more metro-sexual.

      What are the chances of the Blubber Twins having the same birthdate. Seperated at birth?

    5. There does seem to be a resemblance. Does Kim like chili cheese fries too?

  17. Why is this called The Sandbox?


Real name thank you.